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Defending the Title - 2010.


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So, as it turns out, this weekend is a bit of a blur. I blame this more on the fact I partied way too hard at night and was up way too early in the morning - cause usually im really good at recalling intricate details of each game days later.






First game was a Wolves/Sisters combo.

A team we played last year (great guys).


They had (from what I can remember).


Rune Priest - ruinic armour, Living Lightning (not sure of the other power)

Wolf Priest - jp

Wold Guard Battle Leader -jp and other bling

Lone Wolf - Termy armour, combi-melta, pw.

Wolf Scouts

10 Hunters- stuff - rhino

10 Hunters- stuff - rhino

6 Long Fangs - las/ml

10 Sky Claws - stuff




Canoness - book

Canoness - (auto-faith thingy)

20 Sisters - stuff

20 Sisters - stuff



6 Dominions - Flamey tank

6 Dominions - Flamey tank

6 Celestines - stuff





We rolled off and lost, but Bjorn managed to get us the reroll win for first.

We deployed very aggressively and took it from there.

I kept the jumpers in reserve - we also deepstruck the speeders.


(Apologies for the first sets of pics, I forgot my cam at home and had to use my phone - the pics get better!)





They responded by placing the bulk of the sisters up front with side support from the wolves.

Me having played sisters before was very reluctant to get Mephy anywhere near a 20girl squad with either rending bolters or rending ccw attacks ><;





In our first turn we moved forward, flanking the baal up in the scout move, hoping to draw the Claws out. The multimelta bikers moved up to try take a few shots en route too, while the 2 bikers zoomed off to the right flank to try and flank the exorcists.

Mephiston moved up, but not really having a viable target yet, opted for cover.


The movement did exactly as expected drawing in the blood claws. The sisters repositioned slowly to set up counters after the front rank marched forward to take some shots on the baal.




The subsequent shooting and charges stunned a few vehicles and wiped out the bikers leaving the claws vulnerable to counter.


Level's 2 squads of grey hunters piled out and charged into the claws in our next turn. We moved up tactically along the right flank knocking out what armament we could along the way.

Unfortunately, Level had a bit of a poor dice rolling stint and didnt managed to do quite as much damage as he had hoped. Mephiston eventually came in to help out.



Corbs and the boys sorted out another dominion squad, whilst the tacs engaged the wolves on the right, waiting for another counter incoming.

Luckily my jumpers had struck in nearby waiting to support.


We slowly but surely started moving up. The wolves were handled simply enough through counter charges, once they were tied up. It was (oddly enough?) the sisters we were most worried about.


They played a defensive game hoping to get as much of their rapid fire goodness into action, but it didnt work out for them a lot of the time, with the squad stretching out over a long area.


The wolves and BA moved up, methodically, laying cover fire down along the way.





(Note the bikes on the far right flank (moved from their initial position in Pic one) )





In the end our opponents were only able to kill a total of 3 Kill Points by the end of the game, while at the end of the turns we had killed all 20 of theirs. The combined resilience and close combat strength of the wolves and BA along with our added firepower and mobility left our opponents on the backfoot from turn two.


This victory allowed us to grab a bonus tournament point too (triple VP over your opponents).

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GAME 2 - DAWN OF WAR - 5 OBJECTIVES (1000 point version of the list!)


Sisters/Chaos (We played this team last year in the finals and managed to beat them with the help of some very lucky rolls - we knew they were out for revenge).


There list was:




Inq - stuff - rhino

10 Sisters- stuff - Rhino

10 Sisters- stuff - Rhino




Daemon Prince- lash, wings

10 Thousand Sons

8 Plagues - stuff

3 Oblits

2 Oblits



Sadly, I only took two pics in this game (one which is very crappy) reason being it was really, really intense.


We attempted a really tactical game, opting out of an all out offensive. We pushed them back with out set up, getting quite far up the board in our DoW deployment. We had three objectives near our side, with only 2 on their long board edge.


The forces of the chaos deployed nothing in their DoW deployment but came in very strong on the right flank, with all their troops on that side, in front of the oblits and the exorcists.


