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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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Well I won the roll, and then chose to go second... Doh! Now I know what they are capable off, I won't make that mistake again. Was an awesome game though heh.


4th game was annihilation, dawn of war. We called it on turn 5, I had lost a paladin, 2 wounds from each of my dks, 1 from Draigo and a few wounds on the large squad, and was 9kp to 0... Poor dual landraider space wolf list heh.

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Quick update: I lost my final game, vs Dark Eldar. So 3 wins 1 draw and 1 loss (making it my 3rd ever loss with draigo wing ;) ). Not bad for my first Throne of skulls event!


I shall post some mini battle reports up tomorrow, suffice to say I had lots of fun and will be going back for sure, just gotta up my game :blink:

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Cheers GC08, I am quite happy with it, though I'm more annoyed with myself for losing the 5th game...


Right time for some quick mini battle reports :rolleyes:


My list, if anyone cant remember it, is

Draigo, 10 paladins (2 mced psycannons, 2 psycannons, 2 mced halberds, 3 halberds, 2 swords, 2 hammers, 1 falchion, 1 mced storm bolter, full wound allocation)

5 paladins (2 psycannons, 1 mced halberd, 2 halberds, hammer, sword)

DK Yin (heavy incinerator personal teleporter)

DK Yang (heavy incinerator, personal teleporter, great sword)



Battle 1: dawn of war, 4 objectives

Opponent Mike, chaos (daemon prince wings lash mos, sorcerer mos lash, 2x5 chosen with 2 melta in rhino's with combi melta's, 3 terminators with 2 combi melta, heavy flamer lightning claw and powerfist, 2x5 naked marines, 2 landraiders 2x3 oblitorators (one of the landraiders was a dedicated transport for the terminators, so he only has 3 heavy support ;) ). Grand strategy comes up a 1 so I make DK Yin scoring.


I won the roll and let him go first, he deployed nothing and I deployed draigo and 10 pallies far forward. 5 pallies to my left near an objective. DK yang is coming on first turn while DK Yin is normal reserved.


Over the game I take numerous lascannon and plasma cannon fire, losing DK Yang early on to landraider and chosen meltagun firing. He keeps his landraiders back for most of the game with his 5 man scoring units inside, only heading for the central objective after I have destroyed one of them. I had terrible luck making invulnerable saves, Draigo died from the first 4 hits he took (No saves from Draigo...).

I was winning on the 5th turn and the 6th turn, I destroyed his landraider with his scoring unit, and then my remaining unit got lashed and plasma cannoned/meltaguned down to 3 models, and then fled. with my final shooting as they were falling back I took out 4 of his 5 scoring models, but they didn't flee, and my 1 wounded DK Yin was standing on one of my objectives, making it a draw.


Ok, Lash is damn annoying, especially for a foot slogging force, moving forward 6 and then back 8 was really annoying and meant for the first 2 turns I had actually moved backwards by about 3-4 inches. My opponent went on to win best chaos force so having a draw with him isn't all that bad ;)


Battle 2: kill points pitched battle

Opponent Darren, Space wolves. Wolfguard battle leader with claw and combi melta, 3x5 grey hunters in razorbacks, large wolfguard squad all with combi melta's and 2 wolf claws in a landraider, 2x1 TWC with storm shields and thunderhammers, 6 longfangs with 3missile 2 plasma cannons, 5 longfangs with 2 missiles 2 lascannons and 1 razorback. Grand strategy came up a 3 so I gave both pallies reroll to wound on 1's.


I deployed first (I think) so deployed in a corner with everything, and he deployed centrally and in the other corner, I was worried about that landraider, 10 combi melta's could give me a very bad day... I advanced towards him, while he shot me a lot. I really should have focused fire on his long fangs first, and paid for this by losing quite a few wounds to them. Draigo died to the thunder wolves, and then a lone thunder wolf charged a squad of 4 pallies and wiped them out! I failed a lot of saves again, and when the game ended on the 6th turn I only had 3 pallies left, with 4 wounds between them. Had it gone on to another turn I would have been tabled and lost, but as it didn't I won on kill points heh win


My DK's did rubbish, I was advancing them behind my pallies and they got bracketed by lasacannons and went down rather quickly, I should have shunted them forward sooner then later to distract him, rather then let them do nothing all game...


