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I patiently await your "demolish and polish" Ace.


Until then, I'd really rather not work on the IA itself, and instead the characters that make the Chapter.


This thread already includes rough descriptions of 6 characters: Tobulo, Thussaud, Barbari, Filo, Narrik, and Miguelo.

For the Time of Ending, two of these characters are dead (Thussaud and Barbari), Tobulo is Chapter Master, Chevo Quorra replaces Barbari as Third Captain, Narrik is Chapter Champion, Filo is Fourth Captain and Miguelo is Master of Sanctity.


Now for some random ideas that I have no idea how to, or even if I should, incorporate into the IA.


-Death Heads use older mark suits of power armor, usually 4 and 6, for the more bestial appearance with the longer face plate. I also imagine there would be a few suits of mark 5 in use due to the brutal nature of Death Head assaults being unkind to Power Armor.

-Death Heads also use iconography more common in the Great Crusade, the Emperor's lightning bolts (ala Thunder Armor), and the eagle. The eagle is also used because of heritage from the White Consuls, some Chaplains wear the Raven Guard Veteran/ Legion of the Damned raven skull helmet.

-I imagine some of the red honors could include drops. Red markings on leg armor, "hot feet" i suppose, could be one of the marks of initiation. Any other ideas for red marks?

-Now, because the karken helmets are exclusive to the Captains, Miguelo can have his crocodile skull helmet. I also imagine that many Death Head Chaplains will wear helmets that are more in line with crocodiles, ravens, etc. instead of the traditional skull (you can all smack me and tell me it's a bad idea).

-The battle barge Nausicaa may very well serve as the Fortress Monastery given how I don't really know how I'll stick it on a hive, and don't know if the world will even have a satellite. Nausicaa will be suitably bulked up for the role, but it's still debatable whether or not this is even a good idea.

-Currently the Chapter has no bad blood with any other Imperial faction (aside from "other chapters" which is extremely unspecified, and the obligatory tension with the Ecclesiarchy). Is it worth picking a fight?

-Death Heads expect to fight alongside their commanders, apothecaries, librarians, techmarines, veterans, initiates, and neophytes alike. The only problem with this is that Perditia clearly involves Tobulo removing himself from the front to command. I expect he may even apologize to his men for taking command, and moving away from the battlefield. It may make for some tension between the Chapters. Opinions?

-I imagine Death Heads to be extremely boastful, or at least talkative, and open to conversation. All with the intention of sharing stories of themselves, of course. Some I may imagine to act too important to be bothered with other astartes, maybe even their fellow Death Heads. One story that I hope to see written is one where an outside character meets Filo and then Narrik. It may be more of a comedy, but the complete difference in character should be funny enough to excuse it.

-Name wise, Thussaud needs a successor, and I have no idea what name to pick for that, or what their personality should be. Thussaud played the role of mentor. To give an idea, Barbari played the role of spirit. His successor, Chevo Quorra plays the role of soul/heart (Quorra = heart). On top of that, the First Captain to replace Tobulo after his ascension needs a name, as do the five other captains.


Any ideas, especially anything that shoots these down, are more than welcome.

I dont have any really useful advice here but I just wanted to say I love the amount of detail and work you put into your Chapter here. This is the standard that I one day hope to achieve. You have worked down to the details of what Captain likes whom and is like what. I, sir, am in awe.
  KingHongKong said:
I patiently await your "demolish and polish" Ace.


Demolish and Polish. That's chuckle-worthy. :D


  KingHongKong said:
On top of that, the First Captain to replace Tobulo after his ascension needs a name, as do the five other captains.

Any ideas, especially anything that shoots these down, are more than welcome.


You could call him Olubot and give him a thick moustache...? :cuss


Alright, alright, I'll try and think up something more sensible after the holidays.

You could call him Olubot and give him a thick moustache...?


