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Knights of the Abyss WIP


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Well, since I got them undercoated yesterday, I thought I would throw up some pics of the first "finished," (I still have to do a small part of his heraldry, and text along scrolls and plates,) Grey Knight Terminator.

My brother has yet to find his charger cord for his camera since we moved, so I am stuck with using my phone for pictures, sorry.



Hmmm....Maybe I should have adjusted the paper so that you saw white instead of our epic counter tops...

C&C Welcome

Ooh, this could be interesting ;)

By the way, very nice pose. I like how it appears he is advancing and almost casually firing at whatever target :(

That is the pose I was going for, glad I pulled it off even with the poor quality.

Well, my brother found his charger cord and was more then happy to take pics of what I have been doing.

On the Grey Knights side of things, I painted up my Grand Master and He took new pics of the first Grey Knight.




On a side note, this guy was dubbed "Battle-Brother Meatshield" during a game today, I think it will stick.

On the DIY Chapter side, They are getting some Armor, 2 Vindicators and a Land Raider to be exact




The Land Raider is old and going to be refurbished, while the Grey Knights are getting a new one, (I couldn't pass one up for half price. Yay that DA don't have the access to the Redeemer!)

C&C Welcome

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

Well, I actually haven't painted or worked on anything since my last post, but an idea popped into my head.

Since I was painting Grey Knights silver with their current scheme, I really didn't want my DIY to look so similar. So I decided to change the paint scheme.

Here is what I am thinking about:


The White areas will look like marble.

I am working on a test model and will either have pics of it up tonight or tomorrow.

What do you think?

Hello all,

Thanks DAT and Goose, I always appreciate hearing from you guys ;)

I actually had pics of the test model last night, (I swear!) but because of a series of events, I haven't had a working power cord for my computer until now.

Here is the test model


I probably should have said I was going for an aged marble look, but ah well.

I don't think I will use as much mud wash next time, but this is basically what I was going for.

As always, C&C Welcome

No Love for Mr. Guinea Pig?


I was thinking about painting them using a slightly different process lately.



Well, because of the way things worked out, (between jobs and someone starting a Dark Heresy group,) there is no longer enough time for me to play larger games. So, I have decided to try out the 5th ed. Kill Team Rules.


My team will be made of Sternguard Veterans and I was all excited, then I started to think about modeling them. There is only going to be 7 of them on the field, and so far I have given all of my Veterans the Bretonnian Helmets.


The Question is: Would it be too much to give the entire squad the Bret Helms? I like the helms, but would having them all have the Helmets take away from the "cool" factor?

Nah, they should be fine so long as they aren't oversized or anything like that ;)


Sorry I missed your last update, it's looking really good, very different from a normal marine too. For some reason I think Oreo shake when I look at him :D But the marble effect is very well done :)

For some reason I think Oreo shake when I look at him :lol:

I laughed very hard when I read this, and can see it being a fairly valid description for the color scheme

Well I sat down and built the Sergeant for the Sternguard Veterans.


Still a little rough, but heading in the right direction

I decided that I would change the Bolter slightly to help them stand out from normal Tactical Marines, so I cut off the Sickle Magazine and slapped a Grey Knight Storm Bolter Magazine onto the side

I did a size comparison to a normal marine helmet, and they are actually the same size. The Bretonnian helms don't taper off near the top and the eyes are slightly higher, but they are roughly the same.

C&C Welcome

I like the direction you are going with the knights helmets but I have never been a fan of the fabric wrapped around the top of that particular helmet. I think it would look better if you removed it somehow. You also might want to look into the steam knight helmets from maxmini. Here is a link if you are interested, http://www.maxmini.eu/store/index.php?main...;products_id=60 . I have ordered a set myself for some pre-heresey Dark Angels and am very fond of them for "knightly" looking marines.

I didn't know that was fabric! :) I just thought it was rope looped around the top that did't come out well. Hmmm. I might leave it and paint it up as rope, or I can try to shave it off...

Or I can look for another helm.


I have seen the maximini helmets and they do look good, but they don't seem to have the same feel of the Bretonnian helms I have scattered around already.

Hello all,

The Sternguard Sergeant is almost done, I thought he was until I saw the picture blown up. I have got to to a couple touch and then I will call it done.


Couple of things:

I drew cracks on the test model and did not on this one, are they needed for the marble-y theme?

Static grass or no? There is very little room but there is some, I wanted the basing to be a sort of Post Apoc road.

C&C Welcome

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

I decided that since these Marines are going to be the only ones that are going to see time on the table top, I want these to look better then the others I have made, so I did something I have never done before: I planed out this squad! :o

Even though I have a Sergeant done, I decided I wanted him in Mark 8 armor. I also discovered I didn't have that chest plate. With approximately 2250pts of space marines either built or waiting to be built, I have never purchased a Tactical Squad box. The store i got most of my squads from only stocked up on combat squad boxes, and now I know why I have never had enough melta guns or missile launchers.

Because I want a specific look for each guy in the squad, I pulled out every usable bit I could find


Yes, this is what I called organized :D

This Squad is going to be a Tactical Squad that is on the verge of becoming Veterans, and so I am going to have some specialists that are about to leave the squad to further their training. Really this is an excuse to build models using parts I wouldn't be using otherwise, and to build some interesting models

So, first of all this Marine is about to go to Mars to become a Techmarine, but I just wanted to use these parts.


Garh! Blurry picture... :tu:

I have to wait to get some more Green Stuff before he's done, (Curse you Dark Angel's symbol!) but I feel like I need to add something to his legs, maybe a mark 3 extension doohickey, (I have no idea what that loincloth thing is called.)

