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Hmm now that I look more at it I kind of agree, Im not sure it really needs a jaw but there is something lacking. I will be detailing it a lot more cables etc. That might help. Heres a few more pictures







Heres the face without the front plates.



Edited by Biohazard
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Could you turn the mandibles into claws that drag stuff towards its face? Ala this? Obviously it would be mechanical, and maybe only one pair? At the moment they look a little odd to me.


I envy you so much, I wouldnt know where to start with something like this...


Just my two kraks...

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I thought Id mentioed this earlier but just to clarify the defiler plates are meant to be armour placeholders they are NOT trying to be mandibles or claws of any kind. :) I do like the idea though Colossus but i think that would maybe work better on a Slaaneshy titan or maybe even Nurgle? Im wanting this to look all armed and armoured. Like a proper warmachine.
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Hmmmm they do look a little like mandibles but I reckon when all the detailing, lenses, wires a couple of searchlights maybe, is added it will just look really heavily armoured.


Crack on I say brethren, looking grand!

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Maybe moving them back a bit, and decreasing the angle, of the armor plating on the face would detract from the mandible look? Cables and piping will definitely help, and I'm having trouble seeing the 'eye' in everything but the up-close shot , but that may be reconciled once paint hits it.
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The plates will be cut down and reformed etc I like the idea that the eye can only be seen at certain angles as from a distance it gives the head an almost empty helmet look. Once its painted you should see it a bit more.
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I thought Id mentioed this earlier but just to clarify the defiler plates are meant to be armour placeholders they are NOT trying to be mandibles or claws of any kind. :cuss I do like the idea though Colossus but i think that would maybe work better on a Slaaneshy titan or maybe even Nurgle? Im wanting this to look all armed and armoured. Like a proper warmachine.


Ah fair enough, I may have missed that earlier whilst I was being blown away by the overpowering amount of awesome in this thread ;)

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Problem with the cyclops head:


If you haven't seen the new Necron models, they have A LOT of heads with one eye.

The head look very Necron-ish in style...not the Khorne bestial or spiky ones.

Besides that...its a little bit flat for the titan...

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I still think you could use 5 Defiler front-claws (modified a bit, and greenstuff filled) to make a 3 Top, 2 Bottom, 'scissor-clamp/teeth', and it might even fit almost perfectly on the head configuration you're playing with now. I can see it in my mind, but I'm not sure if I'm convincing myself it would be possible and/or look good.
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Since there are so many mixed feelings over the head Ive tried knocking out a couple of other designs I have to say I dont really like any of these but thought Id show them for some c&c







And just for s***s and giggles. These WILL NOT be used. ;)



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How about mandibles linked to a hounds head, like the evil pomeranian in Blade: Trinity?



Scariest damn thing I've ever seen. :P

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I'm in agreement with a previous poster: have you tried throwing a landspeeder at it? Chop off the wing bits, put some 'teeth' on the front/underside, armor it up a bit, throw some cables and other bits at it... assuming of course that you're not liking the head still. The one in post 305 has a kind of feral look to it.


[edit]Actually, I just had a thought while looking through my "Horus Heresy: Collected Visions" book, why not venture outside of 40k bits and use a big skull? Pg. 326 shows a cult mechanicus titan with 3 skulls with cabling coming out of the back. I'm thinking that a single, large skull, sans lower jaw, with 1-3 optics for one eye, and the other as organic (or empty-socket), with a mass of cabling coming out of the back, Angron style, would be awesome. Should be pretty easy to find a toy skull. Optics are easy enough as well.

Edited by Circus Nurgling
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Lots of ideas here is going to make it hard for you! I think the skull idea could be good (especially if you team it with Khorne 'bunny ears') trip down to toys'r'us?? :huh: But to be honest, anything with large teeth and angry eyse should do the trick.
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