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The Age of Ending


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Hello and welcome to my first ever warhammer40k story. This will be a story about the Imperium, mainly(95%) from Space marines eyes. I do not know everything about the 40k universe so in places i may write something which is wrong or what not, help with that would be greatly appreciated. i hope you enjoy my first story, C&C is welcomed!








The Age of Ending

For one hundred centuries the Emperor of mankind has been its carrion lord. Ever since the thrice dammned Horus, his beloved son and warmaster betrayed him and the ensuing fight between the titanic figures left the Emperor crippled. For one hundred centuries the Emperor has been trapped within the machine that he designed; the golden throne. It was supposed to be the entrance to his webway, a pinacle of mankind; allowing for mans reliance on the warp to be ened. Instead it was modified to heal him but no, it hand't worked. The Emperor has been using his formidable powers to guide and protect mankind where ever and how ever he can, unable to direct his full attentions on to destroying the very thing that binds him to this existence, the very thing that is preventing him becoming the god of mankind.

Now how ever his release draws near, a figure destined to free him and absolve the sins of his former legions is making away to Terra, the end of the Imperium draws nigh.

Each passing decade, more worlds declare indepenance from the might Imperium, the power of the Astronomican is slowly fading, the enemies of the Imperium gorw bolder, the demand for more soldiers and more might Space Marines. Mankinds doom looks iminent. More heroes are needed, fleets and armies that dont exist are required to fight on battlefronts that stretch entire star systems. The Emperor has had to watch his mighty empire crumble, his beloved space marines hampered by rules and regulations. He has had to watch the High lords of Terra betray humanity a thousand times over for their own personal gain.

THings were about to change, the Emperors shackles of humanity were about to be cast off, he would be reborn, his legions restored and humantiy would achieve its destiny of ruling the stars!

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Chapter 1


Cypher has been an enigmatic figure throughout the galaxy, his name cursed on a thousand worlds, Cypher the traitor, Cypher the Fallen Cypher the redeemer! Over the millennia he has been traversing the galaxy, slowly but surely making his way to Terra. That much was evident, his reasons for doing this unknown. There are some in the Imperium that theorise that he is trying to redeem himself so that he may serve the Emperor once again, then there are others that label him a traitor and hunt him; chief amongst these are the Dark Angels. They are all wrong, Cypher is no traitor, and he is a manifestation of the Emperors will, a saint if you like amongst the Adeptus Astartes. He carries the Lion sword, the key to unlocking the Emperors spirit and to redeem is former legion.

His white robes whipped about his heels as he strode through the corridors. Custodians, acolytes and cherubs walked/flew about each not noticing the figure as he walked through the corridor. Flames from gothic style torch brackets licked the walls, casting long shadows. The walls of the halls had stood the test of time, if walls could speak; theirs would be a tale to tell thought Cypher. He followed the corridors, he knew exactly where to go, had he not designed this place himself? Finally one more right turn and he would be in front of his destination; the Eternity gate. The gate was huge, flanked by two warlord titans; its golden surface reflected the light. It was truly magnificent sight to behold, towering above even the warlord titans, cherubs, warriors and battles of old were depicted on it. It was wide enough to allow several divisions of men to pass through or three warlord titans; how ever no one passed in or out of the gate now save the Legio Custodes.

Cypher took a deep breath and strode on towards the gate, still unable to comprehend the proportions and architecture of the gate. Were it not for the fact that he was invisible he would have surely been killed days ago, if not by the storm troopers that guarded the outer palace or the Custodian guard or the many titans that too guarded the holy site of Terra. Now he was in front of the gate, the very idea that he would be the one to release the Emperor and to free his former legion of their guilt made Cypher brim with happiness; something he was not accustomed too.

He placed his right hand, palm down on the gate. It shimmered and became transparent, as if it wasn’t there Cypher passed through the gate. The sight took his breath away, the throne room was staggeringly huge, cherubs with incense burners flew through the air, and others had speakers and were playing prayers, praises and litanies to the Emperor. The walls were taken up by huge machines and pumps whirring away. Cypher guessed these powered the throne and supplied the Emperor with the sustenance he required. In the centre of the vast room there was a raised platform. Steps led up one mile to the top, where the throne itself lay. The room was filled with a low, deep thrumming noise; like a heart.

Custodians stood resolute at the bottom of these steps, their armour golden, their force halberds poised ready to encounter any threat. There was one Custodian who stood out amongst the rest, his armour had many more battle honours and highly decorated. His helmet had a red plume, Cypher froze as this Custodian who he took for a sergeant or captain looked directly at him. His eyes seem to pierce him, slowly Cypher moved to draw his ornate pistols however he quickly stopped when the Custodian looked away.