This put the bulk of their forces on the right flank, with the sisters attempting to use their lights in on the left flank, hoping to dominate the left flank objective on their board edge.

Unfortunately, a rules misunderstanding on their part made for a slight tactical error. They thought that they could move their full distance and still use searchlights - ie: not have to fire a weapon to use it. We quickly corrected them and allowed them to take back their move 6" in order to use it.

We lost a SW rhino quite quickly in the game.




To avoid the barrage of insane firepower on the right, we pulled a redeployment move and moved as much of our troops to the left flank as possible, setting up a bit of a blockade in the middle to stop LOS and take the brunt of the firepower to try hold the two objectives (one in the middle, one on the right flank of our board edge).




I tried to keep mephy as central as possible and limit the destructive/tactical use of Lash. Sadly, Mephy wasnt too up for the job.


After a round or three of tactical placement, I decided to unleash mephy and sent him off by himself to try sort out the chaos hordes slowly marching forward.


The players were cunning as can be expected and protected the DP with everything they could - TKsons in front of the sisters, surrounding the DP.

He had left big gaps in his TkSons to avoid bjorns plasma - I used that to charge through to the sisters behind them.

Sadly, I wiped them all out when they elected to not use the book of saint lucius (i had expected they would use it- my bad for underestimating them!!) and failed their check.

They lost the 10 man sister squad, but it left mephiston at the mercy of 5 close range oblits.


This did aid in taking the fire off us for one round. Which allowed us to move around a bit more and then hit the unsupported sisters up on the left flank.


It was getting quite late into the game when they realised that they would have to move off their objective or risk being stuck with only one.


The daemon dashed out, the Tksons and plagues all spent a turn or two running up as far forward as possible with us fighting them off where we could.


At the end of our last turn (before their last turn) we had a wolf squad up in the top left that needed to charge and wipe out a sister squad, and then consolidate back to the objective, or risk being pulled off or have it contested, we had corbs and small squad running their butts off to the bottom left to that objective, and the wolves on the bottom right fighting from cover to hold on to that objective from behind their destroyed razor and my jumpers (4 remaining) were on the middle objective, trying to hide from the DP.


In their last turn, they shot what was available to them, failing to wound enough wolves on the right flank and failing to run far enough with their plagues (needed about 2-3 more inches).

The prince however jumped up on to the high terrain, saw juuuust enough of a model to cast lash and threw them off the objective.


The game ended.


We measured everything.


Corbs and squad where an inch out from the bottom left.

The wolves, after killing the sisters and moving back were an inch out of the top left objective.

No-one claimed the middle objective.

The plagues were 2-3 inches away from contesting the wolf-held objective at the bottom right,

and they held the top right objective with the sons.


1 objective each for a draw!



All in all, an exceptionally had fought game with an opting for us to go a more strategic route than an all out offensive approach.

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Opponents - Chaos/Tau



3 Terms

10 Zerks - PF - Rhino

6 Plagues

8 Thousand sons- Rhino

Land Raider

2 Oblits


Suit Commander- bling and drones

3x2 Suits - bling

12 Fire Warriors

12 Fire Warriors

6 Fire Warriors

6 Path Finders

Devil Fish

2 Hammer Heads


We won the roll off, and chose to go second



They deployed like such ->




We responded like such ->



Opting to keep 1 squad of bikes in reserve (the 2man squad) as well as outflank the Baal and drop strike the jumpers.


The first move of the game was a sneaky one, one that I was not aware of, but yet something that seems totally viable.

He scout moved his devil fish, and then deployed his pathfinders.

Due to the wording of the scout move rule, Level and I both could not find fault with his logic. I thought it was quite smart and he now had 6 marker lights ready to fire from turn 1.


He let rip with the marker lights, focusing on my bikers. He then let rip with three seeker missiles. Thankfully I saved (you do get cover saves, yeah??) with all but one.

Sadly - leadership tests are not my strong suit :) and they broke and fell off the table.


Mephiston with an eye for revenge made a b-line straight through the intervening terrain.

In our first turn we managed to get a wonderfully lucky explosion result on one of the hammerheads, taking out at least one of our problems.

