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= 1,000 Chapter Gallery Project =

Philip S

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Note: This post has been edited a few times as the project expanded. Updates are added to the end. New opening added.

= 1,000 Chapter Project's gallery page =

Current count: 1,110 Loyalist Chapters



Hello one and all,

Welcome to the 1,000 chapter project - brought to you by Dazzo and Philip S.

This is where you can submit your Loyalist DIY chapter to the 1,000 chapter project.




he project: is a gallery of chapters colour schemes hosted on philipsibbering.com. Within the gallery you will find images of official canon and fan made chapters - all created using Bolter and Chainsword's v5 Space Marine painter. All chapters have links to more information about the chapter. The canon chapters link to pages on the Lexicanum, and the fan made chapters link to Index Astartes posted in the + LIBER ASTARTES + forum, a fan's personal website, or a miniature gallery (like on coolminiornot.com).

Gallery Links
The Main Gallery[link removed 2020-03-10] contains all chapters: Canon, DIY, and MIA. There are various sub-galleries consisting of;

  • Canon - Only official chapters appearing in GW publications can get this tag. This includes BL, Forgeworld, etc. Images link to the Lexicanum, or my Obscure Chapters Page (which contains rare official chapters not listed on the Lexicanum).
  • DIY - A collection of fan made chapters with a V5 generated imaged (armed with a bolter, with chapter symbol on the shoulder) and an Index Astartes article (blog post, forum post), or a miniature gallery.
  • MIA - Some fan made chapters do not have links, and are marked as MIA (Missing Index Astartes). These are chapters collected up by Dazzo back in the day. He did not collect up source links, that is something I wanted, and many have been lost. If you recognize an MIA, please post it here, or over in the + LIBER ASTARTES +thread: = Request for links to your DIY Chapters =. I can then convert them from MIA into a DIY.

The most recent update can be found here: 1,000 Chapters - New

These are guide lines for new submission to match the format of what we already have;

  • Canon Chapter Submissions: please post the name and a reference (publication, page number, and short quote if possible), or link to Lexicanum. You are welcome to post here any rare canon chapters you've found tucked away in some dusty corner of GW lore, that do not appear on the Lexicanum. These will be added to my Obscure Chapters Page. Please check to make sure it is not listed before posting here (I have found MIAs that turned out to be canon! So please checked the canon and mia galleries to make sure it is not listed)
  • DIY Chapter submissions: If you would like your chapter included in the 1,000 chapter project, please post a link to your Index Astartes (IA) article, or gallery of painted miniatures, in this thread. Submissions without an IA, or gallery, link will not be accepted. Please read the notes below.

    Index Astartes: Your IA should follow this format: Guide to DIYing, which covers pretty much everything. Resources: DIY Article Templates (BBCode) to create a standard format B&C IA. If you are serious about your IA, you may like to create a PDF using: WH40K DIY Article Templates (Download) - when finished, and if ok'd via peer review, could be added to the downloads section of B&C: Downloads: An Alternative to the Librarium.

    Finished IA can be posted on B+C in the the + LIBER ASTARTES + forum (also a good place to post works in progress and receive feedback before finalising).

    As the 1,000 Chapter Project is a gallery, there are some very specific imagine requirements;




    Your IA should include an example image of your chapter's colours. The image in your IA is used by the project. The image format accepted by the project is one generated by Bolter and Chainsword's painter - v5 painter version. It should be a 'standard' tactical marine, armed with a bolt gun, with a plain white background (not the grid or custom colour). The Chapter's symbol should be applied to the shoulder, along with any other relevant squad markings. If this is not the case (your IA uses the new beta v9 version of the painter without a weapon) please create an armed v5 version and post it in this thread, along with the link.

    - B+C 101 Tutorial links: Interactive Painters (includes image posting), B+C user Gallery (for hosting images you have modified).

    - Applying your Chapter's symbol to the shoulder pad: You need an image manipulation program that can handle layers like Photoshop (expensive) or a free open source program like GIMP (GNU (General Public License) Image Manipulation Program) or Paint.net.

