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The Scythes of the Emperor : A Factual History

The Scythes

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Falcesimperatoris, nice minis. Do you have army pics? Would like to see more. Love the quad bikes, any way to get a tutorial on how to make one? Any other WIP vehicles for the army?


What you see is what you get.


I don't have any army pics as I don’t really have an army yet (8 models is not really an army!) :)


- I am slowly building them into an army - one guy at a time.


Don't really have any more WIP vehicles for the time being - as I am back to working on more men.

Should have another guy up in a week or so. (then I hope to maintain that rate of a marine every week or two).


As to the Quad Bike - hopefully you can get the hang of what I was doing with the mock up unpainted shot in the blog. But essentially it uses an attack bike with several single bike kits (to get the front wheel cowlings) to make.


- You need to assemble the bikes with the front wheels in them, then cut off the cowlings and carefully file smooth and fill in the gaps with green stuff, to get a clean shape.

- You need to save one bike chassis to form the main middle of the quad, - just carefully saw the back end just behind the seat and engine away.

- You then use a second 'foot plate' stuck on backwards, attached behind to the normal one to start to build out the chassis of the back section.

- Back wheels were fixed to this foot plate, and then the back end of the bike shape is built up with plasti-card to bulk it out.

- I used plasti-card tubing to create the front 'forks' of the bike, and the front wheels are attached to this via another tube which forms the axle. (I also used thin plasti-card rod to create suspension systems behind this.)

- the turret is basically the side car from an attack bike, heavily cut down to just the seat and base around it and with the seat back created from the left over bits from when you cut the seat bike off the regular bike earlier. I added protection bars for my gunner from spare swivel mounts I had laying about. His gun shield is from a spare landspeeder windscreen (but you could make this out of plasti-card).

- I then used something that looked like a suitable support mount from my bits box, but any sort of tube would do to create the support pintle the gunner seat fixes to the bike with. (I also used a brass rod core on mine, so that my gun will rotate).

- Then you just cover the bike with gear, stowage and other gubbins, which helps cover up any 'flat' areas from the plasti-card construction.


There are lots of other takes on the quad bike for space marines on the internet - so seach about and see what you can find and see how other people have achieved the effect.


Best of luck.

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falcesimperatoris, thanks for the reply. So you are a newly appointed Scythes commander. How are you going about to make the army? Are you going off a army list that you made or creating the characters first to work around?


The Scythes, look forward to your website coming back up. Wanting to see your army pics. How are you making your army? By list or inspiration?


Do the both of you have any advice to inspiring Scythes commanders?

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This is fantastic news! I was at the website, and I was surprised to see the revision. Then I head back here and found this post. Ah-ha!


You know, the SotE has been a firm ally of the Lamenters for quite a spell before the fall of Sotha. So fluff-wise, I've always intented to have a Veteran squad of them with my entire Lamenters considering they've lost alot more than the Lamenters, with Ordos Xenos shoulder pad. :)


So, keep up the work, mate!!


PS good thing I still have references to the photos of the "old" SotE paint scheme, for I've always liked one scythe than the two scythes. Tho I might make two scythes a representative of a Sgt. :)

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Did the Sythes manage to recover anything from Sotha? I mean tyranids don't consume power armour and anything non organic, do they? The 1st company of terminators fell at Sotha, were they able to recover any of the terminator armour? Is anything know on the chapter master? See you all got my mind going with questions now.


How can i create an army with the know fluff/facts? Would the Scythes get help from the Ultramarine tyranid veterans? I know the Sythes helped with the creation of the ultramarines tyranid veterans. So would the Ultras help them, provide them with equipment and more importantly Apothecaries to help rebuild the chapter?


It is speculated that it takes about 500 years to get a flegling chapter to battle readyness, am i correct in that assumption? If so how long has it been since the fall of Sotha? I would assume that the chapter is a crusading chapter now.


What is the fluff that you both are developing to create your armies since the fall of Sotha?

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You know, the SotE has been a firm ally of the Lamenters for quite a spell before the fall of Sotha.