We spread out a bit more, hoping to come around the right flank of the terrain and attack strong on the Tau side, avoiding the Abaddon/Term/Raider/Zerk nonsense.



The wolves pushed up on the left to tackle the imminent Chaos threat while the BA edged forward to tackle the right a bit. We still kept fairly tight, moving up just a little, waiting for Mephy to work his magic.



Their second turn saw the blits come down 6" from the Tksons on the right, near Mephiston, thanks to the icon.

Mephy was in for a bit of hurt ><;


A large portion of their forces were deployed to attack mephiston, while the raider and rhino at the back, supported by suit squad kept slowly closing in.

Sadly, all the small arms fire combined with the obs didnt manage to take mephiston down enough.


Next round would be pain for something.


Sadly, my bikers failed to come in (and continued to do so for another 2 turns). The assault squad however did come in, as did the baal**.

My assaulters had few places they could go.


I opted for just south west of the piece of terrain in the bottom right (pic above) since everywhere else would have been a worse choice - on their objective would have seen me rapid fired by 30 tau firewarriors and heavens knows what else and on the left side would have seen abaddon munch me.


Mephy then flew off to tackle the mobile tau commander behind the walls, while the tacs moved up to unleash bolter death on the squads, supported by a vindy, and bjorn.


Sucky moment came when I forgot to fire my baal :( Boo. Mainly cause the tables were cluttered, and it was all the way in the back corner. Was so miffed. Anywho- cant be helped.


Mephy slaughtered the tau commander and consolidated far away from the other threats- leaving him safe for another round.


The opponent was now left with an assault squad and a fat tac squad in front of them, as well as a vindy and bjorn to their right and mephy and a squad of hunters north of them behind a wall. Not good for them.


They faught valiantly, destroying my assault squad - pumping everything they could into them. My tac squad as a result however, remained reeeelatively unscathed.


Mephy flew off again into combat with the firewarriors guarding their objective.


Now it must be said, that these firewarriors put up such a mad valiant show.

With mephisons rage every turn, they still managed to pass 3 LD checks that ranged from -4 to -2. Was crazy.


During that next turn saw Corbs and squad move up out of their crater that the hammerhead had made of their Razor. The tacs would move into the thick of things and engage the remaining plagues and the remaining TKsons.


Its at this point that I learned a crucial lesson.

Its something im usually very careful of, but was too confident.

I had two combats going on close together, one easy one with corbs and the firewarriors and one with the TAC and the Plague/Sons.


I opted to do the Corbulo combat first, thinking id wipe them out and consolidate back up into FNP/FC range.

The firewarriors sadly stuck around, dragging corbs down the line and away from the others - meaning that I lost FNP/FC on the tacs.

As a result, they lost that combat. They didnt break, but they didnt do a stellar job.


By this time, most of the right flank was beign systematically taken care of. The wolves had moved into a defensive position blocking off the pathway to our objective.




The right was looking good, while the bikes showed up and engaged the suits on the right.

Corbs and his small squad of fearless RAS wondered up the table running for the objective.




Abaddon sadly only came out in the last or 2nd last turn, as the players had forgotten to deploy him. If they had asked us, we would have let them, since they only did a run move and hadnt really started shooting anything. Truth be told, we wanted him out.


When he eventually came out he was charged by two squads of grey hunters. The hunters managed to kill off the termies, but abaddon destroyed at least 8 of them, breaking the squad.


This left the remnants of the left flank and Bjorn to hold him off another turn, while the rest of the army focussed on the the other minor problems.




Mephy at this stage went off to meet the Zerks that had abandoned their immobed rhino and were making a mad dash for the right side objective.




Bjorn made quick work of the Abaddon thanks to a bit of help from the surrounding wolves.

And mephy finished off the remaining Zerks after the vindy got hold of em.


By the end of the game he had an immobile Hammerhead with no weapons left.


We had two objectives.


Win for us- with a bonus point!

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Congrats Mort! And I see you've got a new haircut since the last time I saw a picture of you. Much more marine-like now! :D


What exactly did you end up taking? The lists in the first post, or did you end up modifying them a bit before the tourney?

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Thanks guys- the other three batreps with pics still to come!!





