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WIP Imperial Fists Army

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I always imagined him screaming something like "No, over THERE, you idiots!"





It looks like he's wearing sandels from the angle of the pic. Is he an old hippy that lost his hair yelling to his mates that the stash is this way?

Crikey, I've got a couple of those banging about in the Ultramarines colours from aaages ago. And I hear ya about the 3rd ed devastators, sometimes when I have put them together I wished I had an extra hand. They were such a pain in the posterier. :whistling:

Yeah, I've got that old command squad, and I even have the old techmarine on bike toros, woot!


A couple of small updates tonight. Lookee what was waiting for me when I got home from work tonight:







All of the doors are a bit warped(no big shock, my third set of these now), but the one on the left is exceptional and I hope I can straighten it out.


And then a bit more progress on the chaplain's jump pack:






Until this conversion, I had never tried to sculpt letters before, and it wasn't a blast, I gotta say. This is my 4th attempt and think it looks pretty good, but this is why it's taken so long for the jump pack progress. Stupid me, insisting on have the legion number back there! I figure a few more purity seals or such and I'll call the jump pack done.

So when I got home from work tonight, my replacement Sternguard were waiting for me. In the original box, I had some mild issues with 3 of the Sternguard troops, and then the head of the Sgt was a bit of a wreck. Good news: the replacement troops look great! Bad news: the Sgt's head in this one is even worse! The right side of his face is gone, as though he had taken a melta shot to the face, but kept on tickin'!






So I called GW in the few minutes before they closed for the day and talked to a very nice rep who said he would personally find me a Sternguard Sarge in pristine condition and get it out to me ASAP. Say what you will about GW's corporate policies, but they have always taken good care of me if I received any sort of damaged product, which I think this is maybe the 3rd time in about 13 years. 4th time, tops.


With a third sgt on the way, I was thusly emboldened to set about rendering the poor miscast into his constituent parts along with the excising of his grotesque visage(I chopped him up and cut away the ugly helm):





I have a conversion idea in mind for the chest, but the rest will probably go into the bitz box for the time being.


I did find the Finecast materialto be a bit more difficult to cut through than I expected, having only trimmed up flash and mold lines so far, but in comparison to pewter, it's a dream. I would never have been able to cut this guy up like this in metal with such speed, or without keeping everything intact, and removing the head? Fuhgedaboutit.

I'm thinking of either a Captain or Chapter Master conversion and I really like that chest for it. Still haven't worked out what pose I want, weapons, or what other models I might have to carve up for it.

I had a ton of stuff to do tonight after work so not much hobby time, but I did want to try my hand at some chipped paint weathering.







Now, it's intentionally heavy and I probably wouldn't do this much weathering on a "real" army piece, but I was trying out a few things.


On his left leg(our right), I used a stippling method with some torn pieces of that foam that comes in blisterpacks. I did go back in with a brush to even it out some, but it's probably 85-90% done with the sponge.


On his right leg(our left), the chipping is all done with a paintbrush. On both sides you might some brighter yellow patches here and there was I was going back in some yellow to even out spots that were too big, or didn't look "random" enough. That taught me I might ought to do the chipping before the shading washes.


Which do you think looks better? The sponge or brush technique?

I agree with Tybrus. There is so little difference I'd advocate the least labour intensive way (probably the blister pack foam).


Also: Cloud's and silver linings, eh? (I've said that elswhere, I know, but still it feels right to say it here.) At least you've got some quality bitz out the miscasting debacle. :tu:

Some more progress on the chappy:








I'm wanting to add a skull-shaped censer to him, but I'm wondering if he might be getting a bit too cluttered?


Here's a better shot at the Crozius:







I'm starting to get some figures together for a Sternguard unit, and in my box of rediscovered old treasures, I found this old guy:






Sadly, the fancied-up boltgun he came with was pretty badly miscast, and I'm just going to use a plastic bolter for him. But doesn't he just scream Sternguard?


Awesome idea with that fist on the staff. Consider that idea stolen (although I will put it on my Libarian).


I like your style. Espaccally your use of the old great FIsts Captain. And you did GW a good deed, because now I need to buy those Finecast Sternguard. :)



I knew I wanted something special for the crozius, and what better to clobber your foes with than your own chapter symbol? And I'd love to see what you do with the idea. ;)


As you can see, I've got a lot of old stuff, and most of it still holds up well against the new sculpts, and the GD 99 captain has always been one of my favorite marine figures, so he was definitely going to have a place in the army.

So, for the last 3-4 days now, I've repainted several Sternguard figures(the ones that I am finished with) a total of 3 times.


I don't know why, but I'm just not liking the normal yellow paint job on them. I tried a red stripe on the helm - meh. I tried white helms with a red stripe - looked better, but was a complete PITA with an airbrush.


I'm wanting to do something different with them, but not sure what. I do know that I would like something striking and an obvious departure from the normal paint scheme, like... mostly white or black with yellow accents.


Any ideas, my fellow WIP brothers?

Gonna second the use of red helms, with the sergeant having a white stripe. You could also make up some original heraldry for each model and incorporate that into the paint scheme; like an entire greave painted in a quartered design of red, white, black and yellow. You have a lot of options available to you.

Well, here's some test paint of the scheme I decided on. It's just base coats right now:







I gotta say, red is a pain to photograph. Even fiddling around with it in Photoshop, I couldn't get the red to the same hue it is on the figure. :P


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