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Brother Chris

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Spoiler Alert! Top secret details of latest WD battle report featuring GWs latest releases. Perhaps they will prove to be a 'must have, must buy'....




I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't a walk-over for the featured army (although presumably fixed to make the two most recent armies draw and leave one of the new models last man standing).


But... I think they forgot the Red Thirst. Taking Astorath should have made this more prevalent, shouldn't it? They didn't mention rolling for it, and no unit has it, which is statistically unlikely.


The storm raven seemed pretty useless for its points. would DOA jumpacked DC and a podded DC Dread not have been a much cheaper answer?

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I rarely get White Dwarf, but I bought this one for the formations and to see the BA stuff.


I didn't like that they never mentioned Red Thirst rolls, or it appears not a single unit fell (though to be fair that happened to me once when I used Astorath, my next game the entire army fell to the Red Thirst).

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I replayed the game with the exact same armies and crushed dark eldar.


G :HQ:


I did the same, and didn't lose a single squad...


Fixed maybe?



Gw admits they run games more than once to get a game worthy of writing.

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Personally im glad they do, otherwise it would be BA crushing everybody every week, also i think there should be a big spoiler warning on this thread.


Ive played my mates DE twice now and ive had one crushing victory and one very close victory (i think i spent to many points on sanguinor), there a good army and im sure more then lethal against most armies, but like the BR says BA are just too fast and good at laying down terms for the match.



Anyone else pleased to have seen the SR do so well? even unable to fly it made a huge difference to teh battle.


BTW gratz on teh AoD JamesI - that knhorne herald one tough monster.

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I replayed the game with the exact same armies and crushed dark eldar.


G :eek


I did the same, and didn't lose a single squad...


Fixed maybe?



Gw admits they run games more than once to get a game worthy of writing.


Maybe they should do this at tournaments? Play until a game gets really exciting.. 'cause if it's good enough for GW...? :lol:

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White Dwarf is a sales brochure. They've been running battles several times over since the 90s. It is all about selling things to kids, making certain units look good


I always chuckle when they list tons of tactical reflections in the introduction on how/why they picked their army composition rather than just admitting they had to use the latest models. B)


This time it made kinda sense, though, especially the Death Company setup. I would have drop podded the other two Dreadnoughts, though.

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especially the Death Company setup. I would have drop podded the other two Dreadnoughts, though.


I liked the DC too and agree about those poor walking dreads.


'Tactical Squad Nero' did a GREAT job of selling that battle force too don't you all think?

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White Dwarf is a sales brochure. They've been running battles several times over since the 90s. It is all about selling things to kids, making certain units look good


I always chuckle when they list tons of tactical reflections in the introduction on how/why they picked their army composition rather than just admitting they had to use the latest models. :jaw:


I was simultaneously amused and annoyed at the way they tried to "sell" the Blood Angels player to us fans sanguine.


"He's a Blood Angels fan like you! No, really, he is, we swear! He has his own company modeled! A whole company! Look at his model collection! What? Obviously painted by the 'eavy Metal Team, and the exact same studio models that show up in all the photos advertising those units? What are you talking about?"


Though for that very same reason — lying about studio models — I really appreciated the spread with the two guys demonstrating two different ways to build/paint the battalion box set + Commander model. Actual models you could tell were actually built and painted by the people credited with them. Genuinely interesting poses, and simple easy to duplicate table-top quality painting (except for buying that spray gun). Plus an actually awesome looking jump-pack Captain model. Combined with the lack of pretense ("We have a new kit you should buy, and here's how you can use it") and it was actually my favorite article in the magazine.


EDIT: Taking Astorath and having NO ONE have the Thirst is more common than you might think. It's certainly more common than I would have thought, having had it happen to me three or four times in a row... and even that "three or four" streak itself has happened to me more than once. I just have terrible, terrible Red Thirst luck. Er, I mean, my self-control and ability to resist the Flaw is exemplary!

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Hehe PlagueAngel, the Chaplains will be pleased at your control ;p


The bloke with the BA (Matt Hutson( actually is a pretty fanatical Blood from everything ive heard, his army is also in one of the newer WD and it really looks quite nice.His car is even red, though sadly does not Deep Strike.


I for one was very glad to see the multiple dreads (i know its because of the new kit, but still real nice to see) and see in print the amazing power of DC dreads with claws.It was amazing to see this guy slaughter an entiresquadod warriors - complete with my favourite quote -


'With a roar that was amplified to deafening levels he charged.....One of teh Kabalite warriors had his head punched clean from his shoulders by the mighty magna grapple....".


It reflects the amazing succes and subsequent relative vulnerability of a BC armed Dread (dont forget your rerolls to wound coupled with your rerolls to hit AND your bonus attacks people!!).