That almost made me think you were trying to create an Octavulg themed Autobot from Transformers. My mind is odd sometimes. :HQ:


Though it would obviously be Octobot, most awesomenest of all the autobots, but also strangely mercurial and fickle. Easily as likely to side with the evil nubbins as the good guys so long as it all makes sense and is well justified in the theme of the conflict.


I digress, I think I have too much time on my hands - err, mind I should say - at this particular moment.


It may make for some tension between the Chapters. Opinions?


Unless your man actually decries having command to the other chapters officers in such a way as to insult their chapter I am not sure how it would create tension. I'm sure all the other captains involved could empathize with him over not being with his men on the ground.


Also, if he felt strongly enough about it to make waves within the command structure of the campaign why wouldn't he simply hand over the job to someone else? I'm sure another commander would be more than willing to test his mettle in such a position, to prove his worth and do his chapter proud.


Maybe you should explain just how you got to the issue of tension? I'm curious.

Edited by Grey Hunter Ydalir

Greatly appreciated, SP. However, I think there are many other Librarium IA's far more worthy of praise like that.


Alright, alright, I'll try and think up something more sensible after the holidays.

Thanks, Ace.


Though it would obviously be Octobot, most awesomenest of all the autobots, but also strangely mercurial and fickle. Easily as likely to side with the evil nubbins as the good guys so long as it all makes sense and is well justified in the theme of the conflict.


I think you just described Starscream :P ? :D


Also, if he felt strongly enough about it to make waves within the command structure of the campaign why wouldn't he simply hand over the job to someone else? I'm sure another commander would be more than willing to test his mettle in such a position, to prove his worth and do his chapter proud.


The reason I assume there would be tension would be Tobulo apologizing. The Warriors Eternal especially don't strike me as the type that would even blink at an order, let alone expect their commanders to be empathetic with their brothers.


The reason Tobulo wouldn't be leaving the command would be more in part due to why he got the position. Aleksei effectively puts him there. Leaving command dishonors the Death Heads who never step down from anything, insults Aleksei by telling him Tobulo isn't fit for this scale of command, and may disrupt the flow of the campaign.


While these ideas are nice to speculate on, anyone want to take a bite out of the new IA on the previous page?

  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
You could call him Olubot and give him a thick moustache...?


That almost made me think you were trying to create an Octavulg themed Autobot from Transformers. My mind is odd sometimes. :D


Though it would obviously be Octobot, most awesomenest of all the autobots, but also strangely mercurial and fickle. Easily as likely to side with the evil nubbins as the good guys so long as it all makes sense and is well justified in the theme of the conflict.


I digress, I think I have too much time on my hands - err, mind I should say - at this particular moment.

You missed out the part where he transforms into Batman. ;)


Sorry, KHK, I'll stop derailing your thread now. :P

I must have caught Christmas-crazy-random-itis or something. I'll go check with my local apothecary. :P

I picked up my PS2 again for the Christmas holiday, and, surprisingly, I found myself playing Final Fantasy 12 for the first time in years (I gave up the first time because I gave up after learning that Final Fantasy required level grinding on par with Pokemon, and unlike my kind Western RPGs I had to level up everyone individually and to a point where each of them was capable of taking on bosses for when they decided to cheat and kill my entire party, but I digress). To my surprise I found a little boy in Lowtown named Filo, and I assure you this had absolutely nothing to do with my thinking when I first named the character. It also turns out that Tomaj and Miguelo both fit in this. With Tomaj, I have the excuse of having a cousin with the name in the Czech Republic. Miguelo, no excuse :lol: .


Anyway, the point of my ramble is this:

1. Basch is awesome. Typical Uft'ni look like Basch. Done. Unfortunately, because I can't find a smaller image that looks decent and because putting image tags on this will make most of you hate me, for those of you who don't know, this is what he looks like here.


