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Red Scorpions


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  • 1 month later...

update o clock!

Got a little bit bogged down with work (just for a change...) and had to take a bit of a break from these guys, but I've had a couple of days uninterrupted now so have done a little bit more to the honour guard... they're still not 100% done, banner needs doing (SCARY!!!!) and the bases need snow adding... think that's about it really. Should be able to power through the banner tomorrow afternoon I think, though I've still no idea what to really do with it!

The white on the helmets has been washed out by the rather poor quality lighting I have, one day I'll make a proper light box and take photos with something a little more sophisticated than an iPhone, promise! The group shot at the end is the best representation of the white colour on the helmets (didn't actually use any white on them at all!), the guy on the far left right especially.

C&C appreciated and requested! They're not varnished yet by a long way, so anything big that needs changing can still be done.









Group shot!!


Ohh, and massive thankyou to FF151 who's tutorial I used to get the lightning effect on the power weapons.

these are beautiful red Scorpions sir i love the detail you have put into them an to be honest of all the people i've seen do them you are the only one who can make that blackish grey look from the original write up on them look good. me I'll be honest i went with the brighter grey they always use for the pictures.


though i do wish to ask, this tutorial you mentioned of for the power weapons that red color. could you by chance pass a link. I like to see it and see if i can do that :tu:

@ Vulkan454 & HarasinCreed: Haha, I wish! No, the scorpions are sculpted onto the model by those great guys at forgeworld, all I did was colour them in without going outside the lines.

@ davidKits: The lightning/power weapon tutorial is here:

I used slightly different colours, just because I didn't have all the colours FF151 used, though I think it turned out ok!

@ EveryoneElse: Thanks guys, feedback on these guys really does help with motivating myself to start snipping the next lot off their sprues, which is pretty daunting, my last eBay rampage netted me a LOT of sprues to snip:


Oh dear.... no way any of that lot is being finished before christmas!

hmm, so instead of painting the banner today I went out and had a few drinks to celebrate the royal wedding (and a friend's birthday, but she has one every year!), I WILL make a start on it tomorrow. Definitely.


Also, taking votes on what to assemble/paint next since I cannot decide at all:


-Ironclad & Drop pod

-Bikes (9 of them, and a chaplain on bike)

-Land Speeder


-Possible Sternguard, assuming forgeworld deliveries arrive sometime soon ish

Predator, yes predator each time i say it i demand a vote! PREDATOR! *laughs* just kidding, i just prefer those as i'm a bit of a tread head when it comes to 40K B) ... *pokes fingers* by bit i mean i own 12 to 15 land raiders *whistles* I'll be honest... lost count...

hmm, hit a bit of a wall with the banner...


block colours only at the moment, and I'm unable to decide where to go from here, the outer part of it (pennants at the bottom etc) should be what colour? what to put on the little panels inside the main design?!

***** EDIT *****

Did a bit more to it, not going to double, multi, mega, ultra, MONSTERPOST though, so I'll just keep editing this one til someone gives me a suggestion and then I'll reply. Makes sense in my mind!


Still at a loss as to what to do with the little panels, though the colour parts of it are coming along.


block colours only at the moment, and I'm unable to decide where to go from here, the outer part of it (pennants at the bottom etc) should be what colour? what to put on the little panels inside the main design?!


I'd say red, like the scopion. And the little panels like purity seals or nametags. Hope this helps. :)

most of the top is going to be gold, the wreath and wings certainly will be gold, I may do the scorpion symbol in classic black/white/red. Banner pole skulls will be in bone, and the pole is black.


I'm pretty much decided on a deep red for the outside part and back of the banner now, with the pennants at the bottom having some kind of freehand on them.


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