The frag cannon clearing the landing area was quite nice too, especially since the "regular" furioso dread killed two with his cannon then stomped the third to death having lost his DCCW.



All in all - GO TEAM BLOOD!!!!






p.s; i was going to get a battle force already, as i use DC as VV and do take tacs almost every game - but does anyone else remember Squad Neros amazing succes versus the Black Legion in WD 364?(the BA one).I love rapid firing bolters - its like CC with an extra hand weapon but trading the bonus attack for a 12inch punch :jaw:

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Im one of those stupid people who renews their subscription every year without fail and 'reads' the magazine in 20 minutes then puts it in a crate in the loft. Same with my Games Day experience every year. I see everything I need to see, get whatever is new and then sleep for like 3 hours every year now.
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I was working in Leicester on night and as I have only been to WH World once before I actually drove to Lenton and slept in the car park until they opened the next day so I could pop in and visit. I had a nice time and thankfully they opened early because they were running TOS Warhammer tourney that day. The store is great because you can order in anything and it will turn up that day including Forgeworld. Bugmans even has free WIFI!
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skimmed the batrep, theyre "fixxed" for the magazine anyway ;)


sometimes its mildly entertaining but tends to be full of flaws as well. the lack of any mention of the red thirsts seems to be one as well (though granted ive had about a 50/50 ratio of renembering it myself :blink:) but then again dont use Astortath so the max ive gotten is 1 squad per any given game :D (and half of the times i did get it a dread got it :) )


the converting and painting articles are very nice though :)

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Sorry, put in the spoiler alert. Thought it was a bit like 'man in red jersey dies but Kirk saves the day', but point taken. For the Emperor's Immortals Brother who lives near the Ghoul Stars so never gets to Games Day, I say move closer to Segmentum Solar.


Sure, sometimes no one gets the Red Thirst, but I would still have expected a 'I spent all those points on Astorath and no-one even got the Red Thirst' comments, which makes me think they did just forget.


There is a picture of Matt Hutson's Battle Company in a White Dwarf quite recently. I remember he painted all his Rhinos identically. He admits he doesn't have any Storm Ravens, and presumably no Librarian Dread either, so I don't mind him playing with Eavy Metal models. You would, wouldn't you? I do laugh about the glowing way in which GW employees are described as having several and massive armies. Probably something to do with them receiving half their pay in models!


Sexist sports banter being a hot potato here at the moment, the lads might have thought twice about commenting that the only named female in the whole issue was late because she was putting the finishing touches to her hair. Bodes ill for St Trinian's themed Sisters of Battle Codex next year.

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I am old enough to have started reading WD when it carried articles and reviews on all kinds of fantasy, sf and horror games, and watched its sad decline to every GW game gets 5 stars everyone else gets 1, to 'we don't even need to review our brilliant games. here is a 6 page advertorial' to 'what other games?' leaving a very big gap in the market. To be fair though, they usually warn us not to buy by having a picture of some refugees from Wind in the Willows swinging off a bright green bell of doom, or a hopeless knock off the Silmarillion called 'Eldobreath Tinselniel' on the front of particulalry duff issues. (they've even started doing to same thing to Tolkein's actual work. He was an obsessive linguist so making up names like Ugluk Fartbreath the shaman and spicing them up with random circumflexes must have him spinning in his grave).


I do however really like relevent battle reports as they do illustrate, to me, the fun, do it for the fluff, quasi-roleplaying approach to the hobby which I espouse, rather than the 'for 5 extra points and a tortured interpretation of the rules you can come up with something nothing like Blood Angels doctrine and stuff 10-year olds in every game you go into' which is a bit too prevalent on B&C.

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especially the Death Company setup. I would have drop podded the other two Dreadnoughts, though.


I liked the DC too and agree about those poor walking dreads.


'Tactical Squad Nero' did a GREAT job of selling that battle force too don't you all think?


If this were facebook, you'd see me push the Like button. ^_^


I have stopped my WD subscription because there is just so much stuff in there I don't care about. However, I bought this issue because I buy anything that has printed Blood Angels onto it... it was nice to read the battle report despite the sales pitch.

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I enjoyed the battle report for the pics. :D


Putting aside force composition (which is the price we pay for getting new models :P ), what I found absolutely criminal was that the Death Company disembarked from the Storm Raven... and did nothing but shoot a few wyches. There seemed to be a small unit of warriors easily with assault range for the DC, and even if the two units that were picked out were the highest priority targets, why wouldn't you send the fleet Dread towards the furthest unit, and the DC towards the warriors instead?


Edit: Although now I think about it, the Wyches invulnerable save could have been a stumbling block in showing off the advantage of Blood Talons, i.e. the ability to wipe out a whole squad in one turn. I didn't think that the WD reports could seem so choreographed...

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