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Thanks for the support there tyrannosaurus, always really motivating to get that kind of feedback!


As mentioned over in the HOH thread back in the Fatherland at the moment so making do with what is available to me here and thus deceided to work on some characters, just because I can!

Hands up who recognisees that guy in the middle and remembers wen he was on general release?



Em... Wow! That tank is ;) ing awsome! can't wait to see it painted in your amazing scheme! First razorback squad looks awsome too, their poses ooze... I'm running out of words beginning with 'A' ;) Edited by Generating Random Name...
Hands up who recognisees that guy in the middle and remembers wen he was on general release?


Very nice conversions. If memory serves, the model in the middle is one of the very first marine librarians, although his rather weedy old sword has been replaced with Mephiston's (right?) and you've done a brilliant job of lengthening the legs so he stands eye to eye with contemporary plastics. I think they were phasing that model out around the early to mid 90s; I remember it from the production catalogs.


I've got some of the rank and file guys from the same era and they don't get used much due to the sizing issue - great solution.

Guten Abend all!

Generating Random Names: You Sir, are obviously a man of great taste, thank you very much indeed!

Sgt. Blank: Aah so close,correct on the sword front but not the Librarian, so the cookie is still up for grabs but thanks for the kind words, been holding on to him and a couple like him since, as you point out, the mid Nineties, scared of ruining them with a shoddy paint job so had to figure how to make them fit in with the new plastics, and copied Brother Dan The Deamons extensions (thanks for that!) so that he no longer looks too runty!

mromeo1987: Thanks brother, always nice to be complemented in song!

And a quick update on the RB squad:


And because the Seargents head didn't come out so well:


Thanks all


Got a little tired painting hexagons so decided work on my counts as Grey Hunters.

Have always armed them with Dark Elf spears in the past but the new Grey Knight halberds are just too good.



Both have been biggerized a little bit as well.

C&C always welcome


Right, memo to self, never build when aggressively hungover.

So now greatly improved, with a combi flamer to turn the Sons of Vulkan green with envy (has to be a pun in there somewhere)





and one for fun


Thanks all!


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