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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Well, in the meantime, another kick in the crutch by GW: The Battle Mission has race-specific missions: 30 missions, 3 for each faction (IG, SM, CSM, Daemons, Tyranids, Eldars, Dark Eldars, Necrons, Orks, Tau). No Inquisition, no specific SM chapters.


Welcome to the ever-fading, always shrinking Inquisition.




Has this been confirmed by looking in a store copy? If it has that really honks me off big time. Every major supplement to 40K has ignored the Inquisition ,especially the Witch Hunters.

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To be honest though it's not in character for the Inquisition to take part in large field engagements.. we're really more of a special ops strike force fluffwise. If an entire planet needs taken over we call in the Guard or the Space Marines.


I did want to point out that in the Lucky 13's campaigns there were scenarios focusing specifically on the Daemon Hunters and Witch Hunters forces, as well as an entry in Apocalypse specifically for Inquisitor led armies. Likewise there have been official datasheets available on the GW site (Redemption Force for the GK's, then the Assassin one - though it's labeled a Guard datasheet it specifically uses our Inquisitorial units and references our Codices), as well as numerous entries by Forge World.


It seems to me we're a niche force: not necessarily large in number (which is kind of nice actually), but definately present and things do seem to be happening periodically. It may not be quickly, but they do happen. We do get a bit more attention than say, the Dark Eldar or Necrons as an example :) At least as a general rule anyway...

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I didn't realise that they were going to be army-orientated missions. I was hoping for lots of generic missions to expand on the rule book. Quite disappointing, especially without any Inquisitorial love in them. On the bright side that's some money saved :)
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It seems to me we're a niche force: not necessarily large in number (which is kind of nice actually), but definately present and things do seem to be happening periodically. It may not be quickly, but they do happen. We do get a bit more attention than say, the Dark Eldar or Necrons as an example :) At least as a general rule anyway...


What you say is true in a lot of respects, but Sisters can act (and have) as the spearhead to Wars of Faith declared by the Ecclesiarchy. It is supposed to have missions that are germane to the armies of the 41st millenium. Having something like the article in the Citadel Journal would have been nice. I am referring to the Ordo Hereticus strike force. Hold the Shrine would have been nice, or even the scenario given on the website. Thats all I am saying. I've only been playing for 2 years but I see the neglect that Sisters and indeed the rest of the inquisition has received. At least Dark Eldar and Necrons have actual datasheets in Apcoalypse and Apocalyspe Reloaded. No love there for the Inquisition and the same from Planetstrike.

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Don't forget that =I= got all but left out of the fluff section of the 5th ed rulebook as well. I'm glad I'm really enjoying my Space Marines, because I'm really starting to wonder if GW is planning to just quietly "squat" the =I=. Or just make them a minor fluff note/occasional addition to the IG. :)


=I= does have a lot of "complex" rules and whatnot that are not like anything in ANY other army, and what with the streamlining/simplification of the game that seems to be the current theme...well, I'll just let myself be suprised if/when GW finally updates something for =I=.

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To be honest though it's not in character for the Inquisition to take part in large field engagements.. we're really more of a special ops strike force fluffwise. If an entire planet needs taken over we call in the Guard or the Space Marines.

I believe there were somewhere a piece of fluff that 1000 Battle Sisters conquered 100 planets.

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To be honest though it's not in character for the Inquisition to take part in large field engagements.. we're really more of a special ops strike force fluffwise. If an entire planet needs taken over we call in the Guard or the Space Marines.


Although that's technically true, fluff and gaming are like state and religion: best kept separated (otherwise you end up with the Inquisition, haha!). On gaming terms, we're an army just like any other. But even if you look at it "within fluff" Battle missions would have been perfect to represent "strike missions".


It think it's more a blatant case of "we're not too sure what to do with the WH/DH, so just leave them out...". It's just carelessness. Maybe part of my bitterness is that the few things we've had for Apocalypse were not only few and far between but also generally bad...