I played the list as mentioned.


Level finally decided on bjorn and ran the following:



Priest - Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Chooser

Bjorn - PC

4 Wolf Guard - fists, combi weapons

8 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


8 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


7 Hunters - Plasgun, wulfen, banner


6 Hunters - Wulfen, melta

Razorback - TLLC




The 1k Versions of both our lists were sadly not as refined but they were:





5 RAS - Razorback

3 Atk Bks



and his



8 Hunters - bling


8 Hunters- bling


6 Hunters - stuff

Razorback - TLLC


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Our opponents for game four were actually good friends of ours. One half of the team was actually the guy that played with me in the last doubles when I used BA-BA a month or two back. (It was actually Level and another buddy that knocked us out of the running in that tourney!)

Anyway, we were up against a Death Guard/ Imperial Guard list.


It was actually gaming with these two in the warm ups that made us change our original list. They thrashed us two weekends ago when we playtested so we had to drastically change our tactics and list.


Fortunately or unfortunately? We were up against the 1k version of their list and not the 1k. We were nervous cause of the beating we had before and reluctant about our 1k's strength.



Their list:


Winged Prince - Warp Time, Nurgle

Winged Prince - Warp Time, Nurgle

8 Plagues - PF, meltas - Rhino - havoc

8 Plagues - PF, plasmas- Rhino - havoc



Command - lascan, plasma, - Chimera

10 Vets- 3 plas - chimera

10 Vets- 3 melta - Chimera

Executioner - Plasma Sponsons, lascannon.

Demolisher - Plasma Sponsons, lascannon.



We lost first turn, failed the Bjorn roll. I used Corbs to try steal the init.

They were very surprised to see how hastily I used it. (Not recommended for this!)


Our opponents were no dupes. They castled hard top right in and among terrain. daemons hidden and ready for the counter charge along with counter support from the chimeras and rhino borne plagues. Luckily for us, there wasn't a craaaaazy amount of firepower - or so we felt.


We deployed equally aggressively on our right with the typhoon and the las-raz on the far left behind cover to take side shots on the enemy.


Thankfully, their first turn was considerably uneventful. We had deployed everything to either be out of site or get a solid 4+ cover.

After their first turn of shooting, we had all our mobility still and had only taken a wound on the bikes (maybe 1 HB, 1MM wound).

Not nearly a good enough first turn.


Then came our return. My positioning of the AC Razorback ensured I could get side armour on the far right chimera.

The bikes instead of zooming up as they usually do, just moved into terrain to take 2 long range melta shots at the closest rhino in an attempt to stem their mobility and gain some cheap kill points.

Our shooting stunned the executioner, stunned one rhino, shook another and blew up one chimera. Bjorn plasmaed the remnants and they broke and ran off the table.


Our opponents at that stage were shocked. They knew it was going to be back foot from there. Their one lucky break was making their blits 5+ save vs. the preds lascannon that would have popped it.


Mephiston had used his first move to move up to the middle of the board, but still out of line of site and ready to wreak havoc on the opponents - Dieter (my previous BA partner now playing the Death Guard) knew full well what he could do since he used mephiston in his half of the BA list last time.


The opponents did what damage control they could. Their 2nd turn was also largely ineffectual with what they had left to shoot at us (Bjorn managed to pass his inv. save to stave off a penned lascan shot).


Our 2nd turn saw us move further up, trying once more to just prevent the Executioner from firing while mephy got up into the ranks of plagues that had disembarked.


Chompy Chompy Chompy.



From this point, it was systematic. The opponent would try limit the damage by targetting our biggest threats, but with constant support on the flanks and more immediate threats in the center we were able to at least shake one of the big tanks each turn.




We managed to get mephiston in to kill the first plagues, then the wolves up to support and wait for the princes to come out.


The game was not exactly exceptionally hard fought on our part as we just needed to keep pushing forward stunning vehicles and mopping up with what was left.



We ended the game a lot closer than expected though with 7 kill points to 11 to us. Each of us having 15 KP total. (Bjorn died to a lucky las, so we made sure we had rhinos and a wolfguard in support of it.)



some more pics mid game ->










Another decent victory.

