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Oh my, it just gets better and better! My only suggestion would be to leave at least one of the hatches closed, even though a tank commander could look good (and I would probably advise against that to reinforce the armoured feeling that it gives), two marines popping out would be definitely excessive.



Mechanist: Basically my exact thought process, and thanks man! And re the sponsons, I see it as the ultimate all round armament.

It's probably considered inefficient in game terms but who cares it looks an absolute beast and anything seeing it come towards them better be wearing the right colour trousers. 

  • 5 months later...

Evening all!

So turns out babies are quite time consuming. But with the nipper now 1 year old it looks like there may be some hobby time coming. Maybe.

But managed to get a wee bit done on the spartan, but first.

The Traitor: Agreed, thus a bit of a re-design more spartan esque

Mecanist: Roger that!

Quixus: Its basically a 40k spartan. In my mind at least, so stretched hull, butch, even for a Raider, double sponsons etc.

Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks fella, very much the look I am going for!

So on to the lady herself:

The redesigned hatch arrangement


Also been working on the interior a bit, had some seats from my PzH 40,000 conversion so they are in, will need to think of a way to detail up the interior hull plates.



So that all only took a few months!

Cheers all, C&C as always welcome!


Great to see you back NightHunters, congrats on your baby's first birthday! That new hatch arrangement on the spartan is beautifully done, everything looks seamless! The interiors are also looking great, I think rivets would be a decent way to add more detail to the inside. Definitely looking forward to seeing more updates from you!

Cheers all, most kind!


Vairocanum: Cheers fella, yeah there will be rivets, thinking about sinking in a couple of hatches/ammo stores and the like too.


Glad the hatch meats with general approval, it is in its 11th iteration I think but I think it finally works.


Picked up some repulsor parts too, SB Turrets and the rocket pods along with the stowage so that will probably make an appearance too.


So that looks to be tonights entertainment!



Evening all!

Right, some work on the internal panels, on the left, ammo locker


On the right, imperial shrine


will festooning the area around the relics with purity seals a-plenty so should be looking good!

That is all for tonight,

Cheers all!


  • 3 weeks later...

Evening all!

Vairocanum: Thanks fella, I try! Although to be fair there is already a wee little shrine in the LR interior so just robbing that idea!

The Traitor: Nah chap, bolted to the hull, individual stasis chambers for the relics, safe as the imperial palace.

So, on that note the shrine is now even more imperially!


And also have had a fun evening discovering the merits of using a Dremel as a mini lathe.....

Spent shell cases for the Gepard, yay!


and a little'un that ended up a tad short!

Not much, but hey!

Cheers all!


  • 4 months later...

Evening all!

Soooo, still been plugging away at the Raider but nothing interesting, but had to get my grubby mitts on these little cuties.....


Not a fan of Melta weaponry generally, and just didn't feel they work for a knight baba that is tasked with keeping his sire safe from dangers at range but a heavy las cannon, sure, that'll work!

Still very WIP, but will keep y'all updated on further progress!

Cheers all!


Evening all!

Bio:Cheers chap! Re the las it is a combo of the original delta, repulsor heavy las and storm talon power packs. And yeah, the melta fits real nice there, minimal work required!

Vairocanum: Well as you wish my friend, see the hexagons and base colours blocked in below!


I have to say unless you keep up with the painting, its like a foreign language, you forget!

This took me an age, i mean like all day, a couple of years ago i would banged a tactical squad and 2 rhinos in that timeframe!

So depressing but good to get back into it!

Cheers all!


  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all!

Bjorn - Ha, the Night Hunters have been wearing these colours for Millennia, those crypt sleeping necrontyr know nothing of battlefield fashion. But yes, undoubtedly questionable stunted tech involved in this knight!

Vairocanum - Yes bruv, and one day i assure we will see some painted stuff from you!:wink:

On that note, painting continues:




Starting to pull together nicely, the metals are looking good, need to square away the shoulder pads, and dust up everything!

Cheers all!


I'm reminded of the camouflage seen on some German fighters of World War I. Do the hexagons form a camouflage pattern- maybe the armor is coated with color-changing material, like the "hex snakeskin" in the TV series 'Viper'- or is it merely decorative, e.g., the AdMech equivalent of painting flames on a hot rod?

Evening all!

DSS7: Just a little though!

Bjorn: Yeah i get the reference to WWI aircraft occasionally and on the hexagons, back in the early days yes, i thought they might (circa 1997 when I first experimented with the scheme) but nowno, they reflect the Night Hunters home world, the grey of the rock, the light green of the grasslands and the dark green of the forests. And the black of the long, long nights and darkness that runs through and connects it all. And they are not AdMech any more per say, seconded/sworn to the Night Hunters Astartes forces, thus why they run about in the same colour scheme.

Vairocanum: I feel your pain brother! And thanks, the lenses actually aren't that great, no pop, but if i layer up any more paint they will look worse so best to leave em!

And the work continues:



An hour here, hour there, put I can finally pull a straight line with the old paintbrush again so that is good at least.

Heat staining on the melta is OK, so progress is being made!

Any C&C welcome,

Cheers all!


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