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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I don't think it would be another "codex" per se. More like a supplement like Cities of Death or Planetfall.


It would certainly explain both the "Inquisition Combined" and "separate codices focussing on chamber militant" theories...


In the meanwhile, I got this from my query to GW customer service:


"We currently do not have the Witchhunter codex available for sale. I believe it is out of print with no reprints forthcoming. At this time I have no information of a new version either."





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Exactly. I don't know if it would be something closer to what I said or boreas said, but I smell a supplement coming. That's the only way to keep this mess of =I- working for the 5th ed (unless of couse they take the easy way and streamline us to the very end like the CSM or worse...)


Beats me how this idea didn't occurred to me sooner.


EDIT: New fix for us to schew on: http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=55212


Something awesome coming? nom nom nom

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I reckon you guys are making a good job of convincing yourselves and jumping at shadows rather than playing the long game and waiting to see what will be.


For my money GW have effectively done away with minidexes/army suppliments, you've only to look at the post 5th ed codex releases to see that the volume of content has significantly increased and in truth there's no reason why this shouldn't be the same for the =][= forces.

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I reckon you guys are making a good job of convincing yourselves and jumping at shadows rather than playing the long game and waiting to see what will be.


For my money GW have effectively done away with minidexes/army suppliments, you've only to look at the post 5th ed codex releases to see that the volume of content has significantly increased and in truth there's no reason why this shouldn't be the same for the =][= forces.


Well, I never said it would mean less. I really think that being a supplement instead of a codex (or in addition to it) it will be more, much more. Inquisition would not be an army-specific release, but an almost game-wide release then.


Supplements there days are much more beefier than the poor Codex:assassins from the old days. If it really happens that way, the filthy xenos will be pissed :D

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One codex or two, I do believe we will see it come the end of this year with a supporting release of plastic troop choices, and new medal minis. No supplements. That goes against established business models as GW as reinvented itself over the last 3 years.

For the sisters- I see some form of fluff based build using characters/units to give "faith esque" abilities. Sorta like taking the book for it's leadership effect, we will take a cannoness with a particular "trait" that will behave in a similar way to Faith points. Sorta like the way apothocaries changed from 4th (ingore failed save ala- DA codex) to 5th (feel no pain). Same general feel and effect, but slightly different. Some say better, some say worse. Faith points will change in a similar way.

For the Knights/DH- I see absolute character driven army with a handfull of special rules to allow various builds. IE gunline, assault, mechanised etc... I can totally see having a "tricky" Stern army. Or a Furious charge chop ya up Cortez build. hmmm What might they do for Justicar Alaric?

One final note, I don't buy the whole argument that sisters are too detailed, hair or any other part, for plastic. GW does large scale "3ups" and autocads them down to production. The money the spent on how they build models and map sprue over the last few years has made a huge difference in what the can do in plastic and the quality of those plastics.

Just my opinion, I might be completely wrong.


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Believe me as someone who has been a modeller for over 40 years and who has been involved in sculpting masters for company's ,the hair on sister's head's is no big deal with todays casting techniques. Also I have seen/handled a G.W,3up & hair detail is actually a doddle !
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Hum... Harry from Warseer, referring to Dark Eldars and Necrons:


I think the models and codex books for both armies are well on the way now.

I wouldn't be surprised to see both these armies released in the next 12 months.


He pretty much confirmed DE for UK Gamesday, so that closes the Autumn window. That leaves Summer or Winter. Either we get some new toys in 4 months, or it's another year's wait for us. Mind you, DE have been waiting even longer that us and Necrons are definitely not as playable as Sisters, so I don't mind.



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Hum... Harry from Warseer, referring to Dark Eldars and Necrons:


I think the models and codex books for both armies are well on the way now.

I wouldn't be surprised to see both these armies released in the next 12 months.


He pretty much confirmed DE for UK Gamesday, so that closes the Autumn window. That leaves Summer or Winter. Either we get some new toys in 4 months, or it's another year's wait for us. Mind you, DE have been waiting even longer that us and Necrons are definitely not as playable as Sisters, so I don't mind.



Yeah, DE have got to be on the cards for this year, of that I'm sure. Necrons though? Well, I've not been aware of even a sniff of anything at this point but I guess you've got to bear in mind that the plastic range doesn't need much at all. I'm still reckoning that we'll see Eldar updated for 5th before we see Necrons, either them or Tau at any rate.
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Hum... Harry from Warseer, referring to Dark Eldars and Necrons:


I think the models and codex books for both armies are well on the way now.

