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@ airdale91 - what is the chapter symbol? Is it the grim reaper/ hooded skull image on your website?


Yeah. I tried for several hours trying to add it to the shoulder pad. No luck :lol:

I think that picture is a bit to big and detailed though.


I found a hooded skull on the net and slapped it on the shoulder for you;


It was missing a certain something, so I painted a custom skull face on him (I can remove that if it messes with your IA)


PS: Why didn't you use the robes? It's a grim reaper style and robes seem like a good idea - no?

Edited by Philip S

@ bilbo7788 - your right, it would make a nice contrast, but I'm after a 'grim reaper' theme (and I don't think the grim reaper would be seen dead (*groans*) in a bleached bone robes!). Talking of bones, I was thinking of added some stylized bone icons on the armour, an abstract skeleton of sorts, to jazz it up a bit.



Update (26-07-2011):
I've updated the gallery so the MIAs are now faded. I wanted it easier to see how may MIAs are skill in the list. If you hover your mouse pointer over the faded MIA image it will come back into full view. There are a lot of MIAs!

Update 2 (27-07-2011):
Updating the main website software so it may go funny for a bit.

Update 3 (27-07-2011):
All done and everything up to date! Darn that 'Fantastico' and it's slow update cycle, I got hacked! Booo! All sorted now :devil:

Update 4 (28-07-2011):
Reclaimed 8 MIA chapters (The Black Anvils, Bane Knights, Angels of Hate, Angels of Deliverance, Black Panthers, Blessed Knights, Brethren of Quirinus, and Iron Scythes), Replaced 2 MIA chapters (Archangels, Golden Dragons) +4
(Flame Lions, Sanguinary Crusaders, Sons of Pyron, Star Reapers)



Golden Dragons


Edited by Philip S

Hello Philip S,


I've been a tremendous fan of your work for quite awhile. I'd like to add the most well developed chapter from 4chan/tg/'s list of home-made chapters to your project. We've been working on it for the better part of 5 months and have complete army rules and (mostly) complete Deathwatch rules.


I present the Emperor's Nightmare




all information about the Emperor's Nightmare can be found HERE


Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to add the chapter's symbol to the pauldron using the space marine painter. The symbol is in the top right on the information page.


Also, the chapter is divided between two different color schemes, the one above is for companies 2 through 5, and is called Primus, while 6 through 9 wear this scheme:




called Secundus. If you do include the Emperor's Nightmare, I imagine the Primus color scheme would be the more noteworthy scheme.

Edited by Jareddm

Technically the Nightmares are only borderline codex. They follow a duel tactics approach of "shock and awe" and "see but don't be seen" With 2nd through 5th following the former and 6th through 9th following the latter. In this way companies are usually assigned in pairs for particular campaigns.


Though I get what you're saying about only taking one from the battle company.


And about the angry marines...yeah...I wish we weren't responsible for them. I even had an image done of an Emperor's Nightmare in Secundus armor standing over a battered and defeated angry marine.


Thanks for putting the chapter symbol on! Looks fantastic!

And about the angry marines...yeah...I wish we weren't responsible for them.

You probably wouldn't want me to do this then;


This is a 'clean' version ;) I assume an Angry Marine is expected to decorate their armour. I added the Mrk 8 collar as it's prime real estate for insulting graffiti.

If I included them I not sure I can link to your site - PG13 and all that (too much profanity). I'm sure the kids can handle it, but I doubt their mothers would see the funny side ;)

There are a few joke chapters in the list, kinda like Easter eggs, like the Emperor's Pointy Sticks for example...

Some jokes are missing, like the Angry Marine, and the Black and White marines (as in the joke 'black and white' seems to be a description rather than a chapter name, though it could be taken as a chapter name as it's capitalized), and the hello kitty marines (as they are obviously chaos!).


You probably wouldn't want me to do this then;


Hahaha! Yeah you can keep them off. I did see the Emperor's Pointy Sticks though. That was pretty funny.


If I may ask one favor of you. Would it be possible to have the Emperor's Nightmare chapter symbol on the Secundus armor as well? I understand you aren't including it, but it would be good to have as part of our own chapter gallery.


Thank you.

Great new work on the gallery there Philip! The faded MIA's is genius, also encourages me to get to work more. :( And to emphasise that point, another chapter of mine can now no longer be MIA, the Night Griffons.


Also, specific models now do exist for certain chapters classed as MIA through Operation Reclamation, those being:


The Bone Templars


The Stingrays


The Heralds of Dorn


The Fists of Justice


The Jade Scorpions


The Dark Avengers


More from me to hopefully emerge in the future. ;)



I humbly submit the Avenging Lions Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.


(Getting the brown in the version 5.0 SMP to match as closely as possible the brown I used in the version 9.0 SMP was a bear. :HQ: )

Edited by Brule the Spear-Slayer

@ Brother Cambrius - Thanks mate, I'll add these to the next update. In the future; it would be clearer if each marine (and all its shots) had a separate post, so I can link directly to the post, and the viewer sees the marine there were expecting to see (some you have to scroll down, but the viewer may jump to conclusions and assume the link is wrong!). Even better would be short IA stubs within v5 painter version, linking to the painted marines as a bonus :lol:


@ Brule the Spear-Slayer - nice work, I'll add these to the next update.





Edited by Philip S

@ Hells Guardian - thanks, they look great! I'll add them to the next update.

  • Edit - 08 Aug 2011: Reclaimed 6 MIA (Bone Templars, Dark Avengers, Fists of Justice, Heralds of Dorn, Jade Scorpions, and Stingrays), and added 7 DIY (Avenging Lions, Emperor's Nightmare, Iron Angels, Iron Wing, Legio Bolter & Chainsword, Night Griffons, and Screaming Spears)
  • Edit - 09 Aug 2011: Reclaimed 12 MIA (onyx dragons, order of the ebon skull, pale riders, praetorian fists, priory of dorn, ursamarine, twilight talons, twilight's hand, ultrians, vociferators, void reapers, and void templars), reclaimed 1 canon (outriders).


Edited by Philip S

I'd like to submit my chapter, The Scribes of Veneticus.


The chapter symbol is a white fleur de lis and i have a link to a background story in my sig.

I wasn't sure I should add these as there are not really a chapter as such, but they make a fantastic addition;




I think the colours are correct (for an Imperial Fist)?



Yes, that works just fine for an Imperial Fist in the Justice of the Emperor Great Company. :D

Here we go:


My DIY Chapter : The Sky Hammers


IA : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=236069


Chapter symbol : http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x454/p...kyhammerred.jpg


Battle brother :


Damn, will change that to one without a black collar when i awake, (changed).

Edited by presc1ence

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