C&C Welcome

A mechanical loincloth would help that feel, as of right now it feels like all he has is his helemt (though I do see the AdMech symbol on his chestplate).


Adding the metal lointcloth (I don't know what it's call either) would certainly help that, as well as maybe something added to his powerpack, or maybe a servitor?

Hello all,

I went a little nuts and actually got quite a bit of progress done.

Here is a squad shot of the Kill Team, minus one who I hadn't built yet


The Sergeant is now in finished mark 8 Armor, but at this point I didn't have any Terminator "Hip Guards" laying around, I just got around to cutting up an AoBR Terminator and are now glued on. When I get more green stuff I plan on Giving him a cape and maybe some decorations on the Chest Plate, (rope, medals, ect.)

The guy on the right is in full Corvus Armor, and will probably have the Infiltrate USR in Kill Team.

The crouching marine is the sharp shooter in the squad, nothing special rule wise

The plasma gunner is going to be in Heresy Pattern armor, you can't really make out the rivets yet because I used white glue, but they should show up when I get him painted. Probably Feel no Pain USR.

The guy in the back holds the Squad banner bearer, probably fearless USR to avoid losing the game till he dies.

The Tech marine was in the group shot, but I did some more work on him as well as the last squad mate


I gave him some mecandrites(?) and a Psudo-servo arm, you can also sort of see the AdMech shoulder pad.

The last guy is in Iron Armor, waiting on green stuff to finish his legs.

I have wanted to get into BFG for some time now, (but no one I know plays :huh: ,) and surfed the net and came across some cool scratch built BFG ships. So while I staved off the temptation to do this squad in true scale, (For now...,) I got sucked into the madness of scratch building BFG


This is a counts as Nova Class Frigate I sloppily throw together in about 10 minutes.

Finally, this is an objective counter that originally was a base for some Death Company, now I plan on touching him up and using him as some form of objective counter.gallery_53411_5179_10426.jpg

Sorry DAT, I lied about never doing anything with Chaos :P

C&C Welcome

You should be purged for your Heresy... but I'm willing to make exceptions ;)


The tech-adept looks much more techy and is much better.


I like all the other ones too, to various degrees, but I'll withhold comments for now, except for one - the beakie guy should have his arm lowered, not raised, unless you mean him to be reloading.

You should be purged for your Heresy... but I'm willing to make exceptions ;)

You are both kind and wise :lol:

I like all the other ones too, to various degrees, but I'll withhold comments for now, except for one - the beakie guy should have his arm lowered, not raised, unless you mean him to be reloading.

I took a closer picture of him to help me explain what I was trying to do


I wanted him to look like he was scouting ahead of the squad or scanning for more targets. I thought about making him a duplicate of the marine throwing a knife, but then decided to try and make him look different.

I also wanted him to look slightly different from the squad, since he will be out on his own.

Since you pointed it out, I could see extending his arm to look as if he was about to take as shot, and the more I think about it, the more I like it...

Since you pointed it out, I could see extending his arm to look as if he was about to take as shot, and the more I think about it, the more I like it...

If you like it, then go for it!


However. I say the arm should not be raised unless reloading for the simple reason of the fact in real life (dangerous, I know) you don't raise the weapon like that unless it's to eject the spent magazine, when the weapon is at rest (basicly whenever it's not being fired, except for reloading) the weapon is lowered so as not to attract attention, ironicly that's the opposite of the intent you're going for here.


I think the extended arm would look both realistic and make him stand out, perhaps have the knife hand extending slightly the other way to provide balance?

The Librarian


When i 1st saw this, i was skimming through, and i thought WOW what a wonderful way to use a banner and a spare head for a Chaos warband.. then i realized that it wasn't a trophy or a banner top but your libby's WIP head...

any was, i'm stealing that idea and your plasma dread front plate kit back for my Ultra renegade war band. I do like your Knight theme good work SiR

@Brother_Fatiswon: Lol, I don't blame you for thinking that's what I was doing with that head, I can see it now that you have pointed it out.

Thank you for the kind words, I would be flattered if you stole the Idea :D

I ordered green stuff from my FLGS last Monday, but the person who places the orders didn't see my order, and now I have to wait another week, *Shrug.*

Because I cant finish my Sergeant or Iron Armored marines, I set them aside to work on more BFG. I could have started painting the rest of the squad, but I wanted to work on some more BFG.

So I whipped up a test Cobra Class Destroyer


and next to the Nova


I plan on fixing a few things on the Cobra:

Move the back backs farther back to keep the bridge level.

Fill in the prow and glue it on the front instead of trying to fit it on the sprue

Considering using scout shoulders or unarmored marine shoulders to make the Prow smaller

Find a thin drill bit for torpedo tubes

Find an engine

I went looking for something to use as weapon batteries, since I didn't want to try to scratch build something THAT small. Then I came across my old Mech Warrior stuff, and there are plenty of vehicles with little turrets on them that seem to be the right size.

Funny how things come full circle, I used to play Mech Warrior at a store and one day I saw a box of Terminators and that's when I got into 40k

C&C Welcome

I would be flattered if you stole the Idea :lol:

i like your kit bash BFG models, mite use that as a reason to spring board into BFG.. you mite reversing the back packs on the cobra for your engines, or cutting the 4 power vents, and maybe use like the front end of a missile pod (CML,Typhoon, or Dread bits) and use that square bit to build/kit bash your engine block, La'blockade runner/ corvent from Star wars (the ship that princess is on, in the opening of "A new hope, Ep IV"


i'll be following your BFG efforts if can and as for stealing your head mounting, i already had 7 BA Sang guard death mask on bit order to use for my Sgt's and HQ models, and as of this morning i've got a bit on a bunch of bare heads on Ebay to use for mounting.


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