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=I= Coming in 2010?


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There is also the possiblity that if they knew they were going to be changing the name of the Codices (whether it's Codex: Grey Knights, Codex: Sisters of Battle, Codex: =][=, Codex: Ecclesiarchy, Codex: Forces of the Imperium), if they didn't put it in the other sources they would be able to more readily change the name.


I still think our best bet is to wait and see how it goes... being that the Inquisition and the Grey Knights were a very large part of IA volume 7, I don't think they're as likely to be dropped as some do. In the end, we'll just have to see what happens.

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Well INP if the above is the case then they were thinking about changing the name of the codexes all the way back to just after apocalypse (when the artcile about allies with an allies matrix was put on the site). Thus I think it is highly unlikely that they have called us the forces of the imperium for that reason unless they have been working on us for a long time. Considering we've heard alll sorts of stuff on BA and nids before they were released as well as DE, GW has done very well to keep us under wraps if that really is the case.


But then again, No one expects the inquisition!

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I must say that a single "Force of the Imperium" Codex, planned during the last few years would make me very very happy. Not only would I get new rules, but I would get them for both my armies in one fell swoop!



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I personally don't plan to make a new army if Inq gets the shovel (I play WH and was planning to start a DH army, dammit!) so it the worse happens, I'll move on to another game. GW will not get my money, then.


Or maybe start a DE army (that I hate) just for the annoyance and for a bitter sense of revenge. Not.


PS: oh, and if they really release our stuff in the future, I really want it to be at least 50% more awesome that that "leaked" BA codex. It's think we deserve some love.

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If you hope that either DH or WH are coming out, you are setting yourself up for bitter disappointment. I personally decided that they will be squatted and that Jervis Johnson will buy me a puppy and then torture it to death before my eyes. Thus, I'm setting myself up of joyful happyness!



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Last year, Jervis stated for the umpteeth time they would both be updated, separately. I even have this in writing! Later that year, Andy Hoare confirmed he had started updating the Sisters (no idea who picked it up after he left). Later still, Phil Kelly confirmed he had started the Grey Knights; he commented he was giving them Jump Infantry. When someone commented on Warseer that they expect the Grey Knights will be out 2012, Harry commented that they would ``not be out this year, but they are not too far away.'' BrassScorpion has more recently been hinting towards Grey Knights late this year. Several others have also stated Inquisition in the latter part of this year.


Stickmonkey has reported seeing vehicles and concept art for both books. He has also seen 3-ups for Grey Knight Terminators. He commented on seeing twelve special characters for the two books, listing: ``one looks like a gk chaplain. a sister w what looks like twin arm mounted SBs. a named preacher. new concept for throne of judgement less like a converted dread. sister w twin cat o nine tails. confessor w a big staff w what looks like integrated flamer. named seraphin w new jump pack, more marine like (large jets) but retains some archaic details, also has sword and combi weapon. another gk named justicar, w 2 ended force weapon. a gk vehicle based character.'' He has also made several other cryptic references that require too much interpretation to really pass on.


I would definitely not get too pumped about them being this year --- the schedule is only in stone six months ahead, not 12 --- but saying they are being squatted is far, far beyond pessimistic. I should know, as I am as pessimistic as they get! These rumours are all very commonly available on every forum except this one. It seems you guys miss out on the juice for some reason. There are many other rumours circulating about the release, but I personally put no stock in these other ones.

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I'm with Boreas. Personally I'm so ticked off at GW for the way they've handled GK/SOB I'm not even sure I want to support their stupidity by buying more Grey Knights stuff (assuming they ever actually get around to updating them.) I feel like it's sort of 'hey, thanks for punching me in the face, here's some cash.'


At least if I buy generic Space Marines I can be assured of a regular codex update, working rules and sane point costs.


I mean really, the codex was printed in what, 2003? Really guys, seven years? You couldn't find the time or man hours to do an update in seven years? If GW does finally get around to doing an updated GK codex and I actually buy new stuff am I going to have to wait until 8th edition circa 2020 for them to update the points and rules again? Or will GW have learned it's lesson and actually supported their armies properly with regular updates and FAQs?

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While I feel a bit let down that the GKs, and the Inquisition are not given any new battle missions in the new Battle Missions rule book, I understand their reasoning on the issue- it is a niche group in the 40k game. While it has indeed been seven years since an updated codex for the Daemon Hunters and the Sister of Battle, Dark Eldar have been stuck in the warp (where all space elves belong may I add), for what twelve years now? I'm not about to justify a company that does not update their armies for years or even decades at a time, I fully understand their business desicions and current situation (we are in a recession atm and I'm sure that sales reflect this current issue) and all we can really do is to continue to wait rather patiently.

I don't want to wishlist, or repeat what others have stated before hand, but I believe that the DaemonHunter and WitchHunters books will be combined. Since the fourth edition rule book the two armies have been presented together as the "Forces of the Imperium". New models and suppliments were showcased in the 5th Edition rule book when it was first released, and just about everyone including myself glossed over the pics- not realizing they were to be released later on. I mean that's my take on the problem at hand, but only time will tell what happens.

Whatever is released, be it combined codex's or the much anticipated re-release of the WH and DH books I have faith that it'll contain numerous force options for the armies, given that has been the current style of GW's codex's for 5th edition thus far (and one hell of a good trend to may I add). I do believe that GW has finally taken it upon themselves to update their olders armies rather than gloss over them. We've seen this so far with the release of the Space Wolves, and the soon to be released Blood Angels- two armies may I add that were either the same age or older than even our ancient codexs', or were added as a PDF in a WD.


