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Snorri's 2nd Company - We are bloodied yet unbowed!


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Well, I promised an update until the weekend, and here it is!



Worked on my Furioso over the week, and I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome and the progress.




this is without any shadows as the sun shines today ;)


But for your viewing pleasure and to prevent the colours being changed too much, I took the rest of my pics in the shade. ;)








Now with Magna Grapple!




and the infamous frag cannon...




shot of the crux terminatus:





That's it for the moment. I'll be very busy over the weekend and I don't think that I can really paint during this time, so the next time for an update may be in one week,



On a side note, I ordered new Green Stuff along with a shiney new miniature case and some magnets. When the stuff arrives, I can proceed working on Mephy, sculpting the head/hear, cloak and some details here and there.



Thanks for your attention, Snorri out.





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Thanks man, glad you like it. :o Had a small beneficial concert for the victims of the catastrophe in Japan, I couldn't respond immediately.


Ah, the weekend is so full of work that I can't imagine how to find some time for painting...maybe today is the last chance. :D


Oh, I forgot about the traitor marine - he's already primed and waiting along with the underslung weaponry to be painted.



I'll keep this updated.




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Thanks Tabgoi, you're very kind!


Well folks, my stuff finally arrived. So just a short announcement with some pics of my shiny new figure case by German company Feldherr, a very fine piece if you ask me.

4 adhesive layers for 108 infantry models and bigger miniatures included, this was a limited edition piece, and I already love it. With my upcoming interest to play Warhammer Fantasy Battles again, the increased transport capacity of this case comes quite handy.







Also some Green Stuff for Mephiston. Note the ridiculously overpriced GW GS, which comes at twice of the price I paid for this from Armypainter.


And some magnets for character conversions. :)







Yeah I know, no painting updates. I'm not sure if there will be any in this week. Apologies mates, the time for painting will be there. It is just not now.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Please don't worry guys, I got this thing on the move! I got a high falootin' Furioso on my workbench, finally finished and in need to show his blood-splattered sarcophagus to the world! While I was really getting paranoid because of this dude's unfinishedness, I can proudly say that I managed to get him done yesterday! I'm also quite satisfied with the fact that I got the Traitor's inside looking out and all the gore and stuff.

Nothing is the same for me, now that I am in my finals and trying to get a job as a limousine driver while preparing for my exams. ;)



After this very suspicious introduction, I may then introduce you to Tyrael, Furioso Dreadnought of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter!


The background would be the following:


Tyrael was a veteran in the Honour Guard of Captain Aphael, who met his destiny on the industrial world of Nexus Primus, which was the smallest planet in the Argentum system. Nontheless, the world was of great value for the Imperium as several Promethium-sources were found and provided an enormous amount of fuel and propellant for the Imperial Guard, Fleet and for merchants on their journey through the system. In 956.M42, the world Nexus Primus and its two moons were witnesses to several riots within their hive cities, which were easily supressed by the Adeptus Arbites. 957.M42, those riots had become a world-wide rebellion agains the ruling Govenor. The citizens now openly fought the Adeptus Arbites in every corner of the immense hive cities, overwhelmed their forces and left the Promethium refineries uncrewed which turned out to be a dangerous supply problem for the whole sub-sector. In their desperation, the Govenor and his staff send a broadband call for help which was then answered by a strikeforce of Donatos Aphael and elements of the second company of the Blood Angels.


After impact on the planet, several bridge-heads of the now traitorous citizens were stormed and some refineries recaptured. When everything seemed to go well, the remaining refineries under enemy control uncoiled filthy banners of the Dark Gods, and now the Space Marines were facing not only thousands of mad cultists, but also their arch enemies, Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion with several elements of other cults such as the cult of Nurgle and Khorne.

Captain Aphael did not hesitate, but ordered to storm the now heavily fortified and manned refineries one by one, and restoring the order within the hive cities. With furious anger and swift blows he led his strikeforce from victory to victory, whereas the traitors could not stand the unfiltered hatred and celerity with which the Blood Angels came upon them. It was such a reconquering of the biggest refinery in on the planet, where the Chaos Marines were of major number and the banners they bore made it obvious that they were under direct command of a high-ranked Chaos Lord.

Seeing a chance to earn both glory and to scatter the forces of traitors after the death of their master, Aphael and his retinue of brave veterans embarked on their Stormraven and were directly launched into the heart of the enemy forces, while two other dropships provied fire support, exploded bunkers and fortified weapon emplacements and mowed down the charging hordes of cultists with thundering assault cannons, whereas the banner of the Second Company still waved proudly in the smut-polluted winds. On the breach, there was the Chaos Lord and his retinue of Terminators. All of them highly trained and merciless, evil warriors, the fight would not be easy, which Aphael knew for sure. Nonetheless, he called the charge and his brothers shouted their warcries and sacred oath sworn to the Emperor and Sanguinius.

The fight lasted several hours, as many Chaos Marines and Blood Angels joined the fray to change the balance to their advantage.

Then Aphael met the Chaos Lord. A man of brute strength and vicious repute, he swung his mace with unmatched celerity and force, forcing the Captain to take a defensive position and to exploit every weakness that might occur in the Traitor's movements. When the situation escalated and Aphael was thrown on the ground by a mighty blow, Tyrael, his Blood Champion, had killed another traitor with his sword. He saw that his Brother-Captain was in danger, activated his jumppack and landed before the Chaos Lord and challenged him by his doubtful honour. The fight was short. Tyrael, while the first amongst his brothers in the second company, was no match for the minion of the Dark Gods, and his body was crushed by the Traitor. This was the chance Aphael needed to lay down the killing blow, he sliced the murder of his brother almost in half, and broke the moral of the troops in range which forced them to retreat.