    Miniatures Gallery: Where possible your gallery of painted miniatures should only contain images of space marines from the chapter (it's OK if this is a sub-gallery of a larger gallery, or separated out as a category, or using tags). You still have to create an image of your chapter's colours for the project (see above). If you do not have an IA page, you are welcome to post your image in this thread.

  • Reclaiming an 'MIA' Chapter
    If you find your DIY Chapter in the Gallery, but it lacks a link to your Index Astartes or gallery: I have started up a new thread to collect up links for DIY Chapters that are already listed: = Request for links to your DIY Chapters =

Note: A short overview IA for a DIY chapter is better than nothing - as it 'claims the chapter', moving it from MIA to DIY.[/indent]
Thanks for your help :smile:

Philip S


Date# of chaptersNotes07 Nov 2009720New galleries up [link removed 2020-03-10], errors above have been corrected - all galleries now have links to IA (or if no IA has been found an 'MIA' page requesting info).27 Apr 2010720New prototype gallery![link removed 2020-03-10] This should make it much easier to update. The old gallery is still up, and will act as an archive.07 May 2010757 Conversion complete, added in a few missing ones.10 May 2010827 Added 70 'blank' images for canon chapters that lack a colour scheme.11 May 2010832 #16 Aug 2010960 #18 Sep 20101,001 Broken the 1,000 barrier.23 Sep 20101,001 Added new Primary List page [link removed 2020-03-10] (lists Canon + DIY only, no MIAs).17 Nov 20101,012 #08 Jan 20111,012 New opening added to this thread.05 Mar 20111,026 Added more canon blanks (inc. Lost chapters).09 Apr 20111,028 #08 Jun 20111,030 +2 canon blanks (Exsanguinators, Shadow Wolves)09 Jun 20111,033 +3 DIYs (Crimson Templars, Iron Skull, and Wraiths)19 Jun 20111,034 +1 DIY (Sons of Lightning)29 Jun 20111,039 +4 canon blanks (Angels Eradicant, Crimson Shades, Emperor's Wolves, Red Scimitars) +1 DIY (Star Knights)30 Jun 20111,040 +1 DIY (Astral Paladins)27 Jul 20111,040 Reclaimed 8 MIA chapters (The Black Anvils, Bane Knights, Angels of Hate, Angels of Deliverance, Black Panthers, Blessed Knights, Brethren of Quirinus, and Iron Scythes)28 Jul 20111,044 Replaced 2 MIA chapters (Archangels, Golden Dragons) +4 DIY (Flame Lions, Sanguinary Crusaders, Sons of Pyron, Star Reapers)08 Aug 20111,051 Reclaimed 6 MIA (Bone Templars, Dark Avengers, Fists of Justice, Heralds of Dorn, Jade Scorpions, and Stingrays), +7 DIY (Avenging Lions, Emperor's Nightmare, Iron Angels, Iron Wing, Night Griffons, Screaming Spears, and last but not least Legio Bolter & Chainsword)09 Aug 20111,051 Reclaimed 12 MIA (onyx dragons, order of the ebon skull, pale riders, praetorian fists, priory of dorn, ursamarine, twilight talons, twilight's hand, ultrians, vociferators, void reapers, and void templars), reclaimed 1 canon (outriders).10 Oct 20111,058 +7 DIY (Archons of Vaan, Brothers Sempiternus, Order of St Gregory, Phoenix Knights, Scribes of Veneticus, Sky Hammers, and the Vermilion Wings)21 Nov 20111,059 +1 DIY (Accusers), reclaimed 1 MIA chapter (Light Bearers).22 Nov 20111,060 +1 DIY (Emperor's Lions).24 Nov 20111,060 Updated the Rising Suns' colour scheme.25 Nov 20111,060 Updates the Shadow Falcons colour scheme and link01 Dec 20111,061 +1 DIY (Divine Death)05 Dec 20111,062 +1 DIY chapter (Knights of the Rose), Reclaimed 10 MIA chapters (Burning Skulls, Diablo Cazadores, Indigo Knights, Night Raptors, Pit Vipers, Quark Hunters, Templars Luminescent, Ursa Brothers, Wrathful Sons, Zero Legion), 1 replacement (Black Eagles)05 Jan 20121,069 +5 (obscure) canon chapters (Crimson Furies, Crimson Praetorians, Dragonslayers, Iron Shield, and Untouchables), updated canon chapter (Shadow Hawks), +2 DIY (Iron Cranes, Praetorian Guard)14 Jan 20121,069 Reclaimed one Canon chapter (Emperor's Eagles)08 Aug 20121,070 +1 DIY (Blood Dragons), Updated (Vengeance Hawks image, Steel Wings' URL)19 Sep 20121,071 +1 DIY (Sons of Tempest)-- --- ----1,073 ?03 Jul 20161,078 +5 DIY (Dancing Scythes, Ghosts of Retribution, Helios