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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Well, according to sources like Bindi Baji, SoB are more 18 months away... In the meawhile I got an answer from GW UK regarding my queries.


There has been no neglect as I would hope we have explained to you in the past. There are plans and schedules for the production/redoing and development of armies. Some have to come sooner than others, otherwise nothing would be done. What is clear though is that these things will have been planned for some time so that certain updates and add ons will not have been done as they would be known to be changing in the future and the work would be pointless.


So I hope you see the situation. “ You” as a customer are not being treated badly. Things just take time to develop. Much is the same for Necron and Dark Eldar players and until receantly the Blood Angel players. We simply have to wait for things to be developed correctly and produced.


So basically, they are very sorry for me and I have been treated exactly like all GW customers. I guess the guy didn't read the part of my letter about us not getting Battle Mission scenarios et Apocalyspe formations (no, I don't count the very very bad GK one!).




Phil, I'd be sorely tempted to respond to that with your comments on battle missions/apoc/etc highlighted. If it were me I'd also point out that as a customer it's our decision to determine whether we feel badly treated or not and not the decision of the company (customer is always right?).


Needless to say I'd be quite p#'*%$$ed off with that reply as it typifies the manner in which =][= players have been continually let down over the past few years at the very least. When I get a bit more time I'll PM you for a chat because I wouldn't mind putting my twopenneth in to them as well.

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Pure Inquisition (without sobs/GK's) may need some filler. Plus it's a good excuse to release new models. Hence such a codex if it ever came to be might dabble a bit in Adeptus Mechanicus troops/chars.
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Well, I'm going to send another email in about a week. First, though, I'm going to publish it here so all can add their ideas and such. After that, I'll sign it with the names of everyone who wants to (I'll be taking the name by PM).



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was in our local store the other day and the manager let slip that the three ordos are being merged into one codex called forces of the imperium thats is supposed to include some extra stuff on the adeptus mechanicus

Yeh sorry, your manager has most likely passed on a fake rumour. Is fine though and don't get discourgaed to keep posting them up, more rumours... must have more rumours :)


I heard just yesterday a similar rumor (that he was absolutely positive about FWTW) from a GW store clerk that the Inquisition codices were being merged into one codex, and that and plastic models for them would be released in November. He also said Dark Eldar and Necrons would be following along, sometime early next year I think. I'm like Agent Mulder, I want to believe...

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I heard just yesterday a similar rumor (that he was absolutely positive about FWTW) from a GW store clerk that the Inquisition codices were being merged into one codex, and that and plastic models for them would be released in November. He also said Dark Eldar and Necrons would be following along, sometime early next year I think. I'm like Agent Mulder, I want to believe...


And I kinda don't want to. I LIKE Grey Knights and the rest of the Inquisition but I LOVE Sisters of Battle.


Melding the three, unless it's the biggest codex ever seen, would mean very little being added for Sisters of Battle. It would also regulate Sisters to being the 'Cheap, less good' troops option. I'm ok with them being weaker than units in other armies but it would be really sad for Sisters to be the option you take when you don't have points for the better one. It would be like being the Imperial Guard Platoon, compared to the Veteran Squad.


Also it would regulate the Cannoness to the same role as 'The Cheap HQ', which would mean she won't get as many cool toys or interesting abilities.


In addition, it would mean sharing the Fluff section with both the rest of the Inquisition and the Grey Knights. And no-one gets compared to the Grey Knights and comes out looking badass.


But don't mind my Bitching. What will be, will be.

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I heard just yesterday a similar rumor (that he was absolutely positive about FWTW) from a GW store clerk that the Inquisition codices were being merged into one codex, and that and plastic models for them would be released in November. He also said Dark Eldar and Necrons would be following along, sometime early next year I think. I'm like Agent Mulder, I want to believe...


And I kinda don't want to. I LIKE Grey Knights and the rest of the Inquisition but I LOVE Sisters of Battle.


Melding the three, unless it's the biggest codex ever seen, would mean very little being added for Sisters of Battle. It would also regulate Sisters to being the 'Cheap, less good' troops option.