Battle 3, capture and control spearhead.

Opponent Ian King, raven guard 10th company. Shrike, Chaplain, 10 scouts with sniper rifles, 10 scouts with shotguns, 10 scouts with close combat weapons and 10 other scouts (cant remember their equipment, probably shotguns or close combat weapons...). 5 scout bikers with grenade launchers, 1 landspeeder storm with heavy flamer, 10 vanguard veterans with a few power weapons, power fist, thunder hammer, 2 whirlwinds. Grand strategy roll was a 1 so I gave DK Yang scout (can't remember why, thought it would be fun).

I won the roll and let him go first, in hindsight this wasn't such a good idea. He deployed his 2 whirlwinds and landspeeder storm, combat squaded some scouts so 5 were in the storm and 5 were on his home objective, and that was it... I deployed Draigo and 10 paladins, deepstriking the 5 pally squad, outflanking Yang and normal reserving Yin, and he then infiltrated the remainder of his force rather close to Draigo, and then scouted forward...


I have never been hit with an alpha strike that hard, He shot a lot at Draigo's squad, and then assaulted them with : vanguard squad with shrike and chaplain attached, 20+ scouts and the 5 scout bikers, unluckily for him the closest paladin squad member shrike could get in to combat with was a hammer toting one, who promptly thwacked him with it. At the begining of my first turn I had Draigo and 2 paladins left on 1 wound. the paladins then died in my assault phase while Draigo slowly but surely killed the vanguard squad, then the scouts, then the chaplain. Took him 6-7 turns of combat to do it, but he finally redeemed himself (as he died during both previous games). My deepstrike squad dropped down near his objective and blew up his landspeeder, and then got pinned. My DK's proved themselves this game too, roasting numerous squads with their incinerators. At the end of his 7th turn my remaining paladin on 1 wound had fled, in my turn he regrouped and managed to just make it to capture his objective, while one of my DK's assaulted his 1 remaining unit (5 scouts) and killed 3 of them, pulling them out of contesting range. This was my favourite game of the weekend, as I was punished for my laxity but managed to claw it back thanks to a lucky paladin managing to survive where all his brethren had died. Win


Day 2.

Battle 4, kill points dawn of war

Graem, chaos count as space wolves. Wolflord with terminator armour, thunder hammer and saga of the bear, wolfguard battle leader with terminator armour and frost blade. 2x7 GH with melta gun, power fist and standard with wg with combi melta's and power fists (I think), 3x5 GH with melta, standard and attached WG in las plas razorbacks, 2 landraiders, 1 land speeder. I rolled a 6 for my grand strategy and gave both paladin squads + DK Yin reroll 1's to wound.



My opponent made 1 big mistake here, he rolled the dice for what mission we would all play, and he rolled kill points. It was a masacre, I stayed behind cover, shooting my psycannon's at any vehicle in range while he tried and failed to kill my units. we called it at the end of his 5th turn as I had scored 9 kill points and had lost 1 paladin, 1 wound from a paladin, 1 wound from draigo and 2 wounds from my DK's. I was on form with making my saves and also getting quite a few hits/rends with my psycannons. Win


Battle 5. 3 objectives pitched battle.

Opponent Hamid Khabbazan, Dark eldar, Archon with agoniser+ shadow field, Wych hq with agoniser, 4 true born with blasters in a venom, 5 incubi in a venom, 2x9 wyches in a raider, 2x10 warriors in a raider, 3 ravagers (1 with 3 dark lances, 2 with 3 disintegrators). I rolled a 1 for grand strategy and made DK Yin scoring. I held the 5 man squad to deep strike, and both DK's in normal reserve.


