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=I= Coming in 2010?


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I've found myself a bit torn on what rumours I think are going to pan out, and when. Most sources say DE in November, and the retailer catalog has changed a little bit for DE this quarter. However, I look at a few facts and have to wonder how plausible that is, based on previous codex releases. I.E. DE codex and troops are still available online. GK codex and troops are not. DE can still be ordered through the retailer catalog, GK can not.


GW obviously has something up their sleeves, though what it is, only time will tell. I think it's quite possible that only a few people in the Design Department know what's going on, because that's about the only way there could be a November release and be no 99% reliable rumours surfacing yet.

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Either way I am sorted.


Just found my old Dark Eldar army (that I've never used), I cant even remember why I got it - think it was because I like the Incubi models. So if that comes out I can have a fiddle with it for the small price of £17.50 for the codex and not much else.


I am inclined to say this is the first to be release. Dark Eldar has been around longer, has more dated models, but was fairly well liked, where as GK was much later, despite being a fan favourite, its the more recent release with better models - I am sure GW will be inclined to let people sit tight in anticipation of that.


That said, I'd have thought that they wouldnt release anything in Oct given WH 8th just came out, plus they'd surely want to build some hype up in a White Dwarf / Rumour mill a bit.

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I am inclined to say this is the first to be release. Dark Eldar has been around since mid 2nd Ed,

they were a 3ed codex. last 2ed dex was SoB or necron if one counts the list in WD.


Your right, DA were very early 3rd Ed, DH were much later.


Still, theory is right, one has been sat on a dated codex for a much longer period of time.


Got my dates confused as I left the game over 10 years ago right at the beginning of 3rd ED, where I saw alot of DA (collected some myself) and only a little bit of Necrons (full on, not the original release in WD) and a fair bit of Tau. Saw zero of GK's (not even the rumours).

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In any case I don't think 2nd Ed. release schedules will have much bearing seeming as every army has had a release since 3rd. Why? - because if there is truth to what's been said about GW releasing new codieces for the most outdated ones first then DE, DH, Necrons & WH should be first up (all last printed in 3rd Ed.). I'm gonna guess most likely in that order even though the Necron codex is the most outdated at this moment. DE rumours followed by GK rumours have been the most persistent, to the point where reliable warseer sources are also standing by these two. Then they'll break up an Imperial releases with a xeno release - so Necrons. Followed by Sisters as both the next Imperial PA release and the 2nd =][= wave. To me it just fits. *fingers crossed*
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wow taking it a bit to literally here.


The rumours are that DE or GK will get the codex, my guess is that DE out of those two would get it first as its the older of the two, I wasnt saying it was the most out dated codex of them all (but actually it is, since the newer Necron codex came out after the DE one).


If we're going to be literal about it, then the Squats need a new codex, they are the oldest and most outdated ... :P


Truth is I have no clue, I've been back in the game a total of 6 weeks after the 10 or 11 year gap, I've not heard these rumours, just making a guess from what I've seen as I've started to look around the net (when I left the online support for GW was zero).


Either way it looks like we'll get the codex in no more than 4 months, which is great.

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Oh I'm all for lightheartedness but discussing when the DA's got a release in the 2nd and 3rd Ed is completely irrelevant to the topic and to be honest quite annoying for those of us who come here looking for a constructive update on the discussion. I'm just putting forward a logical/possible release slate and getting this thread back on track again.


Besides, unless GW gets taken over by those of the vertcially challenged who feel the need for some sort of major representation then squads aint coming back. :D

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I don't know if this is terribly out-dated, but on another board I saw some assassin stats


What do you think? Wishlisting or the true thing?


I'd say that some of it looks a bit over the top, fluffwise the best marksman in the ultramarines (and the best shooter in all of the Space Marines) have BS 6, so even your standart assassin is a (far) better shooter than anyone of the emperor's finest? Well... On the other hand, if they're one shot a turn, you'd like your t4 w2 lonely model to atleast do something before facing a horrible, horrible death.

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WS8, BS8, I7/8 is wishlisting. It's not that they're too powerful, just in comparison to even the best SM SC's they're too high. Like some kid getting high on Mephiston's profile and wanting to go one better... On the flipside, it's a good guess to say that GW wants to push assassins, whom have been underused/underperforming for a while. The only players that use them do so for the 'coolness of the concept'. A more impressive profile may help in some ways to entice youngsters. However, more intelligent/older players will just want decent survivability and efficient payback on their points in battle. Strong profiles don't equate to strong performances or in-game effectiveness.