Can you give a reference for this? Not saying it isn't true, but can you provide a written GW source (such as a codex or White Dwarf) that provides evidence in support for this?


If so we can update the main background document to reflect this information and make more of the links in future revisions of the text. :)


We are only including things that we can actually reference though, to keep it as 'official' as we can.

(though the 'official' stuff often contradicts itself... but thats another matter...)


So fluff-wise, I've always intented to have a Veteran squad of them with my entire Lamenters considering they've lost alot more than the Lamenters, with Ordos Xenos shoulder pad. :)


Actually I always saw the Lamenters as just as mauled as the Scythes.


If anything they are probably worse off... as many of the early references when Hive fleet Kraken turned up (such as Advanced Space Crusade etc.) had the Lamenters destroyed (or all but destroyed) and the Scythes reduced to one company in strength or 'scattered remnants' or words along those lines.


Later publications made the Lamenters not quite so destroyed as they first appeared - but I still view them as having serious manpower issues!


I would be surprised if more than 50-100 of them are supposed to be alive in the GW universe.


(unless you have a source of information that I am unaware of?)


PS good thing I still have references to the photos of the "old" SotE paint scheme, for I've always liked one scythe than the two scythes. Tho I might make two scythes a representative of a Sgt. :)


The original Advanced Space Crusade side of the box art showed one scythe (or one scythe held by the emperor on horseback) - with two scythes suggested as being used for veterans.


As this was primarily Scouts used in this game - my take on this was to use the GW official double scythe (which was introduced later) for the marines - but my scouts still get a single scythe on their shoulder pads. (they 'earn' their second scythe when they get promoted to full battle brother.)

Edited by FalcesImperatoris
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Did the Sythes manage to recover anything from Sotha? I mean tyranids don't consume power armour and anything non organic, do they? The 1st company of terminators fell at Sotha, were they able to recover any of the terminator armour? Is anything know on the chapter master? See you all got my mind going with questions now.


Chapter Master Thorcyra has not been mentioned since Miral.

My own personal (non GW written) idea is that the 3rd company Captain Thrasius took over, and is now (a reluctant) chapter master for the Scythes.


As to the missing stuff from Sotha - I imagine that the tyranids damaged or stripped everything.

This can lead to interesting missions and side-stories for the scythes as they follow up rumours or stories of missing artifacts found on various planets.

(i.e. the hive fleet swallowed everything - then spat out the bits it didn't like the taste of and couldn't digest on various planets along the way)


Though its also worth noting that the Scythes of the Emperor still have some Terminators accoriding to GW.

They released a special Terminator detachment card in an issue of White Dwarf for Epic (which is about 25 terminators if memory serves) - who are supposed to be dropped into the action from thunderhawk deployed by battle-barge.

(I mention this briefly in the background text.)


This doesn't quite fit with the forces list for Giants Coffin (printed in a later White Dwarf) which doesnt list any 1st company of any type.


So - my own personal theory to try to reconcile this conflicting GW background - is that the Terminators, along with the battle-barge they use to be deployed - were not at Miral or Sotha, and were instead on a mission.


My idea is that the battle Barge (the Heart of Sotha) was off on a patrol with the Tau borders, with the few Terminators on board for special missions or operations, so they missed the big Kraken party.

However - it did allow them to later fight their way in and rescue the last of the Scythes from Miral.


I will be developing this particular storyline as the basis for my own Scythes.

(though bear in mind, that while it tries to reconcile and be consistent with GW bits and pieces its not official.)


How can i create an army with the know fluff/facts? Would the Scythes get help from the Ultramarine tyranid veterans? I know the Sythes helped with the creation of the ultramarines tyranid veterans. So would the Ultras help them, provide them with equipment and more importantly Apothecaries to help rebuild the chapter?


I view the scythes as operating in a Battlestar Galactica kind of way from a battered old ship (in my case The Heart of Sotha - or in my colleage 'The Scythes' take on things - the Tenax).


In this way they fly about, recruiting new scouts from worlds they come accross and doing their bit for the Imperium.