For his courage, his sense of duty and his sacrifice, Tyrael was offered to continue the fight against the enemies of the Emperor, and was entombed in the Furioso Dreadnought. He fights with unbroken fury, but his hatred deepens when he is called to fight against the traitorous forces of the Black Legion.






Here a close up on the Blood Fist:




More shots:






Here's him rocking the frag cannon:






And a close up of the traitor:






And finally, the obligatory: "Put your traitors in the air, wave 'em like you don't care!" :teehee:





Well, that's it folks! My PC crashed during writing the background and I'm bloody glad that the BnC site safed it after it crashed a second time. :)


Oh, and those who can figure out what I am talking about in the suspicious introduction will receive a free cookie. :P


Thanks for watching,




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Sorry for not replying, I was off to party. :D (Yeah I know it is Tuesday but me and my mates have today off, so...)


@ Ironkobra:

Cheers mate, the chipping was done with a blister sponge and a mix of Chaos Black/Scorched Brown 1:2. Then I took my Fortress Grey and painted lines on the downsides of some of the chips to create the effect of actual depth on those. Glad you like it. :)


The pose is just too funny not to have. :D


@ Dem:


Haha, thanks, took me a whole to write it down from my head. :)

No, I have not used it yet. Actually, I intended to do so at a game today, but both me and opponent are not feeling really well...

Nontheless, it can't hurt to have that thing painted up.




Thanks man! :)

sounds great dude, have you got some pictures online? I would like to see it!

Yes the pose was rather tricky, actually. I had to chop some assault marine legs and re-create the rear armour(no pun intended) with green stuff, as well as the chaos symbol on the knee and the soft armour in the knee joints.

The blood is a mix of blood red, gory red(vallejo), scab red, chaos black and brown ink, oh and tons and tons of water. I put some dish soap in it, and plunged my brush into the mix until it was literally overloaded...then I aimed at the parts I wanted to have the gore on...and then you gotta blow impulsively(with pressure!) on the brush. The paint will then splatter on the miniature and create a random effect, which looks better than if you painted it on. ;)

To get it shiny, I used the normal GW 'ardcoat gloss varnish. It will dry with some texture on it if you paint it irregularly, which looks even better and realistic I think.



Woa, whole lotta text. :D


Yes, that's it actually. And still there is a cookie for him who knows what my introduction is about.(hint: it is about an American Band...) ;)



Thanks again, guys.




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Tyrael turned out excellent bro, great effort. I'm in the weathering camp it looks really great and this is something I am going to be trying on my upcoming vehicles (and there are a lot lol) and nice detail work on the wings on the front armour.


A nice piece :)

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Tyrael turned out excellent bro, great effort. I'm in the weathering camp it looks really great and this is something I am going to be trying on my upcoming vehicles (and there are a lot lol) and nice detail work on the wings on the front armour.


A nice piece :)



Cheers dude! I'm glad you like it, took me some time to get this piece finished...and I'm satisfied. :)




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Thanks bro, nice to hear that you like it! :)


Short update fellas,


I have been in contact with the guys from Chessex lately and placed an order for customised dice. Such as this one:





Actually, I wanted red dice with black, but those were not available. Despite that, I'm still glad how wicked these look in black/red!




Another side note, I am finished with stripping the paint from my stormraven(where needed, though. Not completely.) thanks to a hand sanitiser from German company Bode, Sterillium. That stuff does not melt down plastic and is not aggressive to your skin(it is a hand sanitiser after all). It's effect on paint is amazing which shows immediate reaction and can be wiped off with a cloth very easily and the price is really fair, I paid 4,90 EUR for 500 ml(about 7 dollar). That amount of liquid will serve a long time as it is really effective.


So I hope that after a week of work I can present this damn 'raven in its finished form!





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How much freedom do you have with designing the dice? I really want a set with the gothic-style numerals you see on SM markings instead of dots. How much did your set cost you?


I think that it can be done. That will probably come with a price increase, I could imagine, as these dice will need more work...I suggest you just ask the guys at Chessex. :D



Angelus, nice choice of colour, mate! Seems like wie had the same idea, huh? :lol:




Will be workin on my Stormraven tonight, I hope to get it done until weeks' end.







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  • 3 weeks later...

I apology mates for no painting update, but my stormraven had to be stripped down for a second time and I am not really pleased with the primer so...might take a week or more till I get this thing done.


In the meanwhile, why don't you take a look what came in the mail for me today? :)




hell yeah my order from Chessex arrived! :D


Too bad that I could not use them in my game today in which I got roasted like a little child. :lol:

Seriously, I had no chance as my dice were on the ';) you! ' trip today and none of my rolls succeeded when I needed them.

Ah, next time, I shall have revenge. :P



That's it. Nothing big. Just wanted to say hello and all that. Have a nice day. ;)




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Hey guys!


@ vharing:

I paid 22,50 USD for the dice and the bag(it is what the dice are lying on :P ) and shipping to europe.


@ I am Legion:


Chessex site


Here you go! Geebus heard your prayer! :lol:


Edit: Oh, and maybe I should mention that I sent a request to the customer service, the whole negotiation took place via email. :)



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