Guard, Praetorians, Thunderbolts), Updated images (Black Guard, Libators, Patriarchs of Ulixis, Emperor's Shadows), Updated link (Sons of Heracles, Helios Guard)08 Jan 20191,089 +3 DIY (Praetorians, Ardent Swords, and Vanquishers) +9 Canon (Accipiters, Marines Mordant, Persecutors of Darkness, Astral Claws, Auric Patricians, Blazoned Legion, Blood Knights, Champions of Thanatos, Crimson Talons), updated canon (Absolvers, Adulators, Angel Guard, Angels Eradicant, Angels of Damnation, Angels of Fire, Angels of Fury, Angels of Iron, Angels of Retribution, Angels of Vigilance, Angels Redeemed, Angels Resplendent, Angels Revenant, Astral Hawks, Aurora Chapter, Avengers, Black Dragons, Black Wings, Brazen Skulls, Brotherhood of a Thousand, Celestial Guard, Celestial Lions, Contenders, Crimson Castellans, Crimson Paladins, Crimson Scions, Crimson Shades, Crusaders, Dark Brotherhood, Dark Crusaders, Destroyers, Dragon Lords, Emperor's Storm, Emperor's Swords, Emperor's Warbringers, Emperor's Wolves, Excoriators, and Valedictors)20 Mar 20191,094 +4 DIY (Adjudicator, Avenging Fists, Fire Watch, Nova Hawks), +1 canon (Guardians of Celeres)29 Mar 20191,096 16 Updated Canon (Invictors, Iron Crusaders, Iron Talons, Knights of Dorn, Nemesis, Night Watch, Penitents, Silver Guard, Sky Sentinels, Sons of Dorn, Sons of Jaghatai, Star Phantoms, Storm Falcons, Venerators of Osiron, Victors, Vorpal Swords),+2 DIY (Redemptors, Marines Allegiant), -1DIY/+1MIA (Light Bearer)30 Mar 20191,102 +5 Canon blanks (Crimson Axes, Doom Fists, Fists of Wrath, Obsidian Glaives, and Red Consuls), +1 Canon (Imperius Reavers), -1DIY/+1 Canon (Nova Legion), +1 DIY (Angels of Malediction)04 Sep 20191,104 +2 DIY (Adjudicators, Depthwatch)
10 March 20201,104 Project Moved to new Home. 119 DIY to MIA (angles of hate, angels of remission, annihilators, archons of vaan, astral ravens, aurora knights, avenging lions, azure talons, bane knights, bane marines, battle griffons, black anvils, black gorgons, black panthers, black pharaohs, blades of deliverance, blades of duty, blood seekers, brethren of quirinus, bronze templars, brotherhood of baal, brothers of karnos, brothers sempiternus, burning blades, calibanite lions, constrictors, crimson guardians, crimson justicars, crimson kestrels, crimson templars, dark scorpions, death jackals, delphic order, devestation angels, divine death, dragons of gaea, echidna bane, emerald knights, empyrean dragons, falcon brothers, falcon warriors, falcons immortal, ghost falcons, green knights, grey hawks, guardians of paralios, harbringers of fire, haunters, heralds of dawn, hierophants, hounds of wrath, imperial claws, imperial monarchs, imperial rampart, interdictors, jade helms, jade lancers, jade scorpions, knights of the crimson lily, legio canum, legio victrix, maledictors, megamarines, midnight angels, night griffons, oasis sons, obsidian blades, obsidian guard, paladins of puccinia, pegasus guard, phoenix knights, pious templars, pit vipers, praefects of heliophon, praetorian fists, priory of dorn, prodigal sons, punishing angels, purified ravens, quantum chevrons, quark hunters, radiant flight, red rams, red scars, ring guard, screaming spears, shadow dragons, shadow lords, shadow reapers, silver scorpions, silver serpents, sons of alba, sons of mars, spectres of war, star foxes, star knights, star tyrants, steel gauntlets, steel hunters, swords of cygnus, thousands swords, thunder birds, tyrian prophets, ultrians, ursa brothers, ursamarine, varangian guard, vilificators, vociferators, void templars, war axes, war sovereigns, warlords, warriors eternal, warseers, white crusaders, white lily knights, white lions, and yellow dragons)14 March 20201,104 4 MIA to DIY (Angels of Perdition, Aurora Knights, Avenging Lions, and Black Fists) 1 MIA to Canon (Angels Numinous)4 April 20201,107+3 DIY (Retributors, Knights Vindicant, Angels of Contrition)15 April 20201,108+1 DIY (Bloodmoon Hunters)20 October 20201,109+1 DIY (Angels of Annihilation)14 Dec 20201,1102 DIY to canon (Dragonslayers, Crimson Templars), +1DIY (Praetors of Denzarr)
## ### #####,### #