So what should you have in an army:

- tactical marines

- at least a squad or two of scouts and/or scout bikers, to represent their new recruitment efforts


Then whatever you think makes sense to include on top of that.


I would keep away from the expensive heavy stuff, like landraiders and vindicators - though rhino based chassis (rhinos, razorbacks, whirlwhinds) all make sense as they would be easy to repair and maintain.

The odd Drop pod is probably fine, as they do have a space ship (and makes sense for them to play in a mobile strike force kind of way.)


Some fast attack (like attack bikes or landspeeders) is fine - though probably sensible not to get too carried away with it, as its hard for them to keep and maintain that sort of thing.


The Ultramarines could have lent them some things - but I see the Scythes as being proud and stubborn - and its not the usual space marine way to ask for help.

I prefer the idea of one or two Scythes apothecaries who survived, and are now just over-worked and suffering.


(i.e. keep to the Battlestar Galatacica as it was in the first series idea. There is no help - sort it out or we all die.)


Though the Scythes (though brother Sergeant Remas and Brother Tobias) spoke at the conclave of Hera, where the Tyrannic war vets were agreed to be created - and while they certainly passed on knowledge the Scythes didn't really help the ultramarines to create their Tyrannic vets as such. The Ultramarines know plenty about fighting nids on their own.


It is speculated that it takes about 500 years to get a flegling chapter to battle readyness, am i correct in that assumption? If so how long has it been since the fall of Sotha? I would assume that the chapter is a crusading chapter now.


Kraken was 992.M41. The timeline most games are played in - is usually towards the end of M41 - so its only been a few years tops.


Like I said, the Chapter is space-ship based chapter - who go about doing good deeds (like the A-team) and recruiting new novitiates where they find them.

(on that side note - I think Scouts should have a nice ethnic diversity to them, to reflect the multi-cultural recruitment)


What is the fluff that you both are developing to create your armies since the fall of Sotha?


We will be developing this further on the website.


Bascially my army is based around Master Thrasius (third Company captain, 'promoted' to command after the loss of Thorcyra during the escape from Miral) with about a company of marines and a growing company of scouts on board the last Scythes battle barge 'The Heart of Sotha' (renamed after the escape from Miral, to honour their lost homeworld). These marines are trying to slowly re-build the chapter and preserve their heritige as best they can, while being forced to adopt new methods and do things in non-codex fashion for the sake of survival.


'The Scythes' can probably explain his own background better - but he is working on a smaller 'lost' team, seperated from the main group of survivors working on their own independant initiative to carry on the fight, and they are flying about on a smaller strike ship called the 'Tenax'. (at least thats my understanding of it)

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If i create a Sythe army i would like it to fit in with fluff and possible your army fluff. Are you and "the Scythes" creating your armies to fit together or seperately? This terminator detachment which WD issue is it? I know i want to have terminators due to constant tyranid fighting. Do you think that the Sythes would recieve any help from other chapters or the Mechanicus? I don't see the Ultramarines leaving the Scythes to their fate. Were the Scythes created from Ultramarine gene-seed?


I don't know much on tyranids, but in ship to ship battles with the tyranids, they don't consume the ship do they? It would leave destroyed ships or hulks, right? I have seen pictures produced by GW on tyranid occupation while consuming it. By the pictures it looks like they leave ruins behind. So, wouldn't there be ruins to the monastery on Sotha? Correct me if i'm wrong. Trying to develop ideas as to how my army comes into being. I like to get ideas before making the army or list to see if it can work fluff-wise.


Does GW mention any other Scythes characters in any other publications? With recruitment, would the Scythes choose worlds that were somewhat identical to Sotha or choose canidates from whatever world they came across? Tradition plays a large percentage in the make-up of space marines. Would they brake tradition for their surival?

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I loved finding this post! ;)


I started collecting the Scythes of the Emperor as a kill team, inspired by old advanced space crusade pics. I have been working on the Scythes for a coupls of years (I paint slow) also chosing the 3rd company as the survivors from Miral that I would focus on (must be the lucky company) and am working up to having a half chapter strength force with additional scout units to bring it up to company numbers.


