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Snorri's 2nd Company - We are bloodied yet unbowed!


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Man your painting game has stepped up a considerable notch on the last few posts! The Sang guard are looking really really epic!


Thanks, man! Currently I´m working on a Landypeeder Typhoon, and after that on the veterans, and then the scouts, followed by a Furioso. Yup, tight schedule. :devil:




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Double post, I am afraid. No excuse.


Maybe one. I´ve actually finished something!




My landspeeder squadron "Blutsturm" - Bloodstorm. Both speeders are equipped with Multi-Meltas and one has a Typhoon Missile Launcher. 160 pts and a very mobile anti-tank unit.


Here some close ups:



This is the old model, a pain to build and keep together. I had to use GS to fill in gaps, 5 mm wide! That´s a pretty nice teeth gap actually.







I also used some BA bitz to bling the unit up...


The black weathering was done with a blister sponge, and after that I (over) did some Boltgun Metal "highlights".






This will be my last update for a few days, because me and my mates will be off to a trip to our capital city Berlin tomorrow. We will probably return Saturday so yeah I hope we´re gonna have some fun, and sunshine finally. ;)



So, have a nice week and enjoy the pics. :)




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  • 5 months later...

Hi snorri,


Love the work, ur painting skills are top notch, i would be happy if i had half your abilities, the poses you give your characters are incredibly dynamic and tell a story all by them selves.


Your work has inspired me to get my arse in gear and actually try to paint my army (over 6000points).


Keep up the good work.



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1. Lorenzo rocks!

2. Aphael rocks! Hmmm...I might even try something similar like his kill base. :lol:

3. What's your recipe for yellow?

Sanguinary Guard and Librarian conversion, really good!

Overall, very impresive log. :)

Keep up the good work. :tu:

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Hi snorri,


Love the work, ur painting skills are top notch, i would be happy if i had half your abilities, the poses you give your characters are incredibly dynamic and tell a story all by them selves.


Your work has inspired me to get my arse in gear and actually try to paint my army (over 6000points).


Keep up the good work.





Oh, thanks, that's nice to hear! :( I bet the thread was quite dusty when you called it back from the dead. :D

I intended to update it anyway, so don't mind about that. ;)

The reason is that I've finally got back to the painting table and finished my started but not finished Space Hulk Terminators yesterday, so I will try to get some pictures online today or over the weekend.

Oh, and I started to paint the insides of my Stormraven, which will also be part of the update. ;)


@ Demoulius: Haha, yeah, so did I. Somehow forgot that the thread still exists. ;)


@ vahouth:

Thank you, I really like your models as well!

My recipe for yellow is:

1. white foundation

2. sepia wash into recesses, set the first shadows.

3. Now I paint on layers of thinned Sun Yellow(Vallejo), which is identical with Sunburst Yellow(GW). Keep the layers thin and try not to paint over the shadows set.

4. When you're done and satisfied, thin dark flesh and paint it into the deepest recesses, to strengthen the shadows there.

5. Highlight with 1:1 Sun Yellow and Skull White, and then pure Skull white on the edges.


Done! ;)




Well, thank you all for that threadnomancy, it inspired me to keep this updated.





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Soooo....the first update in the first year, but nothing special, I'm afraid. Bad lighting on Brother Deino, but I think you get the idea...


Be warned, his armour is actually not orange, I highlighted with Tallarn Flesh just for fun. I try to get better pictures today, with the other Terminator with the chainfist(forgot his name... :P ).




You will notice that I tried a source-lighting(sp?) technique on this dude(and the other dude) for the first time and I'm quite pleased. Unfortunately, the bad pic doesn't do this effect justice.





So, the other half of my update...surprisingly not with bad lighting... :huh:






The interior of my stormraven PiP....I decided to go for a bone-coloured interior, the grill-sections on the floor and the doors will be painted in Boltgun metal, then badab black and a highlight with Chainmail...the consoles on the left and the right will be painted in metal as well, while the screens and sensors will be green with source lighting effects. Quite a lot to do, and this is only the inner part! Holy Moly....



