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Missing official Chapters:

  • Sons of Vengeance & Silver Guards (color schemes/badges unknown - 2 of the 7 Chapters that went renegade during the Obscuran Uprisings of the late 34th millennia - Codex: Chaos Space Marines page 17)
  • Angels of Flame (color scheme/badge unknown - they are the Chapter that turned to Chaos most recently, during an extended mission of reconquest on the rim of the galaxy near the Ghoul Stars - Codex: Chaos Space Marines page 18)
  • Sons of Ulthunas (color scheme/badge unknown - they are the parent Chapter from which the Chaos Space Marine warband, the Angels of Ecstasy, originated - Codex: Chaos Space Marines page 18)
  • Swords of Praesium (color scheme/badge unknown - they are the parent Chapter from which the Chaos Space Marine warband, the Swords of Khargoth, originated - Codex: Chaos Space Marines page 24)

@ Chapter Master Ignis Domus - your chapter has been added.


@ Brother Tyler - thanks for the info. I have not decided what to do with the chaos and renegade marines - they will probably be added to a separate gallery, or added to the main gallery with a chaos tag. I'll sort it out once the primary list of loyalist marines is up to 1,000.


@Brother Cambrius - link added.


@Razhbad - yep.


@ Toothless_saw - do you have a link to an IA?




I've updated the first post as it was getting a bit messy.



Aw, the White Dragons are already on there. And they aren't my White Dragons :( My DIY chapter has the same name, but a diffrent colour scheme. Although, I suppose I could change them to fit the colour scheme on the gallery and maybe do a DIY IA for them.
  SillyDreadnought said:
Aw, the White Dragons are already on there. And they aren't my White Dragons :) My DIY chapter has the same name, but a diffrent colour scheme. Although, I suppose I could change them to fit the colour scheme on the gallery and maybe do a DIY IA for them.

I recommend against that. Don't use someone else's color scheme and concept unless you like it. The DIY Chapters portrayed in the gallery are just individual players' ideas and interpretations. They are not prescriptive for anyone else (likewise for those Chapters that GW has given names/color schemes/Chapter badges to without assigning solid rules/background).


If you use someone else's scheme for your army just because it's in the gallery, I anticipate you being dissatisfied. If you like the scheme you have, run with it.

  SillyDreadnought said:
Aw, the White Dragons are already on there. And they aren't my White Dragons :( My DIY chapter has the same name, but a diffrent colour scheme. Although, I suppose I could change them to fit the colour scheme on the gallery and maybe do a DIY IA for them.

Just because someone has a Chapter with same name as yours, doesn't mean you have to change your Chapter's name. In the 40k Universe Chapters having the same name happens all the time:

  Imperial Armour 9: Badab War - Part 1 > Fabrica Astartes: Fire Angels said:
Addendum: There is some evidence to suggest that the Fire Angels as a Chapter may not be the first to hold their name and livery, either in whole or in part; a circumstance which while unusual is not without precedent in the history of the Adeptus Astartes. This problem leads to some confusion as to the provenance of battle honours, and mention of Space Marine units bearing similar titles or derivations of name (rendered both in High and Low Gothic as well as various Administratum vox-compt scripts) that exist in numerous records contradicting the information presented here. This is a problem to which almost no Chapter's record is immune. Such data 'ghosts' are a constant source of difficulty in an Imperium whose incalculable and cyclopean breadth and depth seems only exceeded by the quill-strokes needed to record it by countless hands.

Chapter Name: Shadow Knights

Geneseed: Corax, Raven Guard and Raptor mentors

Homeworld: Ayrene (Feudal World, think Dark Ages Europe)

Founding: M37

Color Scheme: Dark Metal with White and Blue Trim

Symbol: Blue Cross on White Field

Current Strength: 10 Companies




Ajaric Voor, Raven Guard Captain and 1st Chapter Master of the Shadow Knights


Founded after a joint Raven Guard and Raptors crusade traveled to the newly found world of Ayrene in search of ancient Raven Guard relics believed to have been left by Corax after his departure from Deliverance. The

Chapter Name: Templar Guardians

Geneseed: Reported Ultramarines/Black templars.

Homeworld: Ethrea Magnus

Founding: M39

Color Scheme: Ultramarines blue body, Chaos black legs, White shoulder pads

Symbol: Sword behind sheild emblazoned with a bolter.

Current Strength: 9 and 1/2 companies.


Colour Scheme of a tactical squad marine, 2nd Company.


More info after I've updated their website.



IA can be found here: [url="http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=219942[/url]


2nd EDIT: Updated IA to my B&C IA thread.

Edited by Maju

@ Lucifer216 - the Stars of Dorn have been added. I took the liberty of knocking up an image;


@ SillyDreadnought - The White Dragons are MIA. This means that someone, somewhere, made them but the link is lost.

If you work up your White Dragons with an image and IA I'll replace the one in the gallery - with a caveat: If the original is found,
it pre-dates yours, the gallery image will be changed back.

In the unlikely event this happens: all is not lost. At a later date I'll be adding in asterisks to link to alternatives and you chapter would turn up once more (as an asterisk).

I do not want to throw away any chapter that has been claimed by a fan.

@ Corrin Storm Fox - please post in the + LIBER ASTARTES +

@ Maju - I need a v5 painter version of your chapter armed with a bolter.

  sgtspiff said:
As I understood it I can pick a MIA chapter of liking??

Yes - but there are a few things you should be aware off;

All the MIA where taken from somewhere when Dazzo was first collecting up chapters many moons ago. He had no interest in collecting up the links only the images and names (and he made a lot of images!). Later when we join forces I wanted to add in the links to fan's IA and galleries, but Dazzo did not have the links so I went and looked for them. Some where found - but many are lost in the ether of the web.

The project works on a 'first come first served' basis when it comes to chapter images in the gallery. Later versions of a chapter with the same name with be add with asterisk links after the chapter name. This seemed the fairest way to do things.

If you chapter is not an exact match to the original (if found) your version will be moved to an asterisk (even if it has the same colour scheme).

You can make up a new one with the same name and it will replace it original: if the original MIA is not claimed). If the original is found it will be instated (as it was first).


The chapter I put in, the Paladins of Puccina, are now defunct. I continue using their scheme and markings, but not their name or fluff. I will make a completely different chapter from them, and I'll probably not write a new IA. So if you want to delete them in favour of another, that's fine.
  Espada Azul said:
Philip S.: While not directly connected to the Chapter compilation project, is it okay if I link the pages as a hobby resource on my blog?

If you want to put links on your blog to the galleries you are most welcome. ;)



  Heru Talon said:
Just because someone has a Chapter with same name as yours, doesn't mean you have to change your Chapter's name. In the 40k Universe Chapters having the same name happens all the time


So no one would have a problem if I whipped up an IA for my 'version' of the chapter?

  SillyDreadnought said:
  Heru Talon said:
Just because someone has a Chapter with same name as yours, doesn't mean you have to change your Chapter's name. In the 40k Universe Chapters having the same name happens all the time


So no one would have a problem if I whipped up an IA for my 'version' of the chapter?

I don't foresee a problem with that ;)




PS: 1,019 chapters. Added obscure canon chapter 'The Nameless'.

Edited by Philip S

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