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Jimmi's Worldeaters WIP

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Many thanks for the comments once again.


Verbal underbelly - He's just a standard guy in a 7 man termi squad. The squad has 4 pairs of lightning claws, a reaper/power weapon guy and 2 combi melta/power weap guys. All power weaons will actually be modelled as chain axes and the combi melta/power weapon guys will be modelled using the grey knight halberd arms and some storm combi melta type thing once i figure out how to model it. I figured the storm style weapon would match Zhufors power fist weapon (and 2 handed chainaxes will look mega). Im trying to make each terminator very individual which is one reason i chose this model. I may end up using this guy as a substitute lord for zhufor or as a second HQ if i change my list.


Cheexsta - Thanks! As soon as i clapped eyes on the model i thought it was a waste as an imperial one, its just too bland. I just couldn't resist using it as a base for conversion, those arms are amazing and just scream Khorne. The only downside is that the total cash price of the squad is getting very expensive now, the conversion for this one model uses most of the tyberos kit and bits from the world eaters upgrade kits. Add in the various arms and legs ive had to buy and its makes me want to cry. I just hope they make their cost back on the table top!


I'll post some pics of the rest of the squad either later or tomorrow. Ive spent all weekend with the greenstuff. I used legs from chaos ,space wolf and space marine kits so ive had a lot of symbols to remove and trims to resculpt. I hate the chains and horribly sculpted details on the chaos termi legs and i was so worried they ruin the FW goodness that i dremelled them all off. I had to sit with plasticard strips trying to replace the lost detail behind each offending chain! I hope its worth the pain but i suspect most people wont notice the difference........it just offended me so much i couldnt look at it any more.




Just thought i'd pop the latest photos up. I have the 4 lightning clawed dudes ready. I added a lot of green stuff spikes to make the legs tie in with the FW conversion kits a bit more. All arms are to be magnetic so i can do weapon swaps in future. I have also chopped off the imperial style power pipes on the claws. Unfortunately i only had enough guiter string to replace the tubes on tyberos so the others will get done in the near future!


1st guy, couple of spikes to knee joints and belt. I decided to go with the bare head. Will eventually be based similarly to Zhufor but leaning slightly forward. Pretty happy with the conversion.





2nd guy, space wolf legs with resculpted armour in places and imperial insignia removed. Lots of spikey bits added. Really happy with this pose and the conversion in general, almost like it as much as the 1st guy.







3rd guy, using chaos legs with the horrid chain details removed and sculpted over. Spikes added to armour and knee joints. Fairly standard termi but im quite happy with it.





4th guy, using more space wolves legs. Seals and imperial bits removed and sculpted over, spikes to a few bits of armour and the knees. Again, fairly standard but im happy enough with it.




The next update should be painted progress of these 4 models, before i move on to converting and painting the reaper dude and 2 combimelta/chainaxe guys. Apologies for these fairly bad photo's the light has been terrible here for 3 days so i cant get any really good pics with my phones camera.


Many thanks

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, quick little update although progress has been slow. I've been working away on/off for the last 2 weeks.

Started the paint on 2 guys but the rest remain untouched. Red is finished and ive started to apply the first coats of the gold recipe. Hope to add a few more updates over the coming weeks now im back at home more.


Once again, sorry for the shoddy photos.






Many thanks

Thanks, glad you like it. I like to share recipes, ive never seen the point in secret recipes and i like helping out fellow gamers. Hopefully more pics soon, i had a session at the weekend but my fine brush finally died so i cant do any detail until next weekend when i can get a new brush.


Also, i had a bit of a disaster with purity seal. Not sure i shook it enough or sprayed too close but either way, my model went white. After re inking the whole model to bring back the colour my second purity sedal went on with no hitches. Needless to say i wasnt happy at losing hours repainting a "finished model". Anyway, lesson learned i guess. You'd think i would know better seen as i spray things as part of my day job!!!!!!

Many thanks. Its not too bad a recipe to be honest, just make sure you dont go too light on the gradient otherwise you'll end up looking like the pics below. The trick is use a very good brush with a nice point.


A few updated pics below, i'm darkening the tones a bit once my new brush arrives in the mail so that the gold matches zhufor. Its a lot lighter on this model at the min.






more to follow this weekend.


Many thanks

Thanks for the positive feedback dark sensei, i never liked the arm positioning on the sculpt for this but its a very simple and worthwhile tweak. Dremelling the chains from his fist and resmoothing it was, howevr, not so easy!

Little update again. I got annoyed repainting my other chap so i spent the weekend magnetising the arms of the squad for future weapon swapouts, then i moved onto my tyberos conversion. I painted up the base and started work on the NMM. Much closer to matching zhufor than my last attempt, the only thing is i dropped a paint pot on his head and snapped the jackal ears off. They wont glue back on perfectly so im a bit upset! Had to happen to one of my most expensive conversions wouldnt it?


Pics not so great as usual but you get the jist............







dex_911 - many thanks, the red recipe is as follows, you can probably miss out a few stages and get a similar result -


1)Scab red base

2)blend in red gore

3) blend in blood red

4) Brown glaze (very thin)

5)badab black glaze (very thin)

6)Highlight blood red

7)Finer highlight with blood red/rotten flesh (80/20%)

8)Final highlight to ver edges blood red/rotten flesh (70/30%)

9)thinned ball red wash

10) repeat washes til satisfied


shotgunfacelift - thanks, there should be a few more photos on sunday hopefully. The Zhufor sculpt is just amazing, a real joy to paint. I hope you enjoy painting yours! If you need any more reference then go on coolminiornot, there are 2 jawdropping examples from Bohun and wiltrichs

Just another quick little update.

The tyberos body conversion is painted up (luckily you cant really notice the damaged jackal ears) Arms have been started, the base needs more snow. I started painting the head and it turns out i cant paint face at ALL. I have a pretty steady hand but the fine detail is just proving impossible - second attempt tonight otherwise im giving everyone a helmet!







many thanks

Thanks for the positive comments guys, its much appreciated and i'm glad you like them.


Vharing - the drips are formed from fishing line, with a blob of superglue on the end to form a nice drip. If you use Tamiya clear red then the superglue may be un-neccesary (spelling???) as its quite gloopy stuff anyway.


Small update, im still cack at painting faces and failed again last night. Anyone know of a sculpt with a nice skull type helmet i can use instead?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi chaps, just another quick little update.


Finally almost finished the tyberos conversion. Just need to finish the shoulder pads and add more gore, tweak the snow a little etc.

I finally feel like i got a half decent result from the face thats being causing me so much hassle, its not as good as i want but i've decided to leave it as is. I only lightly glued the head in so i can swap it out later if i ever get good at doing flesh.


Also its my birthday in a week and im hoping my missus gets me the forgeworld khorne deamon prince which ive been subtly hinting at. Im planning on a non red deamon flesh and think i might try black. Not seen many examples of this done well so far but if anyone has any links to examples then it would be greatly appreciated. Also, not sure whether to go for a slimy glossy black look or more matt finish!







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