I wouldn't be surprised to see both these armies released in the next 12 months.


He pretty much confirmed DE for UK Gamesday, so that closes the Autumn window. That leaves Summer or Winter. Either we get some new toys in 4 months, or it's another year's wait for us. Mind you, DE have been waiting even longer that us and Necrons are definitely not as playable as Sisters, so I don't mind.



Yeah, DE have got to be on the cards for this year, of that I'm sure. Necrons though? Well, I've not been aware of even a sniff of anything at this point but I guess you've got to bear in mind that the plastic range doesn't need much at all. I'm still reckoning that we'll see Eldar updated for 5th before we see Necrons, either them or Tau at any rate.


So if the rumor is that DE are on the list for release this year befor =][=, then why would their codex and models not be pulled?

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So if the rumor is that DE are on the list for release this year befor =][=, then why would their codex and models not be pulled?

GW probably don't pull the items off the shelf so much as let them run out of stock, and given the fact that almost no one buys DE, it could take a while.

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Exactly. I don't know if it would be something closer to what I said or boreas said, but I smell a supplement coming. That's the only way to keep this mess of =I- working for the 5th ed (unless of couse they take the easy way and streamline us to the very end like the CSM or worse...)


Beats me how this idea didn't occurred to me sooner.


EDIT: New fix for us to schew on: http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=55212


Something awesome coming? nom nom nom



I try to update it as often as I find new information.

The problem as I see it is that GW can go so many different routes with them, this in itself is a good thing but if they combine the dexes does that mean we will get watered down army lists?

I used to think a combined codex would be awesome but after thinking about it Ive come to the realisation it would kind of suck.

Personally I would love to see Codex Ecclesiarchy as that would mean a complete Sisters of Battle codex without the Inquisition. I would also very much like to see a Codex Grey Knights but they are so tied into the Inquisition I think its hard to imagine GW doing a codex without the Inquisition represented in some way.


From what I have gathered there is 95% chance of a codex this year, everything points at there being a GK codex but some other parts point at there being a SoB codex as well.

If you look at my thread over at Heresy and check the news section you will find dates when models have been taken off the shelves and are listed as "no longer available".

The first thing to go were both codicies and then 3 Sisters of Battle boxes were taken off (10 Battle Sister box, 10 Repentia and 5 Seraphim box) and now this month they removed the 5 PAGK box.

This to me speaks of a remake of those kits, some 3 ups have been seen by that monkey guy over at warseer but nothing is confirmed. What he described sounded like a GK and SoB remake, he did not mention many SoB models but he did say he saw one with 2 catwhips which is the weapon of the Mistress for the sister repentia. When looking at the 5ed rulebook you find Forces of the Imperium which lists pretty much everything from both codicies.

Ive talked to a few people over at GW over the past few months and some of them have said that a Inquisitorial codex is coming this year but they dont know when.


When looking at all the rumours and all the information I have gathered Ive come to the conclusion that the codex we will see this year will be called Forces of the Imperium and be a combined DH and WH codex, with or without the Inquisition. From what Ive been told a Inquisition codex is not planned for 2010 but a GK codex of some sort is. My guess is now on a combined GK and SoB codex but I could be wrong.

Anyways, this is all I have to say today. Take it for what you want, read my thread over at Heresy and draw your own conclusions. Im still hoping for codex Ecclesiarchy but who knows what goes on in the heads of the corporate bigshots over at GW HQ.


PS. Dont be a dick and say the models are still on GWs website, they are not on any of the European webshops. The US, Canadian and Oz webshops are the last to get updated, always have been and prolly always will be.

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I try to update it as often as I find new information.

The problem as I see it is that GW can go so many different routes with them, this in itself is a good thing but if they combine the dexes does that mean we will get watered down army lists?

I used to think a combined codex would be awesome but after thinking about it Ive come to the realisation it would kind of suck.

Personally I would love to see Codex Ecclesiarchy as that would mean a complete Sisters of Battle codex without the Inquisition. I would also very much like to see a Codex Grey Knights but they are so tied into the Inquisition I think its hard to imagine GW doing a codex without the Inquisition represented in some way.


From what I have gathered there is 95% chance of a codex this year, everything points at there being a GK codex but some other parts point at there being a SoB codex as well.

If you look at my thread over at Heresy and check the news section you will find dates when models have been taken off the shelves and are listed as "no longer available".