Old post:




Hello one and all,

I'm posting this to gather some information for the 1,000 Chapter Project being pulled together by Dazzo - so far we have 720 832 960 973 984 991 1,001 1011 - but we want more!

After chatting with Dazzo, turns out my chapters inspired him to do this craziness, and I hope his work will inspire others to new create chapters too! I asked him if you would like me to post his galleries of B+C SM painter rendered chapters he collected together. I think B+C is a fantastic resource for Space Marines fans, and this is a small 'community service' offered by me (and Dazzo's!).(edit: done - link)

I am thinking of making the popups clickable - where each individual marine image leads back to the original creators IA? (edit: done)

Not sure when I'll get around to this, but I suppose it could to handy to have them all in one place.

If I do this I am going to need a lot of links, and I was wondering if their was a list of all the B+C chapters and their IA, along with specific fan websites dedicated to their chapter, and what official GW sources I should link to? If you have some ideas post them here, but I would prefer if you have identified a specific chapter and have a link to pop over the Dazzo's blog and post a comment with the link. I can harvest them later (once Dazzo has had a look).

Important Info


Dazzo's Blog - updates on the project, latest version of the gallery files. archive of original files.

1000 Chapters Gallery - mashup of Dazzo's work by me. Update: new prototype gallery!

Adding your Chapter to the project: Please contact Dazzo directly, make sure you have a B+C SM painter rendered colour scheme, and a link to your chapter's IA. This link is important if you want your chapters in the visual index to be clickable. Any chapter that appears within Dazzo's galleries on his blog will eventually appear in the visual index.

Visual Index Update: The current 1000 chapter visual index is a 'proof of concept' and will be updated for real when we hit 1000!

Adding your DIY Chapter to the Gallery

To fit in will all the others already in the gallery I need a v5 painter version of your Chapter's colour scheme, with armaments (preferably a bolter), and with your Chapter symbol applied to the left shoulder. Also link to your Chapter's IA. Please post a link to your DIY Chapter's IA in this thread, you can also post the painter image here too (if it has the Chapter's symbol). If your IA is exceptional and you are having trouble applying the Chapter symbol I may do it for you.

