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Roll out the Ale barrels


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*finely pulls the squig off his face and tosses it back in its cage then spots forte charging back in to the hall an d just after he kicks greenhorn and lands on his feet grabs forte and tosses him in the same pile of Immortals hiding in the corner.*


that looks like a fitting place for you forte

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looking down on the pup who just knocked him in the stomach hendrik stares right into the pups' eyes."now tell me you didn't just kick me in the stomach did you pup? because i've had harder hits from tree branches then what i just felt...." lifting the pup with one hand and throwing his through the meadhall like only Russ himself or ranek could have thrown the pup!
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*finely pulls the squig off his face and tosses it back in its cage then spots forte charging back in to the hall an d just after he kicks greenhorn and lands on his feet grabs forte and tosses him in the same pile of Immortals hiding in the corner.*


that looks like a fitting place for you forte

*after finally pulling himself free from the twister of bodies. Spying the grey of Arez's armour, he pulls him free by his hair and kicks him at Postal who steps to one side as if it was nothing.

Using the cover of the flying Greenhorn, Forté manages to clothesline Postal from the side, sending him cartwheeling*


"No eyes in the back of your head eh"

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*charging back into the hall and jump kicking greenhorn with both feet straight into the Immortals hiding in the corner, sending them into a mix of flailing limbs*


"I doubt you had anything to do with Alexander failing with the sisters. You'd still be running if you had ;)"

maybe i told them something :woot:

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[slides to a halt, his twin axes and servo arm biting into the floor]


I am an Iron Priest. I can fix that raider. And dont try to trump me with experience either. Im one of the 13th. I was killing Daemons while you were just a bubble in an ale.


[sheaths axes and draws thunder hammer from his back, eyes on his fanged helmet glinting with malice]


Come get some, whelp.


[barrels through the arguing Angels and slams all 10ft and one tonne into Lone Wolf, followed up by a Thunder hammer blow to the skull]

*Falls to the ground hard, cracking the concrete/stone flooring in the process*....Fair enough wolf brother, point taken.... ;) *somersault kicks Firenze, causing him to be knocked back and stumbled a little, and uppercuts him on/under the chin. Then goes up to Jonas and takes back the chainaxe from him which he picked up earlier*....I believe that chainaxe is mine Jonas....*takes the chainaxe from him and gets ready for Firenze's next attack*....


"Think Lonewolf may be in need of a Hendrik style skull after that last blow...Ouch"

Meh, its going to take more than that to bring me down lad.... *grin* :woot: :P

:tips a salute at TheLoneWolf:


Thanks for the loan then, I've got bloodclaws to 'educate.'


:pulls out his powertankard and slams it down on Arez's head, then grabs the now stunned bloodclaw by the collar:


So, greenhorn, how far is it from here to the base of the Fang? Don't know? Then find out!


:hurls Arez through the open window out into the blizzard:

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[slides to a halt, his twin axes and servo arm biting into the floor]


I am an Iron Priest. I can fix that raider. And dont try to trump me with experience either. Im one of the 13th. I was killing Daemons while you were just a bubble in an ale.


[sheaths axes and draws thunder hammer from his back, eyes on his fanged helmet glinting with malice]


Come get some, whelp.


[barrels through the arguing Angels and slams all 10ft and one tonne into Lone Wolf, followed up by a Thunder hammer blow to the skull]

*Falls to the ground hard, cracking the concrete/stone flooring in the process*....Fair enough wolf brother, point taken.... :P *somersault kicks Firenze, causing him to be knocked back and stumbled a little, and uppercuts him on/under the chin. Then goes up to Jonas and takes back the chainaxe from him which he picked up earlier*....I believe that chainaxe is mine Jonas....*takes the chainaxe from him and gets ready for Firenze's next attack*....


"Think Lonewolf may be in need of a Hendrik style skull after that last blow...Ouch"

Meh, its going to take more than that to bring me down lad.... *grin* :woot: :P

:tips a salute at TheLoneWolf:


Thanks for the loan then, I've got bloodclaws to 'educate.'


:pulls out his powertankard and slams it down on Arez's head, then grabs the now stunned bloodclaw by the collar:


So, greenhorn, how far is it from here to the base of the Fang? Don't know? Then find out!


:hurls Arez through the open window out into the blizzard:

*comes back riding a wolf*

Hey thanks for that.I made a new friend cause of you.Heres an ale on you*smashes a mug full of ale on Jonas*


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"GREENHORN.....STOP WASTING THE ALE!!!!!Use the ladies drinks instead"


*smashing a full bottle of wine over a random blood claws head*

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*finds a random chair,picks it up and smacks forte with it*stop calling me that!


*picks up forte then throws him at Jonas*

Jonas heads up!

*catches Jonas' head mid flight and slams it into the floor as he crashes down*


"Stop calling you what? Greenhorn! ;)"

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*gets up from the floor again and this time takes a page out of forte's book and grabs a bottle of wine and smashes it over a random persons head then picks up the stunned person and throws them at forte but when forte dodges the falling person i then shoulder check him into the wall*
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*finds a random chair,picks it up and smacks forte with it*stop calling me that!


