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Space Wolves sub-forum painting challenge - December 1, 2010


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uberwolve your Rune Priest in TDA looks great!!


I have to ask where, or how you made his open hand??!! I am wanting to do the same thing, please help me out!!



Progress shot from the last week - TDA is done and some spraying! Just the 5 power armour models to go, though the lord (front, sprayed black) will probably take me a while as I add details as I go along.




More to follow :)

I have to regretfully withdraw my name from the list of this challenge. Due to a series of events that can only be described as the baleful hand of the chaos gods,ultimately culminating in an Abscessed tooth,I have managed toa ccomplish absolutely no painting whatsoever.

Nearly done..? Me too! Just got back to the painting table should have the WGBL done this week!

R_P_R I think the hand came from the Space marine terminator Librarian ..it was metal..


Pic's very soon! gotta find the other crazy digi cam...

Started on my Wolf Guard termie last night. I'll be re-doing the skin, as i'm not happy with it:






butt shot!



Here is my stopping point for my vow.


The Wolf Guard Battle Leader!


The Drednaught


The Wolf Guard


The Cky Claws


And lastly! My rune priest :)


I am calling this my stopping point because of my current painting method these are as done or more so than nearly any units in my army as of now. I have 3 more Sky Claws I am building of later though who knows they may meet the deadline :P though not part of my vow. aside from painting my army I am thinking about how to get it Apoc worthy..and competitive as well. but this has been fun and is helping me get more painted and keeping me excited about my task.

more pic's upon request!


Did I have to say vow complete?.... ? lol

Almost completed vow


finished the grey hunters (although while painting i switched them to blood claws) and finished the terms.

The two leaders I converted one to wolf gaurd in TDA and converted the sgt into a rune priest. I have finished the wolf gaurd and only one left to paint is the rune priest.


My own fluff for my ragnar army is the blood claws have the more typical blueish grey armour, as you go into older units the armour is more grey. grey hunters is a more light grey tint then blood claws and the dreadnughts/terminators are a darker grey. My reson for this is to give it a longer you have been in the darker your amour is and more worn. A friend came up with the idea and I went with it


the bloodclaws



the terminators




pics were not the best but will get better ones for the vow completion post

Well, looks like I'm way ahead of schedule - I am finishing up my last three grey hunters...should have them completed and pix posted by next fri.


This has been very motivational and helpful! I hope we can do these everyother month! I have more models to assemble and paint and I'm looking forward to fielding a fully painted army!

good stuff Wolfric! I like the rhino. It looks weathered or maybe wet.


I'm adding 3 more skyclaws and a single blood claw to my own vow.. :P Some pic's very soon.

I have been painting for the last 2 days doing catchup work on my army, it is amazing how much better an army looks with some details painted!



well, I got my stuff done last night - I cannot paint nearly as awesome as you cats...but this is what I went with.


I went with a dirty, long campaigning look for my guys. Sorry they aren't as pretty as everyone elses :)


Also - sorry about the crappiness of my pix, did it on my phones...




WGBL and Lonw Wolf.




Agnar the Raven (with powersword) and 4 of the Grey Hunter brothers.


Edited to add vow complete.

VOW finally complete. took me a little longer than I thought. Went to a leaders course for army and other issues *cough* Call of Duty BLack Ops *coughs*


anyways here they are my AOBR kit bashed/converted to space wolves


my 4 terms



my 4 grey hunters (switched to blood claws)



the two leaders. WG in TDA





and the AOBR turned Rune priest. took a head from the dire wolves and sculpted a cloak. awaiting my crow to us as chooser of slain



Very nice works brothers, be proud!

Ale's on me...

*rolls a big barrel of wolfwhiz his brothers' way*

My own vow is on the verge of failing as delays seem to stack and my daughter's birthday is on Sunday.

But I'm not about to back down, I'll keep on fighting brush-Fu style, may Russ grant me strength.

Here is my completed vow:


Bikers -






Land Raider with magnetised weapons -





Scouts -




Hat's off to all you brothers who have competed in the vow, theres some impressive looking Space Wolves out there!

Hat's off to all you brothers who have competed in the vow, theres some impressive looking Space Wolves out there!


Great stuff Eikrem and some good kitbashing ideas for stealing :lol:. But why are You not drilling out the gun barrels?

}--Vow Complete--{


3 Wolf Guard terminators with wolf claws, 4 Grey Hunters with either Mark of the wulfen or wolf standards and a new wolf lord on foot.




I echo the sentiment voiced above about these vows really helping get some painting done - long may they continue!

Right. I need to get a move on. I only have my Wulfen, Rune Priest, Wolf Lord and a couple of Grey Slayers done. Ive been caught up in RL and my Grey Knight project. I will have em done, don't worry!



You are not alone :) I've 100% done only the dread and two fenwolves. Two cyclone wolfguards are mostly done, while PW/CM terminators are 80% done along with both Lone Wolves. I really need just a couple of free evenings to tidy them up, but RL challenges keep distracting me from important things :P

I finished my first terminator squad, squad munin!














Wow complete!

Vow completed! Ten Grey Hunters, complete with Rhino transport, painted and based. I will have the camera out before the end of the month to provide proof.


And I will vow a short (5-man) Grey Hunter Pack, an attached Wolf Guard and an assault-cannon Rhinoback* for December.





* Rhinoback = Rhino chassis with swappable hatch / gun so it can be fielded as either in a game.


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