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WIP Imperial Fists Army

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Received and replied to Brother. I do have one question about your marines. Are you applying transfers for the Fist Icon and the weathering them or free handing them then weathering? Either way it looks very realistic, I wouldn't change a thing.
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Once I get to the painting, I will be using transfers since me and free hand icons don't get on very well. I will be airbrushing a white circle on the shoulderpads of all the marines before I put the decal on, since white on decals is always terribly transparent, and I want it to be nice and bright.


So I can dirty it up with weathering. :P


Speaking of which, I picked up some weathering powder this week and since I'm off the next two days, I'm going to try for another test paint figure using them.

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Here we have a mock up of the Librarian, just trying to get a feel for the pose with a few dots of super glue and some blue tac. There were a couple of things I want to accomplish with this figure:


1) To have it resemble a librarian art piece I really like and

2) To have a librarian in a spell-casting pose without using a the "HALT!" missile launcher hand that everyone seems to use.





Now, I know the pose looks a little... off, but it's kinda rickety right now, and again, this is just a quick mock up to get a sense of how it might look and find out where I have to make more modifications, like the orientation of the left thigh in relation to the knee. And don't worry, those skinny thighs are gonna get bulked up to fit the huge, honking greaves.


Quick tip for anyone wanting to make longer legs for their marines - and longer thighs will generally get you there - if the leg you are going to use is relatively straight, don't just cut it off at the knee. For the hips and thighs on this conversion, I'm using one of the Khorne Berzerker running legs, and if you look at the line on the right thigh(our left) just above where it joins the terminator lower leg, that's where the top of the kneepad normally was on the original figure. I cut down below that, and then scraped with the X-Acto and filed to get a uniform thickness. This makes for less rebuilding with greenstuff(or your putty of choice), where simply bulking it up a bit is far easier.


C&C welcome as always.



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head wise.. the non shouty terminator one is from the normal termies, the shouty one is from the assault termies.. personally im not a big fan of cullns head he looks a little "special" imho, if you have access to it try using the chaos lord bare head with the bottom cut off, itll sit lower in the armour and make the proportions look a little better.. (his nose/top lip should just barely be showing above the collar imho)


other than that the only other head id recommend would be the raven guard sargeant one from fw.


as far as the libby goes, if you want to mimic the pose in the picture more, his body needs to be more twisted and his left (our right) knee needs to be bent more with more weight being on that foot.. though this will probably require you sculpting his other foot to repose.


*edit* ever thought of using loth? hes based on the same piece of art




and finally if you are elongating the thighs please the lower legs too otherwise your marines will look mishapen


the lower part of the leg on a marine should "theoretically" look a little longer than the thigh due to the kneepad.

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remember though you do get the full plastic command squad sprues aswell as the resin parts.. so reduce it by £20.50 for those parts (which are always good to have) then £8.20 for a metal librarian (loth is of higher quality by far, but this is a comparison arguement ;) ) it gets you to £8.10 for the resin parts for the honour guard which with some creative scalpel work and a few bits of greenstuff can all be used in a non red scorpion army besides the banner (without a fair amount more work anyway)


i kinda think forgeworld need to sell the resin parts separate to the plastic.. but tbh if they just made a bigger point of it being a full command squad box aswell as all the resin for that price.. people would see the light.

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I meant to do an update yesterday, as I got his left leg attached and puttied up, but it was something of a crappy day and extremely hot, even with the AC blasting, and since I kept falling asleep I didn't get anything posted. :huh:


So, today: PICS!






It might have been the heat of this ridiculous Texas summer combined with working under 2 desk lamps with 100 watt bulbs, but for some reason, I thought it a good idea to attach the left leg BEFORE I built up the thigh with putty. There's still a few little bumps I'm working on smoothing out, but considering the way I had to work on it, I think it came out pretty nice.


