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Knights of the Abyss WIP


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Hello all,

I have been working on this army for a while now, but I keep changing things in it and am now almost back at square one, meaning the army is built and undercoated, but no where near finished.

First up, I wanted some different looking scouts. These are the result of that idea.

C&C welcome, but please keep in mind they are still in the very early WIP stages, and I still have to drill the barrels, remove mold lines, sand rough spots, and green stuff gaps.


Sniper tracking wounded prey


Nobel defender ready to strike


Surveying the battlefield


Leading the charge armed with a Power Sword


Issuing a challenge to an enemy located with an Auspex


Preparing to strike with dual blades, (counts as Mark of the Wolfen)


Advancing to a located target with a compact melta gun


Preparing to ambush a target, armed with a quarterstaff


trying to direct the squad to a target of opportunity


Considering what type of mayhem would occur if a frag grenade was added to the mix

Currently working on my Commander, plans are to work on his squad and the sergeants for the squads after that.

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Hello again,

I was working on my commander, but I played a tournament and realized that although strength 10 is nice, giving up the 5 Init just isn't worth it, so I am currently tearing him apart.

I did finish two Marines and figured I would post them them to give an idea of the paint scheme.


Boltgun Front


Boltgun Back


Chainsword Front


Chainsword Back


Sorry for the poor pictures, I don't own a camera so these are taken with my phone.

C&C welcome

Thanks for the replies.


the scouts need to be shaved of all those molt line, and if I were you I'd take to drill all those barrel is look so much better!


in general they look good, Keep us update!


Yep, I will do both those things. I actually mentioned that I would do them eventually in the original post.

"SPARTANS! What is your profession?!?"


Love the pose, man, he looks great. Keep it up!

Lol, thanks for the support.

Well I was able to work on more then usual, and managed to finished a Captain and his Honor Guard. Yes, after hitting myself in the head with both codexs for longer then is most likely healthy, I switched back to the Blood Angels codex. I just couldn't give up the fast rhinos and vindicators, plus I wanted to do a Honor Guard.

Any way...Pictures of progress.

I have tomorrow off for because of the general elections, (no more horrible campaign adds for a while!) so I should make some progress in painting them, but for now this is how they look.



Don't know if I will count him as armed with 2 Lightning Claws or 1 with a storm shield, but I just don't like the look of claws on my commanders and greatly prefer the sword and shield look.

Captain Shield


Honor Guard


Blood Champion


Banner Bearer


Tank Hunter Specialist


Sanguinary Novitiate




C&C Welcome

Thanks for all the replies.

Just wondering, you have there "counts as mark of the wulfen" and sanguinary novitiate, what rules will you use in the end? Also, Doesn't the BA iconography need removing?

Sorry it took me a while to reply, I wanted to also post some progress before I answered.

When I started this, I was basing my DIY off the SW codex, then something reminded me that BA Rhinos are fast, plus I wanted to make an IC with a Honor Guard. I did post this earlier by saying:

after hitting myself in the head with both codexs for longer then is most likely healthy, I switched back to the Blood Angels codex. I just couldn't give up the fast rhinos and vindicators, plus I wanted to do a Honor Guard.


I worked out a new list, and so made some minor changes to the "Captain," but managed to finish him, I worked on the Tank Hunter since their was some interest shown, and I started on a plastic Librarian.

Captain Tiberius of the 4th Company



When I field him, he will count as my Company Champion, but fluff wise he is the Captain

Tank Hunter



Thought about pulling him off the base and basing him on top of a half melted Black Legion Rhino door. Also thinking about naming him.





I was trying to get him to look like he is casting onto his blade, which may come out better once he is painted because currently he appears to be either "oh and aw"ing and the edge or praying to it.

I plan on sculpting some horns onto the skull shoulder to make it look like some Librarian skull iconography. Head is not glued because I am not thrilled with that one and will most likely swap it out for one of the bare headed Sanguinary Guard Heads.

