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Probably a silly rule question about Sammael...


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Yeah I would have no problem with bikes having normal hit and run, just trying to keep it some what balanced. I just think it makes sense that high speed bikes would not get stuck in combat.


I agree. Maybe if it had some sort of arch of fire type rule to it for balance due to the high speed, they can't go back or completely 90 degrees left or right but have a wide cone that they can swerve to either side... That might complicate things though.


Also, if they had such a cone but failed to disengage that turn, I'd say normal hit and run rules would apply the next turn as they technically would have slowed down... which would complicate things even further.


Maybe it's best to just make it straight up hit and run. Drop fearless, add skilled rider and hit and run. Or maybe having both is a little much? Could skilled rider apply to just the Sergeant? Maybe we are getting off topic.

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The only problem I see is that H&R happens at the end of combat.

And it only takes one round of CC to really do a number on a bike unit.

So this shouldn't be a change for bikes in general.


But for RW to have a way of leaving combat before anyone attacks.

The draw back could be a difficult terrain test, showing that we could be drug from our bikes as we drive through a unit.

Maybe not allowing skilled rider for that particular roll.

Also it could go off at I6-8 so some monsters would still beat the tar out of us, but we wouldn't be waiting for a PF before remembering to hit the gas.

We could always choose to stay in CC, but just having an option for leaving would be nice.

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being able to leave combat before blows are struck is way too good, unless the bikes drastically increase in price. I am picturing bikes flamering a squad then getting assaulted, then leaving combat and flamering the same squad. Or getting shooting charging, and then leaving during the opponents turn when they cannot get shot at. Hit and run is good enough, because you either decide to stay in combat during your opponents turn and go through 2 rounds of CC or you leave and can get shot at.
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Just leave it as a charge reaction, and not allow it to be used if you are charging.


In fantasy every unit has the option of taking the charge or fleeing... units with guns or bows can also choose to stand and shoot.

There is nothing remotely like fleeing in 40k.


How exactly will adding this option into the game break anything.

And I am not saying that they should leave before any attacks... just most, and specifically before I5 which seems to be available to most every dedicated CC unit.


Now fantasy has draw backs to fleeing... if the unit is caught they are destroyed, and they have to test to rally (except for fast cav... unless that changed this ed).


RW according to the fluff is a RECON style force.

RECON units do not engage in protracted battles with armies that have superior numbers, armaments and/or heavy fortifications.

They instead pick on isolated elements, disrupt supply trains convoys and gather intelligence.


I would just like to see in one of these fandexes a radically different play style for RW, and not just reprints of the C:SM codex.

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Even then it is fairly game breaking, it would mean RW would never lose to a HtH army, as they would never get into HtH, I don't think you realize just how good completely avoiding HtH is. And being able to leave combat prior to I5 is just silly, so basically they cannot be hurt by any marine equivalents other than special characters, or BA IC with furious charge. Armies like orks would have no chance whatsoever against them. I drive up with thinks and shoot at your squad, and let you charge me then I run aways. Ork shooting is not much to fear. Just because something works in fantasy does not make it work in 40k as the mechanics of the games are vastly different.
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