I worked on a similar fluff idea of a fragment fleet based chapter spreading from system to system gathering recruits while setting up the new infrastructure a chapter of space marines would need, armor, weapons, ships, vehicles, raw materials, tithes and pacts etc. I originaly had the force led by my Recclusiarch Nixolan, but as the force grew he has been joined by the Codcier Argus and newly promoted Captain Palas.


My Scthes army is based arround the idea of the scouts moving into an area and then when the time is right call in the rest of the battlebrothers who arrive via drop pods. My gaming group have a long running campaign which has led to lots of great battles and story's of the exploits of the Scythes. I have a couple of pics up in my BC album and will try and do an update soonish (moving house and 1st baby due ;) )


The work on www.the-scythes.com has always impressed me and kept me motivated in those moments of 'Why yellow, oh why did i choose to paint black and yellow....'



Keep it up guys. :D



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Falcesimperatoris, do you have the info from the Advanced Space Crusade and Tyranid attack board games? These are bits of info i don't have and would like to see copies of. The tyranids coccooned space marines? You have got me trying to track down the WD issues to get more info. Can the article be updated to include the Scythes's creation, gene-seed, ect. I ask this due to inconsistancies found through the diffrent sources. That why we can gather all info that is GW varified dealing with the Scythes. Maybe include the Scythes's chapter badges through its induction into the 40k universe. (ie...scythe mounted warrior on horse, 1 scythe, crossed scythes). Also any Scythe artwork that can be found would help.
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If i create a Sythe army i would like it to fit in with fluff and possible your army fluff. Are you and "the Scythes" creating your armies to fit together or seperately?


We are creating our armies based on our own ideas for the Scyhtes.

They are compatible with the background information as we know it - and they are compatible with each other.

As we develop things, we will probably try to make sure that the background for each continues to be compatible with the other.


Feel free to base your army round our ideas - or feel free to create your own ideas.

The PDF document just summarises the story as it currently is set with all the official references.

While 'The Scythes' and I have our own ideas - how you develop things after that is completely up to you - its your army.


This terminator detachment which WD issue is it? I know i want to have terminators due to constant tyranid fighting.


I believe it was WD 198. If you check the footnotes in the main PDF document, it will tell you where the various bits of information come from.

It doesn't say much - other than they have terminators skilled in fighting nids who deploy into the thick of the fighting by thunderhawk. The issue provided a 'unit card' for them. (as back then GW had cards for everything!)


As I said before - this terminator unit is contradicted slightly by White Dwarf 218, with the Giants Coffin scenario which lists no 1st company at all - hence leading us to wonder where they were


However you rationalise it - some terminators in a scythes army is fine - just don't put too many in, as they are a precious and limited resource. A squad or maybe two would be fine though.


Do you think that the Sythes would recieve any help from other chapters or the Mechanicus? I don't see the Ultramarines leaving the Scythes to their fate.


The problem I see it is - the Scythes were 'on the run' from Hive Fleet kraken in the early years - and are now conducting hit and run style operations. Finding them would be the tricky bit. Its one (or two) space ships, with no one else having any idea where it is, so no formal communication routes to contact them.


I imagine that the Scythes could get some help from the Mechanicum if they turned up and helped defend Mechanicum facilities. They may get some repair services, or re-stock of equipment.

(though bear in mind that an Astartes Battle barge has its own limited forge and armoury on board to make things.)


I see the Scythes travelling about responding to distress calls, helping out other Imperials, and in return taking some services or holding recruitment.


While the Ultramarines may give some support - I am not sure the Scyhtes would ask for it. (marines are proud) and Chapters are supposed to be self sufficent after all.


I might see them sending a techmarine or apothecary on some sort of work exchange programme (and in return the scythes send one of their tryanid fighting experts to help share intel with their Tyrannic war vets or something) - but that would be all.


