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Chaos Envy...


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Personally i do NOT want any of the loyalist toys people are mentioning. Speeders, razorbacks, infantry carried MMs and plasma cannons etc.


I want chaos to have what its supposed to have. Daemonic gifts/powers, and the best (but most expensive) units.


I second this!

For me, Chaos (Marines) was always the Elite of the Elite. They used old tech and daemonic powers to counter the advanced tech and better support of Loyalist Marines.

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then 6" assault next turn.

and for that turn your opponent can move 6" and run d6" . can embark a transport [thats 12"movment or more depends what army it is]. can make a wall of rhinos , devil fish, serpents and thats just passiv stuff , no shoting or using counter units , lashing the GD away etc . its not a gamble , its wasted points for the champion [makes the unit weaker ] and GD that could be spent on a unit that works almost always and has no one turn down time .


Not a tactic that always works and should be considered depending on what you face.


A tactic in open consideration is better then not knowing the tactic for the best situation.


people talk about powerfist-less champs that are just an upgrade, and a 130~138 point "greater daemon" with decent stats and able to use a transport for 1 or 2 turns before arriving is a great deal none the less.

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But also something decent to fill in a points gap of up to about 70pts.


Experiment with 5x Lesser Daemons.


They're fantastic for dropping into cover on an objective, tying up ranged support units, or feeding to things like TH/SS termies and nob bikers to slow 'em down a turn.



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But also something decent to fill in a points gap of up to about 70pts.

Experiment with 5x Lesser Daemons.


They're fantastic for dropping into cover on an objective, tying up ranged support units, or feeding to things like TH/SS termies and nob bikers to slow 'em down a turn.


Yea, I'm sure I could better use the pts by spreading it out throughout the rest of the army, combiweops on champs, x bolters on rinos, etc, or adding a few bodies to squads. 5 daemons won't do much and are ez kill pts for enemy.

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Only two reasons I can think of that makes 5 lesser daemons useful. One is an objective holder for the rest of the army to focus on something else. (10 dudes, in a rhino or otherwise 230+ pts into a single troop slot, 65 pt objective keeping is ok). Two is a assault on a unit to tie them up and try and focus elsewhere temporarily then deal with the threat a turn or two from then. (Banshees, shoot bolters then charge a small unit of daemons at them, since 10 bolters have a hard time removing 10 banshees)
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Small daemon squads can be great for tarpitting dreads. On average a loyalist dread kills less than one a turn, and then when you lose one you normally lose 2 due to no retreat wounds. But you need a bit more than 5 to do this. 8 man squads are perfect for it though and still dirt cheap.
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like Spawns who weren't terribad?


Oh oh oh! I want LatD back, and I want their spawn. HALF the points, better statline, and faster moving. Yea I'll take those in a heart beat. The ones we have now have 1 more wound and no save, the old ones had a 3+ save. In the vast majority of cases 2 wounds and a 3+ is better than 3 wounds w/ no save. So the statline went down and the price doubled. Why is GW surpised no one takes the things even with the new models?

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+8 and no Imperial Toys.


I want the return of the Skills. Forget a special Chaos Space Marine Veteran Unit, all Chaos Space Marines are veterans of the Long War! What's so special about them now? "I can hold a bolter in one hand, a bolt pistol in the other, now..... how do I hold the knife? I want a Chaos Space Marine in power armour and take one even the most elite units from other armies and come out on top, not a Marine with a disgustingly prehensile body part that can swamped by Grots.


Forget Land Speeders and multi meltas, Chaos needs unique units and vehicles! In the last 10 years what have been the major, unique, additions to the Chaos list? The Defiler, Obliterators and Furies. One vehicle and a unit which has been removed and put in a seperate book with the other Daemons and the other unit are really just really, really sick techmarines, they sneeze and a gun pops out. There has been 10000 years to think about new vehicles and new units and the best they can come up with is a spider-tank with a cannon in its head! I can think of about 3 different ideas off the top of my head right now;

* A close combat vehicle that becomes more effective the more enemies it kills.

* A sorceror cannon, amplifies a sorceror's power, only if he fails a "Perils" roll, the feedback kills him.

* A Berzerker-esque unit, locked in the blood rage for so long their little more then bundles of muscle and spittle, no weapons, feels no pain and and increased toughness, only problem is, they will attack anything in range.


Are these ideas perfect? No, their not, but the point is there is a large scope for adding new ideas to the Chaos army, after all they don't have the same "ethical" code that the Imperium has, they will use genetic engineering to create monsters, they will make deals with the Daemon, they will invent new vehicles to kill the servents of the False Emperor!


And yet, theres nothing but the spider tank and the techmarines in need of a tissue.

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There is huge potential for chaos vehicle variants. Like autocannon sponsons on predators sort of thing.


Theres also huge potential for legion specific units, units that fit into a Legions style of play. What about a "Siegebreaker" unit of Iron Warriors, the missing link between Chaos Marines and Terminators, a unit that can have the some of the survivability and assault prowess of terminators but with the agility of normal marines?


World Eaters could have the example I gave in my last post, of the Hyper-Berzerker, so rage-filled they need to be shot to pieces or blown up by an artillery shell to be killed.


Some people have given the example of a Thousand Sons Coven, several junior sorcerers with a lead sorcerer, perhaps the combined power could increase with each casualty, much the same way as the Thralls in the 3.5 codex.


Emperor's Children could take the Noise Marines to the next stage (well at least some of them) and have marines who have become living sonic cannons, or lightning quick units.


Alpha Legion, am I the only one thinking....Assassination squad/Saboteurs masters?!?! Could simply be assigned a target and wipe it out.


Word Bearers, something akin to the Grey Knights, only you know, they summon daemons!


Black Legion, can't be more specific then the Warmasters own Mournival (I like to think of that old story in the 3.5 codex about the assassins hunting down Abaddon's champions to be a little precurser to the Mournival), 4 champions, each dedicated to a different god with access to equipment, sort of Abaddon's command squad for a simpler explaination.


Night Lords, the murderers, the killers, psychos and sadists would probably have something like the Assassination Squad above, but rather then a specific target, they just kill, again and again, causing a morale decrease in enemy units.


Death Guard.....Seriously, the only idea I have is the smoker in Left 4 Dead.


Are these ideas perfect? Hell no! I thought of them off the top of my head as I typed them, but there is potential for unique units and vehicles in the Chaos Space Marine armies. Lets hope someone realises this one day!

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