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Iron Gauntlet 2011 - February Challenge

Brother Argent

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Well its not the best ever, and the pics arent the greatest quality. As it is I had limited resources for everything pretty much. Did I let this stop me? No. Should I have let it stop me? Possibly. Are the models not that great? Definatly. But still I can take some pride in the fact that I did it.


It is a day that will forever be burned into the minds of our battle brothers. A day that would be more significant to the Chapter than any of us could have imagined when we were dispatched from the Colossus on our homeworld of Kalymnos. Our ever persistent enemy, the Orks had descended upon the neighboring world of Serreta. As a feral world it was inherently hostile to all forms of life, a fact that the ever battle starved Orks found quite appealing about it.It was the home of a colony that could someday supply aspirants to join the Chapter. They had managed to survive the enviroment, but they could not hope to stand against a vicious warband of vile greenskins. Scouts, assault marines, devastators, tactical marines, and myself a Librarian of the chapter, we all paled in comparison to the brother that we had the honor of being the in the presence of. The greatest of all of us, hand picked by our forefathers the Howling Griffons, our Chapter Master: Caulder Forsythe. The trim of his armor was filled with inscriptions of his fullfilled oaths, he wielded a mighty power sword and golden bolter which bore further inscriptions of his deeds. He is the one that gave the Chapter it's identity. He started the tradition of shedding one's former idenity and gaining a new one granted by the Emperor himself through meditation and his tarot. To be in his presence was a great honor among the chapter, and to be able to fight alongside him was one of the greatest honors a brother could be granted! His presence inspired the brothers as we neared the planet of Serreta aboard our battle barge Glory of Validus.


Even with our brother's proficiency in battle, descending in drop pods into the heart of their horde would be suicidal, even if were a death in battle there would be no glory in such a death. It would be a shame to the chapter, to the founding fathers, and to the primarch. Rather we choose to utilize a Thunderhawk to drop us down on to the planet, allowing us to properly punish the Orks with our holy bolters. The moment they saw the glint of our armor the Orks wasted no time in charging toward us. Our devastators rained explosive fury on them from a distance, or tactical marines fired their bolters into the charging horde, and our jump pack wearing brethren charged forward to counter the oncoming Orks and I did my part in the battle by supporting my brothers with my own powers. In the center of this all was Chapter Master Forsythe who fought valiantly with his bolter and power sword. Those around him found themselves filled with zeal, fighting back the Orks with matched vigor and ferocity. The planet itself fought, both for us and against us. Its treacherous terrain would claim the lives of both the Orks and my brothers as we met in combat, even Chapter Master Forsythe found himself afflicted by it. Even so he fought on, not succumbing to that which had spelled doom for his own brothers.


His strength attracted the Orks, always obessed with fighting a strong a opponent they charged at him one after another, and subsequently falling to his bolter and power sword. Even with a a crude Ork Choppa stuck within his side, he continued to march forward. Finally the largest of them all, the one they called Warboss Skulcruncha, came forward to face the human that had slain so many of his minions. The two traded blows one after another, each of them shrugging off each others blows. And then it happened, a cruel prank of fate, Skulcruncha's power klaw clamped onto his midsection, piercing his armor and the flesh within it. The blood spilled forth from the wounds as he fell over. It was a wound to grievous for any to recover from, our greatest hero had fallen.




Despair did not fall upon the brothers,no instead it instilled them with a righteous fury, a righteous fury which allowed them to to drive back the Ork invasion. The battle was a victory, but came at a terrible cost the greatest of our brotherhood had been slain. His body was taken from the battlefield, so that he could be laid to rest on Kalymnos. His wounds were grievous but he was still clinging to life, the spark still existed within him. He would never be able to fight as a marine again, but he would still fight on alongside his brothers as a Dreadnought.


The result of the battle had left the chapter in a difficult spot. There was no leader for the chapter, and with the chapters youth there was no clear successor. There was no one who could doubtlessly be named as the new chapter master, none whose deeds in battle could measure up to Brother Forsythe. After much deliberation a method of succession was finally chosen. As none of the company captains had records of duty that would display clear superiority it was decided that the best way would be to have them face each other in combat. For weeks they faced each other in combat. Each duel lasted for days a further testament to the endurance of the captains. Finally one stood above them all, Valoric Forcystus. From that day on ritualistic succession duels became a tradition within the chapter.