I hadn't thought of it that way. My interest is in the Sisters of Battle, primarily, so I hope it doesn't pan out the way you fear it to. But, as stated, what will be will be. I'm pretty stoked about plastic models, though. I enjoy the assembly of plastics and the personalisation it allows immensely.

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The SoB will not necessarily be consigned to the "less good" troop choice. The optimistic interpretation is that DH and WH army lists will remain separate but located in the same book because of all the duplication that is involved in having two codices of Inquisition armies. All it would take would be two pages, one listing the unit choices for DH and one listing the unit choices for WH as well as a section on the special rules for each army.
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I am kind of torn by the idea of combining codices. On one hand, I really want to see the GK (and by extension the SoB) get a bunch of new goodies and new options so they can function better on their own (not to mention stuff that'll make my chaos buddy wet himself). On the other hand, I think it'd be great to be able to freely choose from both lists to fill a single force org chart. I think having a DH inq and a WH inq in the same army could make for some really cool combinations, especially if they both get beefed up a bit. Plus I find myself wanting to get some sisters with jump packs to assist my GK in the fast attack area. So if they really do want to get rid of allying guard in, I hope they either join the lists (while adding cool stuff to both) or at least continue to allow the inq forces to ally.
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It should not be done, Jervis said they wouldn't (yes I know it was ages ago) because he understands how HUGE the book would have to be for us not to hate it.


It will be GK in January with small =][= mixed in if we are lucky. Then we will rage about that codex and say how there are no truely competitive builds and how little vareity there is. Everyone else will say it's overpowered. We will then realise it's balanced only to be given an FAQ that changes things that are so blatent that we will rage some more.


I miss anything?

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Yep! You forgot us raging about the prices of the new boxes, there will be endless debate as to the validity of armies with units from the =I= supplement. GW will give different answers by email for a week and then issue a post on their webpage saying that it's up to tournement oragnizers and that we should just take it upon ourselves to decide.


For me, it'll be the end of about 4 years of nerdrage. No matter what, I'll just buy the codex and rub myself in it, physically. I'll also order a boatload of plastics and glue/paint until I get transdermal toxicity. I'll then proceed to bash my friends armies into the ground while pointing and laughing at there now puny forces... Then I'll try to find new friends :)



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I really wouldn't be that bad of a book if they were willing to kill a few sacred cows to make it.


Just create a simple rule at the beginning of the book and in the HQ sections pertaining to what units can be selected. Certain classes of units can only be taken in your force if you have the appropriate HQ unit.


So, for example:


Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord - Your army may include Ordo Malleus and Grey Knights units.


Grey Knight Hero - Your army may include Grey Knights units.


Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lord - Your army may include Ordo Hereticus and Sisters of Battle units.


Adepta Sororitas Hero - Your army my include Sisters of Battle units.


Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Lord - Your army may include Ordo Xenos and Deathwatch units.


Deathwatch Hero - Your army may include Deathwatch units.


You could do something similar for Adeptus Mechanicus too, if they chose to include them. You can have some generic units like Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (TR) that don't have any restrictions. Inquisitors could have command squads instead of henchmen ala Codex IG.


Sisters, Knights, and Deathwatch would each have 1 HQ, 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack, 1 Infantry Heavy Support, and 1 Vehicle Heavy Support.


So Grey Knights would have:


HQ - Grey Knights Hero

EL - Grey Knights Terminator Squad

TR - Grey Knights Squad (Power Armor)

FA - Stormraven Gunship

HS(I) - Purgation Squad

HS(V) - Dreadnought


Ideally, Ordo [X] and Grey Knights / Sisters of Battle / Deathwatch would have their own little icons or borders to make clear visual identification of what type each army list entry is. In the end the Army List still wouldn't dwarf Codex: Space Marines or Codex: Imperial Guard if you skipped all the crazy unit-leader upgrades and named-character HQs. 6 HQ is plenty.


