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Thanks guys


As this is just for display it will be armed with a TCCW in the shape of a massive Buzzsaw you can see the WIP of that a few pages back ;) and a Turbo laser of some sort. Although I just bought some magnets so I may come up with a few alternatives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still waiting on my Storm Talon cockpit arriving but messed around with yet another head mock up. I really dont have a lot of time but I try and grab half an hour here and there.





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Thanks for the reply buddy. I'm going to give you all a little teaser fluff now. Don't shoot at me if it sucks. Writing really isn't my thing B)



As he walked along the corridor the sound of his boots ringing out on the latticework beneath his feet his sense of anticipation grew. He knew he approached 'The Pit' The bowels of the Harvester of Sorrow, where the mighty daemon engines were kept, shackled and bound.


When he entered the vast hanger he saw the one he seeked. Among the howling and screaming of the other machines one alone stood out. Whilst the others fought at their shackles this one stood silent and unflinching. 


The Champion looked into the grimacing skull visage of his former master. Though it's mask was emotionless he could still feel the barely contained rage emanating from the giant machine. It's power claws detached and hanging motionless at its side on great chains. Too dangerous for the machines to be fully armed while in transit. The 12th had learnt that the hard way. 


Skull Champion Krixus turned to the serfs at the control panels in the far corner of the room. His helmet vox adding a grinding metallic edge to his voice as it boomed across the hanger.

'Captain Deimos has requested that this one be re armed and activated by the time we make planet fall. I trust it will be done.'


 The serfs immediately dropped what they were working on and set to work on their own specified task to bring the dreadnought back up to operational standard, they knew that to fail meant their skulls would soon join the thousands of others in Lord Deimos' throne room. 


As the stimulants and combat drugs were pumped into the Dreadnoughts circulatory system Krixus turned his attention back to the machine. He placed one gauntleted hand on the symbol on the Dreadnoughts shoulder and whispered 'Soon my Brother,soon you will bring the fight to the hated astartes. Our god has willed it and we are his instruments of bloodshed, our weak brethren will quake in fear for they will soon know to face you is to face certain destruction.' 


As Krixus turned to walk from the hanger he heard one more voice, among the crazed screams, louder and more brutal than the rest, he heard a mighty feral roar. Ululating and echoing from the cavern like walls. 


Krueger the Undying had awoken.

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Thanks guys. I quite like the latest version myself but I'll see how the stormtalon looks when it arrives. Hopefully I cn incorporate it into this design.


BCK, The helmeted DP is still sadly WIP. He's glaring at me accusingly on the shelf. I've built and under coated some Bloodletters so I'll hopefully finish him up soon. As well as paint the first squad of zerkers and build and paint the 2nd squad.

Edited by Biohazard
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Yeah the problem I have is I tend to burn myself out. I dont really plan conversions I just tend to throw stuff together and see what sticks. Often though I spend so long on a model I get really tired of it and it takes me a while to start to like it again. The first DP kind of just came together and I HAD to paint him as soon as he was finished. While I do like him I can see a lot of things I would do differently now.
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The conversions come at me in different ways. Sometimes they're very carefully and methodically planned out and I've even done sketches for a few, and others, it's like the muse just slaps me across the back of the head, and BAM, conversion. Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Gorehound's still looking great, can't wait to see it with the arms on. The new head mockup is really angular and aggressive, and I think it really suits the rest of the model, but it'll be interesting to see how it works with the more curved Stormtalon cockpit.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Greyall. This isnt much of an update, I had planned on finishing these guys up before work today but I realised about 10 mins ago my pot of Blood red has completely dried up. Just to show some progress though. Krueger finally has some paint on him. Its only been about 14 months since I started him lol







Krueger the Undying




Ill try and pick up some more paint tomorrow and hopefully get these guys finished.

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If you can't get any Blood Red I highly recommend Mephiston Red!


Nicest colour from the new range I've had the chance to use, also pretty much spot on with Blood Red ;)

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll see what I can pick up tomorrow. Seeing as I didn't have the paint I needed I worked on the titans neck area and started gluing the head together. I need to work on permanantly fixing the waist area and finish the cabling. Edited by Biohazard
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Worked on the back vents and sides a bit more. I need to gs the waist magnet in place as it keeps breaking the glue and flying towards the torso anytime I get the torso within a few inches. I damn near *%#* myself the first time it happened. :)







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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOURE RUINING IT! DONT LET IT FALL TO CHAOS!! :tu: it was so wonderfull, why do the good ones die young :)



edit: i cant stay mad at you, its still so awesome.

Edited by War Angel
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Worked on the back vents and sides a bit more. I need to gs the waist magnet in place as it keeps breaking the glue and flying towards the torso anytime I get the torso within a few inches. I damn near *%#* myself the first time it happened. :D


Don't feel bad, man. First time that happened to me, I ended up having to explain to my wife that the high pitched yelp that came from the basement wasn't our 8yo daughter.... it was me. ^_^ Talk about embarresed, lol.


Looking good, man. I can't wait to see that Titan completed! Keep it up!


P.S., have you ever heard of a band called Albannach (sp)?

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Circus Nurgling, That's what I'm hoping as well. The paint should sort it right out.


WarAngel, maybe it hasn't really fallen to chaos? Maybe it's just a 'phase' :) Nah I kid he's evil as all sin. ;)


Heathens, I nearly threw the torso across the room and may have also yelped. :) As for Albannach I have indeed heard of them and even seen them a couple of times at the Edinburgh festival. Great stuff. Another similar band is Clanadonia, one of favourite songs of theirs is 'Ya Bassa' :D I have to admit to being a bit of a traditionalist in that I love the the music of pipes and drums. I can't listen to it for too long though cos it sometimes makes me want to fight/invade England etc etc. :D (that is a joke in case anyone takes that as a declaration of war ;) )I had the honour of taking part in the Edinburgh Miltary Tattoo last year so got to listen to mass pipes and drums up close. Was an experience I won't forget anytime soon. :)

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