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Snorri's 2nd Company - We are bloodied yet unbowed!


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Stuff looks great. One thought though, might the artificer armor be a balancing issue and not actually a design flaw? I love it and appreciate the model and have no problems with that personally, but just wonder about the actual use of the rule. Though, it might have made captains more appealing...
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Snorri, Aphael is really well painted (as usual!) I am loving the power weapon. How did you acheive that?


As for the Libby, nice pose (and particularly nice force weapon) looking forward to seeing him painted :P as for the hood I have used a trimmed shoulder pad on mine and added plenty of guitar wire, results look pretty cool. Failing that, Mr Greenstuff is your friend again ;)

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Thanks for the nice words, guys, glad you like my stuff! B)


@ Isryion:

You mean why GW did not include that option for Captains? I hope that they forgot about it - but it seems most likely that it was just not included to make players choose special characters instead of vanilla Captains. And if you think about it...does a Captain match with Dante or the Sanguinor when equipped with AA? Surely not, and that´s why I think this is not a balancing issue. But hey, I play in friendly environments, so nobody around there would prohibit the use of AA at additional 15 points. B)



@Midnight Runner:

Yeah, thanks!

The powerweapon was painted in several steps:

1. basecoat with Regal Blue Snot Green 1:1 over white foundation(might need more than one layer)

2. mix some ice blue into that and highlight the places you want your lightnings to be

3. Repeat step 2 with an increased amount of ice blue for every further step, until you´re satisfied, last step with pure ice blue

4. mix Skull White with IB, and paint really fine lightnings, it helps if your hands are shaking a little. ;)

5. Pure SW for the finest lines, also paint the electrodes in thin layers of SW as a source of power.


Well, you´re done. Is a lot of work, I think it took me about 10 layers, so make sure every layer is poperly thinned with water. ;)




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  • 2 weeks later...



I finished Aphael today, and I think that he came out really well:









And here we have the Librarian. I went Midnight Runner´s way and cut a shoulderpad into appropriate shape. I was not sure about the loincloth however, and I still am not. That might change after he got his paintjob.









And I assembled parts for two meltagunners for my Assault Squad. The special weapons can be swapped out and replaced with flamers, or, if I had them painted, plasmaguns. I used pins of wire to attach the weapon the bearer´s hands. The paintjob is a few years old, and therefore not on my current standard.





Well, here you go.

Feel free to comment and criticise. :)




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What's Aphael's loadout, Snorri? Power Weapon and Inferno pistol? Looks awesome, by the way. I'm happy to see that the single-turbine jump pack looks good... I used it on my Captain as well, but he hasn't been painted yet.

I'm eager to see how that loincloth pans out...

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Hi Snorri,


Wow! A brilliant red and your minis are so dynamic. :D You said you mixed blood red with bloody red, may i asked what ratio you used and how much you thinned it? I can feel a test mini comming on........... I cant paint anywhere near as well as you but that red is so crisp and bright i've just got to try! Thanks.

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Thanks for the kind replies, mates! And I have begun another project...inspired by the artwork in the Scouts unit-entry I will use Chaos-horsemen arms to give my Scouts savage looks(not "Space-Wolves"-savage, or "Chaos-Marines"-savage, but you know...a little different from da smurfs.).


@Bringer of Blood:


Thank you very much, mate. :P

Here´s what I used for the red:

3:2:1 Blood Red/Water/Bloody Red. Bloody Red has a pinkish appearance, and as I used pure Blood Red for my older stuff, I tried to keep the general appearance of the army, and therefore a higher amount of Blood Red.

Note that Bloody Red has a very nice coverage, even when applied very thinly.


The rather high amount of water guarantees a smooth finish, although you´d need about 2-3 layers until you´ll have a even surface.

In addition, thin washes of Baal Red add some shading to the miniature, for deeper shades you still can add some Scorched Brown to your actual Red mix and apply this into the recesses.



Again, thanks for your replies.



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I rarely write but I check you thread very often and I have to say that you are developing your painting skills really fast.


You're making a great progress - posing of your models are eye-catching and very inspiring (try to steal some ideas for my assault squad if you don't mind :) ), solid looking red and you MASTERED the gem painting - absolutely gorgeous purple gem!

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@ igotsmeakabob!!:


Sorry, I missed your question. Yes, the loadout is indeed powerweapon, infernus-pistol and jump-pack. In very friendly games, he will also have artificer armour.



Thank you very much man, feel free to use whatever you wish. :)




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  • 3 months later...

And lo, after a while of silence I am back with a WIP update of my Sanguinary Guard and my Vanguard, which are in different stages of progress.