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What you say is true in a lot of respects, but Sisters can act (and have) as the spearhead to Wars of Faith declared by the Ecclesiarchy. It is supposed to have missions that are germane to the armies of the 41st millenium. Having something like the article in the Citadel Journal would have been nice. I am referring to the Ordo Hereticus strike force. Hold the Shrine would have been nice, or even the scenario given on the website. Thats all I am saying. I've only been playing for 2 years but I see the neglect that Sisters and indeed the rest of the inquisition has received. At least Dark Eldar and Necrons have actual datasheets in Apcoalypse and Apocalyspe Reloaded. No love there for the Inquisition and the same from Planetstrike.


I believe there were somewhere a piece of fluff that 1000 Battle Sisters conquered 100 planets.

The Wars of Faith would indeed be a nice touch. However, I do have to point out that in WD359 of December 2009 (US numbering) on page 37 there are army specific strategems, which include one for both Witch Hunters (attack strategem: Seraphic Choir) and Daemon Hunters (defense strategem: Octagrammatic Wards). It may not have been in the Planetstrike printed book, but they're there. Likewise the two Apocalypse datasheets I mentioned previously on the GW Site ( Officio Assassinorum Execution Force and Grey Knights Redeemer Force ) there is stuff being developed. There is Grey Knight information and a Datasheet in IA volume 7 from Forge World, as well as Imperial Armour: Apocalypse II from Forge World containing a Grey Knight vehicle (albeit a reprint from IA volume 7) as well as two Sisters datasheets.


Are we getting a lot of attention? No, we are not. However we also are not being totally ignored. I rather like being able to sneak up on opponents with units they've never seen or heard about before and have no idea what the capabilities are or how to combat them ;) I will become more concerned if there was never updated information for us, or any rules in alternate sources for our armies. Now it might be as rare as a blue moon, but that's better odds than zero!


Now it'd be nice to be included in the fluff section of the rulebook, but there are mentions of Inquisitors and the like in fluff of almost every army book published so perhaps our influence is omnipresent, albeit subtle. I personally prefer not having every brand new player instantly rushing for our forces like the generic Space Marines... it lets there be a certain amount of prestige and flavor to our armies. Granted with the rulebooks now not being readily available it will be interesting to see how things go. For now I am keeping the faith in the statements that armies are not being dropped, work is being done on our beloved =][= forces, and eventually we will have something nifty and sparklie all of our very own.


That or I'll just snatch up lots of models and use my stone age army book and still kick people's collective behinds with my Forge World accessories B)

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The Wars of Faith would indeed be a nice touch. However, I do have to point out that in WD359 of December 2009 (US numbering) on page 37 there are army specific strategems, which include one for both Witch Hunters (attack strategem: Seraphic Choir) and Daemon Hunters (defense strategem: Octagrammatic Wards). It may not have been in the Planetstrike printed book, but they're there. Likewise the two Apocalypse datasheets I mentioned previously on the GW Site ( Officio Assassinorum Execution Force and Grey Knights Redeemer Force ) there is stuff being developed. There is Grey Knight information and a Datasheet in IA volume 7 from Forge World, as well as Imperial Armour: Apocalypse II from Forge World containing a Grey Knight vehicle (albeit a reprint from IA volume 7) as well as two Sisters datasheets.


Are we getting a lot of attention? No, we are not. However we also are not being totally ignored. I rather like being able to sneak up on opponents with units they've never seen or heard about before and have no idea what the capabilities are or how to combat them ;) I will become more concerned if there was never updated information for us, or any rules in alternate sources for our armies. Now it might be as rare as a blue moon, but that's better odds than zero!


Now it'd be nice to be included in the fluff section of the rulebook, but there are mentions of Inquisitors and the like in fluff of almost every army book published so perhaps our influence is omnipresent, albeit subtle. I personally prefer not having every brand new player instantly rushing for our forces like the generic Space Marines... it lets there be a certain amount of prestige and flavor to our armies. Granted with the rulebooks now not being readily available it will be interesting to see how things go. For now I am keeping the faith in the statements that armies are not being dropped, work is being done on our beloved =][= forces, and eventually we will have something nifty and sparklie all of our very own.


