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Bloodclaw sparring session


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Beard off? That does sound interesting.


@Zynk: I am sorry about all of this. I truly am...


*looking at the floor*


I just felt that it might be appropriate to give you a pair of shoes that fit your role.


*heads over to the bartender, whispers to him for a moment and walks back with 3 tankards.*


*hands one to Zynk, filled with a special brew, Fenrisian moonshine* this is to say I am sorry...


*hands a second one, filled with a milk stout, to Arez* its not ale, but milk was used to make it, maybe you will like it.


*looks in the last, a boilermaker of both* and this is for me. May we take all we have learned from this and grow. Zynk, may your feet grow to fill those shoes, Arez, for making me laugh and for being who you are, and I will take special note of the recent events. I shall not exceed my responsibilities to the pack as a whole, and contribute where and when I can. Maybe next time with a neon green dress instead. It might complement your eyes a bit better.

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Hey Maverik_Girl welcome to the chaos we call sparring :woot:


Hey i don't choosse to drink milk...forte switches my ale for it. :P


*goes over to the beacon*How do i shut this off? hmmm aww what the 'ell *punches it a few times till it powers down*There we go


Zynk isn't a wolf so our beliefs don't apply to him.Hes more like our winged clown mascot :D And now to take my leave*runs before can get into trouble by Zynk* HEHE

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a beard off eh? Unless you can find me somehow who bury a while hand in there it's not much of a challenge...



Out of character: I'm amidst job interviews right now, so I had to trim, but if I get this job at the university I will have no restrictions on my facial hair/facial and ear piercings, I can't wait to get back to normal

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legend says that Nrth killed an ice troll with his beard.. could be an urban legend though?! like the yeti or bigfoot. and when the wolf priest took him, they couldn't save it off.. literally! because it was made of pure awesome, not to mention it broke all the tools to shave it. me thinks the beard deserves a name! like all great weapons of war, this beard deserves a name!
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*slaps Crazywolf round the head*


"None for me, Nrth, Postal and Mavs Girl! You do have some lessons to learn"


*punches Forte in the nose* for that, you can get your own ale.


*goes to the bartender and gets 3 more tankards*


Honeywine for the Lady, Asenheim Ale for the guys!


*goes to the kegs and pulls two out, brings them over, "accidentally" dropping one of them on Forte's foot and tapping the other for the rest of the group. Goes back to the bartender and gets more tankards for the Grey Hunters gathered round.*


Have at it gents. There is plenty here to go around.

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Bahahaha word gets around quick. The bastards had to get the iron priests to get my beard off. Almost got rejected when I kicked the old wolf in the chest for cutting it off. He called it my "steði" (stethy) referring to it like an anvil! It helps when you get punched in the face all the time!


grabs an ale from crazy and chugs stopping only to remark

This is better than standard wolf whizz!

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hmm this is no fun

*picks up forte and throws him to the hall then goes to postal throws him to the hall reapeats with nrth and crazy wolf,then picks up forte and throws him into the sparring room and reapeats wit the other 3 bloodclaws*

Whew! that was fun.

Now its time to get me some Arezale. So Maverik_Girl are you going to join in the brawling?

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looks at greenhorn and realizes what he said to Maverik_Girl and is shocked that he even asked her that question


greenhorn you know what will happen the instant she joins the fight we all get our collective arses kicked.



almost insisting Maverik_Girl to join the fight he walks over to her and smacks her on the back side with the flat of a sword.


and asks so you joining us or what? as he does it

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My reflexes are getting slow, thanks Arez. Maybe I just need to drink faster...


knocking the tap loose, Nrth Tips the barrel back and starts chugging, letting out a howl and chucking the keg against the wall once emptied


Much, much better. Hey Arez, lemme see that


hand outstretched he takes the tankard from Arez, smacks him with it chuckling and then dives across the room to smack Magnor with it


Don't touch my MUGS!!


Sees Nrthstar diving across the room right at me with an empty tankard in his hand.


Jumps out of the way and gives him a good kick as he slides by and slams into the wall.