Well, that's all, folks! I wish I could present more, but that's quite difficult at the moment....I try my best. ;)


Thanks for watching!



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Soo, back with the update:


Here goes my Stormraven's interior, finished!



The dirt on the ground was made using a blistersponge and Chaos Black.


A close up on the console:



And the other console:



So, after this, I proceeded to assemble the rest of the dropship and found it difficult to get the engines beneath the wings into the position shown on the manual, because the tailfin does not really stick to the engine's extensions...does anybody know what I'm talking about and can help me? ;)



Well, now the Terminators, of which I took better pics:








Well, thanks for watching, that's it for today!



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  • 1 month later...
Snorri, sounds a beast - hurry up and get it done!


Gonna do that, midnight! here's a little teaser for what's about to come for the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels:






That's what I did yesterday, and a few minutes ago I've been busy with Meph's robe on the legs - the curing has begun and I'm quite excited about the final result. ;)



Well, to add some colour to this small update, here's the progress of my Furioso so far:




The blood-fist missing arm is in progress as well, it will be "holding" a traitorous Marine of the Black Legion, armour and faith crushed with the mighty wrath of the ancients! Well, I need to add some GS to that chaos guy too before I can even think of painting him.


And because I really like the possibilities this brings up:




And the Crux Terminatus:





The red itself lacks highlights and proper shadings, and in the next steps I'm going to add severe battle damage to the armour, as well as a few freehands here and there(hopefully).


The Stormraven won't be part of this update, as I made a terrible mistake with the pre-Blood-Red layer of Bloody Red/Gory Red/Blood Red...

Terrible, I say...gonna strip the paint off and restart. Oh well... :tu:



That's all, folks, let me hear what you think. :)




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Snorri, sounds a beast - hurry up and get it done!


Gonna do that, midnight! here's a little teaser for what's about to come for the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels:






That's what I did yesterday, and a few minutes ago I've been busy with Meph's robe on the legs - the curing has begun and I'm quite excited about the final result. :)



Looking awesome already.

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Looking great as always Snorri. Its a shame about having to strip that SR, the interior was looking great. I am not sure how fast you pain, but that would have been about a full day of painting for me (and it would still look worse then yours), which would suck to lose.
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Wow Snorri, that Meph is going to be awesome if his torso is anything to go by! Big kudos :P I would love to be able to do that but my own greenstuff skills are pretty basic :(

Bad news about the Raven mate, that was looking sweet but at least Mr Dread coming along nicely. I want to see lots of heretic blood and guts!

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Hey there!


Crimson: Thanks man, but my GS skill is not really that advanced ;) I did a few things prior to this and my only tools are cork grease from my saxophone and the GW sculpting tool(which is not the best choice for modelling :P ) and of course the conviction of getting :cuss done. :D


Losfer Words: thanks, highly appreciated!


Tabgoi: Thanks man, and yes, it hurts somewhere. I've always had good results with that pre-foundation, but this time everything got blotchy and the following layers of blood red weren't able to cover it up....luckily, I found the mistake: I mixed too much Gory Red(Vallejo) into the mix and it therefore got too dark to work as a base for the following steps. Not gonna happen again!


Midnight: Thanks mate, glad you like it!

Well, as I said above, my skills are not that advanced...I'm pretty sure that the majority of the brothers here in the forum could do this as well, and I don't think your work would be worse than mine. ;)


Yes, the raven-issue is a shame...probably going to strip it and paint it along with the missing Baal that's been waiting in the box since the release :blink:


Well, thanks again guys. I'll try to get more pics up today, hopefully with more Mephy goodness.




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I apologise for the double post. Inevitable, as I've made a promise to update the progress on Mephy.