Ulf from Tempus Fugutives, who's quite close to the design teams suggests that WS6/BS6/I6 is likely profile choice. That sounds much more accurate. That profile is slightly better than most SM Captains but doesn't upstage every SM/CSM character. Maybe the WS8... profile will happen next edition, when we'll see hero-creep advance further.


The rest seems grounded, though I can imagine a few other USRs being thrown in too, depending on the choice of assassin. Particularly FNP which is needed to increase their surviability. Otherwise they still look too dainty to be chosen by most =][= players. Overall not as powerful as many may think on a first glance at that profile.

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So I read this thread (yeah, all 73 pages of it. I had too much free time on my hands the last couple of weeks... :) ) and decided to register. I currently run a 1500pts Daemonhunters list mostly made out of GK. I like to footslog them but needless to say that has become harder and harder the last couple of years. I was on the verge of mechanizing my force and turning it into a 2000pts pure GK list but the rumours in this thread made me postpone that project until the new Dex has been released.


I also planned to replace my two regular Dreads with Venerable ones because they're a ) way more awesome and in line with the GK design and b ) easier to come by than FW ones. But, once again, the rumours of exo's/mecha's/other bipedal big armour has made me postpone that plan as well. I for one am a sucker for anything that's large and bipedal so I would love to see what the designers could do with that idea. I would love to have something that's larger than a GKT but smaller than a Dread.


If it makes the idea of a footslogging Marine army possible and competetive again I'm all for it.

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I don't think WS8 or BS8 is to far out of the ballpark. If you think about it, these aren't just Assassins, but Assassins trained to kill Phoenix Lords, Renegade Marine Chaos Lords, Primarchs, even the Emperor. It isn't even "over the top". If you look at say a vindicare, BS8 means he'll hit pratically every shot(which he should mind you), but he is only gonna shoot, what.. 5 times a game? Their surivability isn't to great either so I don't see that being an issue with high stats. WS8 means what exactly? That he gets to hit on 3+ while everyone hits on 4+ enless you have WS3 or lower.
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Yep Dark Eldar are the NEXT army book




So that our release for 2010. Dec dose not usely get army release due to Christmas & the focuse being loss. Usely tend to be things like the Mega paint set, limited ed carry case for your army, etc...


So taken on all guess for Jan :P Hopeful Games Day UK show a little preview as well like last year when Wolves where due for Oct/pre-release that GD, they had a poster for the Nids codex which was not out until 2010/start of this year.



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Strong profiles don't equate to strong performances or in-game effectiveness.

Ulf from Tempus Fugutives, who's quite close to the design teams suggests that WS6/BS6/I6 is likely profile choice. That sounds much more accurate. That profile is slightly better than most SM Captains but doesn't upstage every SM/CSM character.

well maybe the new hth ones do suck [but that could be said about anything that cant wipe out 6 meq models on charge on regular and can be ID] , but a vindicar with +2 cover is rather hard to kill , even the other assasins get +3 which aint bad[ok so it is they do die from double taping] + at least judging from the army size played either the GH cost 18-20 points or the inq HQs are realy cheap [which I dont think will happen] , the assasins have to be one of those cheap options. Either way this would be just like GW always does. calidus works . it sucks now. eversor is at least cheap and good for suicide charge against LF and stuff. sucks now [no 24" charge] , while the good old sniper that sucked hard core in both 4th and 5th ed is now a sound and good option[that is assuming he is cheap].

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I dunno. Don't get me wrong, I like assassins as much as the next guy and went was crazy about the minidex they received in 2nd Ed. Yeah, they even had big profiles back then too but so did everyone else to match. At least they tended to last a bit longer from what I can remember. Much of the time I've seen them in use recently they just don't. And it's not like they seem to be a 'must-take' priority on armylists...


I don't think WS8 or BS8 is to far out of the ballpark. If you think about it, these aren't just Assassins, but Assassins trained to kill Phoenix Lords, Renegade Marine Chaos Lords, Primarchs, even the Emperor. It isn't even "over the top". If you look at say a vindicare, BS8 means he'll hit pratically every shot(which he should mind you), but he is only gonna shoot, what.. 5 times a game? Their surivability isn't to great either so I don't see that being an issue with high stats. WS8 means what exactly? That he gets to hit on 3+ while everyone hits on 4+ enless you have WS3 or lower.

