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=I= Coming in 2010?


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6th Edition will once again swing the balance back away from Assault to Shooting. Making Shooting and Moral from casualties have more impact. CC prowess will be lessened.


The balance has already swung away from Assault. No more squad-hopping via massacre rolls, etc.

That, and only Imperial armies are allowed to have units that assault out of deepstrike now (See: Lictors losing the only rule that made them useful).

Orks will more than likely lose Zagstrukk (I think that's how it's spelt?) or he will be nerfed in the next Ork release.


In the grim darkness of the far future, only Imperial armies will be competitive. Oh wait, that time is now :/

I guess we can expect some cheesy goodness from GKs and SoBs when they get their much-needed revamps


EDIT: Also, the 5th edition rules for blast weapons and removal of target priority, if you wanted more proof of 5th edition's favouring of ranged armies.

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CC was nerfed hard, with the removal of consolidating into another unit. It was also buffed, with the utterly stupid Moral rules, which combined with Fearless is devestatting.


The moral rules for Shooting are a joke, and you get many, many more attacks (with potentially twice as many rounds to attack in), at generally higher strength, with more 'ignore armour' than you can possibly get through shooting (Flamers of stupidness, er Tzeench, aside). And Sweeping Advance for wiping out remainders of whole Squads.


CC is *far* more deadly in 5th than Shooting can ever be, currently.


Add to that, the utterly stupid Multiple Combat and Moral rules. Where you GKGM and GKT retinue can win combat, but you wiped out the 10 Storm troopers next ot hen, and now your fearless GKT need to take 10 wounds as well... It's :woot:: ^_^:

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It's mainly due to the ability to have up to 12 'turns' in assault, as you fight in the enemy's phase also, whereas you can only shoot in your turn. Fearless itself is stupid when combined with horde units, as they are likely to sustain severe casualties due to their relatively low stats and bad armour saves, so they will be almost guaranteed to lose combat (unless they wipe out the enemy, or kill a lot of models at higher initiative). Once this happens, you can say goodbye to the rest of those Ork boyz. No Retreat destroys horde armies.
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... Fearless itself is stupid when combined with horde units, as they are likely to sustain severe casualties due to their relatively low stats and bad armour saves, so they will be almost guaranteed to lose combat (unless they wipe out the enemy, or kill a lot of models at higher initiative). Once this happens, you can say goodbye to the rest of those Ork boyz. No Retreat destroys horde armies.
As a sometime Ork player, I'll tell you that When I've lost some boyz and am down combat by five or so, I'd rather take those five wounds that risk the whole mob on an at best Ld 5 test. Ork Hordes would be nigh unplayable if they lost Fearless instead of just poor.
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(Rumours are thin atm)


I expect rumors to be thin for a few weeks. With UK Games Day coming later this month, I expect any sort of worthwhile information to be held until then. Who knows though?


I'm expecting (as are most people) to see a Dark Eldar announcement. I really hope that Dark Eldar finally get their new goodies unveiled at Games Day UK - hopefully with a release this year (November maybe?).


As much as I'd like to dee Dark Eldar players happy, I also have my own selfish reasons. Namely, all signs are pointing to Grey Knights coming after Dark Eldar. So once they have their time in the spotlight, we will (hopefully) be next!


Still keeping my fingers crossed for a Grey Knights codex sometime before March of 2011. Would be fun to have a new book for my Knights before Adepticon in April. :)

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According to Games Workshop's FY2010 Report:


GW's (May 2010 - April 2011) Objectives:

-Relaunch Warhammer Fantasy.

-Build and improve Hobby centres.

-Clear warehoused inventory.

-Upgrade computer systems in North America.


"Outside of these areas, there are no major investments planned as we continue to seek further productivity improvements".


They used their resources last year to pay shareholders and pay their debt.


I don't think they'll be doing much until after next year.

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According to Games Workshop's FY2010 Report:


GW's (May 2010 - April 2011) Objectives:

-Relaunch Warhammer Fantasy.

-Build and improve Hobby centres.

-Clear warehoused inventory.

-Upgrade computer systems in North America.


"Outside of these areas, there are no major investments planned as we continue to seek further productivity improvements".


They used their resources last year to pay shareholders and pay their debt.


I don't think they'll be doing much until after next year.

I don't think releasing codices counts as major investments as if they didn't release anything for a year, then they would be broke by the end of it.

No new releases = no increased spending from gamers.

No increased spending from gamers = no profits.

No profits = going out of business.


I'd say major investments are game system releases like Warhammer Fantasy, Space Hulk, etc, possibly even stuff like Cities of Death but that's debatable.

