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Dark Angels StrikeForce


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Hi guys,


after finishing the host of dark angels miniatures for my friend (he still wants me to paint a vostroyan army and Blood angels terminators from Space Hulk), I've decided to paint some of the Unforgiven just for myself.


As I said on my previous thread I have started with tactical squad. First of two planned.


I assembled 5 marines yesterday and this is what I've done this evening:




armour is almost finished on that one - it needs only some finishing touches.


Below is also heavy bolter marine:




Not much but painting armour in that way takes a lot of time. Anyway I want to paint all the insignia, chapter symbol etc. freehand so I haven't glued sculpted shoulder pads just normal ones.


I don't know how often I will be updating this thread but I'll do my best to do it as often as possible.


On the way are three other marines (plasmagun, marine with bolter and sergeant) :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have finally finished 5 marines from the 1st Tactical Squad from my 3rd Company.


I lack free time so it took me so long to complete it. I am working on the next 5 marines right now...





I hope you like them :D

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate your feedback.


Brother-Librarian Hesperos I don't know of what tips you think of - ask me I will gladly answer any of your questions.



As for my army I want to paint two tactical squads - first will not include robed marines, second will have robed sergeant and maybe 2 or 3 robed marines.


I have always considered robes as being reserved for high ranking members so that is why I will not include many of them in the normal squads.


Of course command squad will have 5 marines in robes.


I have some ideas on vehicles with some painted angels on the hull (remember the dark angels land raider with the angel of death on its side from the codex ?). I will try to do similar and much more...

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Thanks for your feedback guys ;)


as for the tutorial as I've received many PMs concerning the painting I will give you some advices on painting armour just as I did:


My green armour:


1. chaos black undercoat; followed by coats of:

2. dark angels green;

3. 50/50 dark angels green and scorpion green;

4. scorpion green 1st highlight - you don't need to worry if you highlight too much of the armour, becuase you can cover this in next steps;

5. dark angels green wash (heavy thinned);

6. dark angels green plus just a drop of chaos black wash (again all thinned down);

7. dark angels green coat (mostly to cover scorpion green highlights of which I mentioned above);

8. 50/50 scorpion green and skull white final highlight applied to the very edges of the armour.



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Today I've finally finished another 5 marines:




and below is the picture of the whole tactical squad:




I am planning to do a command squad now so keep an eye on this page.

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Man I love your Unforgiven. The stark, but very fine, highlights are excellent :wallbash:.


How do you do your faces? I dread getting to that part of any of my painting.


I used the nine step guide from the 'painting faces masterclass' article available in Astronomicon section on GW site (you must be logged to have access).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am finishing the command squad right now but I haven't decided which Sacred Standard to paint:


1. Standard of Fortitude;

2. Standard of Devastation;

3. Standard of Retribution ?


What do you think is the best? I mean in terms of coolness not rules because they don't have any in the latest edition.


I think of painting the Standard of Devastation but Standard of Retribution is also great.


Maybe you will help me decide...

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Superb highlighting. It transfers well with the Dark Angels scheme, and props for having the patience to do that much of it; it would drive me insane painting the Unforgiven as you do.



As for which standard to pick? I'm more of a Standard of Devastation guy myself, and I think it would look nicely done in your freehand painting style.

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It took me ages but I've finally finished the command squad. Effect below:




As you can see I decided to paint the Standard of Devastation.


Some side view of the squad:




Here is my force so far:




Now I'm planing to paint Master Orias, Devastators and second Tactical Squad. Next update soon <_<

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My green armour:


1. chaos black undercoat; followed by coats of:

2. dark angels green;

3. 50/50 dark angels green and scorpion green;

4. scorpion green 1st highlight - you don't need to worry if you highlight too much of the armour, becuase you can cover this in next steps;

5. dark angels green wash (heavy thinned);

6. dark angels green plus just a drop of chaos black wash (again all thinned down);

7. dark angels green coat (mostly to cover scorpion green highlights of which I mentioned above);

8. 50/50 scorpion green and skull white final highlight applied to the very edges of the armour.

Look up :lol:

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