So you'd probably have a baseline of:

6 HQ (OM, OH, OX, GK, SB, DW)

4 Troops (GK, SB, DW, I)

4 FA (GK, SB, DW, I)

6 EL (GK, SB, DW, OM, OH, OX)

8 HS (2GK, 2SB, 2DW, 2I)


Across the 3 Ordos and chambers militant.


Each Ordos Inquisitor Lord would be distinct by his powers, war gear options, retinue, and access to Elite units as well as a Chamber Militant. He might also unlock certain vehicle upgrades or squad upgrades for generic Inquisitorial units. You could conceivably ally any 2 Ordos or Chambers in a single army by purchasing a Hero from both groups. Flexible and clean - the way I like it. I think jamming in the Assassin Houses or the Adeptus Mechanicus as a full-fledged army list would overload the thing, though.


- Marty Lund

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I think that a combined codex is a terrible idea personally. I'd like to see as little =][= presence in the eventual Grey Knights and Sisters of Battles books as possible.


But, that's just my opinion - and my preference towards fielding pure Grey Knight and Sisters of Battle armies.


My Grey Knights need a new book with new Grey Knight unit choices. My Sisters need new models more than a new book.


Signs point to January, so maybe we will start hearing some real news coming down the pipe late October / early November.

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Yeah, see, I'm not all that fond of Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle getting independent books. I don't think they deserve them. Grey Knights are modified Space Marines. We have quite enough of that in the hobby already - thanks! Sisters of Battle are down-graded Space Marines or up-jumped Imperial Guard, depending on your perspective. Either way we don't need yet another book devoted to "rare Power Armor"-based armies.


Now the Inquisition as a body - along with its Chambers Militant? That's diverse and divergent enough (as well as not automatically power-armor-centric) to justify a Codex and full faction support. Being able to run pure Grey Knights or pure Sisters of Battle should be a nice-to-have cookie, not an fully-fleshed product line to support. GW has enough trouble keeping its core factions up to date.


And this is coming from a guy who owns Space Marines and Demonhunters. I don't want half the Codices to be filled to the brim with folks in Power Armor. It is a Space Marine / Chaos Space Marine thing. You've already got a good guy faction and a bad guy faction about about 4 extra flavors of good-guys in Power Armor, plus Necrons. Give it a little rest already. Heck, if I could find a way to fold Black Templars back into Codex: Space Marines via a Unique Character I would do it in a heartbeat - and Black Templars are some of my all-time favorite Space Marines.


Tau, Orks, Imperial Guard, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyrannids, Chaos Daemons, Necrons, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars - looking at that list for a bit it occurs to me that a combined ][ Codex is about the only way I could excuse keeping Sisters and Grey Knights in that mess. As it is already the Codices split 50/50 MEQ/Non-MEQ. I don't want to throw two more dedicated PA-only Codices on top of that pile.


- Marty Lund

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Quite honestly I think that they should have done away with all the divergent chapter lists in the most recent Codex, giving most of the big ones a special character instead.


Then we would have had Sisters, Grey Knights and Space marines in the Imperium power armoured slots.


Also, dispite my earlier comment about an Inquisition codex, Sisters are neither jumped up imperial guard or downgraded Space Marines. They are something unique, they have things that work very differently and thier usage of faith makes them...odd. But a good odd.


I also think that Sisters NEED a way to be played on their own. Most Sisters forces are not being led by the Inquisition at all but by the Sisters of Battle, who are an independant organisation.


Also, pulling Seniority here. Sisters have existed since before they made a new list for every second chapter of Space Marines. Don't scrap them as an army because you want more Marines.

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Also, pulling Seniority here. Sisters have existed since before they made a new list for every second chapter of Space Marines. Don't scrap them as an army because you want more Marines.


Hmmm, seniority over divergent Space Marine lists? The only Space Marine list that the Sisters of Battle have seniority over are the Black Templars (3rd Edition). All of the other current Marines got their lists in 2nd Edition, just like the SoB (Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Ultramarines), or earlier during the Rogue Trader era (Space Wolves and Grey Knights).