To translate this in any relevant way: Filo will look similar to Basch as he is. Narrik looks more like he does at the end of the game (which I'm nowhere near) here, and Tobulo looks a generation older. Put in another way, Filo and Narrik look similar, and Narrik keeps himself a little more clean, both are beardless, and Narrik doesn't have scars, where Filo may have a few scratches. Tobulo is a little more battle scarred, and has a beard, but not much more than the chinstrap in the picture.


2. Square Enix will be inspiring some names from now on. No, I don't intend to have Brothers Squall and Cloud, so you can put your torches and pitchforks down, but some of the minor ones that fit, or can be made to fit Uft'ni, will.


This small adjustment has also made me very glad I got rid of mentioning actual pirates on the home world (a stupid idea anyway, everything considered).


Now, I think I'll go off on a tangent kind of like post 101.


In keeping with the pirate roots, I expect marines to make use of curved swords and pistol swords (take note, I mean this in the context of the actual thing which existed, and not that monstrosity from Final Fantasy that will never, ever make sense), although maybe not the latter.


Running with aesthetics, I'd imagine Apothecaries to have mechadendrites to fight alongside their battle brothers. This also brings up a question I asked myself concerning how Death Heads like bionics (after all, what's a pirate without a hook, probably better off, but that's not the point). So, any ideas on this one, or should they just not care?


An aesthetic thing I decided on in this thread was that all Captains would wear Blood Angel esque armor, like Dante and Tycho. The decided scheme for Captains and such would be individual, but many of them would go with a Scythes of the Emperor pattern with a gold body (and the gold kraken helmet), and green arms and legs. Should Narrik emulate this, or even go beyond it with even more gold, or should he be more prideful in the Chapter colors?


This might be an annoying one, but should the Chapter's name change? The name has been changed before, and I wouldn't mind, especially considering the traitor titan legion Death's Heads. Being a letter off is a little too close for comfort. You can smack me if you disagree, or if you do, any suggestions?


This is also a shameless bump to get some feedback on posts 95 and 101 in this thread.

  KingHongKong said:
Any other ideas for red marks?

Hmm, let's have a think.

Red marks around the neck armour could denote surviving a particularly life-threatening injury?

Red marks around the hands could indicate the killing of a notable foe, like an enemy leader? As a marine kills more notable foes, the red marks could grow in size, perhaps?


  KingHongKong said:
Currently the Chapter has no bad blood with any other Imperial faction (aside from "other chapters" which is extremely unspecified, and the obligatory tension with the Ecclesiarchy). Is it worth picking a fight?

Not to my mind. It's a popular choice to pick a fight with either the AdMech or the Inquisition. Oh, or the church. A chapter that doesn't get really narky with at least one of those factions is a nice change.


  KingHongKong said:
Name wise, Thussaud needs a successor, and I have no idea what name to pick for that, or what their personality should be. Thussaud played the role of mentor. To give an idea, Barbari played the role of spirit. His successor, Chevo Quorra plays the role of soul/heart (Quorra = heart). On top of that, the First Captain to replace Tobulo after his ascension needs a name, as do the five other captains.
  KingHongKong said:
2. Square Enix will be inspiring some names from now on. No, I don't intend to have Brothers Squall and Cloud, so you can put your torches and pitchforks down, but some of the minor ones that fit, or can be made to fit Uft'ni, will.


*Lowers pitchfork*

If you're now open to the idea of a character called Brother Seto, you've just made my day. And I'll actually put the pitchfork down.

And I'll put down the spare pitchfork if he's one of your Captains. :cry:


  KingHongKong said:
In keeping with the pirate roots, I expect marines to make use of curved swords and pistol swords (take note, I mean this in the context of the actual thing which existed, and not that monstrosity from Final Fantasy that will never, ever make sense), although maybe not the latter.

Something that basically amounts to a bolt pistol with a large, sturdy bayonet would be pretty awesome.


  KingHongKong said:
Running with aesthetics, I'd imagine Apothecaries to have mechadendrites to fight alongside their battle brothers. This also brings up a question I asked myself concerning how Death Heads like bionics (after all, what's a pirate without a hook, probably better off, but that's not the point). So, any ideas on this one, or should they just not care?

