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BA upcoming HH novel name confirmed.


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first off, how the hell is it michael jackson-esq? i see zero comparison to sang...


second, it's still just ritual mourning wear, nothign to do with being religious, i was just pointing out that the view of a shawl being womens wear is WRONG and there are plenty of other sources then the Mall for looking at things.


he isn't make up wearing, he has charcoal on his cheeks, are the space wolves makeup wearing with warpaint on? and you still seam to think that him saying "no i have real tears" means more then it does, he's saddened by the loss of a company of his sons, he isn't sitting there crying a river, then he and horus go down and exterminate the entre race, with horus trying to outdo him in combat...


i dont' care about all this duality others are putting out, all i say is that that line means little, i suppose you'de like it more if he just showed up and slaughtered the planet, but most of us like that there was some interaction...


and for your finaly, ceremony and religion while not unknown to go togeather, do not always go togeather.


and it's not YOUR view and interpitation of the fluff, i think we get that...


*sigh* ...for one I'd say it's a stretch to say there are 'plenty' of examples of shawl's that are not for women, but I do agree the Jewish shawl is one good example. Further I didn't even see the charcoal thing, he was having a man paint tears on his face, when he brushed him aside and said, "No I have real tears". I'm sorry but that is melodramatic; actual tears or not are not even the issue.


Finally this is what I've repeated over and over - why because I think the shawl, and make-up, and his general aloof and melodrama behavior is stupid and uncharacteristic - would I suddenly expect him to "just show up and slaughter the planet". That makes NO sense at all. Are there only two extremes?


Must a person be only a remorseless killer OR a crying, shawl wearing, melodramatic? ...am I taking crazy pills lol?

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still say he isn't crying, just putting on a show:)


and yes, there are plenty, i've only shown 1, figured if it really mattered yo'de do some research on it.


in the first book he is not aloof, maybe melodramatic, but i dont' see it, i see it simply as part of a ritual morn for his Baalites, therein lies the diffrence in how we see it... i don't think he's melodramatic, i'm sure we cold get some twilight fans in here to make him more melodramatic, maybe the tear linbe was a bit much, but it's just one line and i dont' think that changes who he is or has been.


again, i thnk you put to much stock in him wearing some bit of clothing and that makes him somethign else... it's just an article of clothing.... i really think the tell tale parts of who he is is when they go down and exact revenge, and in other books when he is enacting his athers will, weather he likes it or not...


and you might be taking crazy pills;0

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At the risk of re-inciting things, I actually agree it's pretty melodramatic.


But 40k runs on a heavy element of melodrama, especially the Horus Heresy books.


That said, if it was up to me I would hope the novel starts on Baal Secundus so we can see the natives a bit.

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someone said he wasnt a politician but a warlord. i disagree. hes the figure head and one of the mst powerful men in the galaxy. how can he not be a politician. to me that means he has to be very politically minded. following customs, calming those around him, using inspiring aurioty etc. but whatever...

anyway, fear to tread... maby it ends on the khorn planet?the whole we know no fear, then discovering that the deamons they are told arnt real, then suddenlyare surrounded by thousands of them, and then their primarch ges beaten in combat before learning that horus has done what...hopefully...

what races havent been fought yet? hopefully we start with one of them...

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someone said he wasnt a politician but a warlord. i disagree. hes the figure head and one of the mst powerful men in the galaxy. how can he not be a politician. to me that means he has to be very politically minded. following customs, calming those around him, using inspiring aurioty etc. but whatever...

anyway, fear to tread... maby it ends on the khorn planet?the whole we know no fear, then discovering that the deamons they are told arnt real, then suddenlyare surrounded by thousands of them, and then their primarch ges beaten in combat before learning that horus has done what...hopefully...

what races havent been fought yet? hopefully we start with one of them...


You talkin bout Sanguinius or Horus? ...well I guess it doesn't matter, as none of the Primarchs were politicians and they were never meant to be. Horus is certainly thrust into that role, and of course we all know what happens. But the very idea that he must become a politician morphs into one of the many little voices in his head later justifying his actions; he doesn't want that role and it was a betrayal (by the Emperor) to put it on him.


I'd say though they are all somewhat politically minded however as you mentioned... they are all extraordinarily intelligent as they are also gods among men in nearly every regard. We refer to it as their 'humanity' but they do clearly posses emotional weaknesses, nearly the whole lot of them - perhaps from being cut off from daddy for their entire upbringing. ;)

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tbh any general worth his salt is also a politician to a certain degree. he has to "negotiate" with his allies for help. perhaps make some promises in return or smooth talk his way to better graces. he must be able to do his job whilst not betraying his own ideals. renember that during the heresy the legions travelled with the navy, the guard, etc etc all parties had to be thrown a bone of some kind.


seems like a harder job then that of a mere warrior tbh :unsure:

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