*picks up forte then throws him at Jonas*

Jonas heads up!

*catches Jonas' head mid flight and slams it into the floor as he crashes down*


"Stop calling you what? Greenhorn! ;)"

If you keep calling me that i'll give you a black and red horn ;)

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*looks at the Greenhorn and looks at forte* to forte feel like taking this one for a ride?

you grab his feet i got his arms we will use him like a battering ram and run head first into the middle of the fight sound like fun ?

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*looks at the Greenhorn and looks at forte* to forte feel like taking this one for a ride?

you grab his feet i got his arms we will use him like a battering ram and run head first into the middle of the fight sound like fun ?

*turns to postal and growls then uppercuts postal*Now try that

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*kicks the greenhorn's feet out from under him and well he is off balance punches him in the gut for good measure* grins and says you hit like a little girl.... no i take that back my sister hits harder then you.

*gets up and whistles*Meet my friend.


*thunderwolve sits on postal*

There that'll keep you for abit.

*thinks for a minute*

Maybe not...........

*runs out of the Hall then a moment later returns with a thunderhammer*

you going to stop kicking me postal?

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*thinks about it for a second pushes the thunder wolf off of him and dodges the thunder hammer swing and upper cuts the greenhorn well taking the thunder hammer from him all at the same time* thanks for the new toy Arez then turns around and walks over to the bar keep and says here meekboy hold on to this for me i will want it back later and orders a mead for him self and Arez.
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*smashes a bottle of wine on each side of Arez's head before kicking him into the Night Angels*



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watching the combat become fiercer and fiercer as the pup arez seems to loose it's nerve hendrik starts to think he might need to put this to an end, seeing that one of the pups already stole a thunderhammer and tried using it one one of his fellow bloodclaws! with his deep voice bellowing through the meadhall, the sound of it as loud as thunder hendrik commands the new pups to halt." this pups, is not what brawling is about! stealing precious wargear,almost killing your fellow brothers!. just wait till the wolf guards find out who stole their thunderhammer! you won't be able to drink an ale for months!Or does any of you had thought about the consequences had that thunderhammer actually hit one of you! although all of you are still young and don't have a great saga of their own i would hate it if one of you would met his end here in our beloved meathall! besides *sighting while he mentions the words* if you really want to duell like this, use your own weapons, your sacred chainsword and bolt pistol. take it outside, into the cold, and see who comes back in... but i assure you, it won't be pretty and killing one of your wolf brothers is not something i for one will take lightly! so i say put away those weapons, and fight like a real brawler! using only that what the mead hall provides! :tu:"
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watching the combat become fiercer and fiercer as the pup arez seems to loose it's nerve hendrik starts to think he might need to put this to an end, seeing that one of the pups already stole a thunderhammer and tried using it one one of his fellow bloodclaws! with his deep voice bellowing through the meadhall, the sound of it as loud as thunder hendrik commands the new pups to halt." this pups, is not what brawling is about! stealing precious wargear,almost killing your fellow brothers!. just wait till the wolf guards find out who stole their thunderhammer! you won't be able to drink an ale for months!Or does any of you had thought about the consequences had that thunderhammer actually hit one of you! although all of you are still young and don't have a great saga of their own i would hate it if one of you would met his end here in our beloved meathall! besides *sighting while he mentions the words* if you really want to duell like this, use your own weapons, your sacred chainsword and bolt pistol. take it outside, into the cold, and see who comes back in... but i assure you, it won't be pretty and killing one of your wolf brothers is not something i for one will take lightly! so i say put away those weapons, and fight like a real brawler! using only that what the mead hall provides! :P"

But I've seen atleast 1 thunderhammer in this hall already.Besides.i wasn't goingto kill postal or Joans i was just going to break one arm :).Oh and postal stole the hammer :tu:.as for the chair forte *picks up to chairs and smashed them on each side of forte*if your going to try to take me out of the fight throw me a weapon and get a battle barge ready.i'll leave if theres actual fighting to be done.Preferably thousand sons but ant heretic or xenos will do :P

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*tackles Arez onto a pile with three other Blood Claws. Raising his arm and bringing it down like a hammer on Arez's skull*


"It was HIS OWN thunderhammer he used. If you want weapons we can take this to the sparring chambers"

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*tackles Arez onto a pile with three other Blood Claws. Raising his arm and bringing it down like a hammer on Arez's skull*


"It was HIS OWN thunderhammer he used. If you want weapons we can take this to the sparring chambers"

We have to keep this brawl alive brothers!!!

*tosses forte into some blood claws*

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*picks forte up off the ground then close lines Arez back into the pile of other blood claws* there you go brother.

"Didn't expect that. Have an ale brother. Here's one for you too Greenhorn. Cheers."

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