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Purifiers/And their mysteryNemesis.


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I think we may as well use Ecritter's symbol, since I know I don't have any image editing skills.


That's such a great reason to use my symbol <_<


How about, dang that's awesome .... we must use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to stick my oar in: I'd say you can stay with the Hulk idea, I think that's pretty cool. There are no big problems that can't be addressed with a good and characterful (and plausible) explanation.


I.E. Initially the hulk served as an ideal base, given its size and the recent losses of material, ships and troops. Several years of securing their footing and fighting incursions by various mad cultists, daemons, and genestealer broods gave them an emotional and psychological connection to the place - it had become more than just a rallying point, the danger accepted grudgingly as a pragmatic choice, it had become home. Their sweat and blood went into turning a large section of it into a defensible fortress monastery, and they don't want to give it up.

It is certainly more dangerous than many such bases, but not a catastrophic threat for a chapter of such might and purity! (Besides, as has been mentioned, they are gradually clearing it, maybe make a point of saying they have a third of it locked down and another, smaller, portion which they have largely under control. The danger makes it an ideal testing ground for new recruits to prove themselves.)


As for the fact that the hulk can potentially drop into the warp at any time, try linking that to a more general superstitious streak. Perhaps they seek purity through communion with the Emperor, and routinely consult the tarot. Someone already suggested this: they see the seemingly random drops into the warp as direction from the Emperor.

As for the danger of being lost in the warp, temporally shifted into the wrong era or torn apart by a major daemon incursion: that will never happen! How could it? The Emperor watches over them and guides their hands. Basically: they are confident that "His benign munificence" will protect them - as proof they point to the fact that somehow none of these things have yet happened in all their travels (they're still semi-human, after all, and somewhat arrogant into the bargain; they see patterns which aren't necessarily there and assume they will continue).

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Excellent, another viewpoint!


That is probably the best idea for the hulk I've heard so far. I might only have 10% or less unsecured though.


Shinzaren, any chance you could update your chart?


Clearn has added the symbol to all the marines:





1st company veteran marine:



1st company regular marine:



2nd company captain:



chapter master:



1st company assault marine:



1st company Haas:



veteran terminator:


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I could have sworn that was the symbol.


EDIT: Yes, it is.


I meant I should have entered that symbol in the challenge instead of the one I did, maybe it'd have made it through then.

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Hey guys, I am not gonna have enough time to manage this as it deserves. Perhaps whoever has post #2 can update it regularly, or CMD, The Normish, etc etc. Hopefully after Christmas I can make a little more time and do what I can. Sorry guys :D
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