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5th Company Fire Angels ( IA 9 style )


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There we go, the three best Fire Angel Captains in a row!


Batu your stuff has been missed for too long... Then you come back with a tactical squad and a Devastator squad fully painted!!!!


That means you have got half a company done (if my paltry maths is correct) 3 tactical 1 devastator and 1 assault. Which begs the question... What is next?


Great stuff, keep it up :)

@ Lorenzen:



You mean like this guy ? ;)





No man, I painted the teeth with Skull White. Some kind of picture magic I guess :)


@ The Yak:


Thanks man ! :)


Well, I started to work on the command squad and their Razorback. When I have finished them, I will be at 1500 points. I would like to bring the army to 2000 points though. I would like to stay on my fluffly course, so I thought about two Predators. Maybe one or two Landspeeders, so the 8th assault squad can show up as well :P


But Im not so sure about this plan anymore because of the new allies rules in 6th. I think it would be quite cool and fluffy to include an Inquisitor, some Guards man, or Sisters of Battle. On the other hand, the thing with that is that it would not fit with the Badab War theme that much. Another chapter who has fought in the Badab War would probably be better suited as ally. I have read the IA article to look for a chapter that has fought along the Fire Angels, and the only one I found beeing mentioned were the Sons of Medusa. Thy would make a nice contrast in their green armour to my FA :)


As you can see, I thought a bit about this ( I know Im crazy ). Most likely I will stick with FAs though.


Best regards

Jaws and his Fire Angel tie...


When you paint Fire Angels like you do it would be quite acceptable for someone to say "why bother with allies?"


Although I would love to see more of these FA, I could quite happily understand Sisters of Battle fighting alongside these marines. Also feverent guardsmen must have served with the FA at some point, so your options are sound.


Whatever you do, just make sure your Fire Angels keep coming...




The Yak

the charcaradons are also an option and could be represented with blood angel assault squads or death co for the rage usr (i too have thought about allied stuff for my 2nd company)


but then as a devout servant of the emperor surely purity should be of the utmost importance.. so id say 1500-2000 of fangles and then think about allies :lol:



Razorback for the command squad













I realized that I skiped a step on my skin tone :rolleyes: so I did the two last again:





Just discovered this thread :lol:

Really liking the way you have developed your marines, and the paint scheme looks really good as well although (minor criticism.......) I am not too keen on the cross on the side doors. It is just a touch too 'violent'. Still, that aside, keep up the great work mate!

Looking great! The Empire shield and BT sword are perfect for the FAs. The cross on the side doors is really, really nice as well.


Thank you very much sir!


Just discovered this thread B)

Really liking the way you have developed your marines, and the paint scheme looks really good as well although (minor criticism.......) I am not too keen on the cross on the side doors. It is just a touch too 'violent'. Still, that aside, keep up the great work mate!


Thanks man ! What do you mean exactly by "violent" ?

Now THAT my friend is how to paint a Rhino!


That battle damage is very very impressive. I like the abstract cross on the side. Yes I like this a lot.


Your really starting to fire these out pretty quickly again. Which can only be a good thing.


Excellent work. Pleasure to look at it all. :)



Now THAT my friend is how to paint a Rhino!


That battle damage is very very impressive. I like the abstract cross on the side. Yes I like this a lot.


Thanks Brother !!!! :D Comments such as yours really help to motivate me ! Thanks again The Yak.


Well, I guess did somthing wrong with that "abstract cross", because you did not recognize it immediately as an elite cross insignia, used by veterans and termis. To be honest, I saw this problem myself, but I just wanted to be done with it ;)



Greetings Brothers !




Command Squad














Comments and critic is welcome as always :)

Gritty and oh so beautiful! Batu you've really given these Astartes character and a special uniqueness. Well done Brother! :tu:




Thank you very much Cambrius !


Forgott to post this pic:



Great work batu Ive missed your last 2 updates and i have to say that the HG and the razorback are full of character, the dinamic on the poses, the weathering, specially in the cream/white areas are just perfect, and all the writings in all the scrolls and badges and the freehands in the standard bearer are not a easy task,so well done man, also what are you planning next?
Great work batu Ive missed your last 2 updates and i have to say that the HG and the razorback are full of character, the dinamic on the poses, the weathering, specially in the cream/white areas are just perfect, and all the writings in all the scrolls and badges and the freehands in the standard bearer are not a easy task,so well done man, also what are you planning next?


Thank you very much Brother ! Next, most likely Predators.

I absolutely :) love that command squad.


I dont know where to start really. The banner is superb and the standard bearer himself is truly amazing. You capture the heroic knight feel so well with this squad. Each looks like a warrior who has his own heraldry and armour. Lavished with so much detail its just great to see.


Keep up the good work

Love the weathering Batu! Keep it up..


Thank you Brother !


I absolutely :lol: love that command squad.


I dont know where to start really. The banner is superb and the standard bearer himself is truly amazing. You capture the heroic knight feel so well with this squad. Each looks like a warrior who has his own heraldry and armour. Lavished with so much detail its just great to see.


Thats exactly what I wanted to achieve. I guess it worked :woot: Thank you !!!


Fantastic looking army, loving the gritty feel on these guys and the command squad is impressive. :)


Thank you too Brother !!


These commenst really help guys ! Thanks everyone !


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