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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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Dont feel sorry m8. :)


I've changed up my list quite a since that practice game. The assassin is a lot of fun to play but I decided to drop him in exchange for another psyfleman. I do occasionally still use the Eversor for fun games and he's never been a disappointment yet. Ard Boyz you need to bring your best list - unfortunately often that's not about having fun - I wish it was the case but often it's not.


G :HQ:

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I meant the chaos list wasn't that good, I wasn't judging your list :devil:


On a different note, here is my current work in progress Draigo mark 2, still needs bling, and is blue tacked together, still trying to figure out his pose before I work out what bling I want :)



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I meant the chaos list wasn't that good, I wasn't judging your list :)


On a different note, here is my current work in progress Draigo mark 2, still needs bling, and is blue tacked together, still trying to figure out his pose before I work out what bling I want :D




I also approve of this new shield position. He now looks like he should seeing as he spends a lot of each game sneaking about soaking up those Eternal Warrior proof hits thanks to being safely behind big fancy shield!

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why thank you, I'm quite happy with him so far, and as RebG said, as he spends most of his time jumping in front of lascannon/melta shots, it makes sense for him to be "hiding" behind his shield. The other one I made had the wrong arm, but I couldn't find the one I had preferred. Luckily for me I found it again B)


He has a little bit more bling on him, and I shall scar up his shield a bit and add some purity seals to it, and then try and get him painted (anyone who knows me will understand that I suck at getting models painted, though I have less then a month to paint him and 2 other models for ToS...).

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Had a game vs Commander Sasha's space marines today. Fulfilling my request he had made a slightly more tailored list then I was used to.


1750 points

Captain on bike with relic blade.

Iron clad in drop pod

5 bikes, 2 melta fist

2x10 tacticals with plasma cannon, melta fist in razorback with twin lascannon

3 multi melta attack bikes

Landspeeder typhoon multi melta


tri las predator

thunderfury cannon


Mission was capture and control, spear head deployment.


He set his objective far back in his corner, while I placed mine as close to it as possible, but still in my deployment area.


End result was a draw, I had lost the 5 man squad, both DK's and draigo was down to 1 wound, while the 10 man squad had about 5 wounds on it. He had lost most of his force, but still had the 5 man squad camping his objective. I should have sent the 10 man squad to take his objective, but instead I couldnt decide what to do with them and so they pretty much camped my objective (good use of 650+ points.....NOT!). I was scared of all the melta and plasma. I tried sending the 5 man to threaten his objective but they got ganked quickly (1 guy made 3 lascannon saves in a row before biting it to a melta heh). My DK's died in the second turn, but had taken out the predator and vindicator, maybe not a fair trade but had also absorbed allmost all of his first turn shooting, and most of his second.


First turn assault's with scouting DK's is fun, but much better if you go first...

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if i were to tailor to draigowing, id probably run two vindies and a land raider with Calgar and 5 hammer termies inside.

id probably run two basic tac squads with las/plas and fill up on fast attack melta with whatever is left points wise


sounds like it was a decent game though, not many wounds left on your chaps.


i dont know about anyone else, but i always try to take down the NDKs first.. they are more mobile and can cause unexpected trouble, despite being alot weaker than a unit of pallies.. then concentrate on the pallies, infact if possible take down the smaller non draigo containing unit first..

kill them off without that storm shield getting in the way and then draigowing is down to one big unit.. ok its a big hefty unit to deal with, but they can only shoot one of your squads per turn at that point.

playing draigowing does usually come to to attrition, which is why id prefer to save shooting at draigo til last, too many good shots wasted on his storm shield, eternal warrior combo

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I shall have to try a list like that, though I'm not sure if a rock vs a rock will be the right choice, I've destroyed/immobilised quite a few landraiders at decent range from my units (4 psycannons will do that often).

I like vindicators and own 2, while Commander Sasha has 1 too, so 3 vindicators could be an interesting challenge. Single lascannon shots aren't as much of a threat, but they are nasty. The right kill order vs my draigo wing is the DK's then the 5 man for sure. leaves me with 1 squad left, though sometimes the DK's can be lucky with their saves and tank quite a bit of fire (oh the fickle gods of fate!).