Cypher then made his way towards the steps, the burden of what he was about to do, weighing on him heavily.

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alot of grammar mistakes and some 40k errors in there. but the emperor's mind isn't one to be dealt with in a story. he seems quite heretical, or his views twisted slightly. his goals were to unite humanity and expand across the stars. not destroy the enemy and make an empire.



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I would of thought so, its all well and good wanting to unite humanity, but in order to free them of xenos and chaos soldiers are needed, warmachine, starships etc...thenafter he has united humanity what has he got? An empire...


Oh please bare in mind i have only been playing Warhammer 40k for just over two months, so i can't possibly know every thing about it. Thanks.

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Britain had an Empire yet they weren't communists... Empire is more a dictatorship. Also i think your failing to see that a united galaxy for mankind would end in an empire..




Chapter 2


From his back Cypher drew from the brown leather scabbard a long golden sword; that seemed too long even for an Astartes. Slowly he put his right foot on the first step, expecting to be shot to pieces any second. Holding the sword low at his side, he continued to walk up the marble steps, his armoured boots echoing around the throne room. The platform was one mile high, banners of various chapters, regiments, depicting various battles and duels lined each step. Slowly but surely Cypher was making his way to the top, his dual hearts beating ever faster as adrenaline flooded into his super human system After what seemed an age Cypher reached the top, the joy and jubilation he felt was tremendous.

The throne was massive, the size of a dreadnaught. Pipes and wires came out from the throne and connected machines of various sizes, designs and functions were dotted amongst the platform, others hung from the ceilings or where hidden. Raising the Lion sword high Cypher stuck at the remains of the Emperor; which were just a few bones and a sack of flesh. The sword easily cleaved through the Emperors remains and the pipes jutting from them. A ball of golden light exploded into being, the Lion sword disappeared, unnoticed by Cypher as he was sent reeling by the shock waves that emanated from the Emperors remains.




As known by the High Lord of Terra and other organisations of the Imperium the Astronomican is failing. Certain systems and planets have had little or no contact with the Imperium. One such case is the Realm of Ultramar, for almost nine decades Macragge has had strenuous and sporadic contact with the Imperium and has had to rely on its own military and resources. Desperate times have led to desperate and unheard measures being used by the Lord of Ultramar. It was declared that there would be a 27th founding; known as the Praetorians of Ultramar. Nine new chapters would be founded to help the Ultramarines defend the Eastern Fringe against the voravious Tyranids, the barbaric Orks and the upstart Tau. Each chapter at first were few in number so they would accompany the Ultramarines on heir missions. How ever due to the size of Ultramar and its efficiency the Praetorian chapters soon began to grow in numbers. At first they lacked vehicles and ships but once again the efficiency of Ultramar stepped in; as its vast industries was geared towards supplying the Ultramarines and their auxiliary forces. Since the aftermath of the Horus Heresy the forges on Macragga and its sister plantes had to be shrunken as they were to big for a chapters need. However they still were bigger than any other chapters and now they are being used more and more. After six decades there were now ten chapters-including the Ultrmarines- guarding the Easter Fringe. This decision had weighed heavily on Marneus, he head spent days reading the Codex; but no where in there had it mentioned a Chapter Master ordering the founding os a chapter never mind nine. Calgar spent thirty days fasting and praying in the Shrine of Guilliman. As Marneus told his chapter "Desperate times call for desperate measures".






Across the galaxy nine Space marine chapters were celebrating, the Emperors ascension to the throne. Each first founding chapter were gathered on their home world on in the case of the Imperial Fists and Dark Angels their space faring fortress monasteries. The Space Wolves were gathered in the Great hall of the Fang, holding a feast and as ever leaving the head of the table empty for Leman Russ. The White Scars were celebrating were celebrating the return of their Master of the Hunt; kor’sarro Khan, after he and his 3rd company had sought out and destroyed an infamous Dark Eldar pirate lord and his pirate force. The Blood Angels were knelt around Sanguinus’s basilica where his tomb was located. The Iron Hands were reciting the story of the titanic battle between Ferrus Manus and the metallic wyvern; the Dark Angels were knelt around the Tower of Angels in silence craving the Emperors forgiveness. The Imperial Fists were in the Phalanx which was orbiting Terra, knelt around the stone tablet that allegedly has the skeleton of Dorn on. The Raven Guard were in the Ravens Spire, praying for the return of Corax, the newly sized Ultramarines were knelt offering prayers to the emperor and Guilliman in the Shrine of Guilliman, hoping beyond hope his wounds were really healing. The Salamanders were stood watching as the mountain where Vulkan and the Emperor held their duel to find the biggest salamander erupting.