So, lets start with the Sanguinary Guard:





After this group-shot, here some individuals:


This may or maybe not my favourite member...I just like that über-choppy axe! :)




Competition is tough, ´cause I like this guy also very much:




Some gems on this guy, I am pretty happy with how they turned out. However, his sword is totally messed up, as are the wings(which are still Space Wolves Grey. - . . - )




My beloved Infernus-Pistol. One of the best additions in the new codex, if you asked me.




Here are the wings, those ******* wings. I hate them. Why, you may wonder? I used the WD technique for their paintjob. This means starting from black, and as I lack certain foundation paints, I painted them in hundreds of layers up to Space Wolves Grey, did some shadings with self-made washes and hghlighted again, only to step forward with another 4 layers of thinned white. Gross.

If I am not mistaken, the wings for the 3 guys took me more time than one whole member of the guard(without the wings, of course. Captain Obvious strikes again!)

And still, I think that they came out really well. What do you think, mates?






Have a break now. Its gettin pic-heavy...


My Veteran Assault Marines:




The chainsword dudes:




Kinda like how this guy holds his sword, and the hand-flamer as well. Yes, he needs some green stuff under his armpit, but hey.




This guy is very close to being finished, but unfinished still. A mighty weapon and a omnipotent pose make this model to a favourite of mine.







Yeah, that´s it brothers. Comin´ out of nowhere with a massive update, I´m taking a little nap. Or eat. Or something else. Just not painting. :o


Well, thanks for watching and leave some critic and/or comments, that would be highly appreciated. :lol:





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Hey Snorri they look great ;) Now I'm not a lover of the SG wings, but you have done a cracking job painting them, mucho kudos (and for the blades encarmine power effect)


@ Shane I think they are termie lighting claws chopped at the elbow? Excellent pose which I think is copied for my version of Captain Marchiavi :P

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Thanks Midnight, surprised that you like the wings, though. :D Means that they are not too bad, actually. ;)


The lightning claws are actually wolf-claws from the Space Wolves Pack boxed-set, that for the powerarmoured guys. Cut them at the elbow and changed the pose. Added some guitar wire and GS blooddrops on the other side.




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Thanks Midnight, surprised that you like the wings, though. :D Means that they are not too bad, actually. ;)

lol yup the wings are not for me, I kind of think that only Dante, The Sanguiner and The Grim should have them. But hey, you have done a great job in painting them! I don't think I would have the patience for a full squad of them :) :lol:

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Hey, thanks mate! It was the first time for me to try this kind of "power effect" and I think that it is not that bad. :) How are your veterans, btw?



I see your point, but the wings on the Sanguinary Guard are still fluffy, if you ask me - their institution has been around since Sanguinius existence, after all. So, if anyone has the right to carry a pair of angel-looking wings, then its them. :P


And yes, it requieres patience. I have been working on them since the ´dex hit the shelfs. And yesterday, I finished them. *YAY*

Not too much to do on the unit until they are finished, I will try to keep this thread updated. :lol:




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Hey, thanks mate! It was the first time for me to try this kind of "power effect" and I think that it is not that bad. ;) How are your veterans, btw?







The vets are still slow going dude. Girlfriend is over at the moment from Spain so although she paints too we have been enjoying the company. I went back to Moriar for the time being who is very close to completion now :)

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Sounds nice, Ironkobra, keep us updated. :)

Alright, I´ve made some progress on the Sanguinary Guard - the wings are all finished, and the only things to do are bases, gems on the banner and the banner itself.


Finished the sword on this guy.



I´ve also re-modelled the Librarian´s loincloth, and I think it looks much better than before. What do you think, brothers?



The skull, ´twas chopped off a DC shoulderpad and given some GS horns.


And here we have another project: sneaky sneaky!



I started assembling and converting a unit of Scouts, in order to make them lil´ Sam Fishers(Splinter Cell, for those who shouldn´t know). They will have stealthy poses and paintjobs, their camo-cloaks will be painted in form of camouflage paint used by elite soldiers all around the world.


Of course, the guys need a lot of green-stuffing before getting some paint, before getting their paintjob, but here´s a little sneak peek of their paintscheme:


I´ve also used the Chaos Marauder Horsemen arms instead of those sleeves shown in the picture, to give the unit a savage feel, inspired by the artwork in the codex.

They will also be "equipped" with night-vision scopes(Splinter Cell again!), and their bases will be painted in dark colours, in total opposite to the rest of the army. This represents that the scouts arrive before the corearmy, during night, and fulfill their mission from the shadows.

Well, that´s it for today. :)

Thanks for the attention brothers, the Emperor protects.


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