Not releasing a new codex or update for our armies for another year or so is not a reason to switch armies simply because you'll be able to make them more "competitive". You play an army because you like the story, the look, and how the army works in the game- not because you think you'll be updated more often. I do not play WH, but I can assure that the DH armies are still very much playable. When Stormbolters, IST, Force Weapons, and Land Raider Crusaders go out of style, please tell me so I can panic accordingly ^)-



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As much as I don't want to set myself up for disaapointment (and JJ burning a puppy), this thread is pretty interesting:




It has lots of straw-grabbing (email replies from GW employee are notoriously random) as well as Sasquatch-sighting (SoB greens floating on the web? I think not!) but still the total evidence is starting to build up...


Must.keep.being.negative. :P



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As much as I don't want to set myself up for disaapointment (and JJ burning a puppy), this thread is pretty interesting:




It has lots of straw-grabbing (email replies from GW employee are notoriously random) as well as Sasquatch-sighting (SoB greens floating on the web? I think not!) but still the total evidence is starting to build up...


Must.keep.being.negative. :P




Give into the light we have Pie!

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While I feel a bit let down that the GKs, and the Inquisition are not given any new battle missions in the new Battle Missions rule book...


Or maybe because the new codex(s) is coming, are not named DH and WH respectively and/or would not be playable with the current edition of the book. -_- I am pretty sure they haven't forgotten us.


As much as I don't want to set myself up for disaapointment (and JJ burning a puppy), this thread is pretty interesting:




It has lots of straw-grabbing (email replies from GW employee are notoriously random) as well as Sasquatch-sighting (SoB greens floating on the web? I think not!) but still the total evidence is starting to build up...


Must.keep.being.negative. :P




Thanks boreas for the link, I've seen that before and it is very thorough. Would you like me to put a summary at the beginning of the page? :P I guess I can go through the 13 pgs that this monster has spawned and see what all we can add to that. Damn you BCT for keeping me from my rumours addiction!

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So the "one =I= codex" and "2 separated codices" are right, if we can consider those rumors true.


- Codex SoB with SoBs and Ecclesiarchy;

- Codex =I= with GKs and a hogde podge of =I- units.


I don't know if I like the idea, I'll need digest it for a while.


PS: who said that SoB players are resentful for being included in the =I=? Only Melissia is :)

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OK, I just finished reading the Heresy Online thread.


Why he/them believes that will be 3 codices (GK, SoB AND =I=) is beyond me. If we were talking about 3rd or 4th edition it could make sense: a codex for SoBs, other for GKs, and a =I= codex with inquisitors, assassins and DW to be allied with SMs, IG, GHs and SoBs. But considering how the 5th ed it taking form, I don't think it make any sense.


I'm more inclined to believe something along the lines on a C:I and a C:Ecclesiarchy, even if it would mean having the SoBs listed twice.


I don't think I really care if SoBs get aside of =I= or not: if the SoBs keep PEs, Arcos and Repentias (and these become usable at the table), I'll be very happy. What is difficult to imagine how a codex =I= would work with GKs, and a myriad of inquisitorial units. Afterall, this book would have to paint all the 3 branches of =I= and still be focused enough on GKs. This book would need be massive, and very complex.

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Personnaly, I think we might see something more akin to C:=I= with SoB, Ecclesiarchy and Inquisitors. The codex:WH already has a lot of potential on it's own if you add a few goodies (ie repressor) and tweak units to be usable (Repentias, PE) of more effective (Celestians unit should be as scary as sternguards, game-wise, immolators could be a tab more cost-effective). Model-wise, plastic sisters with some metal celestians, plastic Exorcist turret and plastic PE would be good starters...


The second codex would be Codex: GK. The "Ordo Malleus" never was developped. Apart from the Inquisitor and daemonhosts, there is not much that is not "burrowed" from another codex. GKs, though, have a great devellopment potential: Plastic GKTs, plastic PAGKs, plastic jump-pack GK, jetbike GKs, a different LR (why not, every next codex has one!), GK psyker-squads, etc


I know I make many SoB players unhappy when I say that, but it makes sense to me (which is not saying a lot, mind you :huh: )



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Jervis said at a Games Day last year that Games Workshop is of the view that the Inquisition Codices were a big mistake. Going forward, he stated that the focus would be taken off the Inquisition itself and put back onto the Grey Knights and Sisters. Several other Games Workshop representatives (higher-ups, not nuff-nuff nobodies) have also stated that doing Codex: Witch Hunters instead of Codex: Sisters of Battle was a bad move. All rumours currently point to Codex: Inquisition, being Grey Knights with Inquisition support, and Codex: Ecclesiarchy, being a true update of Codex: Sisters of Battle, with the former coming some considerable time before the latter.


I cannot see them separating Inquisition and Grey Knights. Unlike Sisters, those two have been together since Rogue Trader days. I also cannot see anything happening with the Ordo Xenos. Games Workshop stated years ago that they had dropped all plans of ever doing anything with it.

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I be honest for the syle of 5th it almost like they have to make one Codex to link things together, allies don't really fit the Streamline rules of 5th, all three Inquestion Ordos can be two entries, unless they really want Witchhunter to not have Terminator armour that badly.
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That would also fit in the "a multitude of units in each slot". I know JJ said he wanted to keep'em separated and would focus on chamber militants, but the reality might be something else. If GW sees better profit in combining both, they will do so, no matter what.


If, 9 months ago, someone had speculated that there would be a land-raider-skimmer in a BA codex this April he would have been flamed to death!



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