To this day Brother Forsythe lives on within the metal shell of a Dreadnought and fights alongside his brothers. While he is no longer Chapter Master his voice still carries great weight within the chapter council, and all will gladly listen to his words of wisdom. He sees his internment in the Dreadnought as a blessing. To him it is an opportunity to eternally fight and share his wisdom with the chapter. Even in this new body his presence on the battlefield effects his brothers in the same way. His presence invigorates those around him, instilling them with morale and ferocity that no foe could hope to match. It is not an exaggeration to say that Brother Forsythe is the most influential brother within the chapter.


--Epistolary Gabriel Mikelos of the Lions of Radiance Chapter



Rules and Model of Foundting Father:


Venerable Dreadnought Forsythe

Points: 225




Armor: F: 12 S:12 R:10




Special Rules:


Inspiring Presence:

All friendly units within 12" of Venerable Dread Forsythe gain +1 Attack while he lives. This bonus does not apply to Venerable Dreadnought Forsythe and does not stack with Chapter Banner.




Move Through Cover: See Main manual


Titanic Might: Forsythe can re-roll failed attempts to wound with shooting and close combat attacks.


Wargear: Same as Venerable Dreadnought

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Okay so here is my Exculpators story for the IG2011 Feb Challenge.


Original Sins


Waves of pain rolled over Az’kar as he lay on his back, the lights above blinding and disorienting him. Cold steel pressed at his back and a low droning hum filled his mind. His senses reeled. Where was he, how did he get here. Low voices spoke nearby, they seemed tantalizingly familiar but his pain washed mind couldn’t place them. Years of training fought with the numbing disorientation. His fevered mind tried frantically to put together what had happened, where he was. He remembered the decent, hurtling through the atmosphere of some distant planet. He and his squad mates flying at suicidal speeds towards another enemy of mankind. Another planet to fall to the Great Crusade? No, there was something different about this planet. Some other enemy stirred on the plains below. He remembered his squad mates’ faces. Their jet black faces set in impassive stares, their red eyes seeming dulled. They were not eager to face the foe below. Where they would normally chant battle hymn instead each was absorbed in his own thoughts. It was one of the first conflicts Az’kar had deployed into as a full battle brother, only recently having earned the right to wear full power armour. He faintly remembered receiving a slight not from Sergeant Ym’kal, a veteran of many years. Then the automatic warning sounded, telling them of their impeding landing. Then… nothing. Az’kar fought against the fog of pain and confusion. He heard a hissing sound, like a rush of air as a door opened, followed by another deeper voice. He knew this voice; it was the voice of someone important. Someone, but he couldn’t quite remember who. He tried to speak, but only a rough weak grunt came out. He blinked his eyes furiously, trying to see past the blinding lights above him. The voices stopped as his attempt to find his voice and heavy footfalls approached. Az’kar’s mind screamed for him to ready himself. Decades of training rendered useless by his unresponsive body. Suddenly a large shadow fell over him. Az’kar tried to see what being cast the shadow, but realised he was being held immobile by some sort of restraints.

“ Rest Brother, you are safe now.” A soothing voice said right next to him. He felt a sudden cold rush enter his body. With a start he realised something had been injected into him. His mind started to cloud again and he fought with what little mental strength he had but soon he felt his mind numb and then everything went black.



The roar of Az’kar’s bolter thundered with the rest of his squads, directing heavy fire on the enemies’ position. Around him his brother’s died. Explosions rang out like thunder and artillery fell like so much rain. The heat and smoke reminded him of Nocturne, his home and home of his Legion, the Salamanders. Like Nocturne during the Time of Trial when his planet tried to tear itself apart. Such was the scale of this war. An explosion nearby hurled him to the ground, debris clattering off his green power armour. As he stood he looked up to see Sergeant Ym’kal pushing the shattered remains of one of their squad of himself. Nearby Brother Goran, another of his squad, took several bolter rounds to the chest, collapsing over himself as he fell to the ground.. Bolter rounds? The thought stuck out in Az’kar’s mind. Why bolter rounds? Only his brother Space Marines had such weapons. Was he fighting Space marines? He then remembered why he was here. They had turned from the Emperor. They had turned from His light, His Imperium.