So I take it your in the wishlister camp on this one. :P


Aside from that, you kind of took a look at the first part (with all my complaining) without noticing the rest. I did mention that their survivabilty is the issue, but increasing skills levels is not the most effective way of increasing their survivability. Nor am I saying WS8 would be too powerful. More that it's just an appertising display to tickle fanboy fantasies mayhap. So much so that this rumour probably came from one. Everyone else knows a high WS is nothing more a bragging right in this day-and-age. If people feel hiking the WS and BS up will increase there effectiveness dramatically, then they are showing that they need to play a few more games. Master-crafting a pistol at BS5 is arguably more effective than BS8. Hence the proliferation of straight-up re-rolling abilities with no modifiers.


As for the fluff, yeah they train to take on biguns. But they're hardly 100% effective at it...


EDIT - Grammar

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I'm not wishlisting at all. Infact assassins have never appealed to me, and probably never will. I(or did) play DH for the Grey Knights, and when they get a new codex would do so again for the same reason. Assassins be damned! I'm just saying, I don't think they are that wishlisting. Wishlisting to me would be thinking of something completely ridiculous.. and I mean ridiculous, but after a first glance at this proposed stat line one should realize it isn't over the top or ridiculous in the least. Of course, that is exactly what people don't do, like you said it appeals to people who like high numbered stats, but I don't think it is an "out there" idea.


As for fluff, they may not always succeed, but are they not supose to be the most highly trained.... Assassins.. in the game universe?(Perhaps not counting Lictors) Not to mention they are supose to have cybernetic, genetic, and biotic implants all over the place. They may have high WS and BS to show that, but they are still fragile, like an assassin should be. I'm not wishlisting though, never touched and assassin, never will.

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Fair enough, the wishlisting comment was just tongue-n-cheek, bud. Let's cut to the point - we both agree that it's not ridiculously OTT. Though I'd personally go on to say it's pointless and deviating. Hence that, along with a differing opinion from other sources, I just get the feeling that it's wishlisting.


Fluff: Comparatively, Lictors aren't any more skilled than their own (hive tyrant/swarmlord) commanders either. They just differ in area of expertise...


...And I guess compared to the next guy I don't like assassins after all... ;)

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Well it has been my estimate for about the last 18 months that DH would be a 2011 release, so unless they arrive in december (0,0001254% chance) they won't be in 2010
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Keeping up with the gossip on Warseer, deductive guesswork is leading players to believe that Robin Cruddace will be the creative mogul, elected to write up our next codex. If it were true, what would you make of the writer of both the 5th Ed. Imperial Guards and Tyranids codices being charged with rewriting the big book for the =][= and the Grey Knights?


I know for one that a few of you here who will be sighing relief that Mr. Ward was linked to the Necron codex. Bad luck Necron players. :lol:

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If the =I= book is like Nids or IG, I'll bevery happy. I really like those codice. Even the Nids one. As for Necrons, I'll wait and see. It's my smallest army, so I don't care as much. If they are fun, so much the better, if not, I won't be that sad the sell them.



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Keeping up with the gossip on Warseer, deductive guesswork is leading players to believe that Robin Cruddace will be the creative mogul, elected to write up our next codex. If it were true, what would you make of the writer of both the 5th Ed. Imperial Guards and Tyranids codices being charged with rewriting the big book for the =][= and the Grey Knights?


I know for one that a few of you here who will be sighing relief that Mr. Ward has linked to the Necron codex. Bad luck Necron players. -_-


I'm not familiar with the new Tyranids codex, as I haven't bothered to buy or read it yet, but I think he did a great job with the Imperial Guard codex, so I'm rather pleased that we might have gotten Mr. Cruddace. I was hoping for Phil Kelly (who was the guy earlier rumors were pointing to), but it looks like he got pegged with Dark Eldar (good news for those players, in my opinion). I'm very pleased that we didn't get Mat Ward, as I was disappointed with his treatment of the Blood Angels; the BA Codex isn't a "bad" codex, and there is certainly some power in the list, but at the same time it isn't a "great" codex either. Having a theme for a specific Marine army is a great thing, and brings it to life, but when you go over-the-top with the theme it starts to leave a bland taste in your mouth.


Anyway, I think it is good news on Cruddace, and I'm still very much looking forward to January. I'm also hoping that the new plastics aren't drastically different than what we now have in metal, so that if I feel the need to add some new plastic models for specific weapons/options that I don't currently have, they won't stand out to the rest of the army.



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