The first thing to go were both codicies and then 3 Sisters of Battle boxes were taken off (10 Battle Sister box, 10 Repentia and 5 Seraphim box) and now this month they removed the 5 PAGK box.

This to me speaks of a remake of those kits, some 3 ups have been seen by that monkey guy over at warseer but nothing is confirmed. What he described sounded like a GK and SoB remake, he did not mention many SoB models but he did say he saw one with 2 catwhips which is the weapon of the Mistress for the sister repentia. When looking at the 5ed rulebook you find Forces of the Imperium which lists pretty much everything from both codicies.

Ive talked to a few people over at GW over the past few months and some of them have said that a Inquisitorial codex is coming this year but they dont know when.


When looking at all the rumours and all the information I have gathered Ive come to the conclusion that the codex we will see this year will be called Forces of the Imperium and be a combined DH and WH codex, with or without the Inquisition. From what Ive been told a Inquisition codex is not planned for 2010 but a GK codex of some sort is. My guess is now on a combined GK and SoB codex but I could be wrong.

Anyways, this is all I have to say today. Take it for what you want, read my thread over at Heresy and draw your own conclusions. Im still hoping for codex Ecclesiarchy but who knows what goes on in the heads of the corporate bigshots over at GW HQ.


PS. Dont be a dick and say the models are still on GWs website, they are not on any of the European webshops. The US, Canadian and Oz webshops are the last to get updated, always have been and prolly always will be.


I would just not put much weight in the fact the kits aren't available. Of course it means they don't want to make another run since the newer versions are coming, but in the other side, it doesn't mean that it will happen anytime soon as well.


I think if it becomes to be a single book (codex or supplement at reader's discretion) it WILL have inquisition. There's no point in add GKs and SoBs per se, without the =I=. That's why I think we will have an single BIG book (Inq, GKs, SOBs, Ecclesiarchy and extras) or 3 books (one pure GK, one pure SOB, one Inq, this last one having its own lists or not)


Those are the possible approaches that make sense to me, at least.


PS: I hope they don't retcon the Concil of Nephilim and let us use SoBs as Inq as well - I welcome ecclesiarchy options, but I don't want to lose the Inq options for that.

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G.W. are a buisiness so I cant see them stopping one lot of models without a new lot waiting in the wings ready to suck you dry of all your hard earned cash . Having read the G.K. novels and the S.O.B one I just want to see more info and art about them and of course loads of new models!

GOD bless ......................V

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G.W. are a buisiness so I cant see them stopping one lot of models without a new lot waiting in the wings ready to suck you dry of all your hard earned cash . Having read the G.K. novels and the S.O.B one I just want to see more info and art about them and of course loads of new models!

GOD bless ......................V

Heh heh heh, don't go holding your breath now!!!
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There is a guy over on Dakkadakka who claims to have received an email from GW saying that the DH codex was going to go up as a PDF on the GW website.


Just spreading the news.... some have taken this to mean that we may be getting an 5th edition update in the same way the BA got a PDF to update them.

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I had emailed GW asking if the army was going to be discontinued, because I was wanting to build an army for my wife and did not want to purchase models if they were going away. There reply was:



The models (and the army in general) are not being discontinued, we just discontinued the Codex."


This to me is saying that there will be a new codex. Does not say individual WH codex or a combined codex, but we know for a fact that they are not going away. Take it for what it is.

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From this thread


May even see less in terms of the Inquisition if the rumors of what is coming later this year is true......
Which rumours?


The only good rumours (as in from a trusted source - Harry on Warseer) I've heard of are of an Inquisition update, and that would mean seeing more...

Those are the rumors you have heard. We have other sources as well. :)



The rumour I refer to is from here


Are you planning on starting Dark Eldar, Harry?


I have just noticed you sig. :D

Are you planning on collecting more for all four of those?

You have a lot to look forward to. :):


The sig he mentions is:


I refuse to have a more interesting signature until GW release one of the following armies: Dark Eldar, Necron, Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle!


Because they are four out of the five armies I play




So... :)

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Consider this.. the B&C is a power armored forum. The Inquisition forces are currently paired with the Grey Knights and the Sisters of Battle, both power armored forces. The Inquisitors may have power armor, but their retinues and ISTs do not. Should the status quo change significantly, well, it would be within the Admins rights (since they run the forum) to change which armies are hosted. They're in as much of a "wait and see" mode as we are!


It'll be a surprise to us all!


However being that Harry said this quote today.. that's good news for us :)

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