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Rule Number One: The first time someone reads about their new organs, someone will spit acid every five seconds.


Rule Number Two: Someone will play a Blood Angel just to have the excuse for flying into the Black Rage every game.


Rule Number Three: Someone will think it's cool to play one of the 21st Founding.


Rule Number Four: Someone will ask if a Space Marine can have sex and will argue that he should be able to.


Rule Number Five: Someone who reads that the lungs of a Marine filter out toxins will immediately create a Marine who smokes.


Rule Number Six: Someone will want to play the Librarian just so they can read everyone's thoughts...oh and they'll play him like a jedi.


Rule Number Seven: The first words uttered to the inquisitor by one of the players will be "Screw you, I'm Astartes."


Rule Number Eight: One person will want to play the Librarian and another will demand to play a Black Templar.


Rule Number Nine: If everyone else plays second founding or later, someone will want to play a first founding chapter just to rub everyone else's nose in their supperiority.


Rule Number Ten: As soon as a player discovers the neuroglottis, they will eat everything they find.


These are just a few reasons why a game where players get to be Space Marines might not be the best idea on the planet. If you know of any other possible "Rules," please feel free to add on.

Edited by Marshal Nebiros
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Can't speak for the other play test groups, but the B&C play test group has not run into any of those circumstances.


All jokes aside, you guys worry too much about the Role Play aspect of the game. I promise there is plenty in there for you to role play off of. We can't talk about it (NDA) but it is there.

Immature (and bad) players are present in every rpg. Good players make everything great even the more challengign things like a band of Sith Lords on a plunder and despoil campaign.

No Space Marines? I bet there are plenty antiheroes, emo's and godmoddy chars etc in the Dark Heresy / Rogue Trader section.

Deathwatch was a brilliant idea and it's nature allows good rping and links to the other 2 systems. Though I don't play the systems, I can only applaud FFG for their choice and intent of compatibility.

Perhaps I should step forward and declare the intent of this post. This is meant to be a humours and satyrical look at the idea of roleplaying space marines. To those who are posting here to defend Fantasy Flight Games or Deathwatch, you should know that I will not only buy the game, but probably run/play in several games. I'm really looking forward to it's release.


That being said, I really enjoyed rules # 15 and 17. Octavulg: Tying in Dr. Demento's D&D skit is pure brilliance. I can just see the Space Wolf shouting from the other room in a pre-teenage voice "Am I drunk yet?"


Keep them coming, guys. And remember, Rule #18: Your character is not best friends with his Chapter Master.

Edited by Marshal Nebiros

Ahh the joys of DMing: "Let me tell you about Private 3rd Class Bobinius Valentine, Private Valentine is, or rather was, an exceptional member of the Imperial Guard, so exceptional in fact that the techno-heretics of a Forgeworld that will remain nameless created a hundred clones of him.. however they didn't do a good job, the clones are rather pathetic individuals - physically weak, mentally incompetent and unable to hit the side of a barn with a flamethrower.. however for reasons that do not concern you we still find it useful to attach a clone or two at times to a Killteam such as yours. Any player who annoys me will have his marines secondment to the Deathwatch terminated and will henceforth play one of Bobs clones, comprendi?"


  BrotherAtrox said:
Rule #16: Someone will want to play a Space Marine who turns out to be a Chaos worshipper. Or a Tau sympathizer. Or falls in love with an Eldar Farseer. Etc.


Not that thats necessarily a bad thing, a Paranoia-esque Deathwatch game could be quite cool.

  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
Rule 21: Someone will insist that Librarian Dreadnoughts exist.


and i have heard rumors that there will be one in the new BA codex!


Rule number 24: someone will claim being one of the lost primarcs


Rule number 25: NO, there are no dwarfs in WH40K!!!!

Edited by husi2100
  Kurgan the Lurker said:
Can't speak for the other play test groups, but the B&C play test group has not run into any of those circumstances.


All jokes aside, you guys worry too much about the Role Play aspect of the game. I promise there is plenty in there for you to role play off of. We can't talk about it (NDA) but it is there.

I can add my voice to Kurgan's. Testing has not resulted in any of these circumstances.. yet.


Oh and:


Rule #29: Someone will try to take on a Hive Tyrant, solo.

I did.


Didn't end well.

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