- B+C 101 Tutorial links: Interactive Painters (includes image posting), B+C user Gallery (for hosting images you have modified).
- Applying your Chapter's symbol to the shoulder pad: You need an image manipulation program that can handle layers like Photoshop (expensive) or a free open source program like GIMP (GNU (General Public License) Image Manipulation Program) or Paint.net.
- Writing an IA: Guide to DIYing, which covers pretty much everything.

Is your DIY Chapter in the Gallery but lacks a link to your IA? I have started up a new thread to collect up links to DIY Chapters that are already listed: = Request for links to your DIY Chapters =

Adding Canon Chapters: Have I missed any out? Please post missing canon chapters here (if possible a link to source material (Lexicanum or similar), or GW book ref).

Thanks for your time.

Philip S

This is a list of errors that have been corrected in Dazzo's lists but not on my page. The page on my site will be updated in one go (and links go in) once we hit 1000. Until then the errors will remain!

  • "White Crusaders" turn up on page 28 and 29
  • "Warmongers" turn up on page 28 and 29

Any new errors will be added to this list for easy reference :wink:

Edited by Philip S
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I know that some of the completed IA's are in the Librarium, and there's a thread for them in the Liber: linky. Since my DIY is in the (:)) blog I'll be willing to give links to the IA


The whole po-up idea is a good one, but very tedious. That's 600 IA's to pin to each image. Not forgetting that some of them don't actually have IA's..

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Many of the Chapters do not have IAs (like my own Vultures Chapter, props on the helmet by the way Dazzo). Others you would need to browse the Librarium as linked to by Hubernator there.


We are putting together a properly formatted IA for all the known (330 or so) GW Chapters but it is incomplete at this time. Some of them (for those with little info) are up currently in the Librarium as well.

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Yes indeed feel free to PM me, if you want to comment on the blog thats fine to (just do it in the update section of the blog) If you want chapters to be included I will need an image of the chapter(or a good description of the colour scheme) and the chapter symbol.
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Thanks for the feedback.


The whole po-up idea is a good one, but very tedious. That's 600 IA's to pin to each image. Not forgetting that some of them don't actually have IA's..

I was thinking that the ones with IA get a link. I suppose it would be tedious but you only have to do it once. Assuming that new additions get a new gallery image rather than redoing the whole lot.


Perhaps the popup links go in when we have 1,000?


We are putting together a properly formatted IA for all the known (330 or so) GW Chapters but it is incomplete at this time. Some of them (for those with little info) are up currently in the Librarium as well.

This is very interesting. Would you mind if I link to these instead of 40K wiki or GW?


Yes indeed feel free to PM me, if you want to comment on the blog thats fine to (just do it in the update section of the blog) If you want chapters to be included I will need an image of the chapter(or a good description of the colour scheme) and the chapter symbol.

I hope this post and promo inspires people to get in contact so you can finish this wonderful project!


Imagine - 1,000 B+C rendered chapters with full IA (maybe B+C IA!).


I guess when B+C has their version of 1,000 chapters up and running my version will be a tad redundant - but hopefully it is a step to getting the job done!


Maybe mine will serve as a temp link to other IA all over the web, until everyone gets a B+C IA?


I guess the links will go in when we have 1,000 (wow, that's 1,000 image maps to put in, mind you no worse than Dazzo's workload!)




PS: Hey Kurgan, I still have a cape for SM painter floating around on my hard drive... (it's leopard skin! -max pimpage, good for Ultras and BA ;) )


Edit (from here)

Looks awesome mate, just one question if I update an image say to correct a spelling or chapters that have been trimmed due to poor compilation(on my part that is) will that mess up your end of it? Also if I add extra groups will that appear automatically or should I let you know so you can update it.

The way I figure it;

  1. First we get to 1,000 (using your blog, and my page, to get feedback and act as promotion).
  2. When we have 1,000, you reorganise it all, work out a links list/ credits etc on your blog (your blog is the 'hub' of the project)
  3. When this is all done - send me the updates and I'll redo the page and put in the links in the popups.

Sound like a plan?


The links back to your blog will enable people can chip in and register new chapters. Chapters after 1,000 can be compiled into a new section.


