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Red Scorpions


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My local GW store has recently started a 'tale of gamers' style marketing stunt (in that they're challenging people to buy and then paint loads of their products) which I have fallen for hook line and sinker. It's a fairly standard affair, 500pts per month of a 40k army of your choosing, games to be played in store at the requisite amount of points for that month, etc. Initially I was going to be a bit of a wimp and do an all wolfguard terminator army, since even I can paint 25 models in 4 months. But then I went to the forgeworld site and saw the new Sevrin Loth mini and changed my mind entirely, so I've now tied myself into painting 2000pts of Red Scorpions over 4 months worth of weekends. Oh dear.

So far I've managed to complete a Razorback and a Tactical Squad, but the first 500pts must be FOC legal, so I need an HQ and another troops choice. Here's the progress on the HQ so far:


Will post photos of the Razorback and Tactical Squad as soon as the light is better.

Q&A on the librarian very much appreciated, I know it's just a coat of blue so far, but it's taken me 2 hours....

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Did a little more to the librarian last night, managed to get some metallics onto him. Normally I save metallic paints til last to avoid possible cross contamination with non metallic paints, but since this is just one figure and I'm not touching it I think I should be safe.


Shoulderpads (now complete):



Getting halfway decent photos of the really small parts with my iPhone camera was a real challenge, think I need to get something with a proper macro function and make myself a little photobooth type job.

As always, suggestions and criticism welcome

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That model is really sweet! The model is cool, and you are doing it justice! I'll be really interested in seeing your progress. I am working on a similar project, although it's just because I wanna get some decent games in now that I have some free time. Anywho, great looking work, keep it up.
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He's finished! Woo!



Just 5 tactical marines to do and my first 500 points are done. Go me.

I think I'll probably keep this thread going as a project log of sorts if I can, depends if I remember to take WIP photos of any of the other models.

Comments/Criticism etc still welcome, I've not varnished it yet so changes can still be made!

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when taking pics, try not using a flash from the camera and/or set up more natural lighting. hell even taking pics of them in the day would do wonders. the blue looks excellent but the white (evident in the helm) looks kinda splotchy? the "snow" looks really fuzzy too, might want to dust some white elsewhere to help it blend in with the rest of the base and his legs. at the moment the "hairs" of the white flock are really bringing an otherwise excellent model down.
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Yeah, I think most of the problem there was me taking the photo with an iPhone camera (no flash) using just an anglepoise lamp for lighting, the white definitely ins't blotchy, I think the white balance feature in GIMP may have just messed with it a little. Will try and get some daylight shots when/if it stops raining today.


The snow will be fixed when I varnish the model, purity seal tends to make it all stick together and form more of a lump than a tuft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pic heavy update! Apologies again for photo quality, still haven't managed to get my hands on a half decent camera. Though the lighting this time is much better, so the colours are slightly closer to how they really are. Still a little washed out and low contrast (the grey is highlighted, I promise!).











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