The Ultramarines are not like 'Dad' who you go crying to help for when you have a problem.


You are Sothan! All you need is a backbone and a bolter. :D


Were the Scythes created from Ultramarine gene-seed?


Unknown. I can't find any official references to where they come from. (if you come across anything official let me know.)

It seems the most likely - just based on the normal fact that Ultramariens account for over 50% of all chapters.

But I have also heard people speculate they are Imperial Fist geneseed.


To be honest - it doesn't really matter that much.

They are the Scythes of the Emperor - they are their own chapter.


I don't know much on tyranids, but in ship to ship battles with the tyranids, they don't consume the ship do they? It would leave destroyed ships or hulks, right? I have seen pictures produced by GW on tyranid occupation while consuming it. By the pictures it looks like they leave ruins behind. So, wouldn't there be ruins to the monastery on Sotha? Correct me if i'm wrong. Trying to develop ideas as to how my army comes into being. I like to get ideas before making the army or list to see if it can work fluff-wise.


Yes - there are probably ruins - though when devouring all life and energy from a planet - its likely that there could have been huge seismic shifts and earthquakes - so the planet is probably a complete mess of lifeless rock.

Its also worth noting that while Hive fleet Kraken was eventually broken up and stopped - that area of space could still be full of hostile nids. (or a second wave could be on its way.)


Any remaining equipment is likely to be heavy damages/destroyed, not just be physical violence but also corrosion from noxious fumes and acidic environment etc.


Though a special mission to the planet to try and recover equipment (tanks and armour) could be possible and might make for a good series of games or a campaign you could play.


Does GW mention any other Scythes characters in any other publications?


There is the odd one here and there - but nothing major.


However, early next year a collection of short stories about the space marines will be coming out, which is supposed to contain a Scythes of the Emperor story.

I currently have my fingers crossed they don't mess up the background with more contradictions. :cuss

(though if they do - I think I will just quietly ignore it.)


With recruitment, would the Scythes choose worlds that were somewhat identical to Sotha or choose canidates from whatever world they came across? Tradition plays a large percentage in the make-up of space marines. Would they brake tradition for their surival?


I think the Scythes would choose recruits wherever and whenever they could find them!

They can't afford to be traditional (I also see them ignoring bits of the Codex Astartes which are not practical to implement due to shortage of manpower and resources.)


I do see them keeping with their recruitment tests and standards - as no marine chapter would ever compromise that, but I see them as willing to take any candidate who makes the grade.

This means over time, they Scythes will become less 'Sothan' and more representative of a broad mix of planets across the Eastern Fringe of space.

To be fair, this will give them a broader base of knowledge and will probably make the chapter stronger in the long run, but it will be a cultural price they have to pay. With the death of their homeworld, they have no other choice though.


They need to lose any sentimentally, and evolve and adapt to sruvive and grow stronger... or else they will die out.

(and you have to appreciate the poetic irony in that - as that sharp edged Darwinism sounds a lot like what tyrannids do.)

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I started collecting the Scythes of the Emperor as a kill team, inspired by old advanced space crusade pics. I have been working on the Scythes for a coupls of years (I paint slow) also chosing the 3rd company as the survivors from Miral that I would focus on (must be the lucky company) and am working up to having a half chapter strength force with additional scout units to bring it up to company numbers.


I worked on a similar fluff idea of a fragment fleet based chapter spreading from system to system gathering recruits while setting up the new infrastructure a chapter of space marines would need, armor, weapons, ships, vehicles, raw materials, tithes and pacts etc. I originaly had the force led by my Recclusiarch Nixolan, but as the force grew he has been joined by the Codcier Argus and newly promoted Captain Palas.


Sounds like good ideas you have there.


Its always good to hear from a fellow Scythes fan. :D


And yes - painting yellow is a pain - but its a little easier to at least get a basecoat with the new foundation paints.

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Falcesimperatoris, do you have the info from the Advanced Space Crusade and Tyranid attack board games? These are bits of info i don't have and would like to see copies of. The tyranids coccooned space marines? You have got me trying to track down the WD issues to get more info.