I made a big mistake here, I was scared of his fire power so deployed far to the right, away from his ravagers. I should have deployed as central as possible to make up for my short range. While I didn't take much fire during the first few turns, I didn't dish out much either. I lost both dk's and the 5 pallies by the 5th turn, and also only managed to grab 1 objective which he then contested, using his 2 remaining scoring units to capture the objectives I wasn't near. While if it had continued to the 6th turn I might have won or forced a draw, I should have aimed for the draw from the 5th turn. Messing up a move with draigo and the paladins cost me the game, but sometimes you have to lose to learn the best lessons. Loss


All of my opponent's were great sports, none seemed annoyed that they were playing a Draigo wing, Most were quite amused that I only had 18 model's with me, and while I reckon I would have done better by swapping one or both DK's for something else (combined they are 495 points, which is a lot for 2 models). I shall be trying out a variation to this list, and I will be heading to Throne Of Skulls again for sure :D


p.s. sorry for no pictures, I do have some but haven't uploaded them yet, though I took very few while playing due to trying to focus on the games :D

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Gotta say, I'm still surprised the fluffy Shrike list gave you a good go. Paladins is the last place I would have thrown an expensive vanguard squad, but it sounds like they gave them a fair go at it.


Looks like you had a great time, and well done for doing so well :huh:


Gunna go do some serious thinking with my Shrike lists...

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if they were fully kitted witha few storm shields id say it were worth trying, and he was right in that if your going to throw a bigunit at them pallies, you may aswell go all in with the other units too.

im sure he could have got the placement better though, Shrike could have made a difference in second and third rounds of conbat

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From my memory, vanguard squad had 1-2 power weapons, 2 storm shields, 1 fist and 1 thunder hammer, with shrike and a chaplain equipped. It wasn't just the charge, but all the shooting I received too that wiped me out (from memory again, I won that first combat 9 wounds to 8). While none of his shooting was low ap or ID causing, weight of numbers really really hurt...
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or it might have been the fact that draigo and 10 paladins had the attention of almost the whole enemy force (I think I wasn't attacked by 5 scouts with shot guns and 5 sniper scouts, as they were out of range). Also my luck wasn't brilliant either :)
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hehe Throne was awesome:D


I am rather glad I didn't come up vs any Gray Knights with my Orks, though I kept sitting next to them. 2 Spacewolves, Black Templar and Chaos marines is enough power armour for one event :devil:


You counting our practice game the night before?

Didn't the Chaos player who Lashed you (Funny as hell) go on to win Best Choas Marine?

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Nowhere in the novel does it state Alaric falls or turns to Chaos. In the end he is fully re-instated as a brother Grey Knight.


That was random. Did you forget to take your meds again BO?

I lol'd.


Actually, this reply of B.O.'s is relevant to another thread somewhere that I saw yesterday; in fact, when I saw his response here, I got a bit crossed up myself and assumed he'd replied to the correct thread. Perhaps he did not? <3


Thanks for the bat rep, Nurglez. :(

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hehe Throne was awesome:D


I am rather glad I didn't come up vs any Gray Knights with my Orks, though I kept sitting next to them. 2 Spacewolves, Black Templar and Chaos marines is enough power armour for one event ;)


You counting our practice game the night before?

Didn't the Chaos player who Lashed you (Funny as hell) go on to win Best Choas Marine?


Yes I counted that practice game as a draw, and is on my record as such :P And yes that chaos player won best chaos player, a dread would have really helped vs lash, or a libby.


Both my dk's were pretty useless, except vs the scouts, I am looking to add at least 1 Psyrifle dread to my force, so here is a wip of my current project...




I shall have him leaning on some slate. The autocannon's are a bit bent, still need to try and straighten them out a bit...

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cheers dude, got a chaplain dread with aegis defense line autocannon's for my normal dread...


I'm not sure how I'm going to grey knightify the contemptor, I might sand down the aqiila on the front and put the I from the grey night terminator sprue, and a bit of green stuff if I can be bothered...

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Still yet to try out my new list, been playing malifaux with my friends instead heh. But I will give it a try soon :D


Thought I would add some pictures of my WIP "terminator" inquisitor with "psycannon"




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