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5th Company Fire Angels ( IA 9 style )


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For some years now i wanted to start a Space Marine army. So this is my second 40k army and I chose the Fire Angels, saw them in Forge Worlds IA volume 9 BADAB WAR. After reading the fluff I decided that this army will not content Landraiders, Termis nor Dreadnoughts.


So the army will become basicly a infantry force with some rhinos and predators, i hope that will do justice to the fluff.


The Fire Angels are a joung chapter therefore I will use no older typs of armour, but i tried to bring some form of individuality into the first squad.

They are also a very faithfull kind, so I will try and tried on the first finished squad to create this feeling by adding purity seals and liturgy on their armour.

Furthermore I tried to creat a knight theme ( because of their love for swords and holy fires .....). That means that future HQ and Sergants will get swords for sure ( the first sg. was build years ago, and redone 1 year ago, so I just had no desire to rebuilt him again)


Battle damage was another thing that I wanted to explore, I tried it already with my World Eaters but this time I wanted to get further, I hope I didnt go to far.


That are the basic idears, next up will be another 10 Tac Sq ( If time ...... :P )


So I hope you will like them, C&C is of course wished.















After having started a Fire Angels chapter space marine army several times and never finishing due to new codexes and other distractions, I've got to say that your work is great! How much fluff is there in the new FW books about the Badab War on the Fire Angels? I'd be interesedt to knwo if you are planing on going the old school look and giving them white and red armor?

Either way, great work, and keep up the flame!

@SoulTang@ thanks man :lol:

@ Mr.Malevolent @ no problem, its easy:


1. base coat boltgun metal

2. highlight with chainmail, but its very broad highlighting

3. highlight again with mithril silver but this time just the real eges cetera


at this point you just have a higlightet model without any depth and shading (looks realy odd)


4. Badab black wash, alot

5. Devlan mud was , a little,


after that paint all details with chaos black.


thats the armour without any damage or weathering


1. chaosblack higlightet with boltgun metal for deep battle damage, scratches cetere with boltgun metal

2. for the weathering I dry brush with Tausept ochre (legs mostly)


hope that helps you man :D


@kapturowski@ thanks man, its nice when people see the details ^_^ PS: your space wolf painting tutorial is amazing.



@Marshal2 Crusaders@ @Darth Potato@ thanks fellas :)


@Capt. Kenaz@ There is plenty of fluff in the book , you should check it out. NO WHITE armour, its to hard to paint a army white, I tried once, it was a disaster.


thanks to all fellas !

i would think he would be a very interesting addition to this army... but hey i understand. i still look forward to seeing how this army turns out... though how do you plan to do that off orange/yellow the tanks are all painted? that is for rhinos if you add em?
i would think he would be a very interesting addition to this army... but hey i understand. i still look forward to seeing how this army turns out... though how do you plan to do that off orange/yellow the tanks are all painted? that is for rhinos if you add em?



I think the orange rhino is a tech marine thing.

I will make the army just of plastic that means no tech marines. But it woud be interesting to paint this orange.

  • 4 weeks later...

little very little update:


chaplain wip




Im thinking about a tech marine but Im not realy sure about the color, is it orange or light brown ?

An other problem is the servo arm ( no plastic bits)

  • 7 months later...


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