That or I'll just snatch up lots of models and use my stone age army book and still kick people's collective behinds with my Forge World accessories B)


Once again you are right. Perhaps I should have been more specific in my statements. The actual books themselves give no exposure for Sisters or Grey Knights let alone the Inquisition. I don't think Grey Knight players even like the Redeemer Force as you opponent must field a greater daemon or warp rift for to even come on the board. The Officio Assassinorum is somethign I have never considered fielding (mainly becuase I don't have the models) to date but I played few Apocalypse games. I've collected as much info and datasheets on the Inquisition as I can, but the exposure is limited. I feel that if more people played them, we might get better updates and supplemental material. The only IA formation or datasheet I've seent hat wows me is the Grey Knight Redeemer is very cool. Flamestorm Incinerators for the win!


I've got the White Dwarf with the Seraphic Choir and Octagrammatic Wards in it. In fact that ios the only reason I bought it as I saw it as the parting of the clouds along with IAA2. To me these lent credence that the Inquisition might even be ready and just needing an open date to be released or at least for their model production to be done as Forgeworld is not allowed to work on anything that is being worked on. The release of 3 sheets in one book at once was a sign to me that we may be close® to release.

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Ahhhh, I wish I was sharing your enthusiasm :) I've got a fairly small gaming group though(5-6 players, with 2-4 armies each so everyone except Dark Eldars are represented) and you get around the WH/DH lists pretty quickly. It's more frustrating when you see all the new things 5th ed codexes get and even worse when the "add-ons" don't even try to patch things up a bit by putting us on an equal basis with other armies (5th ed or not...).


A good exemple is my game next week vs nids. I got tired of being rammed with my Tau, so I'll be playing SoB. My opponent knows my list, plus or minus a few variations. Of course I could include the freak show units, but then I will statistically not make it till turn 3 if I do ;)



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The Officio Assassinorum is somethign I have never considered fielding (mainly becuase I don't have the models) to date but I played few Apocalypse games.


I fielded it once. It was banned immediately after that game.


As a Sisters player who does not buy White Dwarf, all I have is that horrid War of Faith stratagem in Apocalypse: Reload. Yeah, Rage, just what my shooty army needed!

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The Officio Assassinorum is somethign I have never considered fielding (mainly becuase I don't have the models) to date but I played few Apocalypse games.


I fielded it once. It was banned immediately after that game.


As a Sisters player who does not buy White Dwarf, all I have is that horrid War of Faith stratagem in Apocalypse: Reload. Yeah, Rage, just what my shooty army needed!

What do you mean it got banned? too good? too bad? Callidus can be nasty (ala rear shots on super heavies), eversor is nasty for nids, vindicare aint all that great and culexus isn't all that amazing either.

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The Officio Assassinorum is somethign I have never considered fielding (mainly becuase I don't have the models) to date but I played few Apocalypse games.


I fielded it once. It was banned immediately after that game.


As a Sisters player who does not buy White Dwarf, all I have is that horrid War of Faith stratagem in Apocalypse: Reload. Yeah, Rage, just what my shooty army needed!


You could use it like this though. You could have a few Sisters with heavy weapons actually fire out of moving vehicle. Becuase they are in the vehicle, they shouldn't suffer from the negative effects of Rage. Celestains outside the can could open up with bolters and assault. Put them with a priest and it might even go well for you. It wouldn't be my first thought but it something I have given consideration to for my next Apocalypse game.

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I fielded all Assassins (including Death Cultists) in that game. I had around 5000 points on Inquisition on the table, allied with an Eldar and a Chaos/Orks player (for some reason, my opponents were Ultramarines, Raven Guard and Orks --- beats me why I was on the Xenos team!). More importantly, I took Callidus Temple Assassins; one of my team mates had Eldrad. Deployment was as interesting as you would imagine. We then played Mexican stand-off for two turns, with us holding two objectives, them holding two, and a fifth sitting ignored in no-man's-land. I then had all the Callidus Temple Assassins arrive from reserve onto every objective on the last turn of the game, while making a subsequent last-turn push at their objectives with every Rhino, Immolator and my Stormlord. At that point, my opponents immediately took my Codex, read it, threw it to the ground, resigned the game and told me I was banned from ever fielding a single assassin ever again. In that game, I also had a Flying Nun with a Vortex Grenade, who jumped into the middle of their armour (Baneblades, Land Raiders, Leman Russ Battle Tanks). Nasty.