You might also notice a new head on him - I took Lorenzen's suggestion of the Chaos Lord head(I have 3 boxes of them sitting in my Drawer of Chaos) and tried it out, and overall, it looked good. Except that he's sneering, or what a friend of mine calls "stank face" - that which you have when a mighty foul odor comes your way. So to remedy this, I took a brand new X-acto blade and very, very carefully trimmed away the raised portion of his lip and then put a tiny dab of putty in there and smoothed it out. I did try to get a comparison pic of the original and the modified head, but they kept coming out blurry. I'll try again tomorrow.


Here's a better view of it:






It's pretty close to the expression and age I was looking for in the head, but Mikhail is also graciously sending me a Forgeworld Commander Culln head for free, and I will reserve final judgment until then, but it will be one of those two heads that this conversion will be wearing.


And something I somehow never noticed until I had both of his feet pinned on and saw how he stood on a base, but his cloak is now very short and looks... off. So I'll probably extend it out with pins and increase the length of it.


On that same note, I also noticed something else tonight that struck me as funny. Here's a shot of the back of the cloak:






That block sticking out of his cloak and the back of his leg is where the original Coteaz figure had his foot resting on a decorative stone. That will get trimmed out when I go to extend the cloak. ;)


And finally, I'm sure some of you might be wondering how he sizes up compared to other marines, now that he's got feet again. Well, here he is standing next to a regular metal marine:




I had intended him to be a bit taller than a regular marine, but not by that much. This could bode ill for him given the true line-of-sight rules for 5th edition. Shoot The Big Ones and all that, right?


Oh, and even though I didn't get a pic of it this time, the sword tip is still below the bottom edge of the base. :D


C&C welcome as always!



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Well, I found out that my fears with trying to sculpt cloth were not unfounded - after drilling several holes and adding stability pins to the cloak for the CM conversion(you can see the tips of a few of them poking out in the pics), not only was the sculpting more difficult than I expected it to be, something was wrong with greystuff. Maybe I let it cure for too long or mixed up too much of the black in proportion to the white, but it was very difficult to work with.


Here's some pics after I let it cure overnight and then set in with my blade and sandpaper:






Tomorrow I'll come back in and finish it up, hopefully with more responsive putty than what I had on the first attempt. I also tried out a press molded piece borrowed from the Pedro Kantor figure(damn, that guy has a lot of bling on him) over the belt. What do you think, brothers? He needed an IF symbol somewhere and that seemed like a good place.


I'm also going to bulk out the armor on the outer thighs some, as his legs are looking a bit weedy to me, while the armor on the inside will be covered by a tabard, eventually.



While the nightmarish attempt at extending the cloak was set aside to cure, I had recently dug out another one of my old figures from back in the day. Anyone remember this guy:





Well, I bought him after winning one of my LGS tournaments back then($75 in store credit, woot!), and I remember wanting to do a conversion with him, but I honestly don't remember what it was going to be, but the result was that I mangled the crap out of the guy and tossed his remains into a bits box. I think it might have started with something as simple as a head swap, but what ended up happening was horribly chopping up everything above the tabard and the rosarius-looking thing around his neck, as well as sawing the left arm away from the body(the right arm and left hand are separate pieces). I still have the arms, or what's left of them, but I figured I would try to salvage the figure as it is one of my favorite terminator figures/poses of all time. Here's how he looks now, after some work:




Instead of trying to salvage the mangled remains of the collar and head area, I just took a file - a "real" one that's a foot long and two inches wide - and ground everything flat. I guess I had planned to do something to the top of his armor as well all those years ago, because it was also damaged and got some attention from the big file. I've started to rebuild the left side and the top with grey stuff, and will see how well I do with rebuilding the collar area.

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I got the Commander Culln head in the mail that Mikhail so graciously sent me for free, and unfortunately... it's too small. >_<






I have it blue tacked to the back of the collar for the pic, because if I just set it in there like the other heads, the lip of the collar was above his nose.


Thanks again for the part, Mikhail, and I will make use of it but just not on this conversion. :)

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I dont know mate, I like the new Cullin head, it gives you an actual scale to the mini, I like it. Then again, I'm developing a sweet tooth for truescale and actual scale armies right now.


My suggestion is, dont worry about the head just yet, work on everything else, and let it grow on you...