I could see the Death Heads looking at them sort of like a combined badge of honour and shame. On the one hand, you were fool enough to lose your arm/leg/eye/other, but on the other hand, you fought so hard that even losing limbs/eyes/other didn't stop you.


  KingHongKong said:
An aesthetic thing I decided on in this thread was that all Captains would wear Blood Angel esque armor, like Dante and Tycho. The decided scheme for Captains and such would be individual, but many of them would go with a Scythes of the Emperor pattern with a gold body (and the gold kraken helmet), and green arms and legs. Should Narrik emulate this, or even go beyond it with even more gold, or should he be more prideful in the Chapter colors?

That is a tough one. I think Narrik might be more concerned with the personal honour than representing the chapter, but that's my interpretation of the character. I wouldn't be surprised if his honour guard are required to have their armour brightly polished at all times, though. :(


  KingHongKong said:
This might be an annoying one, but should the Chapter's name change? The name has been changed before, and I wouldn't mind, especially considering the traitor titan legion Death's Heads. Being a letter off is a little too close for comfort. You can smack me if you disagree, or if you do, any suggestions?


Hmm. Well, I don't really know.

If you can find an alternative name that you like, then why not? :cry:


What sort of alternate names are you considering? I'll see if I can't conjure up something suitable, if you like.

Red marks around the neck armour could denote surviving a particularly life-threatening injury?

Red marks around the hands could indicate the killing of a notable foe, like an enemy leader? As a marine kills more notable foes, the red marks could grow in size, perhaps?


I always thought marines either healed up pretty quick, or died. The hands one kind of meshes with the changing of faces. Red hands sounds good, but perhaps another reason? Or could you explain it more, for example the growing.


If you're now open to the idea of a character called Brother Seto, you've just made my day. And I'll actually put the pitchfork down.

And I'll put down the spare pitchfork if he's one of your Captains. :(


Works, even though it makes me think about Kaiba.


Something that basically amounts to a bolt pistol with a large, sturdy bayonet would be pretty awesome.


Basically that, so I guess it's in.


I could see the Death Heads looking at them sort of like a combined badge of honour and shame. On the one hand, you were fool enough to lose your arm/leg/eye/other, but on the other hand, you fought so hard that even losing limbs/eyes/other didn't stop you.


But what about Techmarines who willingly lop off limbs to replace them with bionics?


That is a tough one. I think Narrik might be more concerned with the personal honour than representing the chapter, but that's my interpretation of the character. I wouldn't be surprised if his honour guard are required to have their armour brightly polished at all times, though. :P


Narrik doesn't have an honour guard. As Chapter Champion, it'd be open to him to wear gold. I think it'd be pretty funny if Narrik looked like a Custode though!


What sort of alternate names are you considering? I'll see if I can't conjure up something suitable, if you like.


I was always a fan of names that made use of "Marines" in some way, like the Ultramarines and Marines Malevolent. I just know that it needs to change before someone comes and tells me that the name is already taken, by traitors no less!

  KingHongKong said:
What sort of alternate names are you considering? I'll see if I can't conjure up something suitable, if you like.


I was always a fan of names that made use of "Marines" in some way, like the Ultramarines and Marines Malevolent. I just know that it needs to change before someone comes and tells me that the name is already taken, by traitors no less!

Ouch, you didn't half choose the most difficult word to use in a Chapter name (and you are a fan of the name Ultramarines.. :huh: ).


So officially we have:

Marines Malevolent

Marines Exemplar

Marines Errant

Marines Vigilant



Omega Marines




So um suggestions...:


Death Marines / Deathmarines

Marines Dominant

Marines Vindictive

Marines Resolute

Marines Defiant

Edited by Heru Talon
  KingHongKong said:
Red marks around the neck armour could denote surviving a particularly life-threatening injury?

