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Wolf Lord Challenge


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Yeah, I definiatly think that this one should be a sticky thread, seeing people will be able to see how we progress with this by checking out the thread now and then, might be some time between updates too so, why not stick it I'd say.


I'm insanely thrilled to make Sven, lucky me that no one nicked him before me, I mean the guy seems freaking cool, tattoos all over, skins of his foes that he's choosen to tatto on and all the flames and stuff that make out the fluff. Plus, well they're close-combat specialist, perfect for teh way I play Wolves :lol:


But yeah, I've been thinking about how to do him, and collecting fluff for some days now, might sketch a concept before I actually get around to doing him, but i think it'll be cool!

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well seeing as none have sted in this thread te mods may not even know of its existence yet!!


but i shall do my best to finish my lord


Very early stages atm but...




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A tip for my fellow Challengers, there's alot of useful fluff in the Wolf Codex, the trick however is to look beyond the 13 great companys info pages, there's alot of fluff scattered about int the book, or so it seems, there's an entry for every wolf lord, I think ,in the history section, and there's some fluff about Krom Dragongaze and Sven Bloodhowl (oh yeah!) under the Wolf Lord entry, and I guess there's some about Harald Deathwolf under Canis etc.


Check the book out brothers, so you may, if that is what you wish for, get the fluff just right ;)


Me myself learned that Sven apparently has a Thunderhammer, was gonna equip him with Lightning Claws (being the lord of a Close Combat company) but well now I guess the hammer is in. And a flamer too, the Fire Wolf's gotta have his flames.

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Will there be a banner or medal for those who finish the oath as there was for the last challenge. I joined the boards too late to jump in on the one from the summer.


That would be nice though i'am not handy with those kind of stuff.


Putting a sticky on this one would also be appreciated (very much).

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I have started to work on my Lord, he is having a CF and SS, along with other bits. I am just using a basic terminators (i have filed off the symbol on his front, to paint my own on :D ) the hardest part will be making the SS look right on the other arm......i just hope i can make him look half decent, with my chaos i did no converting, i barley even made anything (well i did a chaos baneblade, but that was just adding spikes and icons ect...) do people want WIP pics, i could probably do some, although i'm not sure if there worth it...


Oh has anyone done a lava base, or know how to make them? or something that looks fire like, as my Lord likes Fire :D

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Ragnar Blackmane:











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