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Meanwhile Spectral Dragon @ Warseer:


-NO Stormraven Kit. Apparently GW wants to put out a stormraven conversion article in White Dwarf which would boost sales of a few models they already have.


-Upgrade Sprue of some kind. I would guess for vehicles, specifically LR, RB, Predator (I wasn't told what was on the upgrade sprue, I am thinking Psycannon upgrades make the most sense.)


-Expect heavy point costs still


-Heavy Fluff changes under the guise of "advancing the fluff," I imagine they will be actively saying the GK's will go anywhere they are needed if no Daemons are present.


Especially the part about no stormraven is unexpected. I supose a good SR stand in would be forge worlds Ceastus assault ram (even weapon options are easily converted)



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Well... according to the post on the Games Workshop page today, Monday will bring "a big announcement with plenty of great content." Dark Eldar? Demonhunters? Something useless? Two days will tell...


(source: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/...?aId=12600006a)


Whats wierd is I have both a Dark Eldar Army and a good few old school GK's in my bitz box, so I am covered if something new comes out lol!

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"in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king"


When there is no rumors two months before the (theoretical) coming of a new codex, a few miniatures are a big rumor. In the recent cutbacks and re-organization of GW, the management has put an arthritic koala in charge of marketing.



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I picked up some new/different rumors courtesy of SpectralDragon over at Warseer:


Originally Posted by Valerian



You seem to have accumulated some rumors, and stated that some of what you've heard is different from what StickMonkey has provided. However, other than the Stormraven getting released and the January codex release you haven't yet told us what you "know". Can you list out what you have heard about rules, units, etc., and then we'll have something else to compare/contrast to SMs information?





Actually, I have a very tiny bit. I mentioned NFW's not changing much. I also mentioned the Aegis changing to either a cover save or a invulnerable save. HQ model will be able to combine the NFW rule with something like lightning claws. The last thing I remember mentioning is an upgrade sprue for all vehicles (rhino, razorback, landraiders, dreads, new vehicle (besides SR))


The re-rolls is not an army wide thing, expect it on a named character or an HQ upgrade available only on the named character or upgrade + squad attached, IF at all.


Teleportation is better, drop pods are in. PAGK can take Rhino's, RB's, DP's. Jump packs are in.


Expect a squad much like sanguinary guard or wolf guard, with lots of toys to play with.


NO jetbikes, All landraider varients


Given out more than I intended. All for now, almost all period actually.

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Would be nice if PAGK can take Rhino's etc... but there is something so very right about transporting GK's in LC's!


I am still not all that excited about the SR, I am not much of a fan of the birds they've added to the game since I left (when I left forgeworld had a thunderhawk, but no one bought them and pretty much no one allowed them in games)

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The Storm Raven is a beast. Utterly changes the Marine game.


A fast 24" vehicle that can't be melta'd, and can't really be blocked by terrain.


And it's an assult vehicle. ;) The Eldar would give thier souls for an Assault skimmer!


Only thing it doesn't have is Scout!


Combined with how brutal GK are going to be in CC, and it's fearsome.


Actually, I have a very tiny bit. I mentioned NFW's not changing much. I also mentioned the Aegis changing to either a cover save or a invulnerable save. HQ model will be able to combine the NFW rule with something like lightning claws. The last thing I remember mentioning is an upgrade sprue for all vehicles (rhino, razorback, landraiders, dreads, new vehicle (besides SR))


Reroll wounds versus Daemons?


Invulnerable save would be ok, but it would mean we lose some slight protection form 'utility' powers like lash. But as long as we have good access to Pyschic Hoods, then it's just a bonus!


Another mention of a new vehicle, so more credence to the GK Walker/Exo Suit.


The re-rolls is not an army wide thing, expect it on a named character or an HQ upgrade available only on the named character or upgrade + squad attached, IF at all.


Better than nothing, I suppose. But we ned the increased survivability with our current high point cost. Transports will help, but we need to be more durable outside them. Maybe we'll get FNP.


Teleportation is better, drop pods are in. PAGK can take Rhino's, RB's, DP's. Jump packs are in.


All nice!


Expect a squad much like sanguinary guard or wolf guard, with lots of toys to play with.


New 'veteren' Grey Knights? :/ Or rolled into PAGK/TAGK?


NO jetbikes, All landraider varients


Boo. Both to no jetbikes, and to the stupid Flamstorm Incinerator we're bound to get. I hate that Tank *so* much.

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Just been down my local store, and got told on good authority that the warseer rumours are not really rumours now. A new codex in Oct '10 or Jan '11 is to be expected - and one of these will be the GK's.


Take it for what its worth, they did tell me this in reponse to me mentioning I had just bought my GK army.

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