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Seemed like a fairly easy win for your team. I am surprised your opponents were not more aggressive with their Nurgle Princes. I reckon they had a healthy fear of Mephiston.


0b :cuss



Thats exactly it mate. They probably felt that we didnt have a crazy amount of firepower and I think they expected us to be a bit more aggressive. However we did manage to throw down a lot of firepower as we moved up the line steadily. it also helped that almost everything we shot did something small- be it a shaken, stun or an explosion.

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Im really interested to see this style of tournie, and it seeme to have worked out for you guys well :cuss


Great battles there, some real hard ones too.Id have to agree the DPs were scared of mephy for sure.


Bloody well done mate :)


The doubles tournies are quite a big deal here in Cape Town.

Sadly, the format was changed for the first time in about 5 years - much to the horror of the majority of the players.


It used to be a straight 1500 a piece team game - but they changed half the games to 1k a piece to save time ;) Booo.


Ive made a proposal to the organising board though to adopt the adepticon team style for future games.


We'll see how that goes.


Last two batreps coming later tonight!

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This would prove to be one of our toughest games to date.

The two teenagers were up against were undefeated. To add to this they were responsible for one of our draws last year at Dragonfire. They were very good players with what looked like a very solid list.


HQ Tervigon - toxin and tricks

Doom - Pod

Trp Tervigon- Toxin and tricks

10 Gaunts

10 Gaunts

6 Stealers - Broodlord

Trygon Prime - stuff


Command Squad - Plas, master of the fleet

Jnr Command Squad - pfist

10man Platoon - autocan

10man Platoon - autocan

10vets - 3 Plasma

3 Autocannon Team



Executioner- plas sponsons.



We lost the roll off for first turn and knew we would now be on the back foot.

They deployed everything on the board except the stealers.


We were stuck in a situation. Either deploy on board and get what little tanks we had side armour shot into oblivion thanks to vendetta scout moves, and have mephiston kicked in the head by Doom or deploy off board and take the -1 penalty on the nose and come in piecemeal. Typical Rock-Hard Place kinda stuff.


Level was initially adamant that we should deploy on board and take it from there. After a bit of a tactical pow-wow I convinced him to go all off board. If not we would have easily lost our long range support. We would have to take the -1 and just play uber tight with what we did have. It was apparent anyway that half their team would be coming towards us - the first time in the tourney this was happening.


Our opponents took their initial two turns and started spamming gaunts and moving the growing horde closer to us.

In their second turn Doom came in, but not the stealers sadly.


The one Tervy had burned out, but the other kept pumping em out. They made about 40 gaunts in the 2 turns.






They were also super smart by boosting their Vendettas all the way forward in turn one, then boosting them all the way back in turn two.


In our second turn, I had 3 units come on - as did Level.

Mephy, Bikes and Razor Squad.

And Bjorn, Rhino squad and Razor squad for the Wolves.


We opted for a side flank shot with the bikes on doom and hoped mephiston would get a decent run roll to engage a squad of gaunts.

We got one lucky break and managed to pop Doom when he failed one of his two 3++ saves from the bikes.

Mephiston also managed to get into close combat with a gaunt squad.


The next turn saw another big gaunt squad spawn and the stealers come in.

They continued pushing forward onto and around our objective while we tried to hold out as long as we could.


They shook a few razors but managed to counter charge the bikers with a gaunt squad near the left hand Tervigon.

They would stay locked there for about 8 combat rounds. They also threw another gaunt squad at the Chief librarian to keep him occupied.

The Trygon then destroyed one of the wolf rhinos.


In our next turn, we had another wolf squad come on, and the jumpers.

Here was a HUGE turning point in the game.


I placed the jumpers at a point I felt was safe. I eyed out a bit more than 6"s from the edge, impassible or enemy units. I rolled - and boom - scatter 6" off to the side.


Now....its something I will learn from.

My opponent measured, the angle and eventually moved the model (since it was way over on his side) before I had the chance to double check the angle of the scatter. I could have sworn blind that the angle was not correct. (He had moved it much more directly towards the board than it appeared to be). I didnt kick up too much of a fuss, because the model was not touching the edge, and i could have probably fit another model around.