C&C Welcome

Hey all,

Woke up early today and finished the Sanguinary Novitiate. After classes, I decided to work on the command Razor Back

The Noviate



The WIP TL Heavy Flamer for my Razor Back


I plan on getting the head for the Librarian this weekend, so I expect he will be painted soon. Also am grabbing the Chapter Banner from the kit, I got tired of trying to free hand the banner, trying to sculpt/mold it, or trying to press the iconography into shape.

C&C Welcome

Hey all,

I have not been able to work on Warhammer as much as I wanted lately, (tests and class take precedence,) but I have made some progress.

The Librarian


First time I have painted flesh for a while, (there is a reason all the rest of my marines have helmets, and it is not because of lack of supplies or fluff logic,) though I don't think this photo does it justice. I am not sure if I like the eye glow effect, considering redoing it.



The horned skull looks good at about table top distance, and I am very tiered of scraping it off and redoing it, so I am content to leave it as it is.

The Reclusiarch


I honestly despise working with metal models, but I love Lemartes' model.

C&C Welcome

Hey again,

Got the Reclusiarch painted, plus a veteran for the honor guard, fully assembled the Librarian, worked on the chapter banner, and built a Tactical Squad



I have no idea what it is, but he looks much better in real life, a lot of the details and the effects of the washes seem to ebb in this photo.

Veteran and Librarian


I washed the Librarian's blade red to look like he is using the Sanguine Sword power

Chapter Banner


This is the first time I have used Mechrite Red foundation paint, and I absolutely love it. It is not as bright as blood red, but the robes are one coat of the foundation and isn't as thin and hard to paint with as blood red. I tried to file off the words on the scroll, but I couldn't get all of it because of how it molded, and it shows up more in this picture, but I plan to write over it.

Tactical Sergeant


I tried to make Mk. III Iron Armor with the legs, but my green stuffing abilities were not up to par. I remade the feet and am glad that static grass forgives all sins :)

Melta Gun




Wanted a "your not safe even when I have to reload" look, only took the shot at one angle and may throw up some more to get a better idea. he is supposed to look like he is throwing the knife as an empty magazine falls.



I want to add some straps on the ones that don't have their boltguns brandished, I just don't have any thing more then and exacto knife in the way of sculpting tools so I have to go out and find some.



I don't know what it is, but I don't like the shoulder braced version. Also I couldn't find any that I had. I do like the look of the Heavy Bolter, even if I don't like it in game. I saw a conversion like this somewhere on here and liked it, though I can't remember who did it. So I found a Heavy Bolter marine and a spare Lascannon barrel, cut off the ammo belt and slapped on a lascannon looking box and the lascannon pack.

C&C Welcome

Nice work.

But a bit of criticism, I agree with you when you thought about redoing the libby's head.

As it is, the glow in his eye looks more like a bruised eye than the glow from his powers.


loved the marine reloading and the scout wondering what would happen if he used the grenade.

Thanks for all the replies.


@Natanael: Wow. I like this guy, but I didn't think he would get this kind of praise. Thanks for the support.


@Drac0: Thanks for the criticism. The librarian actually became worse because I tried using a blue wash, which ended up being different from the black, brown, or red washes and it didn't tint so much as paint. Once again I will be retrying the effect.

Im no pro at painting, but the thing with glow or light effects is that we have to use lots of thin layers of watered down paint and a dab of drybrushing of a lighter pigment here and there on the areas that stand out (in this case I can think of the eyebrow and the nose as examples).

This way you can create the light/shadow effect.


I had a nice tutorial I got from the web on my pc. I'll have a look for it if its any help to you.

I would love to see the tutorial, but I am going to give it another try before I look around. That is essentially the process I went for, (without shading,) but I didn't water down the paint enough, then the wash only made it worse. That bruising effect happened because the base blue I used was too dark and I didn't completely cover it.


I had been putting off redoing it until I got a few more marines done, but after talking about it now I want to work on it again...

Holy crap.


I can honestly say you are one of the select few who are better at converting than I am. I recognise you as superiour. 'bows'


That being said... You should try working with Chaos and Greenstuff sometime ;) I would truly love to see what you would come up with, although if you really do go into Chaos stuffs I may start being jealous :D


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