Yes, a unit of Retributors with four Multi-Meltas in an Immolator could be funny, in the unlikely event it actually makes it, but in the greater scheme of things it is a real waste of time. A unit of regular Battle Sisters with Meltaguns in a Rhino are cheaper and almost as effective. Compared with the other Stratagems available, it really is a pointless option. I would only consider if it I were planning to run a foot-slogging list, but that would get butchered on turn one in Apocalypse, and I can only run 2500 points of footslogging Sisters/Ecclesiarchy (well, almost; I need to proxy one extra Penitent Engine for that).

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I would have told them to stop whining and suck it up, its not like the SM is a couple of editions old or anything.


Still hope that the =][= get some love at some point, they are an army I want to try out (not sure what faction) but the old rules are off putting. (I need to focus on finish my BT as well.)

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Frankly, "Battle Missions" seems kind of a waste of a product to me. Not because of the lack of GK, as my main army is Tau and they are well represented; more that the last thing my gaming group needs is a scenario book. Unlike new models and official units, we can come up with those on our own.
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Frankly, "Battle Missions" seems kind of a waste of a product to me. Not because of the lack of GK, as my main army is Tau and they are well represented; more that the last thing my gaming group needs is a scenario book. Unlike new models and official units, we can come up with those on our own.


Well said. Thats always been a part of the fun for me, is creating scenarios... oh well!

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I fielded the Assassin sheet before. Got "recruited" into an apoc. game as a 6th player, and really didn't feel like digging out a bajillion models or doing any math as i was ill prepaird so with the points i was provided to fill i took "Careful Planning" the assassin sheet, with 20 caldaius assassins, 20 lance strikes and an Inquisitor with some upgrades and other crap to fill the points.


Deployment i moved all there crap onto various stuff that was getting striked, including the warlord titan, and had all my lance strikes come in on my first turn (we went first). All and all it wasn't crippling, more so annoying the anything as the caldaius assassins are powerful close combat units, they only need to fail 2 saves and its bu-bye.


I was promply called cheesy for this but i wasn't banned. I just did it for the low model count.


Edit: Sorry for spelling and i called this the "Hammer and Scalpel" technique, witch i found oddly fitting for the =][= fluff wise.


Edit2: making post applicable to REST of post. I truly hope that our armies are not droped as well, I've enjoyed vary much my SoB, and to a limited extent my Grey Knights, it Cannot be denied that we've been vastly neglected/ignored in recent updates. I'm just hoping GW has a nice big and GOOD surprise for us, and hopfully not Nids overrunning the cardnal worlds gobbling down all the sisters or some equally bad fate for the Grey Knights.

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Frankly, "Battle Missions" seems kind of a waste of a product to me. Not because of the lack of GK, as my main army is Tau and they are well represented; more that the last thing my gaming group needs is a scenario book. Unlike new models and official units, we can come up with those on our own.


1/ It seems that the missions are "this army only", but more like "this army works better with this mission, but if it don't fit you, you can use one of the other armies".

2/ Custom mission are good if you play among friends, but in a FLGS people often wants to play with missions they already knows, since even if they are unbalanced they know how and how deal with it, and/or they have took into account the mechanisms of the missions in their list building.

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The Wars of Faith would indeed be a nice touch. However, I do have to point out that in WD359 of December 2009 (US numbering) on page 37 there are army specific strategems, which include one for both Witch Hunters (attack strategem: Seraphic Choir) and Daemon Hunters (defense strategem: Octagrammatic Wards). It may not have been in the Planetstrike printed book, but they're there. Likewise the two Apocalypse datasheets I mentioned previously on the GW Site ( Officio Assassinorum Execution Force and Grey Knights Redeemer Force ) there is stuff being developed. There is Grey Knight information and a Datasheet in IA volume 7 from Forge World, as well as Imperial Armour: Apocalypse II from Forge World containing a Grey Knight vehicle (albeit a reprint from IA volume 7) as well as two Sisters datasheets.