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not if you saw the emperor's orginal motives. They were communists, by the time that they were nearing the end of their 'empire' it was to help promote their image to other contries. as people started to realise how bad an idea an empire was. dictatorship..........= communism in the end.



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not if you saw the emperor's orginal motives. They were communists, by the time that they were nearing the end of their 'empire' it was to help promote their image to other contries. as people started to realise how bad an idea an empire was. dictatorship..........= communism in the end.

What are you on about? Leave the man to write his story and leave the ludicrous, nevermind completely incorrect, political theories for a different forum.


Steelavenger - I'm not quite sure where you're going with this, but I'm, looking forward to finding out. Though you've done your best to explain why the Ultramarines would break their Chapter limit of 1,000 Astartes, this is something I doubt very much that they'd do. The Codex Astartes - that dictates each chapter requires 1,000 marines - was written by the Ultramarines' Primarch and it's something they consider a Holy Text. Indeed, each Ultramarine has to memorise a specific portion of the text, so that the entire work is retained in the memories of the brothers of the chapter so it can never be lost. They are, unfortunately, the last chapter that would deviate from it in that manner. A vision to Calgar? Possibly, just possibly. Keep running with it, though, as I'm intrigued!

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Thnaks Star. Yes if i can do this all justice it could turn out to be an intirguing story, but my lack of 40k knowledge could let me down. Well i was trying to portray Calgars action as a last resrot and a painful one. You must understand they are cut off from the Imperium, so if the Tyranids show up again, theres no one else to help them this time, also with Orks near by and the tau becoming more intrusive, they need more marines, since they can't call for back up.
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Chapter 3

The warp is a dangerous realm, infested by the foul daemons of creatures; it is a realm of insanity, where the laws of physics do not apply. Creatures of pure malice harbour within the warp, waiting, hoping for the chance to possess the soul of an unguarded pysker. Where the warp is reds, purples, greens, and the soul of a pysker stands out against this as a white silhouette. He snaked forth, shrugging aside the rolling magiks of chaos; he was a daemon of Tzeentch, far beneath such lowly attacks. He sent a pillar of purple fire at what appeared to be a Nurgle daemon flaying it alive. Laughing he carried on. Ahead he saw his prize; a soul that was a pure brilliant white and gold, it glowed much brighter than any other soul. T’zarnak was pleased; he would use this foolish pysker to push his way in to the material universe and enslave worlds in the name of his master.

T’zarnak slowed down, letting his mutated body come to a halt; he extended his claw like right arm, clasping his daemonic staff. The distance between him and his target wasn’t clear for there are no such things in the warp, it could be said he was close however. The soul he was after appeared to belong to a small child, for its outline was small; T’zarnak smiled a malicious smile as he approached it. The soul began to turn around, this puzzled T’zarnak who had never experienced this before. The soul was now facing the daemon of Tzeentch, revealing his olive skinned face. T’zarnak halted; souls don’t have faces he thought. Before he could do anything how ever a bolt of pure energy as intense as a core of a burning star. In a matter of moments T’zarnak was no more.

The white figure exploded in a ball of white light, sending shock waves through the warp; in real space this would have extended for hundreds of miles; daemons were obliterated in an instant for ever banished from existence. Then the figure was gone, the last images was of a smile sketched on his olive skin face.




The warning klaxons pierced the veil of silence in the Palace, the sound of armoured boots resounded through out the palace corridors as Custodians ran towards the throne room. Cypher lay on the floor, he tried to get up but the pain and his armour sensors told him best not too. The three hundred Custodians in the throne room immediately spotted Cypher, puzzled how he got there but surrounding him none the less. Constantin Valdor the personal champion of the Emperor, member of the High Lords of Terra by-passed them and headed straight towards the throne. Dropping his guardian spear for extra speed he bounded up the steps three at a time. Reaching the stop, Constantin Valdor stopped in shock and amazement, power couplings lay about, sparks flying from their end, tubes that carried liquids into the throne and remains of the Emperor lay smashed and broken, the liquids forming pools of viscous materials.

Where the Emperor remains were was now an orb of white and gold, which was slowly coalescing and forming a figure. The remnants of the Emperor were not smashed by the sword strike, and now they were being absorbed by the warp energies.