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if i were to tailor to draigowing, id probably run two vindies and a land raider with Calgar and 5 hammer termies inside.

id probably run two basic tac squads with las/plas and fill up on fast attack melta with whatever is left points wise


sounds like it was a decent game though, not many wounds left on your chaps.


i dont know about anyone else, but i always try to take down the NDKs first.. they are more mobile and can cause unexpected trouble, despite being alot weaker than a unit of pallies.. then concentrate on the pallies, infact if possible take down the smaller non draigo containing unit first..

kill them off without that storm shield getting in the way and then draigowing is down to one big unit.. ok its a big hefty unit to deal with, but they can only shoot one of your squads per turn at that point.

playing draigowing does usually come to to attrition, which is why id prefer to save shooting at draigo til last, too many good shots wasted on his storm shield, eternal warrior combo


GC08, you've hit the nail right on the head with this post. I routinely play against a list almost identical to the one you have listed, with the addition of a pair of 1st turn podding MMVen Dreads. All of the games have been very close with significant casualties taken. Interestingly enough that "Rock" list needs to slow play things, taking out the Dread Knights first, then consolidating on the Driago Deathstar, usually a Dread and THSS multiassault will be enough. No need to shoot Driago's Unit.

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A bike army, or a fast and slow dread and bike army offer an interesting challenge to Draigowing. Draigo is a rock, difficult to hurt, and able to dish out the hurt quite effectively, but the bikes are water, flowing past, picking their moments and opportunities.


That, and the sheer volume of melta that bikes put on the table mean they can hurt Paladins and Dreadknights quite nicely when the moment presents itself. Yes, I shoot the Dreadknights first. They're the only units in the Draigowing that can keep up with the bikes. After that it's just a matter of harrying the enemy to death.


Bikers are one version of the marine army that plays like the fluff implies.

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MMAB have 24" range. So they have to move into range of the Paladins' return fire. 4*psycannon equates to 16 shots... So around 11 hit and around two rend on average with another 8 wounding. The psyflemen can also target the bikes and any failed saves are instant death. If we assume the Paladins are in cover and have their 3++ I don't see bikes as a very effective cover.


G :ermm:

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The fact that attack bikes bring multi melta's, and that they bring 3 of them with 6 wounds, makes them scary to me. Anything packing more then 2 instant death causing ap2 weapons scares me, so I kill them first or die trying ;)
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If you take dreads then you don't take dreadknights, if you take venerable dreads then points available for your army drops, and Draigowing is an expensive (in points) army. I love the concept of Draigowing, and it doesn't suffer the durability problems that small elite armies usually suffer from, but in many ways it's a one dimensional army (something I think Grey Knights suffer from in general).
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It is, but also due to grand strategy, shunting and deep striking, it has deployment options too. Main tactic revolves around shoving draigo and 10 paladins at my opponent, but what I do with my other units vary depending on the mission and the enemy. The ability to outflank DK's is rather nice, and scouting them forward 12 inches can be tasty too (I almost always give mine personal teleporters :lol: ).


Often if/when my opponent has destroyed my 10man squad, they then get mopped up by the remaining squads :D

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I would say that in the interests of mobility all dreadknights should have personal teleporters. I'd qualify that as "in a Draigowing army" but I think that's the only army you'd see dreadknights in.



10 Paladin, 4 psycannon

5 Paladin, 2 psycannon

Dreadknight PT, NGS, HI

Dreadknight PT, NGS, HI


That's 1740 points, and obviously you'd want to take a mix of weapons for wound allocation on the Paladin, probably a brotherhood banner as well, maybe a Librarian, so realistically a minimum of 2000 points. I'm not sure it's even playable in smaller games.


At 2000 points my bike army has 40 models (with 14 melta weapons) and I regard that as a small army. I still lose more than I win with it, but I'm getting better.


Draigo 275

Librarian, master-crafted force sword, shrouding, might of titan, sanctuary, quicksilver, psybolt ammunition 180

10 Paladin, 4 psycannon (one with brotherhood banner, one with psycannon and force sword, one with psycannon and daemon hammer, one with psycannon and halberd, one with psycannon and master-crafted force halberd, one with force sword, one with daemon hammer, one with force halberd, one with master-crafted force halberd, one with falchions, psybolt ammunition) 690

5 Paladin, 2 psycannon (one with psycannon and force sword, one with psycannon and force halberd, one with force sword, one with force halberd, one with daemon hammer, psybolt ammunition) 335

Dreadknight PT, NGS, HI 260

Dreadknight PT, NGS, HI 260


Total, 2000 points.

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at 1750. I use...



10 pallies, 4 psycannons (2mced), 2 hammers 2 swords 1 falchion and 5 halberds (some mced weps here for wound allocation)

5 pallies 2 psycannons, 3 halberds (1 mced) 1 sword 1 hammer




I'm not aiming to make the most killy list, I'm aiming for a fun list. DK's are expensive, but they are also the cheapest individual units in my army. To me psyrifle dreads are like oblitorators for chaos. The more people tell me to use them, the less I want to use them. I may use 1 venerable psyrifle dread 1 day, but they just seem too good for their points. I like that my force has inbuilt weaknesses. As my opponent knows that too, it means I know what my opponent will try and do to maximise my weakness, and so I can try and counter it. Also I love DK's, they look awesome :P

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