Red marks around the hands could indicate the killing of a notable foe, like an enemy leader? As a marine kills more notable foes, the red marks could grow in size, perhaps?


I always thought marines either healed up pretty quick, or died. The hands one kind of meshes with the changing of faces. Red hands sounds good, but perhaps another reason? Or could you explain it more, for example the growing.

By growing I meant painting bigger and bigger marks that go further and further up the arm. :wallbash:

  KingHongKong said:
If you're now open to the idea of a character called Brother Seto, you've just made my day. And I'll actually put the pitchfork down.

And I'll put down the spare pitchfork if he's one of your Captains. ;)


Works, even though it makes me think about Kaiba.


Nah, it reminds you of Red XIII's father from FFVII. ;)


...Well, you did say minor characters. :D

  KingHongKong said:
I could see the Death Heads looking at them sort of like a combined badge of honour and shame. On the one hand, you were fool enough to lose your arm/leg/eye/other, but on the other hand, you fought so hard that even losing limbs/eyes/other didn't stop you.


But what about Techmarines who willingly lop off limbs to replace them with bionics?


Maybe the Techmarines in your chapter don't do that? :wallbash:


Or perhaps that's just treated as a Techie's prerogative.


  KingHongKong said:
Narrik doesn't have an honour guard. As Chapter Champion, it'd be open to him to wear gold. I think it'd be pretty funny if Narrik looked like a Custode though!

Seconded. That would be both funny and awesome.


  KingHongKong said:
What sort of alternate names are you considering? I'll see if I can't conjure up something suitable, if you like.


I was always a fan of names that made use of "Marines" in some way, like the Ultramarines and Marines Malevolent. I just know that it needs to change before someone comes and tells me that the name is already taken, by traitors no less!

Hmm. Tough one.




I can't think of anything apart from that and some of the ones that Heru suggested before me. :huh:

I'll have a further think and see if anything else occurs.

Ouch, you didn't half choose the most difficult word to use in a Chapter name (and you are a fan of the name Ultramarines.. huh.gif ).


Yeah, my bad :P . With Ultramarines, I think the name is extremely clever, and I couldn't really think of another example off of the top of my head besides Marines Malevolent.


By growing I meant painting bigger and bigger marks that go further and further up the arm.


Sounds interesting, but what would qualify as something for this. Also what could it be called. The red legs for making a drop are called hot feet. I don't think "bloody hand" will work :P !


How does Marines Malicious sound? I have a problem with words all ending in -icious to remind me of delicious, so aside from the occasional odd mental images (Marines Delicious!), I could live with it. But, if it sucks, then it can't be helped.

  KingHongKong said:
How does Marines Malicious sound? I have a problem with words all ending in -icious to remind me of delicious, so aside from the occasional odd mental images (Marines Delicious!), I could live with it. But, if it sucks, then it can't be helped.


Brother Pancetta, deploy Heavy Beater on that ridgeline. The rest of you, with me!


I am the batter.

I am the roast on the board.

I am the crustiest of sears.

I am the fondant under His whisk.

I am the the creamiest of mallows.


I am the black bread of my Emperor.

I am the custard with which He will fill.

I am His roast as He is my carver.

I am His scallopine cut from the veal.

I am the main course and the temptation of the covetous.


Let us be pre-peeled.

Let us waft His work as He fuels the fires of devotion.

Let us warm His muffins, as He prepares the entire buffet line,

And let us join Him there, for Taste does not end at death.

In ingredients be true, in palate be strong.


I am the batter.

I am the board.

I am the sear.

I am pre-peeled.

I am the Dinner at the End of Time.

  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
That is quite frankly, one of the most awesome things I've ever read.


Apothete, you are a wordsmith extroadinare!


I was debating trying to do the real, Gav Thorpe Six Hundred and Sixty Six Words passage but it would have taken too long. That was whipped up in about five or ten minutes.


Thanks, though.