Well, here we go:



I do realise that the sword-arm is a bit too long...and it will be even longer when the shoulder-piece is added. I will see if it pans out alright, or if I have to cut something off.




just another view.




I put some effort into the robe, I hope that it shows in the pictures. After it cured for the first time, I added some edges here and there, to achieve that "GW-look" in some way.

that was also the reason I didn't update yesterday(as promised) as the GS had to cure for the second time. ^_^



The Furioso is on its way, but the difference to the pics from the last update is not really that big, although I made some progress on the traitorous marine. I'll try to get some pics up when I'm finished witht the conversion. ;)



Well, that's all folks. Thanks for your attention!




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.....and I don't think your work would be worse than mine. :)

Looking at that cloak I am inclined to disagree, that is top notch stuff! The sword arm does look slightly long, probably because of his glove. I find when I use gloved hands you have to chop the forearm right back. Take a look at the chaos space marine arms to see what I mean. Although it may look in proportion more if you bulk out his shoulders when putting the shoulder pads on (He is a Daemon Prince lol)


Any-who; this is going to be one dynamic Mephy. Any ideas on a head/hood? Or is it a secret :)

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Looking at that cloak I am inclined to disagree, that is top notch stuff! The sword arm does look slightly long, probably because of his glove. I find when I use gloved hands you have to chop the forearm right back. Take a look at the chaos space marine arms to see what I mean. Although it may look in proportion more if you bulk out his shoulders when putting the shoulder pads on (He is a Daemon Prince lol)


Any-who; this is going to be one dynamic Mephy. Any ideas on a head/hood? Or is it a secret :P


Yes, thanks for the advise on the arm...probably rework that, after I got the shoulderpad on...and yes, a daemon prince he is indeed. :D


No, the head and hood are not a secret, I've just only started on the head.

I took one of the helmet-less heads from the DC sprue(that with the grim face, he actually bares his teeth, probably in anger) and cut the forehead away in order to imitate Meph's haircut...his v-shaped hairline I will re-sculpt with GS, as well as the longer hair(mullet :D )


As for the hood, I'll try to cut it off without the head, but then I do want something smaller(although his chest is really big in comparison to his head or to that of his brethren...ah, he's a daemon prince. :D), so I'll try to build the hood up on a frame of toothpicks, which I then shall cover with GS to get the shape done. Add some skulls here and there, and guitar wire.


And then there's still the belt, the real cloak, the shoulderpad( probably gonna steal that Berserker-pad-idea from you ;) ) and the ornaments on his armour....one hell of work.




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You are doing great there. This is a set I picked up for helping with sculpting. Pretty cheap, lots of interesting tools that you can find a use for.




Plus they are magnetic, I have been thinking of doing up a board or something to sink magnets into so I can hang these and files and stuff off of for easy organization and access.

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Thanks guys :) I highly appreciate your feedback!


@ Seven Exxes:

I happen to do so. Before you put the decal on, even before you plunge it into water, cut it in shape with a scissor.


- That means for the Blood Angels Chapter symbol, reduce the clear plastic around the symbol until you've really got the symbol itself left.

- Then cut in the space between the wings on the top of the drop...really a small cut will do the trick as it allows the symbol to lay even on the round shoulderpad without crunching up.

- As a last step, I put on some gloss varnish (GW 'Ardcoat)...it helps to prevent the decal from being worn off.


when working on the shoulderpads/on your surface, always make sure that surface and the brush(I use a brush for that kind of work) is wet...the decal won't be torn apart so easily and it flows really good.


When you got your decal in position, you can use a piece of toilet paper to sponge up the water, "pressing" the decal on the surface.


Then apply the varnish.




Well, that looks really nice, actually. And really cheap as well...I've got to order new GS anyway...probably I'll add some tools here and there. ;)


Ironkobra: Thanks man, glad you like him! :)



I'll paint the Furioso in the following days, prepare for updates. ;)





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