The most relevant bits are built into the background PDF (main text, or check the footnotes).


While I encourage you to find the old articles - its not going to tell you that much more.


There was some interesting Scythes bits in a panel on the side of the old Advanced Space Crusade box - which showed a picutre of a scout and some of the old badge designs.


To be honest - they are not that great (they are very early 90's), so I would just keep with the more modern double scythe (or the Single scythe if going with 'The Scythes' colour scheme.)


Though the box did show a coloured drawing of a colour scheme for a classic style Scout serge and noted his fancy scythe shaped dangly ear rings!

(Some things are better forgotten I think….)


Can the article be updated to include the Scythes's creation, gene-seed, ect. I ask this due to inconsistancies found through the diffrent sources. That why we can gather all info that is GW varified dealing with the Scythes.


We have been unable to find verified GW source material for the Scythes creation and Gene-seed - so it is unkown.

If you have something, and can direct us to the publication, we will happily add it in.


Its worth noting that a lot of the 'background' floating about on the internet is fan-created.

While this stuff is cool - its not proper authorised info, so we wanted to keep to the actual GW published information (either in White Dwarf, rulebooks or Codex's) that we have tracked down.


Maybe include the Scythes's chapter badges through its induction into the 40k universe. (ie...scythe mounted warrior on horse, 1 scythe, crossed scythes). Also any Scythe artwork that can be found would help.


That may just confuse things though.

In the same vein that there is never anything shown on the early space Wolves badge. (it was a bright yellow sybolised version of a wolfs head - trimmed in red. Very 1980's...) - better to just keep to the current versions.


As to artwork, There is some on 'The Scythes' website which you may find interesting - and we might try and track some more down where we can.

But obviously we cannot reproduce GW copyright images.

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Now i have been thinking, and found a couple of ways that stay with the fluff but can't be varified.


1.) During the brake out from the destruction of Sotha. It states that the tyranids caught and encircled the Scythes. What if 1 of the Scythes ships was seperated from the fleet making the brakeout?


2.) The Scythes were charged with guardianship over the Lamenters during their 100 year pentience crusade. So the Scythes could have an detachment with them.


3.) The Scythes could have had detachments out on missions right around the time of the fall of Sotha. (like you stated earlier)


These are just ideas. What do you think? I kind of like the first idea, but would like other's opinions. The first idea would also be compatible with both yours and "the Scythes" version of your armies.


As for Chapter symbol, I like both styles (yours and the Scythes). But i will use the 1 scythe for scouts and 2 scythes for battle brothers. Trying to come up with a symbol for the captain though. What would you suggest? Was thinking of using DA bits (winged scythe warrior), but i don't know.


Is there any information on the Scythes fleet before or after the fall of Sotha?

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Found a reference in Commander Farsight's description on Pg.44 of the 4th edition Tau Empire Codex:


"One such planet was the "artefact world" of Arthas Moloch, a shrinehold at the periphery of the Damocles Gulf purged by the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter in M39."


So perhaps in the beginning of your article you could add that in? I see that you mention a Moloch, is that planet one in the same?

Edited by ToyShip
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You know, the SotE has been a firm ally of the Lamenters for quite a spell before the fall of Sotha.


Can you give a reference for this? Not saying it isn't true, but can you provide a written GW source (such as a codex or White Dwarf) that provides evidence in support for this?


If so we can update the main background document to reflect this information and make more of the links in future revisions of the text. :)


We are only including things that we can actually reference though, to keep it as 'official' as we can.

(though the 'official' stuff often contradicts itself... but thats another matter...)



I tried to find the source for it, however I vividly recall I found the general notion of it on B&C's search engine. I recall it mentioned that the SotE were assigned to monitor the Lamenters during the Lamenter's penitence crusade. Unfortunately, I do not know the true source of it at the moment's notice as in canon-wise. I'd love to know myself, too. ;)

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Now i have been thinking, and found a couple of ways that stay with the fluff but can't be varified.