P.S. - Go critique my Chapter if I'm so awesome.

  Apothete said:
  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
That is quite frankly, one of the most awesome things I've ever read.


Apothete, you are a wordsmith extroadinare!


I was debating trying to do the real, Gav Thorpe Six Hundred and Sixty Six Words passage but it would have taken too long. That was whipped up in about five or ten minutes.


Thanks, though.


P.S. - Go critique my Chapter if I'm so awesome.




I have the sudden, driving urge to go and create a paint scheme for the Marines Delicious. :lol:


And I'll take another look at your chapter later, if I get the time today. ^_^

Brother Pancetta, deploy Heavy Beater on that ridgeline. The rest of you, with me!


I am the batter.

I am the roast on the board.

I am the crustiest of sears.

I am the fondant under His whisk.

I am the the creamiest of mallows.


I am the black bread of my Emperor.

I am the custard with which He will fill.

I am His roast as He is my carver.

I am His scallopine cut from the veal.

I am the main course and the temptation of the covetous.


Let us be pre-peeled.

Let us waft His work as He fuels the fires of devotion.

Let us warm His muffins, as He prepares the entire buffet line,

And let us join Him there, for Taste does not end at death.

In ingredients be true, in palate be strong.


I am the batter.

I am the board.

I am the sear.

I am pre-peeled.

I am the Dinner at the End of Time.


Now, I'm not going to lie, but this is probably the first time that I've ever been grinning like an idiot on the day Winter Vacation ends. The only problem is that I have no idea whether this is a vote yay or nay :) .

  Apothete said:
  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
That is quite frankly, one of the most awesome things I've ever read.


Apothete, you are a wordsmith extroadinare!


I was debating trying to do the real, Gav Thorpe Six Hundred and Sixty Six Words passage but it would have taken too long. That was whipped up in about five or ten minutes.


Thanks, though.


P.S. - Go critique my Chapter if I'm so awesome.


Someone has far too much time on their hands methinks.


That said, that would be an awesome thing to read at the head of a Librarium IA.



I have the sudden, driving urge to go and create a paint scheme for the Marines Delicious. :D


Is it sad that I'd already tried?


Now, I'm not going to lie, but this is probably the first time that I've ever been grinning like an idiot on the day Winter Vacation ends. The only problem is that I have no idea whether this is a vote yay or nay ;)


It's a vote for "Apothete's brain does strange things late at night."


Sometimes I get a Chapter idea, sometimes I get filk. Who knows?


Someone has far too much time on their hands methinks.


That said, that would be an awesome thing to read at the head of a Librarium IA.


You missed the part where that took me ten minutes, right?


I did toy with the idea of starting the community IA: Marines Delicous project earlier today, though.

  Apothete said:
Someone has far too much time on their hands methinks.


That said, that would be an awesome thing to read at the head of a Librarium IA.


You missed the part where that took me ten minutes, right?


I did toy with the idea of starting the community IA: Marines Delicous project earlier today, though.


Nope, I caught it.. That's ten minutes you didn't spend basking in the beauty of Oct or improving the Exonerators, or something.. ;)

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez

Funny how this got derailed. For the record, I blame Apothe and CJJ, the former for making me giggle, and the latter because he always seems to derail things (trains, threads, go-carts, etc.).


Now, since the Marines Malicious will forever remind me of the Marines Delicious and their never ending to purge the taste buds of the enemies of mankind and spread fine cuisine to the worlds of the Imperium, the Death Heads either need another name, or will need to tolerate being mixed up the the Legio Mortis (which quite obviously isn't cool). I'd also like to finish the Chapter before I give up again, and turn to the Locust Chapter who have a messed up Omophagea and eat everything (kind of counterproductive, but all things considered, waving the flag of "I made marines nuttier than the Flesh Tearers" should be something to be proud of), or the Emperor's 9mm Uzis (because the Emperor's Swords, and the Emperor's Spears, and the Emperor's Pointy Sticks all need to learn that the Emperor was also quite fond of things that went bang, boom, and pew pew) who recruit from hive gangs and let it be known to the peeps of the galaxy that the Emp's boys don't let nobody :cuss on G's turf. There's also the Aristocracy that I may adopt because it appears that their creator hasn't done anything with them, I've been reading a load of Terry Pratchett, and I love the poshness.


