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Bjorn the Fell Handed WIP (pic heavy)

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The best thing you can do is practice.


This tutorial really helped me a lot when I started out.




Do a google image search for "knotwork" and a ton of references are right there for you.


Once you get confident, you can start just making your own knotwork up.


Good luck! ;)

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All i have to say is wow your gs works is amazing, the paint job so fart is outstanding, i am defiantly going to have to try out your bronze method i have always liked the look of it and you have nailed it. You have given me the inspiration needed to re do my dread for my new wolf expansion :thanks:
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Ugh... what a week. Deep withing the Fang, Bjorn's restoration has moved at a snail's pace, owed mainly to indecision and rebuilding of his plasma cannon arm socket not once, but twice. Not much to show, but I've got the weekend, and have cranked my way through most of the boring parts of the torso. I hope to be done and moving onto the banner properly, by the end of the weekend. We'll see how that goes.


Anywho, a few pics the first showing the end result of his new arm socket. I extended it, so that his barrel is parallel to his skull's LOS.




An overall shot; you can see where I've started blocking in basecoats on the arms, as well as the banner freehand and the other panel's freehand. I opted for something simpler so as to not take away from what was supposed to be the more eye catching panel. I'm going to try my hand at a stitching effect on the banner.




And a more top-down shot, as I haven't really showed a full shot of the top wolf pelt before.




I didn't take pics, but I wasn't happy with my prior attempt at the knotwork on his thigh plates, so I redid them. I'll take a pic of that for my next update, but I'm much happier with them now. I'm also going to redo his right shin plate; I think there's too much weathering, and I think I can do a better, more interesting freehand this time around.


Thanks for looking! :P

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Alright, he's a minor update, showing the parts I redid. It was pretty much all the plating on the lower part of the model. I just wasn't happy with the quality of the freehand, so it all had to be redone. Set me back a couple of days, but I still think I'll be okay.






man that stuff is tiny.


I also redid the greave plate. That freehand wasn't *great* and I had put enough weathering on it, that I really felt like I had lazied out on it. I think this came out better. each of those little runes are .75mm tall, and spell out "vlka russ" >:E




I hope to be done with all but the arms and banner here in the next couple of days. A bit more knotwork, some weathering, some verdegris, and snow, and it should be done.


Thanks for looking! :lol:

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And the torso is done! Just in time too, As I think most of my paint time will be quashed between now and 5pm on Sunday. So I'll step back a bit, and be able to come in fresh on the arms and banner. My time is solid, so I feel pretty good.


Anyway, pics!














The water effects wasn't totally dry around the icicles, but w/e. I may or may not need to run another coat of it, but short of a dullcote and some gloss varnish on the ice, I'm ready to move on to other parts.


Thanks for looking! ;)

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You really must enter this for a golden demon. You simply have to fill out the paperwork, the award is already waiting for you =)


Oh I don't know about that, but I do already have everything in order, so I'll certainly be competing there this year. :D


The GD is very stiff competition these days, so that might be a bit premature, but he certainly has a good contender with this piece. ;)

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That is a mean dread, I love teh dynamism you have added to an otehrwise static model, the way the army is stretching out and the head following it, and the massive claws on the power fist.

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secondly, this the type of model that GW should be selling to us at their current BS prices.


I can't wait to see the finished model, absolutely stunning.




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Really, really amazing work, both in the conversion and the paint job.


The only thing I could say to offer any kind of constructive criticism would be to ask if the eyes are finished yet? To my mind they should be a focal point on any mini, whereas here the gem on the chest stands out while the eyes feel a little lost?


It's a tiny complaint (and probably an unfounded one given the vast gap between your skill level and my own :) ), when looking at the awesomeness that is the rest of the model, all I can say is good job!!!

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The only thing I could say to offer any kind of constructive criticism would be to ask if the eyes are finished yet? To my mind they should be a focal point on any mini, whereas here the gem on the chest stands out while the eyes feel a little lost?


They are tentatively done; I may put some more work on them, but not until I finish the rest of the model. They are subtle, but still stand out... sometimes the pictures don't really convey that very well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments everyone. :lol:


Alright, here's my update, later than I wanted but not by much. All told, I may go ahead and build/paint his Assault Cannon prior to Gamesday, as I'm not satisfied with my OSL on the plasma coils, and frankly, if I don't build the thing while I'm motivated, I never will, and another magnet will go unused. :)


Looking at the pictures, I'm going to deepen the shade up by the white dot on the lens... Added to my little list of "cleanups" once the model proper is finished.


I stuck the Sun Wolf on the "shoulder", as that's my great company's emblem, and I wanted to tie him to my army that way, as if it wasn't going to be obvious enough on the battlefield. There's a little bit of knotwork on the top of the shoulder plate, which I forgot to get a shot of.


On to to the claw arm tonight. Thanks for looking!









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How did you do the snow? It looks fantastic. I can't seem to replicate such an effect.


The rest of the model is simply fantastic as well.


Thanks! :)


The snow is woodland scenics, mixed to a paste with white glue, and applied with toothpicks and a sculpting tool.

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If I ever get around to adding a dread to my Marines I'll make sure to take lessons on the joints you created for yours. Looks great, man.


Your attention to detail no longer amazes me, the OSL on the red targeter lens of the cannon arm is an awesome touch. Keep at it, I look forward to the completed Bjorn! :)

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