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Bloodclaw sparring session


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Chuckling at zynk. trying to impress us with a pig sticker and some glitter ain't gonna cut it around here


How childish. I'm not here to impress you meager fools... I'm here to drink.


In less than the blink of an eye the top of the nearest ale tanker is sliced clean off. After dipping his empty mug into the dark Fenrisian ale, in his regular sitting/lounging position Zynk effortlessly cradles the blade over his shoulder whilst tasting the fine brew


Go on with your barking.

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Barking? Naw, not quite. Skill building and a bit of poking fun at a visitor? Yes. I do feel that your multi tooll is nice, but I prefer axes overall. Nothing quite like a multi function weapon to being a smile to my face. It can open a door or an opponent's head after all. Now, how in the warp did you pull that out of thin air? Also, why did you kil a perfectly good tankard with it? I know we have a good supply of them, but still, now Forte has to get his own. At least I brought ale for everyone.
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Bahaha Childish eh? I'm not the one playing around with toys. Does that thing come in a man's size?


downing another tankard full after slashing himself free from arez's ropes, nrth props his feet up in a corner of the hall

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"Get myself a new tankard!!! Don't think so."


*shoves his head in the keg and drains it*


"Who needs a tankard"

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Feeling someone is watching from far away, Zynk nonchalantly eyes the broken mug, then watches as forte ever so rudely trains the tankard. The Night Angel frowns at the prospect of being delayed with regards to drinking ale.


Like I said before, when you pups are allowed to go to war you're welcome to come with my boys. Only the rank smell of Blood claws can overcome the disgusting odor of the Orks. They'll gag to death ;)

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"My senses and wits are what I use for hunting"

true.but if theres a pack or herd of animals, sense won't tell you that.the prints in the snow will

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*stumbles in, madly drunk like usual*


kids these days...


*spends a few seconds trying to focus his eyes, but decides against it when seeing the debris of broken alecasks*


why'zu fightin' eachother newayz?... Russdamnit, I sound like an orc again don't I? must be sobering up...

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iz good fer you little arez... iz good fer you...


I drink to hone down my skills so I don't embarras my tjapterbrotherz :D


*proceeds to empty one of the few barrels still in one piece, remarkably, without stumbling, nor spilling even a single drop*

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