Are we getting a lot of attention? No, we are not. However we also are not being totally ignored. I rather like being able to sneak up on opponents with units they've never seen or heard about before and have no idea what the capabilities are or how to combat them :) I will become more concerned if there was never updated information for us, or any rules in alternate sources for our armies. Now it might be as rare as a blue moon, but that's better odds than zero!


Now it'd be nice to be included in the fluff section of the rulebook, but there are mentions of Inquisitors and the like in fluff of almost every army book published so perhaps our influence is omnipresent, albeit subtle. I personally prefer not having every brand new player instantly rushing for our forces like the generic Space Marines... it lets there be a certain amount of prestige and flavor to our armies. Granted with the rulebooks now not being readily available it will be interesting to see how things go. For now I am keeping the faith in the statements that armies are not being dropped, work is being done on our beloved =][= forces, and eventually we will have something nifty and sparklie all of our very own.


That or I'll just snatch up lots of models and use my stone age army book and still kick people's collective behinds with my Forge World accessories ;)

Sorry INP but you're talking about token offerings that come way, waaay after the big event itself. The WD planetstrike stuff was a nice little, and I do mean little, touch but was it too little, too late?


If you think that this lack of attention is a good thing then fair play to ya, but you're definitely in the minority. It's by no means an unreasonable expectation to at least have some kind of proper support in terms of updates, new products etc. Fact is that we have been passed over time and time again when a big release has been put out, even the likes of DE and Necrons have gotten their share of the limelight, so like I said, you'll have to forgive me somewhat if I strongly disagree with any opinion that goes along the lines of 'it's ok that we only get crumbs, because at least we get crumbs'. When you're starving, crumbs just aren't enough.

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Fair points, ArmouredWing, and it would definately be nicer to get things in the actual supplements themselves. I suppose it's in my nature to remain fairly optimistic and upbeat, so I tend to forget and just not worry about things. I suppose I am attempting to point out that there are still some things being done, which while not as much as we probably aught to get, is more attention than is given to armies that are simply being dropped or 'squatted.'
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I am actually affraid i'll end up having to play my GK's with Space Marine / Space Wolf / whatever rules to reflect their abilities and that the DH codex will permanently go the way of the Dodo.

Funny though... since my army is almost done...

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I suppose I am attempting to point out that there are still some things being done, which while not as much as we probably aught to get, is more attention than is given to armies that are simply being dropped or 'squatted.'


I might be a cynic, but since few (only one, and they got "verbed") armies have been "squatted", it's pretty hard to say we will not be "squatted" under prescent circumstances. People tend to say the GW "has told many times they intend to support all existing armies". As far as I know, Jervis Johnson told that a year ago at some Games Day (Italy?). But lets look at the fact:


-Codexes haven't been printed in foreing languages for a long time.

-English codexes and boxes are disppearing from the shelves.

-Armies not properly named in 5th ed. rulebook (bundled under "Forces of the Imperium).

-Armies not properly supported in expansion books.

-Apart from one sprue (immolator sprue), all models are metal

-Forgeworld support is minimal for GKs (mainly add-ons for SM chassis like the redeemer or razorback) and SoB (old add-on kits for exorcists, rhinos and repressor).


Right now, no other army is in that position. The two others were: Space Wolves and Blood Angels. So that means we either get new dexes in the next 12 months or we get "squatted". Quite frankly, if you were GW and still had stocks of blisters, boxes and codexes, would you tell player the armies are getting "squatted"?


The Inquisition is a very important part of the 40k lore. It's pretty well represented in the role-playing games though (Dark Heresy) so it doesn't necessarily need to be represented in WH40k. I still hope they're redone, but ritght now, I'm pretty much 50-50.



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