When I came to place the other models it became apparent that one model was (literally) 2mm over the line. :P And variation on the scatter would have had a different result. I moved the model back as best I could and used corbs reroll.


I then proceeded to first screw up the scatter reroll and scattered onto the tank.


I then rolled a 2 on the mishaps and bamn 19% of my army was gone. What erked me more is that the player that had measured was CONSISTENTLY poor with his scatter measurements (not always to his benefit- sometimes to his detriment, but just always not like the dice said). That really had me gutted.


Our next big stuff up came when level positioned his wolves a bit poorly to take shots on the stealers. Partially my fault for telling him not to charge them and rather just rapid fire.

(Though, he positioned them in such a way to give them cover, when he could have done it in a way to not give cover).


The wolves that came out of the rhino then ganged up on the Trygon trying to take as many wounds off of it as possible.

They shot everything they had doing about 4 wounds in total.


Corbs piled out of the razor to engage another gaunt squad....alone...because he's Corbs, and our group needed something to focus on the Troops. The squad he was with split off in the other direction to engage another gaunt squad.

This would leave most of the gaunts wrapped up in combat.


In the end we managed to wipe out the gaunts on the left, did very little to the stealers and Corbs fought heroically to cut down the other gaunts- while mephy kept wading through them.

(Our opponents, it must be noted, were wiley enough to keep giving their gaunts FNP even against mephistons who had a Force Weapon- just so when they took fearless wounds, theyd get FNP. Very smart players!)


Things were really looking dire.




The next couple of turns saw guard firepower rain down on us as we tried to fight our hearts out over the objective and the hordes still coming. He managed to get off another squad of gaunts from the Terv, but burned out finally.


This turn, he also penetrated Bjorn with the lascannons from the Vendetta. They rolled a "5" and Level opted to not go for the Ven dread reroll. Our wolves now became fearless and Bjorn gave us one more objective in our area. Sadly with all the gribblies still wondering about in our area, it was far from over.


The stealers charged the wolves, the trygon charged the other 8 man wolf squad and the Tervy with support from the Jnr Command squad charged into the 5man squad.


We took HEAVY casualties that round, but with a little luck did manage to kill the Trygon with 2 guys remaining (scything talons and all) and they moved off to the right to help out with the stealers..


The wolves on the right rolled like kings and also managed to stick it out with the Stealers, despite their heavy losses.

Our Troop choices were decimated- we had a few models in each squad left. But still we were fighting.


The 2nd last turn of the game saw my bikes become free and allowed me to boost them off to potentially drag the guard off their objective, while the other tanks moved up to try contest.


Mephiston and Corbs were both looking like they were on the verge of cleaning up their squads.



They moved and/or unloaded their vendettas to try and kill the bikes and the oncoming tanks.

Luckily we were able to weather the storm, and the pressure was on them.

They kept throwing what little they had left at the marines.

By their last turn we had 2 more wolves left (troops wise), Corbs, Mephy, the bikes and some busted up rhinos/razors.


His Terv charged into Corbs who had gotten free from combat - he got one wound on him.


It was then over to our last turn. 1 Wolf left.


I moved the bikes once again - able to charge the closer squad, but instead opted for shots against the only squad claiming the objective. Hoping to force a break check.

My razor had to move around his tank, so sadly could not go in a straight line and contest, nor could come within 1" of an enemy. It looked as though we could not challenge.

It was all up to mephiston.


He could fly up and attempt to run and engage the top squad, or he could fly back, kill the Tervigon in base with the last remaining wolf and take it from there.


With levels advice I jumped over to help him out- cast sanguine sword - passed and charged in to attack the Troop Terv currently on 2 wounds. Mephy destroyed him with little effort!!


level then got a 6" consolidate putting him squarely inbetween bjorn and the main objective, while mephy tried to plug the gaps so that the Terv that was likely to kill Corbs in the combat we were about to fight, could not consolidate further than contesting one objective.


He managed to kill Corbs as expected, and consolidated - the plan worked. He could only contest the one objective.