“ Traitors!” Az’kar spat as his eyes flew open. He was back on the steel platform again, the white light burning at his eyes. Pain spiked through his mind but he shook it off. He had to fight, he had to press on. He tried to rise but again was held back. Not just by the pain but by the restraints that still held him. He heard the heavy footsteps approach again and he struggled to turn his head. He was able to move just a little and he could see whom approached. Approaching him was a fellow Space Marine, clad in armour of green and blood stained white.

“ Calm yourself, Brother Az’kar. You are safe now.” The marine said and Az’kar stopped struggling. This was a marine he knew. This was one of his brothers.

“ Apothecary N’bel? Where am I? What happened?” Az’kar’s mind reeled. If he was with an apothecary then he must have been wounded. But how?

“ We are far from Istvaan now, brother. You were wounded during the fighting. The Traitors held the drop sites. Few made it out.” N’bel’s voice was heavy with regret, “ I saved those few I could. We are heading to Terra now, although the Warmaster fleet is far ahead of us. He may have even reached Terra by now. Reports say that the Blood Angels and the White Scars are moving to help the defence, along the Rogal Dorn’s Fists, of course. Terra will stand.” N’bel began to scan over the implements nearest Az’kar.

“ How long have I been here?” Az’kar’s mind reeled with the information. They had lost at Istvaan? How? They had outnumbered the Traitors. Hadn’t they?

“ You have been slipping in and out of conciousness for some time. It has been weeks since we left Istvaan. It will take many more weeks before you are well again.” N’bel pressed a button beside Az’kar’s table, “ Rest now, Brother Az’kar. This battle is over for you now.” Az’kar felt the rush of the sedatives. He knew better then to fight them this time and started to slip into unconsciousness. Just as he felt the world starting to slip away he heard the hiss of the door open again and a voice.

“ N’bel! We have received news from Terra! The Emperor is dead! Slain by Horus’ hand!”

“ What? How?” he heard the Apothecary demand but the answer was lost as Az’kar slipped into unconsciousness.



Az’kar looked ahead towards the drop zones. Their Primarch, Vulkan, had ordered the retreat. They had arrived to find their ‘allies’ the Iron Warriors had betrayed them. As they ran towards their escape they had come under fire. Sergeant Ym’kal had died in that initial volley, along with three other members of Az’kar’s squad. Az’kar knew they had to keep fighting. They had to break free from Istvaan. Else the Traitors would win. Horus would slay the Emperor and Humantiy would fall prey to the sins of one man. They had to succeed. In the back of his mind Az’kar knew he couldn’t change what had happened, couldn’t change this memory. He knew that the Emperor would fall, fall because of the sin of pride. Still he had to fight, had to try. Humanity was frail and full of sin, but he had to try to redeem them, to redeem himself. With a cry Az’kar broke from cover and charged forward. Perhaps this time he could finally succeed and Humanity would be saved. Perhaps.

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Okay and here is my Iron Dragon one. Not entirely happy with this one. I meant to write of Irigram's death aboard the Chapters flagship during its destruction and expulsion form the Imperium but I just couldn't get it right. So instead I wrote of Irigram's start of fall to paranoia and the act that would cause his ultimate death at the hands of those closest to him (not Medryn)


Slaughter at the Roost


Irigram strode purposefully along the corridors of the Dragon’s Roost, his ancient power armour making each footstep a resounding boom. Like the foot step of a God, he thought to himself. He smiled to himself at the thought. A God amongst men, at least, he corrected himself. Pride was a virtue he could ill afford. He grimaced at the reminder of such a thing. The bionics that replaced half his face and head indicated that. All it had taken was a stray round from an ork’s crude gun to nearly end his life. A lucky shot, that was all. And while he lay in the hands of his apothecaries his Chapter had fallen apart around him. Captains whom had sworn oaths of loyalty to him had turned their back on him. They had long been a thorn in his side. They had long been a dark murmuring in quiet corners, a voice of discontent. But he had ignored them, thinking they would go away with time. They hadn’t, however. Instead they had festered in the dark, feeding on themselves until they had nearly destroyed the Chapter in that one moment. And now those whom had turned on him, their Chapter Master, would pay.