“Sire! What is happening, what threat do we counter?” Came a shout from a Custodian below, Constantin Valdor was lost for words, what was happening before his eye? Was this some demonic incursion? His mind was swimming with a myriad of thoughts. More footsteps could be heard as storm troopers came running from the outer palace walls. “Seal the throne room! All Custodians are to report here! We are to guard our sire’s throne, no one will be allowed in or out!” Constantin Valdor’s deep voice echoed throughout the room. The Storm trooper platoons that had arrived were quickly sent away, Captain Arvus of the 3rd Custodian Company telling them it was a false alarm. Constantin Valdor still stood atop the platform alone, gazing at the ‘thing’ that was forming in front of him. A huge hiss of steam and a straining noise made Constantin Valdor spin around; “Calm down it’s only the gate opening” he thought to himself. The huge eternity gate was slowly opening, its cogs and gears whirring and groaning as they strained to open the vast gate.

Ten thousand Custodian guard were assembled in the throne room, each in their black power armour stood silent, guardian spears to hand. The top of the platform where Constantin Valdor stood was now bathed in a golden light, Custodians tried to run up the steps but a barrier prevented them from doing so. A bolt of what appeared to be lightning struck the top of the platform, the Custodians expected to hear Constantin Valdor cry out but didn’t. The golden light exploded outwards, but dissipated before it touched the throne room walls. A cry of jubilation left Constantin Valdor lips, in one fluid motion he removed his red plumed helmet and bent down on one knee. There was a sound of commotion as ten thousand Custodians repeated Constantin Valdor’s actions.

“Was this a dream? Have I had the required amount of rest? Was I going insane? Is this an impostor? How could this be?” all of those and many more thoughts swam through Constantin Valdor’s head. His twin hearts hammered at his chest, a lump formed in his throat. His chest swelled with pride, a tear ran from his right eye. Standing in front of him was his master, his father and companion of a thousand campaigns; the Emperor of Mankind!

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This is a short chapter and the last of today


Chapter 4

Across the warp a huge psychic backlash was felt. Across the Imperium many weak and unprotected pyskers minds exploded as the Emperor was reborn. For a moment the Astronomican flickered, how ever when the light returned it burned far stronger then ever. Warp storms were pacified; systems that had been previously cut off were no longer. Those pyskers who were strong and had under gone the soul binding process and had mastered their abilities found that their powers were far stronger and easier to control and use, their souls too now were protected.

The heat from the volcano was intense, the Salamanders were gathered over two miles away yet the heat hit them like a sledgehammer. Over the decades Forge father He’stan had been tasked with gathering the artefacts, he had traversed all over the galaxy searching for the items his Primarch; Vulkan had left behind. The Engine of Woes a massive Battle barge was spat out of the warp near Nocturne; the Salamanders intercepted this ship which was empty and in pristine condition. The 3rd Battle Company swept the ship but no enemy or sign of taint was found. Several decades later whilst protecting a forge world the Salamanders were rewarded with a Land Raider named the “Obsidian Chariot”; it was said that during the great crusade the Land raider was left behind by Vulkan. Then on Nocturne whilst a new city was being built the remains or what was thought remains of a building were discovered. In fact it was an ancient defence facility, with a serious of vortex cannons; this facility was named the “Song of Entropy”. Vulkan He’Stan now had one artefact to find; the “Unbound Flame”. The only clue in the Tome of Fire was “Surrounded by a wall of rock and rivers of flame. Welcome to the fire lizards domain”. This still continued to puzzle He’Stan.

Now the sky was black with ash, the mountain/volcano was crumbling before their eyes. The native salamander creatures were letting off torrents of flame into the air, driven in to some craze by the eruption.



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very interesting! a few minor grammatical issues here and there, but the idea itself has a lot of potential. looking forward to more!


oh, on this point:


Though you've done your best to explain why the Ultramarines would break their Chapter limit of 1,000 Astartes, this is something I doubt very much that they'd do. The Codex Astartes - that dictates each chapter requires 1,000 marines - was written by the Ultramarines' Primarch and it's something they consider a Holy Text. Indeed, each Ultramarine has to memorise a specific portion of the text, so that the entire work is retained in the memories of the brothers of the chapter so it can never be lost. They are, unfortunately, the last chapter that would deviate from it in that manner.


I'm inclined to agree with Starblayde on this, the Ultra's wouldn't break the Codex in such a major way. However, I could see Calgar having declared his own 27th Founding, creating several new, independant Chapters. That would only break the laws of the Adeptus Terra, not Guilliman's, which are obviously far more important!




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