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Aw man I'm loving the shoulder... well the entire buzzsaw arm. Where is that daemon-skull bit from?


I'm glad you're going for a cock-pit, but a daemon-engine style torso might be cool too. You're at the point that makes or breaks most titan designs (no pressure haha). Modified Valkyrie cockpit? The cockpit assembly goes for pretty cheap. Might give you something solid to build up around.

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makes me feel like THIS...


Very nice dread, brother. The claw came out wicked, and I'm honoured you used my technique. Titan's coming out nicely too, looking forward to it's completion!

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Thanks Brother Syth, I honestly just throw things at it and if I like it I stick it down lol. I'll take a pic of the chaos that is my workspace soon to let you see the mess I work in. ^_^

This is actually pretty tidy lol



Circus Nurgling, thanks man. The arm still needs quite a bit of work especially around the shoulder area but I like how it looks so far. The skull is from a giant ehhh thing for the Ogre Kingdoms. I was planning to use it for the head plate on my Knight Titan (before I thought it was a good idea to build a Feral) its a nice piece. If you check Guitarasmus stuff he has used the skull to good effect. As for the cockpit ideas I think the Valk as is is a little too sleek for this bad boy. I'd mentioned somewhere I want it to be squat and brutal looking. When you say Daemon engine do you mean like the Decimator or Blood Slaughterer style? That could totally work. Hmmmm


Marshal Sampson, thanks for the kind words. I may look at doing a how to once its finished. It would be pointless just now as I the way I work is quite fluid and I keep changing things. I'll let you know if I do though, :)


1000heathens. F^** Yeah! You heavily inspired my dread left claw and I blatantly ripped you off with the right. :o Seriously though Id been struggling for months to come up with a decent looking CCW then stumble across your Marines Malevolent. Keep up the great work Brother.

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Another mock up of a head, this is causing me more trouble than i thought it would



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Yeah the valkyrie cockpit alone is definitely too sleek, like you say, but I was thinking either 1) you could throw bits at it as standard or 2) chop it in half length-wise to widen it a bit (looking at the bits it looks like that might be easy to do because of the straight lines) or 3) both chop it and throw bits at it.
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Lol. Thanks a lot Crimson Hawk. :drool: I'm taking a little break and building some Bloodletters at the moment. Will get back to the Gorehound soon. Keep any suggestions for the head coming guys, I wouldn't have gotten this far without the feedback I've been getting on here and other forums. I appreciate it all.
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Deimos now has a sword. :lol:



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Deimos now has a sword. :)




Such a cool pose. How'd you do the power fist with the claws beckoning some hapless fool? Is it bits from a powerfist or something else added to it to make the claws?

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Voodoo Prince, I have thought about the Landspeeder as Ive seen it used well before,however I dont have the cash to get one at this point so Im looking for alternatives at the moment.


Brother Syth, I just used the chamions poerfist from the Chaos sprue. I am thinking of adding some lightning claws to it and a bolter type weapon on the back to make a proxy Abaddon. All I did was cut a power axe arm at the elbow and added the Power fist. :)

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Deimos now has a sword. :)



See my previous response!

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:cuss Crimson Hawk.


Yet another head mockup. I really need to sort out somewhere to take decent pics instead of snapping at my desk.




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Folks I think we have a winner :lol:





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