These are just ideas. What do you think? I kind of like the first idea, but would like other's opinions. The first idea would also be compatible with both yours and "the Scythes" version of your armies.


Any of those ideas are fine. Go with whatever you feel - it will be your army at the end of the day.


While 'The Scythes' and myself have tried to collect the history together as a useful guide for other fans - what you do with it is entirely up to you. :lol:


As for your captain - just go with whatever you think looks best.

Character models like that give your more versatility to be creative and break out from the rest of an army.


I tried to find the source for it, however I vividly recall I found the general notion of it on B&C's search engine. I recall it mentioned that the SotE were assigned to monitor the Lamenters during the Lamenter's penitence crusade. Unfortunately, I do not know the true source of it at the moment's notice as in canon-wise. I'd love to know myself, too. :lol:


Well if you find anything let us know.


Found a reference in Commander Farsight's description on Pg.44 of the 4th edition Tau Empire Codex:


"One such planet was the "artefact world" of Arthas Moloch, a shrinehold at the periphery of the Damocles Gulf purged by the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter in M39."


So perhaps in the beginning of your article you could add that in? I see that you mention a Moloch, is that planet one in the same?


Good catch!


We will try and include this in the background in the next update - thanks.

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falcesimperatoris, have you anymore scythes done or WIP shots? What other vehicles are you going to do for your Scythes?


Well i'm going with my force being the last to leave Sotha and getting seperate from the rest of the brakeout fleet. Trying to figure out what the list will include. I'm a little confused, does the SM strike cruiser and Battle barge both have the ability to construct new vehicles? Do they both have a forge and what would its limitations be? Also what about chapter serfs? Don't the chapter serfs live out their lives on the ship and raise their families on it? Trying to create a background story to begin with. Would like to know more on the Advanced Space Crusade information. When rescuing a captive was it always a librarian? Or was there some diffrent ones?

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I wanna give dues to Commisar Molotov. I asked him where he found it since he was the one who posted such-such about the Lamenters and SotE.


This is what I got from him. Page 74 from Chapter Approved 2003 and Page 128 from current edition (5th) rulebook.


From what I read in there, it isn't much to take out of it. He said he's pretty sure its canonical regarding the Lamenters being monitored by the SotE for 100 years penitence crusade, tho he couldn't recall where he got that referenced from.




It's a -MAYBE- for the SotE monitoring the Lamenters in WD.101 by Rick Priestly (Badab War), 1st Edition 40K compendium (red book) pg.34, WD278 pg. 57. The one in 4th edition Chaos SM 'dex page 57 did not mention the SotE but did mention the Lamenters' crusade.

Edited by xa0s
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Found a reference in Commander Farsight's description on Pg.44 of the 4th edition Tau Empire Codex:


"One such planet was the "artefact world" of Arthas Moloch, a shrinehold at the periphery of the Damocles Gulf purged by the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter in M39."


So perhaps in the beginning of your article you could add that in? I see that you mention a Moloch, is that planet one in the same?



Thanks - we look into including this in the next update.

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falcesimperatoris, have you anymore scythes done or WIP shots? What other vehicles are you going to do for your Scythes?


Well i'm going with my force being the last to leave Sotha and getting seperate from the rest of the brakeout fleet. Trying to figure out what the list will include. I'm a little confused, does the SM strike cruiser and Battle barge both have the ability to construct new vehicles? Do they both have a forge and what would its limitations be? Also what about chapter serfs? Don't the chapter serfs live out their lives on the ship and raise their families on it? Trying to create a background story to begin with. Would like to know more on the Advanced Space Crusade information. When rescuing a captive was it always a librarian? Or was there some diffrent ones?


I haven't got anything yet - but I am working on a new chap who should be in my blog on the Warhammer forum soon...


I think astartes ships have limited production facilities on board (at least a battle barge does). Probably enough to repair equipment and make ammunition - but full scale production of new tanks for example is probably not on.


As to ASC/Tyranid Attack - the rescued captives were always Scythes librarians in Terminator Armour from what I recall.

