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Dark Apostle Thirst: Thanks man, and yes I probably should have thought of that but thankfully.......

rednekkboss: Thanks for that old chap really helpful, massively need to learn about weathering powders but in the meantime went with your suggestion of a little bit of both!

Picture attached of how it worked out:


c&c always welcome!


Dark Apostle Thirst: Thanks man, and yes I probably should have thought of that but thankfully.......

rednekkboss: Thanks for that old chap really helpful, massively need to learn about weathering powders but in the meantime went with your suggestion of a little bit of both!

Picture attached of how it worked out:


c&c always welcome!


Looking good! And its easy too, isn't it?

Powders are nice if you want to put in the extra effort and $$. They are great for static display, but you really need to fix the model with a clear coat if its going to be handled (played with/transported) You can actually use artists chalk pastels if you have them laying around. take an old brush and scrub it into the desired color and add liberally. Sometimes they take a few applications, but they work almost as good as the commercially available "weathering powders" You still need to dull coat/clear coat the heck out of them or you end up with fingerprints and such. Oil paints can be used for some neat weathering effects to- washes in panel lines and such. Alot of cool techniques to be learned from military scale model builders.

rednekkboss: Thanks man and as you say relatively simple once you know what your doing, sadly trialling the Powder pastel technique is going to have to wait as I am moving house (common theme at the mo) so a couple of days involuntary painting break :cuss



  • 3 weeks later...

Alrighty then,

As mentioned, 3 weeks of zero internet have come to an end so we can finally post some goodness!

Quick shot of what has finally been basecoated:


Hoping to get these finished for an "Armies on Parade" event, never going to happen but worth a punt.

And for the reason why this is never going to happen



Really happy with how she's turning out but by the Emperor she's taking her merry time.

Cheers all, as ever c&c welcome,


Really happy with how she's turning out but by the Emperor she's taking her merry time.


I feel your pain, man. My Stormlord refused to allow me to finish; she still needs a bunch of touchups, lol. Looking good as always bro!

Thanks Heathens my good man, good luck on the move and hope the Stormlord gets those finishing touches!

And Thirst, I know, I know, but she could help a little!

And onwards, finally getting round to painting my Devastators:

Two "Heavy Bolters" and the squad "Seargent"




Thanks all,


Terminatorinhell: Thanks very much man

sword brethren: Thanks brother, using the Wolf list so need somebody in he squad who looks like he can split fire.

Dorns_fist: You are too kind sir!

And the rest of the squad:

2 x Lascannon and 1 x Autocannon (counts either as a heavy bolter or lascannon, points depending)




Cheers all!


  • 2 weeks later...

Good day all!

Been on Holiday for a couple of days so much painting has been done!

The Devs look like this now:





Heavy Bolter 1




Heavy Bolter 2




Lascannon 1



Lascannon 2








And a little piece I am working on just because


Thanks all, C&C always welcome!


.....what's going to happen in this next showdown of 'space marines vs Eldar"


That looks like a very good diorama....the deves as I said before look great, with the auto cannon have you looked at using the H.bolter casing? Then removing the belt feed and then putting on the termie assault cannon box mag where the H.bolter belt fed into the gun itself?


That's my two cents



Cheers guys!


Sad thing is I actually know what you mean about the autocannon, was going for a really big calibre sniper rifle-esque look so it could count as a LC BUT it looked wrong during the build, most of the time when all the pieces come together it then looks fine but still not 100% figured the paint would cure it but to no avail!


Oh well, next time!


currently working on a display board so nothing much new but more updates over the weekend I hope!



  • 1 month later...

And he's back.

Greetings all, it's been a while, real life etc etc all very boring but started working on some new stuff last night.

First up, the first on the new Seargents:



Obvi still needs a bit, well, alot of cleaning up and green-stuffing of the legs but looking OK.

Next up what will be the Highly modified version of the Thunder Budgie as used by the rapid response elements of Night Hunters combat forces.

Taking inspiration fron the Mi-24 re Troop carrying, cockpit, and armament (just up-gunned for 40k) the first version looks like this.


Now, I'm old school, so pen and paper and some illicit use of the company photocopier will just have to do!

Think I will redo it though as want to incorporate the door section from the original to mount some HB's or AC's on swivel mounts (a la Pave Low) but also retain the open sections behind. Not to forget assorted under wing mounted a$s kickery but will see what it looks like in the flesh before making a decision on that.

Also will have to re do the front cockpit as the angles are way off but at least we get the general feel of it.

Cheers all, C&C most welcome


Edited by NightHunters

Evening all!

First up, Foxmarine, many thanks! more on that to follow.

But now, having spent a couple of days in the Fatherland, managed to get the first coat on this chap, then had to redo the tubing under the right arm, then a new head and so this is it until I go back in December.





Cheers all,

Holy sweet jesus.....those are the kind of conversions and painting skills I wish I had.


Very very invntive with your conversions though. Many of them are quite ingenious, even the little things like what you do on the end of your bolters...I would have never htought of it but it gives it a very unique and solid look.

Togusa-san: Good point, had not noticed that before, hopefully will look better with the side doors and in the flesh!

Brother Excedis: You are too kind brother, but credit where it is due, copied the bolter idea from Dan the Daemon, his Nightlords are just so awesome, and as for the rest, years of collecting bits, and trying things out, then ripping them apart when thy look wrong and starting again, as with all things, just patience and practice!

And before I ruin my dexterity with the odd beverage, figured would post up whats currently on the desk:

Continution of the first Stormraven squad.


Heavy Flamer


Cheers all,


Edited by NightHunters

Right, the next two, free running marines, pretty happy with the level of movement going on, but this means I will probably have to rebase the other three in a more urban style.

Marine 4




Only prob from some angles it looks like he is being pushed back through the gap rather than fiercely jumping trough to scythe the the Emperors enemies down.

Marine 5




Pretty happy with this chap, obvi they both need some more work, holstered sword, Bolter, grenades, pouches etc.

Cheers all


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