We had managed to pull a draw from what looked like an almost hopeless situation.


Up on top ->





Down by us -> (This is just after Level packed up his last wolf model. The big bug top left is also dead, it was just mephy blocking the other Terv with the wolf behind him claiming Bjorn !



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Our final game was against double IG that to date had 4 wins and one loss.


They were sitting on 22 Points ( 4x5 for victories, 1x1 for a loss and 1x1 for a bonus point)

The players we had played in the game before were on 21 points after zero bonus and 2 draws.


We were sitting on 23 Points as we had gotten two bonus points along the way.


As you can see- it was anyones game.



The double IG were formidable.

They had all sorts of guardsy tricks in their list (master of the fleet etc - which for tourney purposes was ruled to stack ;) dont ask).

Additionally, the lead player at the helm is the current no.1 ranked SA player.


There list from memory was:


Command Squad

Command Squad - Creed, Kell

Inq - mystics

2x demolishers - las, no sponsons

2x Battle tanks - las, no sponsons

2x Battle tanks - las, no sponsons

2x Hydras

2x Vendettas (diff squads)

4x heavy weapon teams (2las,1ml)

4x Vet squads - a few specials

4x regular squads - a lascannons

1x Medusa - killy upgrade

2 x chimera


So much shooty death.

Dawn of War was a bonus though.


I had taken level aside as soon as I saw the mission and the board.


We each had two objectives to place, and I suggested what I thought was a decent tactic.


We loaded 3 objectives onto the side that would be most beneficial for us for the guard to deploy. It was a side that would have provided us the most cover whilst moving up.

That way, we would force the guard to either pick a more advantageous side in regards to cover, but give us 3 objectives, or choose the less advantageous side and defend 3 objectives.


It worked perfectly and they fell right into our "trap" and selected the far side edge to dominate the 3 objectives.

We had lost the roll for first again <_<


Luckily for us, our opponent got a bit hungry with his lascannon support teams and wanted to push us back as far as they could. They deployed two las teams and Creeds HQ on top of a small structure.




With DoW, this meant that Mephy was likely to get his 1st turn charge ;) mwuhahahah.


We deployed Bjorn, Mephy and a combat squadded Tac squad.




Their first turn, everything moved on where it could. They had a few shots, but nothing of effect.

It was our first turn.

Everything moved on- BA vehicles making use of their fast movement to try get some search light shots on the one vehicle i had it on!

Mephy jumped on out and in the shooting phase rolled a 6 for his run.


Their faces dropped.

The rest of the shooting wasnt particularly effective as they made a silly amount of 4+ saves on their heavy weapons teams. Also, it didnt help that on my to wound roll for the AC I rolled 3x 1s <_<.

We moved up, mephy chopped up the team and consolidated back behind cover.





In their 2nd turn, their luck hadnt stepped in just yet. None of their reserves came in.

The one player was already a bit bleak by this point since he was relying on the vendettas to help out with meph.


Their shooting for this phase was also less than stellar - they only managed to immobilise or stun a few vehicles. And as mentioned, by this stage VERY bleak and a bit angry.

Their one bonus however, is that they had learned how I use my bikes from previous games- so targetted them with whatever they could. I lost 3 bikers that turn (2 mm from the big squad, and 1mm from the other).

They tried to take mephiston on with what shooting they could get there- and luckily got a lascannon wound <_< as well as a melta wound.



Our second turn saw mephy having to make a tough choice. I was going to do a preferred enemy gambit. Basically, whatever mephy charged, hes likely to kill and be left in the open. This meant that I could either suicide and kill some tanks, or go into a big squad with an LD reroll and use PE to reroll my hits, getting more misses in combat and hopefully not breaking them till the next turn. (In retrospect, I should have gone into the command squad with LD 10 and a reroll ><; really dumb on my part- but i was nervous about wiping them out entirely). I used it to get into the thick of his troops and flew off to the top left hopefully drawing more attention away from our advancing armada.



Sadly, this didnt pay off. I still killed 3 and they still broke. Leaving mephy in the open for the next turn.

We moved up what else we could, but were still lagging quite far behind - and needed to get further forward. Luckily the Baal and the Pred managed to destroy his Hydras.




