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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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I actually like it as more silver with the bone. We might as well have the 3 schemes and have a vote then. Here's the blue.




Just so you know why I was thinking blue ... water, swans swim.



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The bone scheme inspired me to revise my chapter scheme again, the blue version of the swans looks best.

Noooooooo your blue/metal scheme looks good!

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+1 for Blue. Nice work Ecritter!


I like it too. Nice shade of Blue ^_^


Looks more Turquoise to me, but I still like it :D



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+1 for Blue. Nice work Ecritter!


I like it too. Nice shade of Blue :)


Looks more Turquoise to me, but I still like it :D



Yeah, that scheme is much better than the bone one. ^_^


I just didn't like the red one so much. :)

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I think we should stick to the old one. I can't actually see it beyond the blue.

Sit up in your chair (screen angle can obscure detail). :P

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That scheme on the new painter.


Actually, in the one I did the abdomen, belt and groin are black. Just chest and shoulder insets are blue.

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Well, I've read through the whole thing now. - took quite some time!

This looks to be a promising project, so the best of luck with it! :D


I think a few relic being preserved for 5000 years is an awful long time. - Guess they must have used stasis field technology and an extremely dedicated cult to look after it all: heck I bet entire civilizations may have risen and fallen around the relics, with their cult at its basis.


Here is an idea: Petrok's original Campaign secretly sacrificed the blood/skulls/souls of everyone that died in the Campaign to the Chaos Gods as a start of a ritual to infuse Petrok with the power needed to complete an even greater Chaos ritual.


To complete this grand ritual his Chaos energy infused body must remain in the Real for 5000 years. Each relic bleeds Chaos energy into the point of Real space that it has been stored at, making an imprint of the coordinates drawing out a Chaos Star across the Galaxy. The resting places of the relics all mark out the different coordinates of the star so that if you drag a line on a map, between all the points, the star is drawn. - The middle of the star being where the final ritual is to be performed.


Rituals are carried out at all points of the star, over time bringing 73 star systems into full out, system wide war (With the Marines knowing of and participating in only a few of these wars). Once each star system has seen the wars there reach a death toll of 1 billion, the center point's ritual is activated bringing warp gates into being inside each star system's sun, effectively making them instant black holes. The lives of billions upon billions perish and their souls are sucked into the warp as a sacrifice to the Chaos Gods.


Once complete this enormous sacrifice brings about lines of Warp Storms following the lines between the star system coordinates, effectively drawing out a Chaos star across the Galaxy and releasing enough Chaos energy to extinguish the Astronomicon while creating a new Eye of Terror at the center point of the star and opening innumerable cracks between the Immaterium and Real space, letting billions upon billions of Demons flood the Galaxy.


Thus comes the downfall of the Imperium, the destruction of Real Space, and the coming of a new demigod of Chaos: Petrok the Destroyer.

Naturally the Marines and their Campaigning will be a constant thorn in the side of Chaos and eventually they will need to halt the ritual.

In the end it is not certain the Imperium saw the grans scheme of things at all, or if they did, then such an enormous ritual would be hushed down. History rewritten, entire worlds silenced and Marines made to go through mind erasing procedures. - In the books, the Campaign would be left as a large war, but not as a potential Galaxy shattering event. - Probably only the Emperor, the deepest, most secure catacomb libraries of Ordo Malleus and the Black Library would know the truth of the matter.


Epic enough for you?



Oh, and here is my take on the Black Swans:




Again: Best of luck! :devil:


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Sounds interesting, and a good take on the events. Epic is good of course, but i think the whole save galaxy idea is abit much.


Tonned down a wee bit, i think it works. Elements being incorporated is very do-able


Nice pic of the swans, i expect you''ll be inundated with requests for more. :P

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Actually, in the one I did the abdomen, belt and groin are black. Just chest and shoulder insets are blue.

So they wear black pants... :wacko:

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Actually, in the one I did the abdomen, belt and groin are black. Just chest and shoulder insets are blue.

So they wear black pants... :wacko:


Nope, they don't wear pants ... they just paint their legs black. :tu:


Thats the reason for the loin clothe.

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