“ I still think this is a bad idea, Chapter Master.” The voice of Chief Librarian Medryn pulled Irigram from his thoughts. The aged psyker was walking alongside Irigram, his blue armour at odds beside the dark green or Irigram’s.

“ I know that, Medryn, but there is no other way.” Irigram snapped. Those whom turned on him, on the Chapter, had to pay.

“ This will only cause more unrest. It will not be the solution you desire.” Medryn insisted. Long had Irigram paid heed to the older marine’s opinion but he had long tired of this argument.

“ Enough, Medryn! This is my decision, and that is what shall be done. A Chapter cannot function if it does not follow the commands of its Master.” Irigram turned a corner sharply before coming to a set of great iron doors. He stopped and turned to Medryn, “ I will hear no more of this. What’s done is done and cannot be undone now. This treachery must end, and I will end it here and now.” Medryn looked as though he was going to say something more, but thought better of it. He gave Irigram a short nod.

“ As you wish, Master Irigram.” With that he said no more and the two walked through the iron doors. They came out onto a massive balcony standing over a great cavernous room. Below them stood the full assembled might of the Chapter, what remained of the Chapters thousand strong warriors, as well as Chapter serfs, vehicle crews and all the might of the Chapter. Irigram walked to the edge of the balcony, looking out over his Chapter. The Iron Dragons, as they ere known, stood to attention at the arrival of their lord. Company banners stood motionless in the chamber’s still air and each marine stood proud. Still Irigram sighed. More then a third of the Chapter was missing, slain or wounded during the fighting on Kelenna. Far more then should have been lost, had his Captains not turned on him. Still, after today, they would not do so again.

“ Brothers!” Irigram’s voice carried over the assembled force. None could help but notice the cold edge to his voice, “ I have gathered you here to acknowledge and recognise the actions upon Kelenna. A campaign our Chapter shall not soon forget.” Irigram scanned his marines with his one good eye and his bionic replacement.

“ Each and every one of you will be given due credit for your role in that bloody campaign. For I never forget to give that which is due.” The malice in Irigram’s words were barely concealed. Still he continued, “ Captain Jhaern Kalvans of the Fourth Company, step forward!” Irigram watched as the stout figure of the Captain stepped forward. Four of Irigram’s honour guard approached and escorted the Captain to the front of the room. When he stood below the balcony Irigram continued.

“ For your actions during the Kelenna Crusade, in particularly during the defence of the Cathedral of Forgotten Saints you are to be presented with the Laurel Imperialis.” Irigram motioned for one of the honour guard to present the award and the man placed a golden wreath on the Captains head before Jhaern was escorted back to his position.

“ Captain Dolvin Toldas of the Second Company, step forward.” Irigram motioned for his honour guard to go to the Captain and again the man was escorted before the balcony below Irigram.

“ Captain Dolvin, for your actions during the Kelenna Crusade, particularly your betrayal at the Cathedral of Forgotten Saints you are to be put to death.” Irigram motioned for his honour guard to step forward and they quickly seized Dolvin’s arms.

“ What? You can’t do this! I did only what was best for the Chapter!” Dolvin yelled as a third of Irigram’s honour guard stepped forward.

“ Silence, traitor. Take your due punishment.” Irigram motioned to his guards and with a swift blow of a power axe Dolvin’s head fell from his now limp shoulders. The guards let the decapitated body slump to the floor. The room was silent as a pool of crimson blood slowly spread around Dolvin’s corpse. Irigram looked back to his Chapter.

“ Captain Ynthal Dariover of the Sixth Company, step forward.” And so the honour guard moved off again.


It continued this way for some hours, with each Captain, Sergeant, Chaplain and Librarian present at Kelenna called forward. Some where rewarded, others brutally executed. Some resisted but all faced their reward or punishment as was declared by Irigram. By the end a full third of the leaders present at Kelenna lay dead. By his actions Irigram had silenced the dissent within his Chapter. Silenced it, butt not destroyed it. Unbeknownst to the prideful Chapter Master it was this worm of dissent, made all the more potent by the slaughter in the Roost, that would see the end of Irigram.