I jest. Sort of...


Anyway, Death Heads Marines Delicious Marines Malicious Something Marines The Marines Something Gilligan's Marines Octastartes The Black Pearls The Flying Dutchmen, ah :cuss My Crew Chapter.


Yeah, first things first. They need a new name. Again. The First Company got the name the Black Spots and the Chapter itself needs a new name. There's defiantly something ironic about this considering the first three pages of this thread are dedicated to getting a name to the First Company, and now they have one, but the Chapter doesn't. I like the idea of Chapters with Marines in their name somewhere. Marines Malevolent, Nova Marines, Ultramarines is quite clever, it's a "c wut i did thar? Hur, hur, hur" kind of vibe, but, clever is clever, and Pirates were that amongst other things.


I honestly never understood the geneseed section. They have one, their primarch is Gulliman, it works, it's pure and shiny, squeaky clean, and they're proud of it. What else is there? Is there a Chapter somewhere that is ashamed that they came from Gulliman, or Dorn, or Corax, or Russ (they better be ashamed), or a traitor primarch (what I just said x2)? Or is there a Chapter somewhere that doesn't pick the dirt out of the organs they pull out of the mangled corpses (the only kind of Space Marine corpse) and lets it get infected? I'm probably missing something somewhere, but I also believe that 40k can't be half as dystopian as most people think.


One vibe I think the Chapter could adopt is one that Grey Hunter Ydalir had in a Chapter called The Argonauts (or something, they're legitimately buried in the forum somewhere, and I'm really, really not in the mood to dig through it) (the thread is here).


Now obviously, as right and proper pirates, my boys in green won't have any of this "returning to the rightful owner" nonsense. Now the only question is what treasure would be worthy of seeking out? Ecclesiarchy Relics, STCs, teeth violently bashed out of an Ork Warboss's abomination of a skull, Vance Stubbs's 100 Baneblades, anything else?


Another idea is one that will affect the Chapter's homeworld section. Yes, again. As pirates, I imagine them to be Black Templar-ish with Chapter Keeps instead of any real Fortress Monastery. It keeps in feeling with several different components:


1. Caphon left his post at the Eye of Terror with the White Consuls hellbent on bringing the devastation of the Horus Heresy to the traitors, kind of like Sigismund's Eternal Crusade with slightly fewer marines, and a few hundred more years of pent up anger, not very productive crusading if you bind yourself to any one world, or system, or galaxy (:cuss Astronomicon).


2. Pirates are always portrayed as a diverse bunch. What's more diverse than recruiting from multiple plants that are sectors away from one another?


3. They're space pirates, why wouldn't they have space ships?


4. And this one is another shameless plug into GHY's Chapter idea bank (sorry! I'll make it up to you, I swear!) with his Star Adders Corsairs Serpentis and Mass Effect, the Quarian Flotilla is awesome. Actually, put in the wise words of Telveryon, the Flotilla is cool. It has swagger that would very much appeal to genetically modified space monk pirates in armor that equates them to walking tanks. As such, I think they should have one.


So, Uft'ni will be one of many Chapter recruiting worlds. In fact, it's understandable, and possibly even more significant for Uft'ni to be a world that Caphon decided to stop at. With that in mind, the Kraken heraldry makes sense, especially if Uft'ni is the exclusive keep until the Chapter decides to start building more. Meanwhile, the Chapter Flotilla, with the flagship Nausicaa (because it really is such a pretty name) serving as the Fortress Monastery. It will be understandably beefed up to suit the occasion, but Third Founding privileges should tie in here somewhere. There should be something somewhere about how the Chapter can afford to be pretty rough with recruits considering how many they take in. There should also be enough serfs to defend keeps wherever they may be.