In the opponents 3rd turn, the vendettas and marbo came on.

They moved around, and started shooting. The opponents had underestimated Mephiston, or had overestimated their ability to hit, and as a result had left mephy on 1 wound still.

At this stage they were about ready to scream. They were getting a bit tense - luck of the dice/mephistons insanity :P but..then..things turned around for them.

In that turn they totally NUKED us. They destroyed my baal, my pred, the vindicator, the razor of corbulo, stunned or immobed other rhinos and half of the jumpers. It was an EXCEPTIONAL turn of shooting for them. We were now on the back foot, mobility seriously hampered.


The wolves had to come out of their transport -even if there was no cover -it was either stay at the back and get shot- or advance put on pressure and get shot.

Mephy had one more wound and one more round of death to deal before he would inevitably die.




We debated for a good 5 minutes on whether or not to send him to a troop squad on the far left and potentially hide him, saving him for another round, or take out the demolishers.

I pushed for the demolishers- thinking that we didnt have enough to take em out late game and figuring theyd play more of a role in the battle.


I moved my bikers out (1 from each squad left) to take shots on the russes. My opponents, feeling inspired and happier from their amazing turn of shooting, was sporting enough to remind me that the biker I was moving out in front of his russ was actually a heavy bolter biker (usually thats the first gut to go- but thanks to wound allocation it wasnt).

This little bit of sportsmanship may have cost him the game. I moved him back to where he was and surveyed other options. It looked as though he would be able to make a charge if he went around the other way!!


Mephy managed to stun one of the demolishers and destroy another one. The biker managed to make it into combat and the other MM biker managed to blow up 1 russ. All in all, not too bad, but we still had a lot to deal with.

We downed a vendetta and made light work of the vets and marbo.






The next turn saw their other vendetta continue to take shots along with their other tanks still alive. Mephiston finally went down after fighting valiantly.




The MM biker took a lascannon to the face, but scored a 6 on going to ground!! Safe for one more turn ^_^


The next few turns were intense to say the least.

it was a continual slog of us throwing more and more units into the grinder slowly trying to move closer to the objective in the middle and top right. By the end of our turn we had 2 objectives, and were close on the 3rd - but still taking so much fire. The biker in combat managed to make save after save (4 single saves) with 1 wound left and eventually broke the troop squad and moved into the heavy weapons squad.


The wolves were throwing themselves onto the objectives heroically getting shot up something fierce with little or no recourse available. They just had to weather the storm like heroes and hold the ground and not break.


The BA forces were drastically depleted - Corbulo and his last remaining team member being killed. I had 1 biker and 4 jumpers left, as well as a now immobed rhino blocking some LOS.

But time was running out. It looked at though there would only be one more turn for each of us.

The guard made a last ditched effort. They moved a chimera to contest the top right objective, boosted the last Vendetta onto the middle objective and shot whatever they could....






In the end...we took a lot of damage..but held.

It was up to us just destroying one Chimera to take it from a draw to a win.



You fancy its chances?




Neither did I ;)


Coincidentally enough it was the heavy bolter biker that destroyed it by shooting!

Enough to take us to 2 objectives to 1.


And the victory of Dragonfire for 2 years on the trot !





Hope you enjoyed the read guys.


Comments welcome and hoped for! Questions, thoughts...anything!

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I never did like that you were going with Bjorn, but in all fairness would you take him again?


I just read the whole thing, and even looking at the pictures I'm pretty surprised by the double IG win. They can just be so nasty...


Anyway, great read. Great job. To the boys in red, and the sons of Russ! :)

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We played out of our skins- thats for sure.


Prot- Level figures that we would have been better off with more wolves or more support over Bjorn.


That being said he did help us out in a huge way in two games.

I say we could have used him better though - Level is quite a cautious player.

Overly cautious sometimes- me on the other hang im a bit wreckless, overly so sometimes. So, we really work well together by balancing each other out.

Anyway, point im making is that I dont think you should play Bjorn like other dreads - I feel you THROW him in there, let him take the hits and gain the special abilities if he dies or kick ass if he doesnt.

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