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Currently 11:14pm on the 4th of March here in Australia. New Zealand still have a few hours to go and (I'm not 100% on this one) but I beleive America still might have a few hours to go. When I said 4th of March I meant the end of the 4th of March. Of course I'll have to check my exact wording on this one (I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot here :P ).


Besides, as Awesome Challenge Master of Challengyness I can say thats what I meant and you cant say otherwise so there! Or something. :lol:


EDIT: Just read my Challenge post. Bugger! I misuderstood and failed my own Challenge, aint I silly.

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Unfortunately, due to some ongoing family medical issues, I am unable to continue in the challenge.

Hopefully next year!!


Good luck to everyone else still in the challenge - I look forward to seeing everyone's progress!!!





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Guest Mordray

Technical Betrayal


Five astartes wearing abnormal looking suits of armor charged though enemy fire. Heavy weapons fire struck them as they continued to lay down a sustained barrage of bolter fire. The scene pauses suddenly and computer information begins to note impact points, trajectories, force and penetration.


“Heritech!” a mechanical voice hissed full of static and warble, proof of it's source's frustration. The screen cuts off and the lights raise. “Fabricator Lord,” another voice starts “We agree this is most distressing. The data though is our biggest obstetrical. This armour is exceeding the expectations placed upon the program, Eldric is indeed a skilled artificer. While it is true that it will never match the requirements of the tactical dreadnought armour, it offers it's own unique capabilities. Among them is the ability to be produced on a scale that is sustainable for a chapter.”


The Fabricator Lord of the chapter turned to look upon his subordinate who in true mechanicus fashion showed neither fear nor emotional response. “I am aware of the information. This does not bode well. We who have taken the oaths of the Mechanicus are the only ones left within this chapter that seem interested in not engaging in the sin of unsanctioned creation. I will attend the meeting the rest of you disperse and contact the others. If I can not convince the chapter to halt this program then we will have no choice. Await my signal.”



The masters of the chapter stood before a halo-tank where they bore witness to the same video the Fabricator Lord had witnessed earlier. The gathered veterans spent as much time analyzing the footage as they did talking about the improvised tactics the demonstrators had begun to craft simply by possessing the armor. The Fabricator Lord would have groaned in disgust had he the physical capacity. Tech-Adept Eldric, not yet a proper tech-marine made certain to answer any and all questions presented to him as these were his creation... his contribution to the future of the chapter.


The Fabricator Lord checked several settings upon his mechanically rebuilt body and spoke loudly drowning out the others and bring their discussions to a halt. He didn't need a vote to see that they were not going to cancel the program. “Why have I been summoned? My thoughts on this matter are well established.”


“To bare witness.” a veteran spoke the Fabricator Lord found himself wanting as he tried to remember the name that went with the scared and partially rebuilt face. “Your intentions are also well known.” spoke another of the veterans this one helmeted.


“My intentions? To save this chapter from sin?”


“Is that not our duty?” asked a Chaplin from behind. The Fabricator recognized the vocal distorter he had installed... the Master of Sanctity “You have grown distant from us Brother. Your zeal is both commendable and disheartening. To place another before the chapter is disturbing. To place another before the Emperor is most distressing.”


“You committing a grave error.” he had to buy time... though how much time could they possibly have. It seemed apparent that he was found out. “The... armour, is not sanctioned by the Omnissiah.”


“My insight into it's creation came when tending a suit of mk3 armour. That mark of armor was sanctioned as was it's eventual replacement the tactical dreadnought armour. Are you saying that the insight I gained from working with said armour. Is not said armour itself a gift from the Omnissiah?”


“Do not twist our teachings, heretic.” he spat the words out faster then he could stop himself... no since holding back now... “Only that which is sanctified by the omnisiah may be created. All other... technology... is heritech.”


A large veteran with intricate artificer armour that the Fabricator recognized as his own work stepped forth to stand before him, both of them now within killing distance of the other. “You are siding with your god over the chapter then?” the warrior asked with a calmness that the Fabricator immediately remembered as the dominate trait of one he once called friend so long ago.


“If it comes to that I will chapter master.”

“Then our brothers are to die? War always brings a chance of death however you would stack the odds against our brothers for your god?”