I dont know mate, I like the new Cullin head, it gives you an actual scale to the mini, I like it. Then again, I'm developing a sweet tooth for truescale and actual scale armies right now.


My suggestion is, dont worry about the head just yet, work on everything else, and let it grow on you...

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It's been a busy week but I did manage to get some more work done on the CM!






At first, I tried sculpting a tabard of my own instead of trying to get the one from Coteaz to fit, and I found that, well, I suck at sculpting folds of cloth. After three failed attempts, I scraped and filed and sanded the crap out of the original tabard until it was thin enough to fit properly, and then cleaned up the rough spots from when I removed the hourglass and other decorations. I also had to extend it at the top a little. I filled in the sides so it really looks like cloth and not a thin wafer of resin. The gaping holes where I had originally cut away the feet are also repaired now.


What's really been holding up another update is the left arm. I was having troubles getting the new arm to fit into the shoulder socket, and then the height of the sword was an issue, too. I tried one a few other weapons(including an axe), but wasn't happy with any of them. In the end, I had to trim away a lot of the original shoulder pad to get the fit and the position of the arm that I wanted.


Here is with the sword:






Obviously, I clipped off the tip as someone suggested previously in the thread. The arm is attached, but the hand on the sword is just tacked into place for now. On the second picture, you can get a better look at the side of the tabard where I filled it in.


Now, for the right arm, I'm undecided as to what to do with it. The idea I have is not to have a gun in his hand, but something more akin to a command role: something like an auspex or a dataslate. Since I don't have much confidence in sculpting a new hand and fingers, does anyone know where I might find a right marine hand that isn't holding a melee weapon or gun? I've been though all my bits and sprues and got nothin'.

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Hey man, I really like where your CM is headed. In regards to your righthand issue, there's two quick options, 1, the SM Biker right hand, although it is a little out of scale, or 2, my choice, using a left tactical hand and repositoning the thumb. It's fairly easy to do, especially with your putty skills.




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Some inspiration for your Librarian.


Wow, that is a hell of a conversion! Great job and thanks for the link!


Cant wait to see what you make out of the Terminatorcaptain. Great Miniature, although you already destroyed a lot of it. ;)


lol, yeah... I did. He was definitely one of those conversions that didn't work out. I could probably save myself a lot of time and trouble by getting a new model, but I want to see if I can salvage something out of it. Kind of like righting an old wrong, yeah?

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Now, for the right arm, I'm undecided as to what to do with it. The idea I have is not to have a gun in his hand, but something more akin to a command role: something like an auspex or a dataslate. Since I don't have much confidence in sculpting a new hand and fingers, does anyone know where I might find a right marine hand that isn't holding a melee weapon or gun? I've been though all my bits and sprues and got nothin'.


The plastic devastator box has a right hand holding an auspex, it's also more detailed than the one that comes on the tactical frame too and they go for next to nothing on bits sites :D

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I've been working on the termi captain some more, in between the CM and some other stuff, and have been forgetting to take update pics, so here's some!






The rebuild is coming along nicely, I think. Trying to figure out how to get that 'box' look to the armor around the collar-arch-thing plagued me for a few days, since I'm kinda 'meh' with the greystuff, and in the end, it was to simply frame it up with little strips of styrene and putty up around it. There's a few spots to clean up here and there, but I'm happy with how it's turning out.

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Getting closer to finishing up the Termie Captain. Here's a few shots with the arm and a plastic head attached:






I'm considering some decorative bling on the top of his armor, but we'll see how I feel with more work into the rebuild.



More progress on the CM, with the hip plates and rodeo belt buckle added:






And here he is with both hands on:






I didn't notice until just now that the right arm is off-center, so I'll have to fix that. Grrrrr. Otherwise, what you think of the auspex idea, brothers?

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This is such a fascinating blog. Good job, man. Can't wait to see some yellow going on them.


I would say though that the plastic helmet on this new Terminator conversion is just far too big for the rest of the model. It seems very out of balance, but nothing that I'm sure a bit of your masterful rejigging couldn't fix...


Keep up the great work, bud.



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