"That was easy. Guess I will go get my own ale then."


Crosses the room and gets an Ale from the barkeep.


"Nothing like a relaxing day at in the Hall."

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looks at greenhorn and realizes what he said to Maverik_Girl and is shocked that he even asked her that question


greenhorn you know what will happen the instant she joins the fight we all get our collective arses kicked.



almost insisting Maverik_Girl to join the fight he walks over to her and smacks her on the back side with the flat of a sword.


and asks so you joining us or what? as he does it

just because she can calm us doesn't mean she can beat us :D :D

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hey forte did you feel that? felt like a mosquito bite me? oh wait it was postal's sword.


"join you?" *pinches postal nose and kicks him in the groin* you guys must be the appetizers, I came to watch the beard off before my trip tomorrow. Hahaha. I guess I can warm up a little, Arez nobody can berserk charge like you do, I think it's time I learned from the best of the pack.

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hey forte did you feel that? felt like a mosquito bite me? oh wait it was postal's sword.


"join you?" *pinches postal nose and kicks him in the groin* you guys must be the appetizers, I came to watch the beard off before my trip tomorrow. Hahaha. I guess I can warm up a little, Arez nobody can berserk charge like you do, I think it's time I learned from the best of the pack.

I'm honored Maverik_Girl.its easy 2 things you need.1)*whispers*need to be wulfen 2)drink lots of Milk :P

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"Best of the pack! Best at charging into thing. Like fists, feet, walls. You get the picture. And besides...."


*grabs Arez by the arm and spins three times before letting him go, hammer throw style. Straight into another blood claw pack*


"Pack fight!!!!!"


*charges after the flying Arez and jumps straight into the other blood claw pack l. Flattening two with his knees before punching one and smashing another in the face with his forearm*

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Where Is my beard off challenger? I'm starting to look like a chia pet already just waiting....

his train of thought broken by the sight of a flying arez, he gets a running start at the closest standing pack member and throws both hands behind his new opponents head in a muy thai clinch, smashing his knee into his face once, then releasing his clinch he jumped into the air throwing his knee forward hard enough to knock his target into the next claw behind him, chuckling like a fool the whole time.

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@forte, haha I knew that would rattle you hearing me say that *just as predicted* MMm.. impressive forte, just as I thought! *watching forte, seeing his moves, looking for his opening* huh, so he drops his guard, but only for a moment... got to time it just right! *smacks forte with an uppercut* you hit like a girl pack brother ;) don't hold back on me!!!
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"Hey, you 2 instead of sober fighting in the mead hall. do it drunk."

*walks over to forte and arez*

*Hands them to empty tankards*

"Now you guys know what to do with these I presume"

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Where Is my beard off challenger? I'm starting to look like a chia pet already just waiting....

his train of thought broken by the sight of a flying arez, he gets a running start at the closest standing pack member and throws both hands behind his new opponents head in a muy thai clinch, smashing his knee into his face once, then releasing his clinch he jumped into the air throwing his knee forward hard enough to knock his target into the next claw behind him, chuckling like a fool the whole time.

you know now that you've mentioned it... he did borrow my mirror the other day ;)

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stands back for a second watching the fight then walks around behind one of the members of the other pack and taps him on the shoulder i think you dropped this and smashes the guy over the head with a chair. then is rushed by 2 other members of the guys pack and fights them of f giving one a broken jaw and a bloody nose and the other is sent flying across the room and crashing into a near by wall
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"Hey, you 2 instead of sober fighting in the mead hall. do it drunk."

*walks over to forte and arez*

*Hands them to empty tankards*

"Now you guys know what to do with these I presume"


Maverik_girl!!! *whips the tankard at her*

You said don't hold back ;)

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awwe so you do care! *shrugs off the broken tankard* damn, that was close! just another bruise in the everyday life of a blood claw, but now your down a tankard!.... hey Arez, wanna see a party trick I learned north of the Fang? *puts ale in her mouth and spits it towards postal and greenhorn, while holding a lighter* my very own flame template :P
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