The Fabricator felt the venom in his old friends words, yet he would not falter. This sin the chapter was committing was intolerable. “Yes.” no other answer would suffice. He barely had time to see the blade move yet still he recognized it as his first power sword... a gift for a friend from long ago. The Fabricator's body fell to the ground split in half.


The chapter master looked down upon his old friends body but hidden behind his helmet the Fabricator could not read his face. His mind still functioning the Fabricator though could do nothing more then watch and listen as one by one his bodily systems both biological and mechanical shut down. His followers were doing well though they could not succeed fully they would still hurt the chapter and perhaps make them think twice next time.


The Fabricator focused his mechanical eye upon the holofield and noted with pride the damage his followers were inflicting. Two strike cruisers had already suffered catastrophic power core damage. swarms of combat servitors ran rampant throughout all of the fleet. Strike ships turned their weapons upon their mother ships.


Hours later the Fabricator was alive though barely. Though able to hear the spoken words of the astartes, the last of his oxygen researves were almost out, brain death would occur soon enough.


“We have put down the last of the rebels and most of the servitors, the bastards though have programed sleepers. It'll be months perhaps even years before we clear all of the servitors that have been compromised. We are expecting six more back from Mars within the year. There is also the matter of that Adept's request that we travel to the Occulus sub-sector. His request seemed to suggest the Cults were gaining ground there.”


“We will screen those tech-marines who return and remove those who are no longer loyal to the chapter. Once the damages have been fully assessed I want as many ships as can be made ready for warp travel, strip down those that can't make the trip. We are going to the Occulus sub-sector.”


The Fabricator could hear foot steps approaching as he lay within his rapidly shrinking prison. Then the voice of the chapter master “Your plan failed. You inflicted damage upon the chapter, but not as you intended. We are now going to push forward with additional projects. The machine priests will not hold us back any longer. The Occulus sub-sector is a hole with only a few entrances and only a couple or so forge worlds. I wonder just how many of them are truly loyal to the red planet or if they are like we are. In that sub-sector all alone for a millennium or more at a time they would not be so easy to detect. Goodbye Old friend. You have served your chapter well.”


The Fabricator raged in the void of his mind. He'd been used! How, who...



edit: For the record it is 1:09 PM on the 4th of march, 2011 in the United States eastern time zone.

edit2: corrected a few flaws I found in my initial rereading.

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Okay so I'm going to allow Mordray's Entry even though it was past the closing date. For me I'm going to complete all parts of the next Challenge (The March one) to redeem myself for this abysmal failure. So I am hereby declaring the Feb Challenge Closed!


EDIT: I'm now going through the entries to confirm who suceeded and who failed. Once done I'll add a post detailing the siggies for people to use. I'll also declare Marchs Challenge in a minute.

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Well the entry was required BEFORE the 4th of March. Due to some confusion over the date however if you get in before the end of the 4th (Or 5th here for me in Australia as we are a ways ahead with time) I'l allow it as.


For those whom I've marked as FAIL in the first entry you can still redeem yourselfs.


And due to the success rate of 8 in 31 I'm going to issue a REDEMPTION CHALLENGE as part of next months Challenge for those whom nearly completed their entry but failed so stay tuned


EDIT: I'm going to put off starting the March Challenge till tomorrow to allow everyonje whom has an entry to get it done. Don't worry it will be an easy one next month. As a hint for those to get started its about your current Chapter Master.

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Hold! Hold! Tis not yet midnight! Check tomorrow, should you be going to sleep soon! Should you not, await in eagerness my entry!

What he said. 23:15pm here.

Here's mine:

Veteran Sergeant Tar’Kus


Veteran Sergeant Tar’Kus may replace a Tactical Squad or Sternguard Squad’s Sergeant for 75 points.

Veteran Sergeant Tar’Kus






































• Power Armour

• Bolter

• Bolt Pistol

• Power Weapon

• Frag and Krak Grenades

Special Rules:

• And They Shall Know No Fear

• Combat Tactics

• Bolter Drill

• Voice of Experience

(sorry if the pic is a bit massive)

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The Challenge will continue, don't worry. The next onme should be easy and hopefully we'll see some people redeemed.


Yes, I really want to redeem myself!!!

It was a hard month at work... :-(

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