If you want to pull seniority on the Black Templars, fine, I support that, I never cared much for their theme anyway, but you can't justify that over any of the others.



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Quite honestly I think that they should have done away with all the divergent chapter lists in the most recent Codex, giving most of the big ones a special character instead.


Then we would have had Sisters, Grey Knights and Space marines in the Imperium power armoured slots.


Also, dispite my earlier comment about an Inquisition codex, Sisters are neither jumped up imperial guard or downgraded Space Marines. They are something unique, they have things that work very differently and thier usage of faith makes them...odd. But a good odd.


I also think that Sisters NEED a way to be played on their own. Most Sisters forces are not being led by the Inquisition at all but by the Sisters of Battle, who are an independant organisation.


Also, pulling Seniority here. Sisters have existed since before they made a new list for every second chapter of Space Marines. Don't scrap them as an army because you want more Marines.


GW's apparent need to have a codex for every slightly different chapter is just stupid, as each SM codex is more overpowered than the last. WHo is going to use the SM codex, when the BA codex is that much better? GW might as well release a new Codex: Space Marines after every other release, just to keep them more over-powered and undercosted than the competition.

I give it another 5 SM chapter codices before Marines cost the same points as a Termagaunt.


When you look at it, all these 'non-codex astartes' chapters are pretty mush the same as their Robute-loving brothers.

Space Wolves are Space Marines with runes and wolves. Blood Angels are Space Marines with Furious Charge and sculpted nipples. Ward turned them into 40k's equivalent of Twilight 'vampires'.


Grey Knights, on the other hand, don't have a statline consisting only of 4's. They don't use most of the Space Marines conventional equipment, weapons and wargear. They don't use boltguns, chainswords, heavy bolters and flamers, Grey Knights have stormbolters, nemesis force weapons, psycannons and incinerators. To the other Space Marines, Grey Knight weaponry is as foreign as weapons of the Eldar, or the Tau. I disagree with Grey Knights having their own codex. At least Space Marine players without a codex specifically for them can use one of the 3 other 5th edition Space Marine codices. Grey Knights don't have that luxury. We can't proxy as another Space Marine army, because most of us wouldn't have enough models on the field, and any WYSIWYG player won't allow it.


Grey Knights have an entirely different feel to them, unlike 'Space Marines with robes and special ammo' or 'Khornate loyalist Space Marines', they hold that unique, Spartan-like playstyle. Looking at the board and thinking "i have less than half the models you have, but i can still win this match".


Atm, nothing is more satisfying that wiping out the enemy's 2000pt force entirely with a pure GK army, but i'd like to see us with our own book soon, to show off the unique playstyle of the Grey Knights

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Also, pulling Seniority here. Sisters have existed since before they made a new list for every second chapter of Space Marines. Don't scrap them as an army because you want more Marines.


Hmmm, seniority over divergent Space Marine lists? The only Space Marine list that the Sisters of Battle have seniority over are the Black Templars (3rd Edition). All of the other current Marines got their lists in 2nd Edition, just like the SoB (Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Ultramarines), or earlier during the Rogue Trader era (Space Wolves and Grey Knights).


If you want to pull seniority on the Black Templars, fine, I support that, I never cared much for their theme anyway, but you can't justify that over any of the others.




Huh...my bad. I thought they came out in 3rd ed...

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not to be a party pooper but since the new WF Edition has come out GW are revamping all the out of date army books EG.-August=Daemons of Chaos.

although there have been rumors about NEW GK models the 3 ups are probably all they will do.


PS:Dark Eldar Codex Has been Confirmed


Happy Torturing!

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PS:Dark Eldar Codex Has been Confirmed


What do you source this conclusion from?

If it is based on Harry's rumors, then you should also keep in mind DPA's 'visions' have been "obscured by the Emperor's shiny soldiers"

DE don't match that description at all, and i'm sure most of us know that DPA is another very reliable source for rumors


EDIT: said DA codex instead of DE

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