I wouldn't read too much into it though, as it was just random event card from the encounter deck - I doubt GW put huge amounts of thought into the background reasons behind the card.

(but it did seem interesting enough to get mentioned in the history background document we did.)

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I wanna give dues to Commisar Molotov. I asked him where he found it since he was the one who posted such-such about the Lamenters and SotE.


This is what I got from him. Page 74 from Chapter Approved 2003 and Page 128 from current edition (5th) rulebook.


From what I read in there, it isn't much to take out of it. He said he's pretty sure its canonical regarding the Lamenters being monitored by the SotE for 100 years penitence crusade, tho he couldn't recall where he got that referenced from.




It's a -MAYBE- for the SotE monitoring the Lamenters in WD.101 by Rick Priestly (Badab War), 1st Edition 40K compendium (red book) pg.34, WD278 pg. 57. The one in 4th edition Chaos SM 'dex page 57 did not mention the SotE but did mention the Lamenters' crusade.



Most of the times I read about the Lamenters it states that they were sent on the 100 years penitent crusade, but I dont think I have ever read that the two chapters had any sort of monitoring arrangement.


It might be implied - but unless its actually stated its probably best if we don't put it in.


One of the reasons for doing this background was because a lot of the stuff that was already about the Scyhtes online was not accurate or was fan developed - so we are just trying to keep to facts that are reasonably clear from White Dwarf or other publications in this article (as using something that seems plausible, but is not sourced, is how fan developed background ends up being treated as fact).


Obviously we can develop the non-official background in other ways, but we are trying to keep things as accurate as we can in this article.

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No worries, I still dig the SotE. At least canonically, we _do_ know they've been recruited to Ordos Xenos often with the Ultramarines and the Lamenters. ^_^
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There was some interesting Scythes bits in a panel on the side of the old Advanced Space Crusade box - which showed a picutre of a scout and some of the old badge designs.


To be honest - they are not that great (they are very early 90's), so I would just keep with the more modern double scythe (or the Single scythe if going with 'The Scythes' colour scheme.)


Though the box did show a coloured drawing of a colour scheme for a classic style Scout serge and noted his fancy scythe shaped dangly ear rings!

(Some things are better forgotten I think….)


I actually rather liked the bit about the crossed scythes being the emblem of a veteran.


As to ASC/Tyranid Attack - the rescued captives were always Scythes librarians in Terminator Armour from what I recall.

I wouldn't read too much into it though, as it was just random event card from the encounter deck - I doubt GW put huge amounts of thought into the background reasons behind the card.


That may be true for Tyranid Attack but not Advanced Space Crusade, ASC's Stranger charts results were:

"..Squat was part of a Brotherhood combat squad, captured while defending his Stronghold from Tyranid invasion"


"..Eldar was fighting the Tyranids as a member of a Guardian squad from an Eldar colony planet"


"..Imperial Guardsman: the Guardsman was stationed on one of the rimworlds, those planets furthest from the Imperial core among the firstto be invaded by Hive Fleet Kraken."


"..Ogryn wears the insignia of an Imperial Guard regiment. He is armed with a huge flanged club."


"..Space Marine is from the Scythes of the Emperorchapter, captured by the Tyranids during the devastating surprise attackon the Scythes' homeworld that led to the near-annihilation of the entire chapter. The Space Marine wears power armour and carries a bolter."


"..Inquisitors are special agents of the Imperium – every Inquisitoris empowered to investigate any potential threat to humanity. There are no bounds to the Inquisitor's field of operation: alien plots, mutation,cultist activities, crime and corruption all come under his jurisdiction. The Inquisitor wears Terminator armour and is armed with a stormbolter."

Edited by Vodunius
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Vodunius, thanks for the info. Do you remember the ratio? Do you have any info on why the tyranids were capturing members of diffrent races from the rulebook? What about the diffrent insignia/ Chapter badges for the Scythes? I don't have access to Advanced Space Crusade or Tyranid Attack, that is why i am asking these questions. Any info you can provide will help.
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