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Crimson Fists Project B&C member update....25/3/14

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Sternguard are one of those units I've wanted to try for ages. I think after seeing yours, I might finally kitbash some after the Fellblade is complete. As for the Fists, they are coming slow and steady. I've nearly finished the Fellblade Edelweiss, so then its on to the next project.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ya guys and girls. Here's the next 4 sternguard I've got completed for my LPC
















Apologies for poor lighting.


Hope you guys like them


Only one more who is the heavy flamer guy.



These CF's are awesome!! Gives me real hope for my own CF project.


I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. Firstly how do you get your red so smooth? Secondly is how do you freehand the Fist symbol? Do you have a method?




Thank you very much guys, very humbled by all the supportive comments you guys give out.


@Brother Excedis: I could do a step by step guide for you at some point if that's ok?


The last guys going to be a bit harder to u see coat as I can't seem to fix the wire I have for the fuel line, any help on that?

Midnight runner & KBA: thank you very much to you both.


Here's the last sternguard for my LPC VOW which is now complete.


Honoured brother Sergío deliòs former member of 9th company.


The youngest member of the squad, the heavy flamer was given to him after he saved a wolf guard Suvàd Gàll from a mob of ork nobz, after taking out 3 of them with we'll placed bolter rounds then dishing out the pain with skilled knife strikes.








So that's my LPC VOW now COMPLETE.


Now I can crack on with some world eaters and another tac squad for my fists along with all my tanks etc.


C&C welcome



I like that Heavy Flamer conversion :)


But I noticed that his left hand is not quite right at the wrist joint. But still awesome conversion and excellent painting.


And at least you got some comments about your completed LPC stuff, no one has said a thing about mine at all :lol:

War angel: how did I do what fella.


Raz: cheers fella and yeah the left was very tricky lining it up after painting the whole model, ill add in some GS today or tomorrow to had that tiny but of rid that's showing. Where's the link to your thread and ill comment.

Crap pics of my LPC stuff here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/268570-librarium-painting-challenge-2013/?p=3313420


And a bunch of new stuff including Flickr links to good pics of the DW & RW from post 229 onwards here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/222538-another-diy-chapter-blog-new-stuff-24213/page-10


I'm looking forward to seeing some World Eaters now, so hurry up :P

War angel: ah i see, I used the IG fuel tank from the heavy flamer but, got a normal SM Power pack then chopped that in half, then trimmed the fuel tank to sit flush then just glue and fill gaps. Hope that helps you out

@Dorns_fist: A step by step would be absolutely wonderful. I've been trying to figure out how to get the chapter symbol onto my guys, but I don't even know how to use the water slides without them looking fake but a freehand might look far better, as yours have proven.



Brother Excedis

@Dorns_fist: A step by step would be absolutely wonderful. I've been trying to figure out how to get the chapter symbol onto my guys, but I don't even know how to use the water slides without them looking fake but a freehand might look far better, as yours have proven.



Brother Excedis

That's no problem in my next update ill do a tut


Right an ancient warrior joins the the ranks to unleash hell on the ork race


Ancient brother Jerian




Still a lot to do on him but he's basically done.


More soon



I straight up want to have your Sternguard. They're friggin' awesome. Absolutely love the posing of each and every one of them - they look just like Marines should do, badass.

Contemptor is really nice, but it needs something to break up the blue a little - and maybe something on the base (enemy corpse?) Just my £0.02.


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