Edited by Philip S
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*counts how many belong to me* Well some of those have bavcksotries and bits and pieces to them. Most of oyu already posted on this know of them. ;) But some of the others I can do small little character tidbits and such if oyu want. :D



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We are putting together a properly formatted IA for all the known (330 or so) GW Chapters but it is incomplete at this time. Some of them (for those with little info) are up currently in the Librarium as well.

This is very interesting. Would you mind if I link to these instead of 40K wiki or GW?

Not at all ;) The articles can be found in the Librarium, either labelled as part of the Chapter Datafile or Comprehensive History series. Our current progress on this can be found by following the links from the Loyalist Chapter Index and the Traitor Marine Index.

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And i havent finished yet, I have closer to 700 now, but because of the way i'm doing it I only include finished groups of 20 there are lots you cant see. And yes im only doing loyalist at the moment.


Only official or custom homegrown too?

And yes I include both official and homegrown chapters. In the intrests of uniformity if you provide an image can it be with the bolter(takes up less space).


But some of the others I can do small little character tidbits and such if oyu want.

As long as you have some basic info about them Cam then that will be fine for now.


Oh and no grid, its a bugger to remove in photoshop.

Edited by Dazzo
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But some of the others I can do small little character tidbits and such if you want.

As long as you have some basic info about them Cam then that will be fine for now.


Oh and no grid, its a bugger to remove in photoshop.


Will do Dazzo. I have some others that have since been made. I'll PM you about those in the future.


To get rid of grids from peoples SMP images, just delete the &grid=TRUE from the link. You'll find it just before the wargear codes. :huh:


Just curious about the Doom Bringers chapter picture - where, when and from whom did the chapter originate?

I named my DIY chapter the Doombringers, but I don't want to copy someone elses idea.


They are Nash Trickster's creation. Info on them here. Doom Bringers IA


Hope that's useful for you Marachtor.



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Are some of the better known DIY Chapters included?


I would also count the Castigators among these allthough Im uncertain if they have a website these days.

Edited by Chaptermaster Graymantle
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The Castigators are there already, as for the others sometimes painted mini's are not the best example of colour scheme or chapter symbol, though the fiery lions look simple enough im having trouble with those others.


And sometimes Cam the image cant be adjusted to remove the grid, I know yours can but others dont make that easy for me :)

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The Castigators are there already, as for the others sometimes painted mini's are not the best example of colour scheme or chapter symbol, though the fiery lions look simple enough im having trouble with those others.


Well, I will get you some images and info on the Guardian Angels and their Redux colour scheme.

If you want me to that is.


And the Fighting Tigers have an image here you might be allowed to use:


Edited by Chaptermaster Graymantle
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And i havent finished yet, I have closer to 700 now,

700? excellent!


Dazzo, I take it you getting more feedback now?


Spread the word people - fellow fans - Dazzo needs feedback!


What did you call this project anyway? '1000 Chapters Project'? 'Project 1000'?





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This is possibly the coolest thing i have ever seen!

I was wondering if you could maybe add my Chapter to it?

They're called the Shadow Falcons, they're on here somewhere, lol.


I'm pretty useless with a computer though, would it be possible for someone to be kind enough to add a black raptors head as the Chapter badge??


Keep up the good work and GW should of had this on THEIR site!!!

They really missed the bus on this one!!

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Well, I will get you some images and info on the Guardian Angels and their Redux colour scheme.

If you want me to that is.

Yeah that would be sweet. And I would have to add a bolter to that tigers image...though if i could match the grey, hmmm


What did you call this project anyway? '1000 Chapters Project'? 'Project 1000'?

Just '1000 Chapters'

And not sure about 'more' feedback just higher quality.


700? excellent!

i'll let you know when that happens cos I will have corrected quite a few mistakes by then aswell.



I'm pretty useless with a computer though, would it be possible for someone to be kind enough to add a black raptors head as the Chapter badge??

You'll need to do me another image of them but without the raven guard symbol and if you could give them it a bolter this time that would be cool. Just PM me the image and i'll get it added

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