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While I like the idea of the skull I have another idea in mind. Ive ordered a couple of bits so hopefully I can sort it out soon. Also the landspeeder is a good idea but has been done a lot, Im hoping to come up with an alternative but if cant come up with anything I really like (the one in post 305 is the one I like the most but Im still not 100%) I will pick up a speeder and see what i come up with. Im absolutley dying from a hangover today after my birthday celebrations last night so work is on hold for now lol.
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The Blood God does not wait for nothing! I would say drink coffee but it's been scientifically proven that the only thing that cures hangovers is time necessary to flush alcohol out of your system. Hmm, maybe crank up the heat to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and sweat it off?
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Lol this thread has taken a turn for the nurgle! :( Stop reading this and go look at Guitarasmus update!! It's AWRsome!



I was just about to say the same about this thread. :) I can't believe the creativity and patience in this project. Just amazing.


About the head - how about making it more "organic" like possessed? A daemon head of sorts? Perhaps building a giant juggernaut head from plasticard?

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Thanks buddy. :)


I went into my LGS today to pick up some paints for the Star Phantoms but I ended up coming away with something else and now Im in a bit of a dilemma.


On one hand I can now give my Dread matching DCCW but on the other hand do I build and paint this dread as a Star Phantom or a Worldeater? Decisions :)

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Thanks for the comments on the titan I will be workingon that agin soon enough. I had to check the price there buddy! Lol! No its £28 but the store I go to has a 20% discount on all the plastic kits so its was only £22.40
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loving the titan ,looks nice and menacing and it must be doing your head in trying to plan and piece it all together you have my admiration for your patience

and as for the head i always found icecream the best personal hangover cure (dont know why but it works for me :D )

as for the other heads i found that the one with the defiler blade teeth looked very much like ro-jaws from the ABC warriors from 2000ad :)

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The head of this beast is really starting to try my patience at the moment because it is obviously such an important piece and I cant quite get where I want it to be. Ive decided I really dont want any mandibles or teeth, hopefully I cna still get it looking pretty mean and obvviously Chaos/Khorne aligned looking.


The best cure for a hangover Ive found is to keep drinking lol :) Failing that it has to be a greasy breakfast and a bottle of Irn Bru. That worked for me yesterday until I started drinking again ;)

Just had quick google for Ro-jaws and that head really does look like him! Brilliant!

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Thanks for the comments on the titan I will be workingon that agin soon enough. I had to check the price there buddy! Lol! No its £28 but the store I go to has a 20% discount on all the plastic kits so its was only £22.40


Ahh, the tag looks like £18 to me in the picture. But still, being based in Fife I may have to search for a deal such as this.

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Send that Dreadnaught to Khorne! The puny Star Phantoms can wait!


Agreed! Seeing as i love your current WE dread' so much, another one seems like the best idea ever... do it ^_^

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Marshall Sampson and Kizzdougs, Sorry guys Ive decided to make this one a Star Phantoms dread. Im planning on picking up another kit at the end of the month when I get paid again. Then Ill work on my 2nd Chaos one ^_^
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Love the titan , as far as the head goes something sentient with no eyes such as the alien from the the movie of the same name always strikes me as really evil as some of your prototype heads look a little orky . That's my tuppenths worth as the rest is amazing and i can't wait to see it finished .
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BAH! Your devotion to that withering corpse of an Emperor sickens me. Oh well. You know what I was thinking though? I think, between you, Raz, and GuitaRasmus, I think we have three of the best Chaos modelers in the world right here on the WIP board! If you three were to join forces, it would be unstoppable! Raz's green stuff skills, your mastery of plastic, and GuitaRasmus' art direction, and BAM!


Sorry, fanboy'd there for a second.

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Awww shucks. :tu: Dude flattery will get you everywhere lol! Actually now that you mention it Im pretty sure that would be a hell of a collaboration. ;) There is however a lot more people on here who are way more talented than I. I just like chopping stuff. :)


Im gonna put this here and see what you guys think as I havent started a thread for teh Star Phantoms yet. Ill wait till I have a bit more to show I think.



Edited by Biohazard
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Yup. the loyalist one was done just using the Ven Dread fist with the tips of the fingers cut off and replced with the claws form the Termi lord kit. The chaos one was done using 1000heathens technique of the original dread fist and the termi claw. You can see how he does it on page 16 of his log.


His is by far a lot neater than mine :tu:

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Page #16, post #381, if you don't want to shuffle through 39 pages of random crap... :D


Star Phantoms, though, Bio? Seriously?!? My Marines Malevolent and my Astral Claws would like to have a word with you in a locked empty room with no windows, lol.








Please don't bring the Titan...

Edited by 1000heathens
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Fine by me, but Kreuger the Undying and a couple of Daemon Princes may tag along for some diplomatic aid. :P It's your fault anyway. If your MM hadn't been so freaking cool I wouldn't bother with loyalists. Also, I used your recipe for the white ;)
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  • 5 weeks later...

Right guys, not much of an update more of an 'Im still alive' post. Long story short Ive been pretty ill lately but starting to get over it now and itching to get working on the WE again.


Here are a few pics of the Gorehound let me know what you think.


I think I may have squared it off a bit too much and obviously there is still loads of gap filling/detailing etc to be done. Im waiting on a Stormtalon cockpit coming my way from the US and that will hopefully be the base of the final head.








And an older picture that I wish was better quality as I love the pose of the Titan


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