With that home world decision, I also imagine that most of the characters I've already named will be recruited from Uft'ni: Tobulo, Filo, Narrik, Thussaud, Barbari, Quorra, Miguelo. Characters like Pantilimon and Roux now have an excuse for their names not really fitting in. Keep in mind that Uft'ni was, and is still a hive world. It's understandable for the Chapter to have a large number of Uft'ni considering how it's probably one of the larger sources of recruits.


Now questions arise concerning the new direction I will take the Chapter with Chaplains and Librarians. Since they come from such an early founding, and since Caphon lived in a time when the Emperor still ruled (albeit, the end of it), the Chapter is not going to hold the Emperor to any fanatically religious degree. So, even though the Chaplains will still have spiritual duty, all services will be payed more in respect than in prayer. Now, with that in mind, the Librarians would also be accepted through Chapter doctrine. Originally they were cautious of psykers, then it was the color blue that was associated with psykers, now I have no idea.


Personally I imagine Chaplains and Librarians to be the Chapter's legacy keepers. Librarians write the stories, and both tell them during any kind of Chapter event. Some marines may tell their own stories, even though others may not be interested in listening. Others may think their stories are too good for some ears (Narrik) and keep to themselves. The marines themselves would be boastful enough, and probably annoying to some and interesting to others. Any scribes or "modern" remembrancers would have a better time listening to them than most other space marines.


Overall, please comment, I don't like to see current works in progress on the third page :( ( :) ), and this is indeed a shameless bump.

  KingHongKong said:
I like the idea of Chapters with Marines in their name somewhere. Marines Malevolent, Nova Marines, Ultramarines is quite clever, it's a "c wut i did thar? Hur, hur, hur" kind of vibe, but, clever is clever, and Pirates were that amongst other things.

:: Sets upon KHK with spinal flail ::


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


"Marines, marines, marines, marines, marines!"


...I dub your Chapter the "AQUAMARINES!"


There you go something as "hur hur" stupid as the "Ultramarines".

One vibe I think the Chapter could adopt is one that Grey Hunter Ydalir had in a Chapter called The Argonauts


Hey someone remembered it! :cuss


Now obviously, as right and proper pirates, my boys in green won't have any of this "returning to the rightful owner" nonsense.


Nonsense!? You sir insult the honour of the Argonauts! :)


As an aside, they are really taking to their roots as preemptive-nautical-salvage-experts.


Yes, again. As pirates, I imagine them to be Black Templar-ish with Chapter Keeps instead of any real Fortress Monastery.


Why not just have a rather large and old flagship much in the same way the Imperial Fists have the Phalanx? Every pirate leader needs a flagship. Though don't name it the Black Pearl, please.


I like the idea of Chapters with Marines in their name somewhere. Marines Malevolent, Nova Marines, Ultramarines is quite clever, it's a "c wut i did thar? Hur, hur, hur" kind of vibe, but, clever is clever, and Pirates were that amongst other things.


No not clever, cunning. They were predators of the seas, clever sometimes perhaps with the right captain, but more cunning than anything else.


There you go something as "hur hur" stupid as the "Ultramarines".


That was a most amusing diversion right there. :cuss

Edited by Grey Hunter Ydalir

Heru Talon


...I dub your Chapter the "AQUAMARINES!"


There you go something as "hur hur" stupid as the "Ultramarines".


It may just blow your mind, but they already exist. Look for yourself.


However, Marines Viridian does sound nice.






Sounds very professional :) !


Why not just have a rather large and old flagship much in the same way the Imperial Fists have the Phalanx? Every pirate leader needs a flagship. Though don't name it the Black Pearl, please.


I imagined the Nausicaa to be more Eternal Crusader-ish than like the Rock or the Phalanx.

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